Plus One English Model Question Papers Paper 3

Kerala Plus One English Model Question Papers Paper 3

Time Allowed: 2 1/2 hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions to Candidates

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.
  • Use the ‘Cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan ypur answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully .
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Read the following lines and answer the questions given below:

If thou art worn and hard beset
With sorrows that thou wouldst forget
If thou wouldst read a lesson, that will keep
Thy heart from fainting and thy soul from sleep,
Go to the woods and hills! No tears
Dim the sweet look that Nature wears

Question 1.
Why does the poet suggest to go to the hills and woods?

Question 2.
What does the line,”… No tears Dim the sweet look that Nature wears”, mean?

Question 3.
What message do you get from the above lines?

Question 4.
Choose appropriate words from the box to complete the passage.
however, probably, that, instead, as Yesterday was a bright sunny weekend. I had the chance to participate in a get-together party planned by my friends, (a) …………….. I could not go and meet them; …………….. (b) had to finish the backlog of work (c) …………….. was pending with me. (d) …………….. I would have missed a lot of fun with my friends!

Questions 5 and 6: Read the following excerpt from the story, ‘His First Flight’ and answer the questions.

“The sight of the food maddened him. How he loved to tear food that way, scraping his beak now and again to what it. He uttered a low cackle. His mother cackled too and looked
at him”.

Question 5.
Why did the sight of the food madden him?

Question 6.
Do you think the attitude of the mother bird is apt for the situation? Give reasons. 2

Question 7.
Read the following notice. There are mistakes in it. Edit the mistakes.
Dear students,

The Nature Club of our school are planning to conduct a two day ‘Nature’ camp. Those who wishs to participate are requested to contact the Nature Club convenor.


Question 8.
Maggie visited Mr. Gupta on the day of his departure. They got into a conversation.
Maggie: Are you leaving today?
Mr. Gupta: Yes, Maggie, today is the day of my departure.
Maggie: How long will it take you to reach your country?
Mr. Gupta: A little more than two weeks.

Later Mr. Gupta reported the conversation to his hostess. He began as follows :

Maggie asked me whether I was leaving that day…

How can you help Mr. Gupta report the entire conversation?

Questions (9 14): Answer any five of the following questions in not more than 80 words. Each question carries 4 scores.

Question 9.
In the poem ‘To Sleep’s the poet mentions about the three sleepless nights he had. He intensely yearns for a night’s sleep. Have you ever had such sleep nights? If so, write about the experience. You can begin like this: If I had slept well…

Question 10.
Write a short note on the role played by Jane Hawking in the life of Stephen Flanking.

Question 11.
While visiting the Island of Kadavu, you were curious to know more about the place. Frame 4 questions pertaining to the legend, geographical features, life style and culture of the place, which you could possibly ask your tour guide.

Question 12.
Mahatma Gandhi entered the Indian political scenario when there was a dire need for good leadership. He exhorted Indians to strive for a two fold action. Explain.

Question 13.
Captain Jovis invited the attention of all the passengers when the balloon was ready for the journey. He made a short introductory speech just before the journey. What could be the words spoken by him?

Question 14.
Mr. Gupta felt tike returning the coin which Maggie had given him to buy flowers. What do you think were his reasons for this?

Questions(15 – 19): Answer any four of the following questions in not less than 100 words. Each question carries 5 scores.

Question 15.
Write an article explaining the need and importance of investing quality time with family and nature rather than with the social media.

Question 16.
Lack of fitness leads to lifestyle diseases among youngsters. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on this topic.

Question 17.
The Indian Space Research Organization plans to conduct a workshop on the current developments in the field of lnformation Technology. You get an opportunity to represent your school in the workshop. Draft an email to your friend sharing your thoughts regarding this.

Question 18.
‘Action speaks louder than words. Good deeds will be remembered forever’. Write a paragraph about this, supporting your argument

Question 19.
Sketch the character of Hasan in ‘The Serang of Ramaganji’.

Questions (20 – 23): Answer any three of the following each in not more than 250 words. Each question carries 8 scores.

Question 20.
As a news reporter, you are present at the venue to report the trip of the hot air balloon, LeHorla. Prepare a report about the maneuver and the rise of the balloon.

Question 21.
“Pursuing happiness in this world is like chasing our own shadow”. Write an essay on how Chekhov substantiates this view in the story’ Gooseberries’.

Question 22.
The poem ‘If describes the traits of a perfect man. Keeping in mind the views and perspectives of the poet, draft a speech on the topic “Importance of Values in Human Life”.

Question 23.
Read the poem, ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ by Shel Silverstein and prepare an appreciation of the poem.

Where the Sidewalk Ends

-Shel Silverstein

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins
And there the grass grows soft and white
And there the sun burns crimson bright
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.
Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the thek streetwinds and bends
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow
And watch where the chalkwhite arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.
And we’ll gOw where the chalkwhite arrows go,
Forthechildren, they mark, and the children, they know
Theplace where the sidewalk ends.

[Crimson = red; pepper = a spice used for flavouring food; mint = a green spicy leaf; asphalt = a dark mixture of sand or gravel used for surfacing roads.]


Answer 1.
If you are tired and troubled with problems go to the forest and hills. You will forget your problems and your mind will be filled with optimism.

Answer 2.
When you are sad and your life is filled with problems, go to the hills and woods to get filled with positively. No tears can get rid of the beauty of nature.

Answer 3.
People who want to forget their sorrows should go to the nature. All your problems will disappear and you will be optimistic.

Answer 4.
a. however
b. instead
c. that
d. probably

Answer 5.
The seagull was mad with hunger. The sight of food maddened him but he was afraid to fly.

Answer 6.
The mother bird wanted him to fly. She came with a piece of fish to tempt him into flight. Hence the attitude of the mother bird is apt for the situation.

Answer 7.
The Nature club of our school is planning to conduct a two day’ Nature Camp’. Those who wish to participate are requested to contact the nature club Convenor.

Answer 8.
Maggie asked me whether I was leaving that day. I replied that it was the day of my departure. Maggie asked me how long it took me to reach my country. I replied that it took a little more than two weeks.

Answer 9.
If I had spent well I wouldn’t have been so tired. I could have attended my classes well. I could have scored good marks in my exams and I wouldn’t have failed. I regret the nights I wasted my sleep by unnecessarily playing games in my mobile. Lack of sleep disturbs our mind so have a sound sleep.

Answer 10.
Jane was a shy teenager. She was optimistic and had a strong faith in God. She was in no. way upset by the physical or mental condition of Hawking. Hawking liked her optimism and this made their friendship grow. They thought that together they could achieve something good. He was able to get a research fellowship at Cai;us. They got married in 1965 and had three children. It was, in fact, Janne who gave Hawking the moral courage to overcome his adversity and achieve great thing for mankind. Jane’s words gave Hawking confidence and that is how he applied for a research fellowship at carus.

Answer 11.

  • Who do you think are really punished, the Nabukelevu fishermen or two women from Namuana ?
  • What do the lines of the song indicate ?
  • How according to the legend did the warriors of kadavu save themselves a long joun ey by sea ?
  • What does the change in weather signify ?

Answer 12.
The social life of India was disturbed by the first world war. Poverty and unemployment was rampant. The political condition also became worse. It was at this time Gandhi arrived this coming was like a beam of light that pierced the darkness. India’s freedom struggle took a new path. Gandhi stressed the importance of truthfulness and fearlessness. He awarded millions of Indians. He exerted the people to fight against political slavery, economic backwardness, social inequalities and abuses like untouchability and caste system. Gandhi teachings and leadership gave a new energy to India’s freedom movement, morally and politically Gandhiji was a leader of excellence. He is a vital man with self confidence and unusual power. Gandhiji attracted the Indian masses and is enshrined in the minds of millions of people in the world.

Answer 13.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the gas works at La Villete. I know all of you are excited to watch the take off the Le Hork, the hot air balloon. The balloon looks like a cake made of yellow cloth. There are 5 passengers including me and all the final preparations are over. Thank you all of you for gathering here to see fly. Hope you will remember us in you prayers. With this I end my words. Thank you.

Answer 14.
Mr. Guptha wanted to give back the shilling saying that flowers were plenty in India and there was me need of buying them. But then he thought that it would deprive Maggie of the day of the sacrifice for her expired brother. So he accepted it. The price of flowers was a symbiotic of the band of human relation. The one shilling which Maggie gave Mr. Gupta was the fruit of her hard labour.

Answer 15.
Need and Importance of investing quality time with family and nature rather than with social media.
Healthy families Loop good balance between ‘too much’ and not enough time together. They spend enough time to spending all family members. Children learn to bring balance to their lives when they see their parents setting aside time for what they value. The main reason why family time is important is because you need to develop his and bond with your family. Spending family time together ensures that a deep, strong, family bond develops.

In the same way spending more time with nature improves your vitality. If you live naer ” green space you are live likely to be depressed. Exposure to plants and parks boost immunity.

Nowadays it is seen that teenagers as well as adults are spending more time with social media. Social media has advantages as well as disadvantages. Disadvantages include:

Addiction: The addictive part of social media is very bad and can disturb personal live a well. The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of the social media. They get involved very extensively out off from the society.

Health causes : The excess usage of social media can also have a negative impact in health.

Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol one of the disadvantages of social media is that people start to follow others who are wealthy and drug addicted and share their videos on the web. Which eventually inspires others to follow the same and get addicted to drug and alcohol.

Answer 16.
S. Nagar,

The Editor,
New Indian Express,

Sub: Life style diseases among youngsters,
Dear sir,

A major problem that we are facing today is life style diseases among youngsters. A major reason of life style disease is lack of fitness.

Life style diseases are defined as diseases linked with the way people live their life. This is commonly caused by alcohol, drug and smoking abuse as well as lack of physical activity. Researchers are stating that strong evidence shows physical inactivity increases the risk of many major adverse health conditions including death. Lack of exercise is a major cause of chronic disease, less active and less fit people have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure.

Youngsters are aware about this fact but most of them fail to keep themselves fit. So it would be kind of you if you highlight this topic through the column of your esteemed daily.

Yours truly

Answer 17.

Dear Abi,

Hope you are fine. Long since heard from you. I am very happy as I am representing my school in the workshop conducted by ISRO on the topic current developments in the field of I.T. Iam very much excited. This is a great platform for me to learn a lot of new advancements in the field of I.T. I will be leaving tomorrow. Will mail you soon as I return from the workshop. I will take this as a golden opportunity. With this I am ending my mail.

Hoping to hear from you soon.
Your friend

Answer 18.
‘Death and Leveller ‘ is a poem about death. The main idea of the poem is vanity and impermanence of earthly glory and power. Death makes no discrimination between high and low, rich and poor, strong and weak and ignorant and learned. It reduces everything to dust. Only the good beside done during the life time will remain forever. Good deeds are seldom remembered, bad deeds are seldom forgotten. The good deed you do today for a brother or sister will come back to you some day, for humanity is a circle in deed. Good deeds from good intentions flow, but good intention only build for us a place below.

Answer 19.
The serang of Ranaganji was short and looked ugly. His name was Hasan and was the Quarter Master of the ship. He was the person who sacrificed his life to save other men. There is no sacrifice greater than giving one’s life for another person. There was a bright future waiting for him. These was an eventful and colourful life ahead of him. But he sacrificed everything, including his life for one of his comrades. What he did is true heroism. It was real sacrifice. He is an example of selfless souls whom the world need.

