Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Students can Download Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium Pdf, Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Papers helps you to revise the complete Kerala State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Instructions :

  • The first 15 minutes Is the Cool-off time.
  • You may use the time to read the questions and plan your answers.
  • Answer only on the basis of instructions and questions given.
  • Consider score and time while answering.

Time: 1½ Hours
Total Score: 40 Marks

Section – A

Answer any five questions 1-6. One score each. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 1.
Analyse the illustration, identify and write the type of nerve indicated as ‘X’.
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x sensory nerve

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 2.
Analyse the given situations, identify the part of the central nervious system that controls the situations in each.
a) Eyes are blinked when flies approach them.
b) Hands are withdrawn when touched on hot object
a) Brain
b) Spinal chord

Question 3.
Identify the word relation and fill up the blanks.
i) Ethylene : Ripening of fruit
ii) Ethyphone :
ii) Production of latex

Question 4.
From the given statements, Select the correct one that is related to cataract
a) Affect conjunctiva
b) can be rectified through LASER surgery
c) Eye lens becomes opaque
d) Lack of vitamin-A
c) Eye lens becomes opaque

Question 5.
Correct mistakes if any, if the part underlined
a) The normal level of blood calcium is 9.11 ma/100ml
b) Pineal gland helps in the maturation of lymphocytes.
Thymus gland helps in the maturation of lymphocytes

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 6.
Choose the correct statements
a) Junk genes are non-functional genes
b) Mutations is the process of pairing and exchanging of genes during meiosis
c) XX sex chromosomes indicate male features
a) Junk genes are non-functional gens

Section – B

Answer any 6 from questions 7-13. 2 Scores each (6 × 2 = 12)

Question 7.
Arrange sequentially the processes that are related to sense of smell.

  1. Olfactory particles dissolve in the mucus present in the nasal cavity.
  2. Impulses reach the cerebrum and feel sense of smell
  3. Olfactory receptors are stimulated and impulses are formed.
  4. Olfactory particles from the air enters the nasal cavity.


  1. Olfactory particles from the air enters the nasal cavity
  2. Olfactory particles dissolve in the mucus present in the nasal cavity
  3. Olfactory receptors are stimulated and impulses are formed.
  4. Impulses reach the cerebrum and feel sense of smell

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 8.
Analyse the given statements related to eye diseases. Arrange them in table by giving suitable titles.

  • Reabsorption of aqueous humor does not occur.
  • Defects in cone cells
  • Laser treatments is the remedy
  • Eye lens become opaque

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Question 9.
Observe the figure related to structure of ears and answer the questions.
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i) Identify and name the part indicated as A
ii) How does this part influence the sense of hearing.
i) Ear ossicles
iii) Amplify and transmit the vibrations of the tympanum to the internal ear.

Question 10.
Rearrange the flow charts in their right order.
a) Chimpanzee – Gibbon -man – Gorilla – orangutan
b) Stimulation in photoreceptors – Cerebrum – image on retina – vision made possible – impulse transmission through optic nerve
a) Gibbon-Orangutan-Gorilla-chimpanzee-man
b) Image on retina – Stimulation of photoreceptors – impulse transmission through optic nerve – Cerebrum – vision made possible.

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 11.
Construct any two logo sentences for the awareness on the importance of eye donation.
Eye donation is a noble deed, lighten the eyes of blinds.
No magic to cure blindness unless to receive a healthy eye from a donor. Donate your eyes.

Question 12.
Though hormones reach almost all part of our body through blood stream, a hormone can only be act at its target tissues. How is this possible?
Hormone act at its own target tissues where specific receptors for that hormone presented. The hormone – receptor complex activate the action of enzyme.

Question 13.
Illustrate, using alphabets, the determination of male or female sex on the basis of sex chromosomes.
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Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Section – C

Answer any five from questions 14-20. 3 score each (5 × 3 = 15)

Question 14.
Arrange the items of columns B and C with that of A.

