Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Students can Download Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium Pdf, Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Papers helps you to revise the complete Kerala State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Instructions :

  • The first 15 minutes Is the Cool-off time.
  • You may use the time to read the questions and plan your answers.
  • Answer only on the basis of instructions and questions given.
  • Consider score and time while answering.

Time: 1½ Hours
Total Score: 40 Marks

Section – A

Answer any five questions 1-6. One score each. (5 x 1 = 5)

Question 1.
The doctor prescribed an injection for an allergy patient. Choose the component present in its.
a) Insulin
b) Oxytocin
c) Cortisol
d) Adrenaline
c) Cortisol

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 2.
Make word pairs from the words given in box as scientist – concept of evolution.
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Mutation – Devries Natural selection – Darwin

Question 3.
Select the correct statements regarding cerebrum.
a) Centre of thought, intelligence , memory and imagination
b) Maintains equilibrium of the body
c) Sensations
d) Maintenance of homeostasis.
a) Centre of thought, intelligence, memory and imagination
c) Sensations

Question 4.
Correct the word underlined in the given statements if there is any mistake.
a) The different forms of a gene are called autosomes.
b) The sugar seen in RNA is ribose
c) the RNA that carries amino acids to ribosome is called mRNA.
a) The different forms of gens are called alleles
c) The RNA that carries amino acids to ribosome is called tRNA

Question 5.
Complete the illustration using the words given in the box.
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A) Acromegaly
B) Gigantism

Question 6.
Identify the correct statement.
a) Non functional genes ard called vectors
b) The sum of the genetic material present in an organism is called its genome.;
c) The technology used to identify the location of a gene is called gene therapy.
b) The sum of the genetic material present in an organism is called its genome

Question 7.
Some symptoms of a disease are given
Loss of memory
Inability to recognize friends and relatives
a) Identify the disease .
b) What ¡s the cause of this disease?
a) Aalzheimers
b) Accumulation of insoluble proteins

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Section – B

Answer any 6 from questions 7-13. 2 Scores each (6 x 2 = 12)

Question 8.
Fill the blanks in the illustration suitably.
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a) Bacteria
b) Mosaic
c) Fungus
d) Coconut tree

Question 9.
A person severely injured in an accident needs blood. Antigen A is detected in his blood on blood text.
a) Identify the blood group of this person.
b) From the following persons whose blood can be received by him
i) X – A group
ii) Y – B group
iii) Z-AB group
i) A group
ii) – b X – A group

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 10.
First generation raised from the hybridisation experiment of Mendel is given. Write the gametes formed from this generation.
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Question 11.
Make suitable pairs.
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Bacteria -Cholera
Virus – Foot and mouth disease
Fungus – Ringworm
Protozoa – Malaria

Question 12.
Observe the figure
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a) Which disease is indicated by the structural change of RBC?
b) Explain the cause of this disease.
a) Sickle cell anemia
b) Due to defects of gene RBC become sickle shape

Question 13.
a) Steps of the genetic engineering process through which new gene become the part of genetic constitution of target cell are given in disorder form. Write them in correct sequence.
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b) Name the genetic glue used to join the new gene to the bacterial DNA
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b) Ligase

Section – C

Answer any five from questions 14-20. 3 score each (5 x 3 = 15)

Question 14.
Rearrange columns B and C according to the column A

A. Gland B. Thormone C. Disease
Hypothalamus Somatotropin Diabetes mellitus
Pancreas Vasopressin Cretinism
Thyroid Thyroxine Diabetes insipidus Dwarfism

Hypothalamus – Vasopressin – Diabetes insipidus
Pancreas – Insulin – Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid – Thyroxine – Cretinism

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 15.
Analyse the graph and answer the following questions.
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a) Name the pathogen of disease that mostly affected.
b) Name the vector of the diseases shown in the graph
c) What measure to be adopted to prevent the spreading of these diseases.
a) Dengue virus
b) Mosquito
c) Eradication of mosquito
Observing dry day

Question 16.
a) Identify the illustration given below:
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b) Which nitrogen base, pairs with Thymine.
c) Name the nitrogen base and sugar seen only in RNA.
a) Nucleotide
b) Adenine
c) Uracil

Question 17.
Observe the figure.
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a) Which labeled part helps for hearing? Name it.
b) To which part of brain the vestibular nerve carry impulses?
c) Name the parts labelled as A, B, and C
a) D-Cochlea
b) Towards cerebellum
c) A-Auditory nerve, B-Vestibule C- Semicircular canals

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 18.

Raju 65 years Rahim 25 years Roy 30 years
Complete loss of Memory. Not able to do daily activities Increased pressure in the eye. Pain and defective vision Persistent cough with chest pain, Fatigue and loss of body weight

a) Out of these three persons, who is affected with communicable disease? In what way the disease spread?
b) Identify the diseases of others.
a) Tuberculosis, which is the communicable disease, affected to Roy
b) Raju -Alzheimers, Rahim- Glaucoma

Question 19.
Give reason for the following:
a) Persons with colour blindness cannot distinguished Red and Green colour.
b) Deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness.
c) Maximum visual clarity is there in yellow spot.
a) Defect of cone cell
b) Vitamin A is necessary for production of retinal
c) More number of cone cells in yellow spot

Question 20.
Differences in the amino acids of the beta chain a particular molecule in man compared to other organisms are given in the table.
Analyse the table and answer the questions.

Organism Difference
Chimpanzee 0
Gorilla 1
Rat 31

a) Which molecule was studied here?
b) Why amino acids carry in this molecule?
c) What is the inference drawn from this study?
a) Protein molecules in heamoglobin –
b) Mutation
c) All organisms have a common ancessor. Man and chimpanzee are loosely related organisms.

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Section – D

Answer any two form questions 21-24 4 score (2 x 4 = 8)

Question 21.
Analyse the indicators
Name the parts of ear indicated and write the functions they perform.
a) The tube that connects middle ear and pharynx
b) Coiled tube, like a snail shell.
c) The membrance separates external ear from the .middle ear.
d) The nerve that begins from the cochlea
a) Eustachian tube
b) Cochlea
c) Tympanum
d) Aditory nerve

Question 22.
Observe the illustration showing, the maintenance of calcium level in blood and answer the following questions.
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a) Name the hormones A and D
b) Name the glands C and B
c) How A and D maintain the level of calcium in blood.
a) A) Parathormone
B) Parathyroid
b) C) Thyroid gland
D) Calcitonin
c) When the level of calcium in blood increases, the thyrod gland secretes calcitoxins. It lowers the level of calcium in blood. Parathormone increases the level of calcium in blood.

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 23.
Re draw the diagram of cross section of the spinal cord. Name and label the following parts.
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a) Part through which the sensory impulses reach the spinal cord.
b) Part through which the motor impulses go out of the spinal cord
c) Part filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
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a) Dorsal root
b) Ventral root
c) Central canal