Answer 20.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Gas works at La Villete. There are some five hundred people gathered here to watch the take off of Le Horla, the hot air balloon. The balloon has been filled up and it is swelling and wriggling like a huge worm. Now the passengers are getting in. The Captain Jovis, Lieutenant Mallet, Etienne Beer, Paul Blessand and Maupassant are entering into the basket one by one. They seem to be very enthusiastic. The ladies are asked to keep off as there is a possibility of sand being thrown on their heads. Theropeis cut and Le Horla is rising up like a bird. All people are looking up. Their eyes move up as the balloon soars up. They applaud with joy. Le Horla climbs above the city of Paris. It is slowly disappearing. Let us wish the passengers good luck and safe landing. Together with photographer Ajith I am Aish Prabhakar, Asia Net News.”

Answer 21.
Gooseberries by Anton Chekov is a story about two brothers Ivan and Nicholai. Both have different attitudes. Nicholai preferred to live in a farm house, He loved nature, flowers and fruits. Ivan’s attitude was just the opposite through he also loved the country side he was not very passionate. The story Gooseberries is essential a satire on maris search for happiness. Pursuing happiness in this world is like chasing our own shadow. Human life is very much like gooseberries.

Here the brother Nicholai looked after his soul and dis good works in a proud manner. He wished to have a gooseberry bush in his farm and he lived a stingy life to achieve his goal. Nicholai was happy with his life as his dearest dream had come true. He got what he wanted. He laugh with joy on seeing his first gooseberries.

Happiness can be achieved through fulfilment of your dreams. Gooseberries may be hard and sour for Ivan and they are delicious to Nicholai.

Happiness differs from individual to individual.

Answer 22.
A very warm welcome to all. I am here to speak a few words on the topic “Importance of values in Human Life”.

Our value inform our thoughts, words and actions. Our values are important because they help in to grow and develop. The decisions we make are a reflection of our values and beliefs and they are always directed towards a specific purpose. Values are our personal set of beliefs about what is important, unimportant, right, wrong, good and bad. When we are controlled by choices, options or moral dilemmas the decision we make will indicate what values we hold. Human values give worthnen and respect to life.

Moral values are the good values taught to help people lead a disciplined life. Moral values include good habits such as honesty, helpfulness, love, hard work and compassion.

It would the society well if the following seven moral values for students were taught in schools.

  • Unconditional love and kindness
  • Honesty
  • Hard work
  • Respect for others
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness

We all protect our life because we care for it more than anything else. If life is so important, the values of life are even more important.

Answer 23.
Silverstein begin the poem by describing the place where the side walk ends. He says” and watch where the halkwhite arrow go. To the place where the side walk end” Meaning that if you are alert and aware, the hopeless minded adult can find a way to get to the place where the side walk ends. Silver stain is famous for being a children’s poet yet many of the ideas trucked in the corner of ‘Where the sidewalk ends’ are made for adults.

The place where the side walk end is only encountered by imagination. As he mention the gram growing soft and white and also the ‘ooling of the pepperment wind’s, we know that their is a mental state, how someone view, the world. As silverstein writes in the second stanza, saying ‘Let us leave this place where the smoke blowes black and Dark street winds and bends’. He is refferering the world that adults live in, the one that is for from what he described as the place where the sidewalk ends. There is a transition in the middle of the stanza though, a transition from despair to hope, hope of activating the child like imagination.

The final stanza is simple, yes we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And we’ll go where the chalk white arrows go, for the children, they man and the children, they know the place where the side wall ends. Sil verstain is saying we’ll follow the arrows and we’ll go. Yes we will open our minds and look for the signs to find the place where the sidewalk ends.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One English Model Question Papers Paper 1

Kerala Plus One English Model Question Papers Paper 1

General Instructions to Candidates

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.
  • Use the ‘Cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are, not allowed in the Examination Hall.

(Questions 1 — 6): All questions are compulsory. Each carries two scores.

Question 1.
Your class has to conduct a debate on the topic ‘Internet a menace to the society’. Prepare four arguments in favor of the topic.

(Questions 2 & 3): The following lines are taken from the poem, ‘Death, The Leveller’. Read the lines and answer the questions that follow.

Your heads must come To the cold tomb;
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.

Question 2.
What does the expression, ‘cold tomb’ mean here?

Question 3.
Elaborate on the idea of the above lines.

(Questions 4 — 6): Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow.

Benefits of Yoga
Yoga, developed in India thousands of years ago. Yoga has become an increasingly popular form of exercise all over the world. While there are hundreds of different types of schools of yoga which typically comprise of breathing exercises, meditation and assuming postures that stretch and flex various muscle groups, the main purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body.

Some of the physical benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, muscle strength, improved respiration, energy and vitality, weight reduction, cardiocirculatory health and maintenance of a balanced metabolism. Yoga has a remarkable effect on over mental wellbeing too. Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness, increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, centers attention and makes deeprooted concentration. It is a great way to get in tune with one’s body and inner self. Choose the right option from the following:

Question 4.
The term, ‘harmony’ means in the passage.
(a) happiness
(b) musical note
(c) agreement
(d) complete

Question 5.
The word, ‘vitality’ means,
(a) important
(b) vigor
(c) life
(d) specialty

Question 6.
What is the main purpose of yoga?

(Questions 7 — 10): Answer any three questions. Each carries four scores.

Question 7.
Read the previous essay on ‘Benefits of Yoga’ and write a precis reducing the passage to its 1/3rd length.

Question 8.
Complete the following report using the correct form of the verbs given in brackets. (You need not rewrite the given sentences)
A seminar on ‘Increasing Road Accidents’ (a) ………………… (hold) at JBN Hall yesterday, at 2 pm. About 200 students (b) ………………… (turn out) to attend the seminar. Kumari Suja, the school Leader, (c) ………………… (be) the moderator. Three papers (d) ………………… (present) in the seminar.

Question 9.
In the story ‘ The Serang of Ranaganji’ Hasan says: ‘ What use is money Doctor Sahib, to, one who has all he needs? I am well enough the way I am.’ Do you agree with Hasan in his
attitude towards money? Justify your answer in a paragraph.

Question 10.
Reid the advertisement given below.
Career Master
Free career guidance classes for students

  • For students of all age groups above 10th standard
  • Personal.interaction with experts
  • Free aptitude test for Higher Secondary students
  • For more details contact us

Imagine that you are interested in having a personal interaction with the experts and to attempt the aptitude test. Send an email to this institution to fix an appointment for the first Saturday of April.

(Questions 11 — 20): Answer any eight questions. Each carries five scores.

Question 11.
Imagine that you had a parachute ride over a valley.
Write a travel essay describing this experience. The essay should include a description of the physical features of the area, the practical issues related to the travel, and your experiences and personal impressions.

Question 12.
In the essay ‘Disasters and Disaster Management in India’, you have learned that constructing buildings according to proper guidelines and using good quality materials can reduce the risk arising from disasters. However, you find people violating the norms laid down by the government for constructing such houses. You decide to write a letter to the editor of a local daily to bring this matter before the authorities and the public. Draft a letter which you would send to the editor.

Question 13.
In the story ‘ The Serang of Ranaganji’, Hasan, says: ‘ What use is money Doctor Sahib, to one who has all he needs? I am well enough the way I am.’ Do you agree with Hasan in his attitude towards money? Justify your answer in a paragraph.

Question 14.
Silence a vision of the Serang’s nobility rising before me.
“Yes ………….. in a way ………….. it was a cage ………….. But isn’t it queer, Miss Joe Smith, the animals were all outside”.

What trait of Serang’s character is evident here?

Sketch the character of Hassan in a short paragraph.

Question 15.
I approached the mother’s bedside. The ring was in my hand. Wishing her a good morning I said, ‘Mrs. Clifford, your son is alive. He is Well’.

Do you think, it was proper on the part of Mr. Gupta to tell a lie about Frank to Mrs. Clifford? Justify your answer in a paragraph.

Question 16.
Read the following text about a journey to Nepal. Use the correct tense form of the verbs given in brackets.
Nepal is a fascinating country, I have a great deal to learn about it. Everything (a) ………….. (be) so different, and I (b) ………….. (try) to adapt to the new way of life here. I tried to learn a little bit of the language to make communication easier. Unfortunately, I (c) ………….. (not learn) foreign languages quickly. Although I do not understand much I believe that I will improve gradually.

Question 17.
Your class is conducting a group discussion on ‘ The Relevance of Gandhian ideas in the 21st century. ‘Imagine that you are also participating in it. What would you speak? Prepare a script for your presentation. (Word Limit: 50 to 60 words)

Question 18.
Fill in the following passage choosing the right word given in the box, unfortunately, therefore, but, so
Frank and Isobel Hawking, Stephen’s parent’s, were not wealthy, (a) ………….. they believed in the value of education, (b) ………….. they planned for Stephen to go to Westminster, a famous public school in the heart of London. (c) ………….. Stephen was ill at the time of the scholarship examination for Westminster, (d) ………….. he attended the local Saint Alban’s School.

Question 19.
The following information is about the famous person, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Prepare a profile of him.

  • Birth: 15th October 1931, Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu.
  • Education: Specialized in Aeroengineering from Madras Institute of Technology.
  • Career: Joined DRDO in 1958 and ISRO in 1963. Was Principal Scientific Advisor to Govt, of India. Scientific Advisor to Defence Ministry. 11thPresident of India (20022007).
  • Awards: Padmabhushan in 1981 Padmavibhushan in 1990 Bharat Ratna in 1997

Question 20.
Nicholai, in the story ‘Gooseberries’, has plans to buy an estate. He comes across the following advertisement in a newspaper.
Plus One English Model Question Papers Paper 1 1
Nicholai calls the agent. Write the script of the telephonic conversation between Nicholai and the agent.

(Questions 21 23): Answer any two questions. Each carries eight scores.

Question 21.
Imagine that you had a parachute ride over a valley.
Write a travel essay describing this experience. The essay should include a description of the physical features of the area, the practical issues related to the travel, and your experiences and personal impressions.

Question 22.
William Wordsworth in his poem, “To Sleep” invites sleep to come and bless him. He finds it is too difficult to sleep peacefully. So he calls a psychiatrist over the phone. Prepare a telephonic conversation between Wordsworth and the doctor.

Question 23.
Read the sonnet given below and write a note of appreciation.

Upon Westminster Bridge

William Wordsworth

Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This City now doth like a garment wear

The beauty of the morning: silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields and to the sky,
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.

Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendor valley, rock, or hill;
Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm do deep!

The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!

(Westminster Bridge: the bridge across the river Thames in London, hath: has, doth: does, dome: round roof, glideth: glides)


Answer 1.

  • Even food habits of the people are changed because of internet.
  • Many people use the internet for perpetrating crimes.
  • Internet takes away peoples valuable time which could be used for better purposes.
  • The internet tempts boys to get the latest gadgets, cars and bikes. When they fail to get them in the normal way, they try criminal methods.

Answer 2.