Ommatidia Snake Auditory receptors
Basilar membrance Insect Olfactory receptors
Jacobsons organ Man Optic receptors

Ommatidia – Insect – Photoreceptors
Basilar membrane – Man-Auditory receptors
Jacobsons organ Snake – Olfactory receptors

Question 15.
(a) Mention one defect each, due to the habit of smoking, affect on the following organs
b) Construct any two logo sentences for the anwareness against the habit of smoking.
a) Lung cancer/Bronchitis/Emphysema
Decreased functioning of heart/ Hypertension
b) Quit smoking, it will cause lung cancer and heart diseases.
Smoking kills you, abandon1 this bad habit

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 16.
Observe the figure given below and find answer to the questions. (You need not copy or redraw the figure)
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a) Name the fluids seen in the chambers of A and B. Specify the function of each fluid.
b) Name the photoreceptors that can be stimulated when images form on retina.
a) A-Aqueous humor-supply nutrients
B- Vitreous humor – Sustains the shape of eye ball
b) Rod cells and cone cells

Question 17.
“The increase or decrease in hormones adversely affects bodily activities.” Analyse and evaluate the above statement based on the following figures. (Hints-Causes, Symptoms)
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A – Cretinism due to hypothyrodism or decrease in the production of thyroxine.
Symptoms – Low metabolic rate, sluggishness, sleeplessness, increase in body weight, Hyper-tension, oedema etc.

B – Graves disease due to hyperthyroidism or in-creased production of thyroxine.
Symptoms – Bulging of the eyefalls , high meta-bolic rate, increased heart beat, rise in body tem-perature, sweating, sleeplessness, loss of weight, emotional imbalance.

Question 18.
Analyse the newspaper report and answer the questions.
Missing child found among
gypsies – real parents identified
Through DNA Fingerprinting
a) How can the real parents be identified through DNA Fingerprinting?
b) Who paved the way for DNA Testing?
a) Through analysing the sequences of nucleotides in the DNA of the child with that of suspected parents.
b) Alec Jeffrey.

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 19.
Substantiate the following statements by giving evidences:
a) Bacteria and man have extremely different appearance, but they show close resemblances in their cell structure and physiology. (any 4 evidences)
b) Plants also have defence mechanisms. (any 2 evidences)
a) In bacteria and man enzymes control chemical reaction, energy is stored in ATP molecules, genes determine hereditary traits and the basic substances are carbohydrate, proteins and fats,
b) Bark protects the Inner cells,

Question 20.
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Analyse the group
a) In which person can you find with normal calcium level in his blood?
b) What are the hormones that regulate normal calcium level in blood.
Name the glands from which these hormones are secreted.
a) In person B
b) Calcitonin of thyroid gland and parathormone of parathyroid gland

  • Cell wall is a resistant coat with lignin, cutin, suberin etc.
  • Cuticle in leaves defends the attack of micororganisms.
  • A polysaccharide, callose, prevents the entry of germs which have crossed the cell wall (Any two)

Section – D

Answer any two form questions 21-24. 4 score (2 × 4 = 8)

Question 21.
Observe the illustration and answer the questions. (3)
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a) Name the process mentioned here
b) List down the steps involved in this process in correct sequence.
a) protein synthesis / gene action
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Question 22.
a) Find out the missing links in the given evolutionary tree.
b) How do the ‘a’ of the illustration differ form the categories labeled as b, c and d?
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a) a-cercopithecoidea b-Gibbon c- Gorilla d- Chimpanzee
b) Cercopitheccridea have small brain and long tail

Kerala SSLC Biology Model Question Paper 2 English Medium

Question 23.
Draw the figure, and answer the questions given below:
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a) Label the following parts in the figure:
(i) Cerebrum (ii) Thalamus (iii) Cerebellum
b) Write one function of each part.
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b) i) Cerebrum – Feeling senses / Voluntary move-ments
ii) Thalamus – centre of retransmission of im-pulses.
iii) Cerebellum – Maintains body balance through muscular coordinatio.