Answer 3.
This is a poem on death. Everyone will have to face death at the end. All the earthly joys and achievements will end with death. What will remain are the good actions of the virtuous people. Their fragrance will spread across and will bear fruit forever.

Answer 4.
(c) agreement

Answer 5.
(b) vigor

Answer 6.
The main purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body.

Answer 7.
Yoga has become a popular form of exercise. The main purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. Yoga has many physical benefits. It increases vitality and reduces illnesses. Yoga refreshes the mind and gives it deeprooted concentration.

Answer 8.
a. was held
b. turned out
c. was
d. were presented

Answer 9.
I quite agree with Hasan in his attitude towards money. Money is the means by which people try to acquire what they need. Some people have greater needs than others. Needs are unlimited and one can go on earning money without any limit. The basic needs of man are food, clothes and shelter. Hasan has them and he is happy. He was unmistakably sincere, completely detached from the usual hope of reward. Money had no interest for him, he had always despised it.

Answer 10.
Subject: Application for taking an aptitude test.

I would like to have a personal interaction with the experts in your institution and to take the free aptitude test so that I can choose a right career in my life. Kindly arrange an interactive session on the first Saturday of May this year.
Looking forward to your reply mail. Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

Answer 11.
Parachute ride over a valley
My parents promised to take me for a parachute ride if I passed my board exams with high scores. I worked hard and scored well. So my parents kept their word. We decided to go to Mysore. Mysore is the second biggest city in Karnataka and hosts several skydiving camps. Most of the skydiving camps in Mysore are located at the base of the Chamundi Hills. Mysore is one of the best places to skydive in India. The climate was favorable for the journey. We started our journey in the morning by flight and reached Mysore by afternoon. In the evening we reached the spot. The spot was crowded with people. I was very excited as this was my first experience. My parents and I along with the guide entered the basket of the multi-colored parachute. The weather was calm and quiet. We were rising and we have risen almost two hundred feet. We floated along through space in delicious inertia. We felt like birds who did not even have to flap their wings. We widely enjoyed the fantastic journey; nothing in the sky but the moon and ourselves. The landing was beyond beautiful.

Answer 12.
Senders Address

This is to bring to your notice that certain construction companies are not following the proper guidelines needed for construction and also cheap quality materials are being used for construction purposes. The fact is that many of the buildings under constructions are in danger of falling down sooner or later. The greedy contractors use substandard materials for construction. They reduce the quantity of cement because cement is quite expensive. Low quality and is used as sand is also expensive. The contractors break all the norms of constructions laid by the corporation. Some corrupt corporation officials close their eyes to the reality and give fitness certificates to such poorly constructed buildings. These buildings endanger the lives of the people who live in them. People should. respect human lives which are priceless. The Corporation and other authorities in the State should ensure that buildings are constructed according to the safety norms prescribed by the government. It would be kind of you if you could publish an article regarding this matter in your esteemed daily. ,

Yours truly

Answer 13.
I quite agree with Hasan in his attitude towards money. Money is the means by which people try to acquire what they need. Some people have greater needs than others. Needs are unlimited and one can go on earning money without any limit. The basic needs of man are food, clothes and shelter. Hasan has them and he is happy. He was unmistakably sincere, completely detached from the usual hope of reward. Money had no interest for him, he had always despised it.

Answer 14.
The serangs courage is evident here.
Hassan was the serang on Ranaganji. He was not good looking and he did not have a proportionate body. In fact, some people even laughed at him. But he was courageous and serviceable. When two sailors contracted smallpox, he volunteered to make a special enclosure in the ship and looked after them. More people became victims of this deadly disease. He looked after all of them and helped Dr. Cronin in their treatment. When two of them died, he gave them a fitting burial in the sea. He being a Muslim Chanted words from the Ramayana as part of the Hindu ritual. Hassan possessed great qualities like courage service mindedness and religious tolerance. He promised himself to be a self-sacrificing and unselfish young man. Such people are very rare in this world.

Answer 15.
Mrs. Clifford was seriously ill. Her illness aggravated due to her worries about her son. When Maggie requested Mr. Gupta to look into the crystal ring and tell her mother that her son Frank was alive and well even if he. saw nothing in the crystal wing, he obliged her. Gupta had no faith in it. He knew it was a superstition. Even then he did it in order to console a sick mother. The words of Mr. Gupta made her recover from her illness. Though it was a lie, it was an innocent lie, and it cured the womans illness. So it was proper on the part of Mr. Gupta. The recovery of Mrs. Clifford justified Mr. Guptas action and words

Answer 16.
(a) is
(b) am trying
(c) cannot learn

Answer 17.
I would say that some of the Gandhian ideas are quite relevant even in the twentieth century. The biggest idea of Gandhi was nonviolence. Every day we hear of wars and killings. People are killing one another in the name of religion. Even India is not free from religious intolerance. Gandhi taught us that though the names of God is different some people call him Ishwar and some call him Allah. Both are the names of the same Almighty. So there is no need to fight, as we all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians are the children of the same father. Gandhi taught people to practise truth. He also taught us the dignity of labor. His ideas of truth, non-violence, hard work, respect of human rights etc are still very much relevant in the 21st century.

Answer 18.
a. but
b. so
c. unfortunately
d. Therefore

Answer 19.
Dr. API Abdul Kalam
Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931, at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu. After his school education he joined Madras Institute of Technology and specialized in Aero engineering. He started his professional career in DRDO in 1958 and in ISRO in 1963. Later he became Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India. Then he was appointed as scientific advisor to the Defence Ministry. He was elected the eleventh President of India and remained in that post from 2002 to 2007. He was awarded the Padmabhushan in 1981 the Padmavibhushan in 1990 and the Bharat Ratna in 1997.

Answer 20.
Nicholai : Hello Is this the estate agent?
Agent : Yes speaking. May I know who this is?
Nicholai : I’m Nicholai. I saw the advertisement about the 300 acres with a farmhouse, park and river nearby.
Agent : The expected price is around 3 million rubles.
Nicholai : Yeah I have seen that. But the price quoted is too high.
Agent : The price is negotiable.
Nicholai : Ok fine. What would be your final price?
Agent : We can come down to 2.5 million. For that price, it would be a good buy.
Nicholai : Alright. We shall meet tomorrow and work out the deal.
Agent : Give me your details.
Nicholai : Nicholai Ivanich, Boris avenue, 17th street, Moscow. Email
Agent : Ok, I got it. I will meet you tomorrow at 10.30. Bye
Nicholai : Okay! Bye!

Answer 21.
Parachute ride over a valley
My parents promised to take me for a parachute ride if I passed my board exams with high scores. I worked hard and scored well. So my parents kept their word. We decided to go to Mysore. Mysore is the second biggest city in Karnataka and hosts several skydiving camps. Most of the skydiving camps in Mysore are located at the base of the Chamundi Hills. Mysore is one of the best places to skydive in India. The climate was favorable for the journey. We started our journey in the morning by flight and reached Mysore by afternoon. In the evening we reached the spot. The spot was crowded with people. I was very exicted as this was my first experience. My parents and me along with the guide entered the basket of the multi-colored parachute. The weather was calm and quiet. We were rising and we have risen almost two hundred feet. We floated along through space in delicious inertia. We felt like birds who did not even have to flap their wings. We widely enjoyed the fantastic journey; nothing in the sky but the moon and ourselves. The landing was beyond beautiful.

Answer 22.
Wordsworth: Good morning Dr. Smith. I am William Wordsworth. I want your help, doctor.
Dr. Smith: Goodmorning, Mr.Wordsworth what help can I do for you?
Wordsworth: It is something related to your profession.
Dr. Smith: Come on, tell me your problem.
Wordsworth: For the last three nights I did not get any sleep at all. When I lie in bed various thoughts come to my mind. I see flocks of sheep leisurely passing one after the other, I hear humming of bees and the sounds of the rain. I also hear the fall of rivers, winds and seas.
Dr. Smith: There is nothing to be afraid Mr. Wordsworth you see such things in imagination because you are too much preoccupied with nature and its objects and phenomena.
Wordsworth: It may be so. But what am I to do without sleep? I cannot enjoy the beauty of the morning unless I sleep. I expected to get some sleep last night, which was my third sleepless night.
D r. Smith: You send someone to me. I shall give some tablets. You take one tablet each before you go to sleep for three days. Then, give me a call. If you get sleep, you can discontinue the medicine.
Wordsworth: I shall send someone now itself Thank you, doctor.
Dr. Smith: It’s my duty.

Answer 23.
The poem “Upon Westminster Bridge” by William Wordsworth is a sonnet. The first eight lines praise the beauty of the City in the early morning light, as the poet stands on Westminster Bridge admiring the surrounding buildings. The poet says that the earth does not have anything to show fairer than this sight. One who passes this sight without noticing it must be a dull person. The morning is beautiful, silent and bare. Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie open to the fields and to the sky. They are all shining as the air is without any mist and smoke at the moment. In the last six lines the poet says that the sun never steeped the valley, rock or hill in greater glory than he is doing now. The river is flowing at its own sweet will. Even the houses seem to lie still. The mighty heart of London seems to lie still.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2015

Kerala Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2015

General Instructions to Candidates

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 V2 hrs.
  • You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

(Question.1 to 3): Read the following excerpt from the story, ‘His First Flight’ and answer the questions that follow.

He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer and then maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish with a loud scream; he fell outwards and downwards into space. His mother had swooped upwards. As he passed beneath her, he heard the swish of her wings.

Question 1.
Who is‘she’ referred to here? (1)

Question  2.
What prompted the young seagull to fly finally? (2)

Question 3.
Write a paragraph about the role of parents in helping children to attain their goal. (3)

Question 4.
A group of foreigners from France visit your locality. They intend to visit a few tourist destinations in our state. Prepare a short write-up about one or two famous tourist centers in your district.
[Hints : Name -location – major attractions – how to reach there] (4)

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks in the following passage choosing the right words given in the box.
Similarly, in accordance, Moreover, Therefore
In developing countries, only 30% of the buildings are constructed …..(a) with the regulations laid down for ensuring safety and security….(b) the lack of a master plan and the inferior quality of materials used for construction also aggravate the
casualties arising out of disasters ……….(c)….., both private and public buildings should
be constructed according to the guidelines prescribed by law ….(d)…., constructions should strictly adhere to the master plan approved by the authorities. (4)

Question 6.
Your school is conducting a debate on the topic, “Do the social networking sites intrude into ones privacy?” Prepare four arguments in favour of this topic. (4)

(Question 7 to 11): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, developed in India thousands of years ago. Yoga has become an increasingly popular form of exercise all over the world. While there are hundreds of different types of schools of yoga which typically comprise of breathing exercises, meditation and assuming postures that stretch and flex various muscle groups, the main purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body.

Some of the physical benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, muscle strength, improved respiration, energy and vitality, weight reduction, cardio-circulatory health and maintenance of a balanced metabolism. Yoga has a remarkable effect on over mental well-being too. Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness, increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, centers attention and makes deep-rooted concentration. It is a great way to get in tune with one’s body and inner self.

Choose the right option from the following:

Question 7.
The term,‘ harmony’means in the passage. (1)
a) happiness
b) musical note
c) agreement
d) complete

Question 8.
The word,‘vitality’means (1)
a) important
b) vigour
c) life
d) speciality

Question 9.
What is the main purpose of yoga? (2)

Question 10.
Mention two important benefits of yoga. (2)

Question 11.
Read the previous essay on ‘Benefits of Yoga and write a precise reducing the
passage to its 1/3rd length. (4)

Question 12.
Imagine that you are a tourist guide working with the tourism department of Fiji. Make an introductory speech to a group of tourists from Europe to welcome them to
Namuana (3)

(Question. 13 to 14): The following lines are taken from the poem, ‘Death, The Leveller’. Read the lines and answer the questions that follow.

Your heads must come
To the cold tomb;
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.

Question 13.
What does the expression, cold tomb’ mean here?

Question 14.
Elaborate on the idea of the above lines.

Question 15.
Captain Jovis was interviewed by a news reporter before the take off of Le-Horla.
There are the few questions that the reporter puts forth. Read the questions and prepare the likely responses. Reporter Captain Jovis Reporter Captain Jovis Reporter Captain Jovis Reporter Captain Jovis
Reporter : Sir, this is your first experience in a hot air balloon.
How do you feel?.
Captain Jovis : Yes, I am really excited as well as nervous.
Reporter : Will you please introduce your supporting crew?
Captain Jovis : 1) …………..
Reporter : What all are the arrangements made for the flight?
Captain Jovis : 2) ………….
Reporter : ¡s guiding a balloon an easy task?
Captain Jovis : 3)…………….

Question 16.
Complete the following report using the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.
ABCD Higher Secondary School ……….(a) ………(celebrate) Gandhi Jayanthi on 2nd October, 2014. The school principal
……….(b) …………. (welcome) the gathering. The meeting …..(c)……….(preside) over by the RT.A. president and the local freedom
fighter, Appu Asan …(d)………..(inaugurate) the function. (4)
(a) celebrated
(b) welcomed
(c) was presided
(d) inaugurated

Question 17.
Silence – a vision of the Serang’s nobility rising before me.
“Yes in a way it was a cage But isn’t it queer, Miss Jope Smith,
the animals were all outside”.
What trait of Serang’s character is evident here?
Sketch the character of Hassan in a short paragraph. (4)

Question 18.
I approached the mothers bedside. The ring was in my hand. Wishing her a good morning I said, ‘Mrs. Clifford, your son is alive. He is Well’. (4)
Do you think, it was proper on the part of Mr. Gupta to tell a lie about Frank to Mrs. Clifford? Justify your answer in a paragraph. (5)
‘What kind of a country is India, Sir?’ asked Mrs. Clifford, as she resumed her cooking.
What impression of India is created by Mr. Gupta in the mind of Mrs. Clifford?

Question 19.
The following information is about the famous person, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Prepare a profile of him.
Birth : 15lh October, 1931, Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu.
Education : Specialized in Aeroengineering from Madras Institute of
Career : Joined DRDO in 1958 and ISRO in 1963.
Was Principal Scientific Advisor to Govt, of India.
Scientific Advisor to Defence Ministry. 11th President of india (2002-2007).
Awards : Padmabhushan in 1981, Padmavibhushan in 1990, Bharat Ratna in 1997 (5)

Question 20.
William Wordsworth in his poem, “To Sleep” invites sleep to come and bless
him. He finds it is too difficult to sleep peacefully. So he calls a psychiatrist over the phone. Prepare a telephonic conversation between Wordsworth and the doctor. (4)

Question 21.
Imagine that you got an opportunity to visit Wayanad. Write a travel essay describing your experience. The essay should include a description of the physical features of the area, the practical issues related to the travel and your experiences and personal impressions. (6)
In the extract, ‘The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu’, you read about a Fijian ritual.
Write a short article on a ritual popular in your locality.

Question 22.
Narrate the beauty of Nicholai s estate from the point of view of lvanich. You may begin thus : The fresh air from the gooseberry orchards can be felt here in this time of early morning (6)

Question 23.
Read the poem given, below and write a note of appreciation.

Good Deeds by Sasikanth Nishanth Sarma
The World is a double-edged knife
And we have only one life Enjoy it, live it well.
In good company do dwell.
Always do good -deeds Sow in yourself character s seeds
Cultivate mind with manure of thought For ages, the experiences brought.
Feed your life with good deeds So that there is no place for weeds.
To harm, that oft leads
The decay of characters seeds
The one who wants to succeed
He must always heed
And must seek
The good qualities
And not the quantities
A wise man can only pleads
But you have to pay heed What are you needs?
Then decide what to do
And what not to do


Answer 1.
The young seagulls mother

Answer 2.
Hunger prompted the young seagull to fly.

Answer 3.
It is the responsibility of parents to help their children attain their goal. As children you may not always take things seriously. Some times the parents will scold their children; sometime they may deny their demands, etc. though it may be thought as cruelty from their part, they do such things out of love for their children. They are always concerned about their childrens future.

Answer 4.
Thusharagiri is a beautiful spot which tourists must visit. Its location is in the western Ghats, below the Wayanadan hills. It is 55 kilometres away from Kozhikode city .There are roads leading to Thusharagiri from Kozhikode, Kappad beach and Wayand. The attractions of Thusharagiri are the three waterfalls, the Thanni Muthassi and the panoramic beauty of the Waynadan forests. Tourists can bath in the cool and pure water. For those who want to enjoy trekking, there is the facility, accompanied by guides. Good food also is available there.

Answer 5.
(a) in accordance with
(b) similarly
(c) therefore
(d) moreover

Answer 6.
Social networking sites intrude into one’s privacy in several ways :

  • Social networking sites give vulgar and explicit sex material.Young people are naturally curious about such things.
  • Students often copy materials as they are from social networking sites for their assignments and projects.
  • Continuous use of such sites will make people addict to them, and this will prevent them from doing their duties.
  • Accepting requests from unknown people on the site can have serious consequences.

Answer 7.
c) agreement

Answer 8.
b) vigour

Answer 9.
The main purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body.

Answer 10.
Yoga makes people physically strong.
Yoga gives deep-rooted concentration of the mind.

Answer 11.
Yoga has become a popular form of exercise. The main purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. Yoga has many physical benefits. It increases vitality and reduces illnesses. Yoga refreshes the mind and gives it deep-rooted concentration.

Answer 12.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to this beautiful island. I am guide Fernandex. I wish you all a nice time here. Fiji is a multi-cultured island nation, having the cultural tradition of the people of Oceanic, European, South – Asian, and East Asian origins. It consists of nearly 320 islands in the South West Pacific Ocean. It is 3152 kms away from Sydney, Australia. Nearly a hundred of these islands are inhabited. You can enjoy the little ports and beautiful sea-coasts. You can enjoy boat journeys and also tasty dishes of various kinds of fish. So ladies and gentlemen, let us enjoy ourselves.

Answer 13.

Answer 14.
This is a poem on death. Every one will have to face death at the end. All the earthly joys and achievements will end with death. What will remain are the good actions of the virtuous people. Their fragrance will spread across and will bear fruit for ever.

Answer 15.

  1. Well, this is Lieutenant Mallet, this is M.Etierine Beer, and this is M.Paul Bessant and this is Guy de Maupassant.
  2. The basket for the traveller to sit in was attached to the balloon and barometers were brought. The two trumpets, the eatables, the overcoats and raincoats and all the small articles that could go with the men in the flying basket were arranged.
  3. Guiding the balloon is not an easy task. Winds and storms may change its course.

Answer 16.
(a) celebrated
(b) welcomed
(c) was presided
(d) inaugurated

Answer 17.
Serang’s courage is evident here. Hassan was the serang on Ranaganji. He was not good looking and he did not have a laughed at him. But he was courageous and serviceable. When two sailors contracted smallpox, he volunteered to make a special enclosure in the ship and looked after them.
More people became victims of this deadly disease. He looked after all of them and helped Dr. Cronin in their treatment. When two of them died, he gave them fitting burial in the sea. He being a Muslim Chanted words from the Ramayana as part of the Hindu ritual. Hassan possessed great qualities like courage service-mindedness and religious tolerance. He promised himself to be a self -sacrificing and unselfish young man. Such people are very rare in this world.

Answer 18.
Mrs. Clifford was seriously ill. Her illness aggravated due to her worries about her son. When Maggie requested Mr. Gupta to look into the crystal ring and tell her mother that her son Frank was alive and well even if he saw nothing in the crystal wing, he obliged her. Gupta had no faith in it. He knew it was a superstition. Even then he did it in order to console a sick mother. The words of Mr. Gupta made her recover from her illness. Though it was a lie, it was an innocent he, and it cured the woman’s illness. So it was proper on the part of Mr. Gupta. The recovery of Mrs. Clifford justified Mr. Gupta’s action and words.
Mr. Gupta described to Mrs. Clifford that India was a beautiful country. It is not cold like England, but some what hot. Of course, there are tigers and snakes in India, but they live in the jungles. If they came to places where people live, they would be killed. There are fevers in some places in india. But they differ with places and seasons. This impression of India given by Mr. Gupta removed from her the fear she had about her son’s living conditions in India.

Answer 19.
Dr. API Abdul Kalam
Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October,1931, at Rameswaran in Tamil Nadu. After his school education he joined Madras Institute of Technology and specialized in Aero engineering. He started his professional career in DRDO in 1958 and in ISRO in 1963. Later he became Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India. Then he was appointed as scientific advisor to the Defence Ministry. He was elected the eleventh President of India and remained in that post from 2002 to 2007. He was awarded the Padmabhushan in 1981 the Padmavibhushan in 1990 and the Bharat Ratna in 1997.

Answer 20.
Wordsworth : good morning Dr. Smith. I am William Wordsworth. I want your help, doctor.
Dr. Smith : good morning, Mr.Wordsworth what help can I do for you?
Wordsworth : It is something related to your profession.
Dr. Smith : come on, tell me your problem.
Wordsworth : for the last three nights I did not get any sleep at all. When I lie in bed various thoughts come to my mind. I see flocks
of sheep leisurely passing one after the other, I hear humming of bees and the sounds of the rain. I also hear the fall of rivers, winds and seas.
Dr. Smith: There is nothing to be afraid Mr. Wordsworth you see such things in imagination because you are too much preoccupied with nature and its objects and phenomena.
Wordsworth : It may be so. But what am to do without sleep? I cannot enjoy the beauty of the morning unless I sleep. I expected to get some sleep Last night, which was my third sleepless night.
Dr. Smith : You send someone to me. I shall give some tablets. You take one tablet each before you go to sleep for three days. Then,
give mean call. If you get sleep, you can discontinue the medicine.
Wordsworth : 1 shall send someone now itself you. doctor.
Dr. Smith : It’s my duty.

Answer 21.
My Visit to Wavanad
Wayanad is a green, beautiful piece of land that lies on the north-east borders of Kerala. It is about sixty kiolmeters from Kozhikode. The Kerala- Karnataka highway takes us to Wayanad. The panoramic beauty of the Thamar- assery Ghats provides a feast to the eyes. Thamar- assery Ghats is a hilly highway with nine hairpin curves from Adivaram to Lakkidi. It is known as the Tharachuram. At Lakkidi there is beautiful lake where you can enjoy boat journey. On the way to Lakkidi on either side of the road we can see monkeys sitting in rows as if they are there to welcome the tourists.

They sit there hoping to get eatables like nuts, fruits, etc. The forests around are rich in wild life-elephants, tigers and such other animals are found in plenty. Cash crops such as tea, coffee and pepper are grown here. Paddy also is cultivated. There is a jain temple which is constructed fully in glass. There is also the Thirunelli temple and river which are considered as holy. On the whole, we enjoyed our visit to Wayanad.
The celebration of Onam is based on a legend. Malayalees believe that once upon a time there lived a king in Kerala, named Mahabali. He was a just king and during his rule all people were equal. There was no cheating, no exploitation, and no corruption. All the people were prosperous and happy. But some of the gods became jealous of him. They wanted to overthrow Mahabali. Va mana, one of the gods, came in the form of a poor asectic. He begged three feet of land from Mahabali. He being very kind obliged him and gave him permission to measure the land he had asked for. Vamana began to grow in size and became as tall as the sky.

The god measured two feet and the whole land was over. He asked Mahabali where he would have his third foot of land. The good king bent his head and told him to measure it on his head. The cruel Vamana put his foot on Mahabalis head and he was pushed into the underworld. While going into the underworld Mahabali asked one favour from Vamana, namely, he should be permitted to visit his subjects in Kerala once a year. It was granted and Malayalees celebrate Onam as the day on which Mahabali visits his people. Onam is celebrated as the national festival of Kerala. Flower carpets are arranged infront of every house. Sumptuous meals are prepared in every house. Boat races, tiger dances and such other entertainments are organized during the Onam season.

Answer 22.
The fresh air from the gooseberry orchards can be felt here in this time of early morning. Nicholai called his estate Tchimbarshove Corner, or Himalayskoe. It was full of ditches, fence, hedges, row of young fir-trees, trees everywhere, and it was difficult to cross the yard or where to put your horse. Ivanich went to the house and was met by a red-haired dog, as fat as a pig. He tried to bark but felt too lazy. Out of the kitchen came out the cook who was also as fat as a pig. It was an estate with there hundred areas of land with a farm house, a cottage, and a park, but there was no orchard. Nicholai ordered twenty gooseberry bushes and setded down to a country life. Ivanich was happy to find his brother contented in life.

Answer 23.
Good Deeds – Sasikanth Nishatith Sarma.
As the title of the poem suggests, the poem is about the good deeds that we do and the good results they produce. The world is a mixture of happiness and sorrow. The poet reminds the readers that there is only one life and it should be enjoyed. At the same time we should take care to keep company with good people. We should saw the seeds of virtues and cultivate the mind with healthy thoughts obtained from the experiences for ages. Keep on doing good deeds so that you do not have time to do bad things.

If you do any harm to anyone, it will be a blemish on your character. One, who wants to succeed in life, must always pay attention to acquire good qualities. It is not the quantity but the quality that matters. A wise man can only give advice. But it is you who should know what yours needs are. Then you decide what to do and what not to do.It is a moral poem written in twenty two lines. The poem is written in rhyming couplets. Every two lines rhyme. Knife/ life, well/dwell are examples. The poem is written in simple language.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2016

Kerala Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2016

Maximum: 80 Scores
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 272 hrs.
  • You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’ .
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

(Question. 1 & 2): Read the lines from the poem ‘Death The Leveller’ and answer the questions that follow.

The garlands wither on your brow;
Then boast no more your mighty deeds!
Upon Deaths purple altar now
See where the Victor-victim bleeds; .

Question 1.
What is meant by “Deaths purple altar”? (1)

Question 2.
Explain the message conveyed by the above lines. (3)

Question 3.
In ‘1 will Fly’ you have met a nervous boy from a remote village who asked Dr.. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam a question. Imagine that the boy sends a letter to his friend describing the incident. Here is an excerpt from the letter. Complete it Meeting Dr. Abdul Kalam was really a wonderful experience. Now, 1 feel very confident.

Question 4.
Esther Dyson, in ‘The Cyberspace, says that there is something in the modern psyche that loves new frontiers, a liking to make rules instead of following them. Do you agree with this statement? Express your views in 2 or 3 sentences. (2)

(Question. 5 to 7): Read the following excerpt from the story, ‘The Trip of Le Horla’ and answer the following questions.

Suddenly, the people begin to stand beck, for the gas is beginning to enter into the balloon through a long tube of yellow cloth, which lies on the sell, swelling and undulating like an enormous Worm. But another thought, another picture occurs to every mind. It is thus nature itself nourishes beings until their birth. The creature that will rise, soon begins to move, and the attendants of Captain Jovis, as Le Horla grows larger, spread and put in place the net which covers it, so that the will be regular and equally distributed at every point,

Question 5.
What is the balloon compared to?
a) tube
b) worm
c) soil
d) picture (1)

Question 6.
The meaning of ‘nourish’ is
a) clear
b) rage
c) feed
d) yell (1)

Question 7.
How is the balloon equipped for the ride? (3)

Question 8.
‘Gooseberries’ by Anton Chekov presents the life of Ivan lvanich and Niohola Ivanich. Of
these two brothers, whom do you like? Write four Sentences justifying your Choice. You may begin with I‘d prefer/1 like/1 would/1 feel etc. (4)

Question 9.
Read the following information about Albert Einstein and prepare a short Profile.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Born in Germany ………… from childhood revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science ………. took music lessons, playing both the violin and piano …….. in 1905, published his most influential research papers, including the
Special Theory of Relativity ……. in 1921, awarded the Nobel prize in Physics practical applications of Einsteins theories now include the development of the television, remote control device, etc. (5)

Question 10.
Fill in the blanks in the following passage choosing the appropriate Words Given in the box.
But, then, and, moreover
Then a monstrous terror seized him
(a) his heart stood still. He could hear nothing
(b) it only lasted a moment. (2)

Question 11.
Read the following excerpt and Write a Precise reducing it to 1/3rd of its length.
Mark twain was once talking to a friend on the subject of courage in men, and spoke of a man Whose name is associated with a book that has become a classic. “I knew him Well,” he said, “and I knew him as a brave man. Yet he once did the most cowardly thing I have ever heard of any man. He was in a shipwreck and, as the ship was going down, he snatched a life belt from a women passenger and put it on himself. He was saved and she was drowned, And in spite of that frightful act, I think he was not a coward, I know there was not a day of his life afterwards when he would not Willingly and in cold blood have given his life to recall that shameful act.”

In this case, the failure was not in moral courage but in physical courage. He was demoralized by the peril, and the physical coward came uppermost. If he had time to recover his moral balance, he would have died an honourable death. It is not a uncommon thing for a man to have in him the elements both of the here and the coward. The true here is he who unites the moral with physical courage. The physical element is the more plentiful. For one man who will count the cost of.sacrifice and having counted it? Pay the price with unfaltering heart, there are many who will answer the sudden call to meet peril with swift defiance. It is inspired by an impulse that takes men out of themselves, and by a certain spirit of challenge to fate that every one with a sporting instinct loves to take. (4)

Question 12.
Imagine that you visited the village of Namuana to witness the strange ritual of turtle calling. Draft a live TV report of the event.
[ Hints: description of the location. Spectators, details of the event etc ] (5)

Question 13.
Rewrite the following conversation between Gupta and the waitress (The Price of flowers) in reported speech.
Gupta : Do you know the girl who was sitting over there?
Waitress : No, sir, I do not know her, to speak of. I’ve noticed she has lunch here on Saturdays.
Gupta : Doesn’t she come on any other day?
Waitress : I never see her on other days? (4)

Question 14.
Stephen Hawking has overcome his crippling disease to become the ‘supernova’ of world  physics. On the occasion of the release of a book on Stephen Hawking, you are asked to deliver a speech describing him to the audience. Prepare the script of the speech. (5)

Question 15.
Read the following excerpt from ‘Is society Dead?’, there are four errors in the passage. Identify the errors and correct them. What we do get from this? The chance to slip away for a while from everydayness, to give your lives its own sound tracks, to still the monotony of the compute, to listen more closely and carefully on music that can lift you up and can keep you go. (4)

(Question. 16 to 18): Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
I had spent the spring of 1912 in Paris studying tropical medicine and making a start at purchasing the supplies that would be needed for Africa. Although I acquired a theoretical : knowledge of my subject at the beginning of my medical studies, it was now time to work at it from a practical point of view. This too, was a new experience. Until then, I had engaged only in intellectual labour.

How much time and trouble it cost me to get together the instruments, the drugs, the bandages, and all the other articles needed to equip a hospital, not to mention all the work we did together to prepare for housekeeping in the primeval forest.
(‘Out of My Life and Thought’ by Albert Schweitzer)

Question 16.
Look at the Word underlined and identify the part of speech. (1)

Question 17.
What is referred to as a new experience? Why is it termed so? (2)

Question 18.
Describe the arrangements made by Albert Schweitzer to equip a hospital. What trait of his character is evident from the passage? (3)

Question 19.
Imagine that you conducted a journey by mountain railway from Mettupalayam to the Nilgiri Hills. Prepare a travel essay based on your train journey. Include descriptions of physical features, practical issues related to the journey, personal impressions, etc..
The View of the Valley was breathtaking and photogenic (6)

Question 20.
Nowadays? our rivers are rapidly getting polluted. Many reasons are cited but seldom are measures adopted to prevent the pollution of rivers. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper highlighting the gravity of the issue. ‘ (6)
Imagine that you have read an article published in a local newspaper titled, ‘Reading Empowers the Learning of English. In response to this article, draft a letter to the editor of this newspaper expressing your views on the topic.

Question 21.
India has faced a number of natural disasters like floods, landslides etc. We may not be
able to avert many of these disasters, but We can definitely mitigate their impact. Prepare an essay on the various stages involved in the effective management of disasters. (8)
The latest World Disaster Report suggests that disasters have increased both in frequency and intensity. Prepare an essay on the increasing rate of natural disasters in India.

Question 22.
Read the poem given below and write a note of appreciation.

by William Blake
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And 1 must seek for mine.
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.
Farewell, green fields and happy groves,
Where flocks have took delight.
Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves
The feet of angels bright;
Unseen they pour blessing,
And joy without ceasing,
On each bud and blossom,
And each sleeping bosom,
They look in every thoughtless nest;
Where birds are covered warm;
They visit caves of every beast,
To keep them all from harm.
If they see any weeping
That should have been sleeping,
They pour sleep on their head,
And sit down by their bed.


Answer 1.
Purple is used in funeral; the all embraing power of death before whom everyone bow.

Answer 2.
The mighty deeds or the glory of human beings are equated with the “Withering of Garlands”. Our head may be decorated with garlands. But these will soon dry and wither away. Therefore let us not boast about our so called mighty deeds. The victorious king will soon become the victim of death. He will be like an animal sacrificed on the altar of death. Bluish red blood will drip from his head.

Answer 3.
Meeting Dr. Abdul Kalam was really a wonderful experience. Now, I feel very confident. He said, “If you become unique, you will succeed.’1 His words ignited my mind. If I had not attended the meeting, I could not have made this change.

Answer 4.
I agree with the statement because human mind always tries to explore new fields of knowledge and cyber space is one among them. It seems easier and more comfortable for the modern psyche to make rules than to obey the set rules because set
rules control them to a great extend. But the rules they make will offer them the freedom to choose what they prefer.

Answer 5.
b. worm

Answer 6.
c. feed

Answer 7.
Gas was pumped into the balloon through the long tube of yellow cloth. Later when the ballon began to move, Captain Jovis and his attendants spread and put the net which covers it in its place so that the pressure] would be regular and equally distributed at every point.

Answer 8.

  • I would prefer Nicholai Ivanich because he is happy in his own way.
  • I like Nicholai Ivanich because he could fulfill his life’s dreams.
  • I would like Nicholai Ivanich’ because he believes in doing good while young I feel
  • Nicholai Ivanich is a better personality because he pursues his goal without any compromise.

Answer 9:
Albert Einstein, one of the most remarkable physicists of our age, was born in 1879 in Germany. At an early age, Hawking showed a passion for science and revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of Science. But he was enthusiastic in various other activities too. He took music lessons and used to play violin and piano. He published his most influential research papers, including the Special Theory of Relativity at the age of twenty six i.e in 1905. He was awarded the nobel prize in Physics in 1921. His inventions in Physics led to many innovative parctical applications which include the development of television, remote control devices etc. His findings ‘ made him the supernova in Physics and the world famous Physicist till date.

Answer 10.
a. and b. but

Answer 11.
True Hero
Citing the example of a man whose name is associated with a classic, Mark Twain once commented to his friend about true courage. In a ship wreck,the man snatched a lifebelt from a lady and escaped, but the lady drowned. In cold blood, he would, forever, regret that shameful act since then. He did it, not because he was a coward. Everyone has both a coward and a hero in him. Here, the failure was not in moral courage, but physical. If he thought in cold blood, he would have died like an honourable man. A true hero unites the physical courage with moral. Many people show heroism in a sudden impulse or with a sporting instinct. But doing sacrifices, knowing its price, is true heroism.

Answer 12.
I am Juano from Star T V, standing at Kadavu in Namuana with cameraman, Ajith Sam. Let me familiarize you with the area. Namuana, as you can see, is a beautiful, quiet village with rocky cliffs on the beach. You can climb a rocky tract, enjoy watching the turtles, have great meals and feel very safe. Many tourists have now gathered here. They are all getting ready for the turtle calling, which is a famous ritual here. Here the women chant a special tune to call turtles.

There is a story connected to this legend. Once, the beautiful Princess Tinaicoboga and her daughter were seized by a group of fishermen, as they were wading in the water. The women cried, but the warriors only laughed at the women’s tears and pleas. The people here say that the gods sent a mighty storm and tossed the canoe. The fishermen saw the women turning into two giant sea turtles.

The turtles slipped into the water and the sea grew calm. The Fijians still believe that forever afterward, Tinaicoboga and Raudalice lived in the waters of that bay.
You can see the women of the Namuana village, dressed in mourning clothes and carrying sacred clubs as they walk to the shore. See, they are chanting to their beloved turtles. Let’s see what happens.  Oh, wonderful. As the women chant, the giant turtles rise to the surface of the bright blue waters of this beautiful bay beneath the cliffs of Kadavu. Don’t you feel excied to go near and see the turtles come up? It’s true, you will see.

Answer 13.
Gupta asked the waitress whether she knew the girl who had been sitting over there.
The witress replied that to speak of, she did not know her and that she had noticed she had lunch there on Saturdays. Gupta again asked whether she didn’t come on any other day.The waitress then answered that she never saw her on other days.

Answer 14.
Honourable dignitaries on and off the dais, and my dear friends, Almost everyone wishes to be successful and all of us feel proud of the successful people. But no one ever tries to see how the so called successful people have become successful. Success is not a matter of luck, nor is it easily attained. It needs a lot of effort and determination. It needs the power to dare challenges. The life of Stephen Hawking, the world renowned astrophysicist teaches us this. Let me take this opportunity to introduce him to you. Stephen Hawking has earned an international

reputation as the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein. He is an insightful, absorbing, and inspiring person of extraordinary courage who dared his challenges and the threatening disease with his strong will power. His life
and works bear witness to his brilliant mind. He was not a born prodigy. Many a times he met with border line results. At age of 21, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It was devastating news for Hawking and his family. A few events, however, prevented him from becoming completely pessimistic.
In a sense, Hawking’s disease helped him become the noted scientist he is today. With the sudden realization that he might not even live long enough to earn his Ph.D, Hawking poured himself into his work and research and despite his devastating illness, he has done ground-breaking work in physics and cosmology, and his several books have helped to make science accessible to everyone.

Today, we are releasing his book A Brief History of Time.’ The book articulates the physicist’s personal search for science’s Holy Grail: a single unifying theory that can combine cosmology with quantum mechanics to explain how the universe began. Dear sir, my hearty congratulations and I wish that you may continue giving such valuable contributions in future too.

I really wonder, how he could do all these and become the supernova of physics even against your handicaps. Of course his life will be a source of inspiration to us all. I wish everyone has the courage to face life boldly like this, and then the world will be a different one.
Thank you.

Answer 15.
What do we get from this? The chance to slip away from the everydayness, to give your lives its own sound tracks, to still the monotony of the commute, to listen more closely and carefully to music that can lift you up and can keep you going.

Answer 16.

Answer 17.
To work from a practical point of view. It is termed as a new experience because till then he had engaged only in intellectual labour.

Answer 18.
Albert Sweitzer took great pains to get together the instruments, the drugs, the bandages and all the other articles needed in the primeval forest. This shows his sincere dedication for his service.

Answer 19.
Ooty, the mysty haven is nestled among the mountains valleys of the Nilgiri Hills, ranging part of Tamil Nadu. The view of the valley was breathtaking and phogenic. The journey by mountain railway from Mettupalayam to the Nilgiri Hills was really enchanting.

Clean and pristine, enchanting and hypnotizing, this valley is filled with scenic beauty and culture. As you pass by, you feel the cool fog touching you with its tender arms. The tall Eucaliptus tress growing rich on either side give us a soothing experience. The valley seems to be passing very close by. The train itself is designed in such a way that the whole panoramic beauty is visible as if on a canvas.

Mountains and forests intersperse and the drive is radically different as it has long winding tracks, monkeys lumbering down trees for crumbs and astonishing valley views that jump up every few minutes to surprise you. The cliffs and the narrow tracks are sometimes dangerous. One must be very cautious not to get out of the speeding train.

The climate also may be found extreme, especially to people from Kerala.
Ooty can be aptly called the abode of Tamil Nadu’s centre of attraction. The evergreen forests and tea plantations wrapped in rising mists, shimmering in every shade of green, blue and brown engulfs your senses only to calm them a moment but later welcome to Ooty, where nature still has her roots deeply set in.

Answer 20.
a. Rupali Tharun, Pranavam,
5/15 High Street, Alappuzha.
30th May 2016
The Editor,
The City Cronide,

Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the public and the authorities to a very important concern of Kerala. The water in most of our rivers is highly polluted. The pollution of river water is caused by the dumping of untreated sewage and industrial wastes. In addition to sewage and industrial wastes, pollution is also caused by other human activities like bathing, washing of clothes, animals etc. The industries also discharge chemical effluents into the river water. The toxicity of these chemical effluents kills the fish in many parts of the river. Pollutions also leads to scarcity of pure drinking water.

1 shall be happy if you could project this problem through the valuable pages of your newspaper. Hope, the Government would take note of the matter and take some drastic steps to adopt measures to prevent water pollution.

Yours truly,
Sd /-
Rupali Tharun.

b. Rupali Tharun, Pranavam,
5/15 High Street, Alappuzha.
30th May 2016
The Editor,
The City Cronicle,

Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, 1 would like to draw the attention of the public to a matter of great importance in the present day. In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country, India needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. How can one improve one’s fluency in English? Of all techniques, Reading comes first. But now-a-days the habit of reading is getting diminished, especially with the introduction of smart phones, tabs and the growing accessibility of internet. But people have to realise that it is only reading that empowers the learning of english.

I shall be happy if you could project this thought through the valuable pages of your newspaper. Hope, that everyone would take note of the matter and adopt some drastic measures to improve reading habit.

Yours truly,
Rupali Tharun.

Answer 21.
a. Effective management of Disasters Disasters, both natural and man made, have become a challenge for all humanity and people become vulnerable as the intensity and frequency increase, ft affects both developing . and developed countries equally.
There are both direct and indirect impacts for disasters like destruction and death, failure of lifeline support systems, severe stress experienced by health care and hospitals, disturbance in commercial and economic activities etc. which make the situation drastic. The poor sections are the most affected usually.

There are many causes for disasters. Defects in the construction of building are the major reasons for high risk due to disasters. The scenaro in the developing countries is worse as only 30% buildings are constructed in accordance with rules. Lack of master- plan and inferior quality of building materials also aggravate the situation.

We cannot avert or avoid disasters. But we can adopt measures to mitigate the gravity. Destruction can be minimized if private and public buildings adhere to master plan and constructed in accordance with rules and good quality materials are used. Existing buildings also should be technically assessed and people concerned are to be informed. Purpose of management in India is not prevention, but reduction of impact.

State government plays major role and should ensure effective functioning of state level committee. Central government has got only a facilitating role i.e to coordinate crisis management committee and provide support like defense services, air dropping, rescuing, searching, transport of relief goods, conveyance etc. Rehabilitation of victims is an integral part of disaster management.

Disasters are non- routine events and therefore need non- routine responses for effective management. Proper coordination among different departments is needed to bring speedy relief. Rescue teams should have additional skills, and should be equipped with latest technology.

b. Increasing rate of natural disasters in India. Disasters, both natural and man made, have become a challenge for all humanity and people become vulnerable as the intensity and

frequency increase. It affects both developing and developed countries equally.
Floods are becoming more common and droughts the deadliest; especially in India, China and Bangladesh. India is highly prone to disasters because of its geographical location and geological formation, long coastline, snow-clad peaks, high mountain ranges, and perennial rivers and as it has only 2% of worlds geographical area but has to support 18% population, and naturally pressure on natural resources lead to disasters. Landslides, floods, droughts, earthquakes, heat waves, hailstorms, cyclones, heavy winds, soil erosion, sea erosion, tsunami are the different kinds of disasters in India. Tsunami of 2004, Bhopal gas tragedy, Gujarat earthquake in 2001, Mumbai- Gujarat floods in 2005, Utterakhand flash floods and hurricane Phailin in 2013 are some of the major disasters that hit our country.

There are both direct and indirect impacts for disasters like destruction and death, failure of lifeline support systems, severe stress experienced by health care and hospitals, disturbance in commercial and economic activities etc. which make the situation drastic. The poor sections are the most affected usually. Destruction can be minimized if everyone adheres to the rules and take initiatives for reduction of disasters. Purpose of management in India is not prevention, but reduction of impact.

State government plays major role and should ensure effective functioning of state level committee. Central government has got only a facilitating role i.e to coordinate crisis management committee and provide support like defense services, air dropping, rescuing, searching, transport of relief goods, conveyance’etc. Rehabilitation of victims is an integral part of disaster management.

Disasters are non- routine events and therefore need non- routine responses for effective management. Proper coordination among different departments is needed to bring speedy relief. Rescue teams should have additional skills, and should be equipped with latest technology

Answer 22.
William Blake’s poem ‘Night’ begins by looking at the setting sun and sees the evening star. Like the birds now quiet in their nest, , too, must go to bed. She sees the moon as shining indulgently on the earth at sleep.

The poet says farewell to the daytime and the green fields and groves where sheep have grazed. Now, where the lambs grazed angels .tread, blessing everything that is growing and sleeping. The angels’ activities are presented beautifully. They check nests; they check on all the animals, keeping them from harm and give sleep to any in distress, keeping watch by their bed. They weep when they find wolves and tigers howling for prey and try to drive away their hunger. If these beasts nevertheless catch their prey, the angels take the dead animals to a new life which is admittedly heaven.

At last, the poet express the nature of this new life or in a sense’ new worlds’. It is a place of universal peace in which ‘the lion will lie down with the lamb’. The lion asserts the gentle humility and wholesome purity of Christ as we see in the line the ‘him who bore thy name’ i.e. the Lamb of God, has driven out anger and sickness from this new place of endless day. The lion is now no longer the predator but the guard/shepherd. He can lie down beside the lamb and sleep, or think about Jesus’ sufferings, full of tenderness towards the bleating, gentle lamb.

The poem draws on pastoral imagery, looking at harmony between nature and human beings. The contrasts of day, followed by night, followed by eternal day, stress only the positive aspects of each which could be seen as demonstrating the inadequacy of innocence. Blake also employs a wealth of biblical allusion.

In the poem ‘Night’, William Blake uses mainly figurative language, rhyme Contents and literary elements such as simile and metaphor. Tone and speaker both change as the poem develops. The main aspect of this poem goes along with the poetry style of William Blake, which usually involves biblical terms and references to angels.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Kerala Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2017

General Instructions to Candidates

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 1/2 hrs.
  • You are neither allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and the only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Question 1.
“There were white wires hanging down from their ears or tucked into pockets, purses or jackets. The eyes were a little vacant. Each was in his or her own musical world….”
Looking at the iPod people, Andrew Sullivan commented like this in his essay, ‘Is Society Dead’.
You would like to post a similar comment on your social networking site. Draft the comment about the new generation, who have become addicts of mobile phones and such ‘ gadgets.

Question 2.
Read the following notice. Certain words are left blank. Complete the notice by supplying the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.


All students of Plus Two (ask) to return the library books on or before 28th February. Those who fail to return books (not give) admit cards for the Final Examination.

(Q. 3 to 5): Read the following excerpt from the story, “The Serang of Ranaganji’ and answer the following questions.

“The Huntress from Cheltenham swung round, bent her wit, her fascinations upon me. Where did you keep him during the entire voyage? Doctor dear? In a special cage?”

Question 3.
Who is referred to as Huntress’ here?

Question 4.
Who does she speak about in the passage?

Question 5.
What do you learn about the lady’s character from this comment?

Question 6.
On seeing his friends Ivan and Bourkin, Aliokin made the following comments. Report the dialogue.

‘You cannot imagine how glad I am to see you, gentlemen’, said Aliokin, coming after them into the hall. ‘Pelagueya’, he said to the maid, ‘give my friends a change of clothes’. Then, walking to the bathing shed he asked, ‘wouldn’t you like to come to the bathing shed?”

Question 7.
Bring out the message of the lines from the poem, ‘If by Rudyard Kipling.
“If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop to build them up with worn-out tools
…you’ll be a Man, my son!”

Question 8.
Most people believe that walking is a good physical exercise. They raise the following arguments to substantiate their view.

  • Walking strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Walking helps to lose weight as 75 calories of fat are burned by walking at 2mph for 30 minutes.
  • Walking gives energy and a brisk walk is one of the best natural energizers around

But you support Max Beerbohm who objects walking for walking’s sake. What arguments would you raise to contradict those who support walking? Write three points which explains why you hate walking.

Question 9.
Choose appropriate words from the box to complete the captain’s briefing of a balloon journey.
After, while, although, along, probably, but
(a) ………………… briefing a balloon journey which they were just about to start. the pilot said, there are no seats, forget seat belts, no emergency exits, no engines, no life jackets or oxygen masks; only a landing stance that one must take when told to do so. The destination is unknown, (b) ………………… an open field with no obstructions, somewhere on the outskirts of the town. (c) ………………… the takeoff is smooth and (d) ………………… you know it, you are floating in the air, rising steadily’.

Question 10.
Here is a timeline of Albert Einstein’s life. Go through it carefully and prepare his short profile.

  • 1879 Born to Hermann Einstein and Pauline in Ulm, Germany.
  • 1895 Joins High School
  • 1896 Graduates from High School and enrolls at the ETH (the Federal Polytechnic School) in Zurich.
  • 1900 Graduates from the ETH
  • 1905 Publishes, five groundbreaking papers, miracle year-introduces theory of relativity and another E = me2.
  • 1912 Moves to Zurich, becomes Professor of Theoretical Physics at the ETH
  • 1915 General theory of relativity
  • 1917 Collapses from exhaustion, falls seriously ill.
  • 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 1955 Dies of heart failure on April 18

Question 11.
Greta, in the story, ‘Conceptual Fruit’, reminds us that everything we do every therapy, encouraging word, smile or care will make a difference in the life of differently abled children. What type of schooling, do you think, is good for such children – mainstream schools or special schools? Imagine that you want to communicate your views about this to the public. Draft an e-mail to the editor of a leading newspaper.

(Hints: Not enough adaptive and cognitive skills – fail to follow group instructions – requires greater attention and individual care – need support from allied health professionals)

Question 12.
The passengers on board the ship, Titanic, were really moved by the heroism of the crew, who were duty-bound even at the face of death. Narrate the tragic end of the Titanic, from the point of view of one of the passengers who got escaped the wreck.

Question 13.
“Then Jovis nudges me; he fears to frighten his happy, quiet passengers, for he knows full well that a storm is pursuing us”, says Maupassant. Here we see the trait of an ideal leader in the captain. What other traits of the captain, as a good team leader, do you find in the story, “The Trip of Le Horla’? Sketch the character of captain for is in about sixty words.

(Q.14 to 16): Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

There is a famous expression in English: “Stop the world, I want to get off!” This expression refers to a feeling of panic, or stress ‘Stress’ means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life.

There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart, the respiratory system, and the stomach. Emotions are also easily affected by stress. Stress can make people angry, moody or nervous. Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Addictions often develop as a result of one’s efforts to relieve stress. It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emotions. Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health and well-being of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds.

Question 14.
Which one of the following is NOT a common problem caused by stress?
a. Physical problems
b. Mental problems
c. Anecdotal problems
d. Emotional problems

Question 15.
Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by stress.
a. Alcohol is used to relieve stress
b. Alcohol is popular
c. Alcohol is a chemical
d. Alcohol is similar to medicine

Question 16.
Why is it said that one should reduce stress and rest for some time?

Question 17.
Wordsworth’s poem “To Sleep’ tells us how important it is to have a sound sleep in order to remain mentally and physically fit. But we know that getting a good night’s sleep requires more than crawling into bed and closing your eyes. Write a short article on ‘Sleep’, in about seventy-five words, for your school magazine.

Question 18.
Mr. Gupta, in the story, ‘The Price of Flowers’ attracts everybody’s attention. Imagine that he visits your town for an official meeting of the civil service officers. He has consented to give you an appointment to interview him. Prepare five questions you would like to ask him.

Question 19.
Certain highlights of a terrorist attack, sent by a reporter from abroad, are given below. Imagine that you are a journalist in the bureau. Develop the highlights into a news report to be published in your newspaper.
Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 1


Natural Disasters usually creates havoc and misery. This year monsoon turns out to be a bad omen for the poor residents of Kuttanad.

Certain highlights of the flood-affected Kuttanad, sent by a reporter, are given below. Imagine that you are a journalist in the bureau. Develop the highlights into a news report to be published in your newspaper.
Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 2
Question 20.
“I shall work for an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony… This is the India of my dreams”, says Mahatma Gandhi. How far has his dream been realized? Keeping in mind the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s dreams in the present scenario, prepare an essay on the topic ‘Importance of religious tolerance in national integration’.


“I shall work for an India in which …. there can be no room for the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs… This is the India of. my dreams”, says Mahatma Gandhi. How far has his dream been realized? Keeping in mind the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s dreams in the present scenario, prepare an essay on the topic ‘Increasing drug abuse-a menace of the day’.

Question 21.
The literary club of your school has decided to celebrate Dr. Kalam’s birthday as World Students’ Day. In connection with the celebrations, the club is conducting an oratory training programme for higher secondary students to develop their skill and eloquence in public speaking. You, being the secretary of the club, are asked to deliver a speech to motivate them. Draft the script of the speech you would like to deliver there in the light of your reading of the story, ‘His First Flight’.

Question 22.
Read the poem Azure and Gold by Amy Lowell and prepare a note of appreciation.
Azure and Gold
by Amy Lowell

April had covered the hills
With flickering yellows and reds,
The sparkle and coolness of snow
Was blown from the mountain beds

Across a deep – sunken stream
The pink of blossoming trees,
And from windless apple blooms
The humming of many bees.

The air was of rose and gold
Arabesqued with the song of birds
Who, swinging unseen under leaves,
Made music more eager than words.

Blue-birds so blue.’t was a dream,
An impossible, unconceived hue,
The high sky of summer dropped down
Some rapturous ocean to woo.

Such a color, such infinite light!
The heart of a fabulous gem,
Many-faceted, brilliant and rare.
Centre Stone of the earth’s diadem!

Centre Stone of the Crown of the World,
“Sincerity” graved on your youth!
And your eyes hold the blue-bird flash,
The sapphire shaft, which is a truth.

(azure = bright blue colour; flicker = shine; arabesque = dancing posture; hue = colour; rapturous = joyous; woo = try to gain a woman’s love ; diadem = jeweled crown)


Answer 1.

  • If the trend continues, young people will soon be incapable of forming and maintaining relationships without the help of a mobile.
  • Cell phones have become this security blanket of this generation.

Answer 2.
Are asked, Will not be given.

Answer 3.
Joe Smith.

Answer 4.
Hasan/The Serang.

Answer 5.
The lady, Miss Jope Smith proved herself to be an animal. She could not see the serang as a human being. She treated the Serang (Hasan) insultingly.

Answer 6.
Coming after Ivan and Bourkin (them) into the hall, Aliokin told they couldn’t imagine how glad he was to see them. He then toldPelagueya, the maid, to give his friends change of clothes. Then walking to the bathing shed he asked them whether they would like to go to the bathing shed.

Answer 7.
The speaker is telling the listener that we have to bear the tough situations where we see that our speech or statement is distorted by someone to befool others. Very often we see that people misinterpret or even deliberately distort our words to use it in their favor. We should not lose our temper on hearing that. Rather we should tolerate that, ensuring we have spoken the truth. We have to hold our nerves even after seeing that our favorite thing that we built with all our effort and time is broken. Then we have to pick up the scattered parts and build it all over again. This is another key to get to the top of the world.

Answer 8.

  • No matter, how much you slice it, walking takes time.
  • Walking does not burn as many calories as other higher intensity forms of exercise.

Walking long distances on concrete or asphalt can cause shin splints which is an injury to your lower leg.

Answer 9.
a. After
b. Probably
c. While/but
d. Although/While

Answer 10.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in 1879 to Hermann Einstein and Pauline in Ulm, Germany. In 1895 he joined high school. He was graduated from High School and enrolled at the ETH (the Federal Polytechnic School) in Zurich in 1896. In 1900 Einstein was graduated from the ETH. In the year 1905, known as miracle year he published fire groundbreaking papers. They included the theory of relativity and the famous equation E=mc2. He moved to Zurich in 1912 and became the professor of Theoretical Physics at the ETH. The general theory of relativity was published by Einstein in 1915. In 1917 he collapsed from exhaustion and fell seriously ill. He was awarded the Nobel Prize i in Physics in 1921. He died of Heart failure on 1 April 18, 1955.

Answer 11.
cc :
Subject: Regarding the upliftment of disabled children

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your notice the difficulties faced by differently abled children in our society. Children with physical and mental dis- I abilities experience personal limitation; in I social, psychological and economic spheres, j Disabled children stand out as different, and ‘ may become targets for bullying and mockery. According to my opinion, special schools are considered very practical and more beneficial to those children who are educable. The child goes to school for a fixed time only and makes social progress too. The special services of trained teachers, nurses and social workers should be made available to them, to provide guidance and counseling along with giving instructions in functional skills. Learning should be according to the choice of the child and it is the responsibility of the family, community and the medical people to recognize j the problem of differently-abled children. They j should have equal opportunities to participate j in making their life happy and contribute to the nation-building programmes. I hope that you will make the public aware of this fact through the columns of your esteemed daily.

With regards,

Answer 12.
Titanic the largest and grandest of all the ships started her voyage from Southampton. She ! was the best ship man ever made. It was her first voyage when suddenly a ghostly white form appeared in the utter darkness of the night. It was a huge mountain of ice. It hit the ship, making the entire ship shiver. The ship began to sink. All of us knew that the ship was sinking. Captain Smith, the commander of the ship was a brave man. Instead of saving his life, he stood on the bridge and told his crew that they were British and they should remember their country and do their duty. The lifeboats were lowered and women and children were sent away to safety. The crew was helpless and they had no hopes of saving themselves.

The Titanic sank from sight as the band played ’Nearer my God to Thee’. It was indeed a grand scene. The ship was sinking but the band was playing.

Answer 13.
Captain Jovis
Captain Jovis was one among the five members who set out on a balloon voyage in the ‘Le Horla’. Everything went on smooth during the journey until a storm followed them closely. All the passengers were alarmed, but captain Jovis was the person who stood strong. He knew that the sound they heard during the journey was that of a storm coming. He did not want to frighten the passengers. So he told them that it was the sound of waterfalls. The captain s behavior can be justified. He knew that if the passengers were frightened, they would do something foolish and it would be dangerous.

Answer 14.
c. Anecdotal problems

Answer 15.
a. Alcohol is used to relieve stress

Answer 16.

  • Stress has a bad influence on health.
  • Stress can make people angry, moody or nervous.

Answer 17.
It is everyone’s dream to wake up fresh, happy and ready for action on a daily basis. Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body characterized by altered consciousness. A well-known feature of sleep is the dream, an experience typically recounted in a narrative. During sleep, most of the body systems are in an anabolic state, helping to restore the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. Humans may suffer from various sleep disorders including dyssomnias, sleepwalking, sleep apnea and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. It may seem obvious that sleep is beneficial. Even without fully grasping what sleep does for us, we know that going without sleep too long makes us feel terrible and getting a good night’s sleep can make us feel better.

Answer 18.

  • Sir why was your attention drawn to the English girl Maggie?
  • Sir, why did you accept the shilling given by Maggie?
  • What did you feel when you faced Mrs. Clifford after the death of Frank?
  • What is your opinion about superstitions? Do you believe in them?
  • Do you contact Maggie still?

Answer 19.
Terrorist attack in Paris
June 21, 2017 – Paris attacks kill 128 people. Ambulances were seen racing back and forth in the early hours of Saturday and hundreds of survivors were evacuated in police buses. The hospitals in Paris were overwhelmed with wounded people. The police said that are .chances for further attacks. Though the mastermind of the attack is identified, the police have not revealed much about the incident. NGOs are working ineffectively for the rescue of the people. Strict police protection is provided in suspected areas of terrorist attack. The Nation paid homage to the victims of terror attacks.


Kerala’s rice bowl Kuttanad hit by floods July 20, 2017: Over 2000 homes have been damaged and almost 50 percent of the crops have been destroyed. Adding to the woes of the residents is the lack of clean drinking water here. It has been reported that 2 people have lost their lives. The collapse of sanitary facilities within indunated homes results in human feces mixing with the river. Many roads have been washed away and electricity failure is experienced in many houses of the natives. The rescue works are in progress in the flood affected area. The rescuers are doing their best to evacuate the trapped people to safer places. Besides, they are also providing medical care to the affected persons.

Answer 20.
Importance of religious tolerance in National Integration In National Integration refers to the perception of single national, identity among people of a country belonging to various races, castes, and religion. Communal Harmony is the most important pre-condition for the feeling of unity and National Integration in India. Mahatma Gandhi was a person who believed in judging people of other faiths from their standpoint rather than his own. He welcomed contact of Hinduism with other religions especially Christian doctrines for he did not want to be debarred from as simulating good anywhere else. He believed that the respectful study of others religion was a sacred duty. He expected religion to take account of practical life. He believed that it was his right and duty to point out the defects of his own religion. Religious tolerance is a necessity for individuals within a society to get along, especially when a variety of cultures and people with different religious beliefs live in one community or nation. When religious tolerance is practiced, unity and consistency exist in a society that respects religious freedom.

Religious tolerance also teaches individuals to be more loving and trusting while enacting the trait of love thy neighbor and thy enemy. Subscribing to the philosophy or religious tolerance does not mean that all individuals must agree with other religious views or accepts another faith as their own. Religious tolerance involves allowing others to practice their faith without interruption, harassment or discrimination. Without religious tolerance, members of different religious faiths often find themselves as the target for hatred, disrespect, discrimination and violence.


In our society, the menace of drug abuse and addiction is fast catching up the youngsters and teenagers. Everyday there are reports in Newspapers how the racket of drug traffickers are caught. There are international gangs operating in drug trafficking as it gives ready and big money. The addiction to drugs is also a growing menace. It has a negative effect on the mental and physical health of the individual. The drug addict is not looked upon with respect in society. June 26 is celebrated as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking every year. It is an exercise undertaken by the would community to sen-sitize the people in general and the youth in particular, to the menace of drugs.

Besides damaging health, Drug abuse has several side effects such as economic loss, antisocial behaviour such as stealing, violence and crime besides social stigma and the overall downfall of the society.

To prevent our society from drug abuse. The following must be done.

  • Focus on prevention and health promotion – Cultivation of healthy life style through balanced nutrition, exercise, proper rest and recreation, cultivation of creative hobbies and positive thinking helps in preventing bad habits.
  • The practice of Yoga and meditation are highly beneficial in both preventing drug use or to some extent in rehabilitating people who are drug addicts.
  • Self help groups – These may help the patient to meet other people with the same problem, which often boosts motivation.

Answer 21.
A very warm welcome to all present here. Thank you for being here today. As we have decided to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Kalam as World Students day I would like to deliver a motivational speech first of all I would like to share the experience of reading the story ‘His first flight’ with you. The story is first flight highlights the importance of independence, self belief and confidence and the need for motivation to attain goals. Necessity is always the mother of invention, but it sometime needs an initial spark from outside. The story is also a metaphorical assertion that everyone needs to be independent even while staying involved in family life. But the joy of independence is not meant for cowards. From an educator’s point of view ‘His First Flight’ shows how to tactfully impart motivation. This story is a true parable about overcoming fears in life.

Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. But that single step is the most difficult one to make. Conquer the fear and venture forth; and we realize that we were born with wings. Abdul Kalam our former president had a great vision to change India into a developed nation. Kalam tells us that by being ourselves we can be unique. The first advice that he gives students is to have no fear about the future. The second quality you need is confidence. In order to develop confidence yous, should have a determination and should work hard. You should also be optimistic. With this, I end up my speech. I wish you all great success in the future.

Answer 22.
Azure and gold by Amy lowell effectively dis-plays the theme of beautiful nature. Lowell compares the nature to “The heart of a fabu-lous gem” which is brilliant and colourful, giving the reader great visuals with words. Alliteration was constantly used in the poem to create a gentle tone to express nature. It ap-pears in the line “blue-birds so blue” with the beginning letter to appear three times in a row repeating the same sound. This is effective in keeping fluency in the poem making it easy to read.

Another alliteration presented in the poem is “Made music more eager than words”. Again, the sound at the beginning of words is repeated three times in a row but in this case, ‘m’ is used. Several more alliterations appear in the poem and all serve the purpose to create a smooth, and gentle tone to support the theme of beautiful nature.

In addition to alliteration, rhymes also convey the theme by creating a pleasant intonation and ease when read. An example of a rhyme in the poem is “With flickering yellow and reds, (2nd line) and was blown from the mountain beds (4th line). At the end of the lines the words reds and beds rhyme. The rhyme scheme used in the poem. ‘Azure and Gold’ is abed. Lastly, imagery depicts the theme of “Azure and Gold” appealing strongly to visual senses. Examples are such a colours, such infinite light.

Imagery was created in these lines to show that nature is so colourful and bright in such a way that it looks like a fabulous gem. Imagery is used to provide the readers with well detailed pictures portraying the theme.

In summary, the theme is beautiful nature supported by alliteration, rhymes, and imagery. Alliteration and rhymes provide the poem with fluency and ease when read. Imagery throughout the poem display the visual images using words describing nature.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Kerala Plus One English Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Time Allowed: 2 1/2 hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions to Candidates

  • There is a ‘Cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.
  • Use the ‘Cool off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • Calculations, figures, and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except nonprogrammable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

(Questions 1 – 6): All questions are compulsory. Each carries two scores.

Question 1.
In his essay, ‘Is Society Dead?’, Andrew Sullivan speaks about the many things that the ‘iPod generation’ misses. Ours is now a ‘smartphone generation’. What are the little pleasures of life missed by the new generation, when they are too involved with their smartphones? Write your responses in two sentences.

(Questions 2 & 3) : Read the lines from the poem, ‘The Wreck of the Titanic’ and answer the questions that follow.

And with these down the corridors of all time,
The Titanic’s story shall sound sublime,
For never was courage more noble and true,
Then was shown on that night, by the Titanic’s Crew.

Question 2.
Why is it said that the Titanic’s story shall-sound sublime?

Question 3.
Whose courage is mentioned here?

(Questions 4 – 6): Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow.

Some people travel on business, some in search of health. But it is neither the sickly nor the men of affairs who fill the Grand hotels and the pockets of their proprietors. It is those who travel for pleasure as the phrase goes. Tourists are, in the main, a very gloomy-looking tribe. One wonders why they come abroad.

The fact is that very few travelers really like traveling. If they go to the trouble and expense of traveling, it is not so much from curiosity, for fun, or because they like to see things beautiful and strange, as out of a kind of snobbery. People travel for the same reason as they collect works of art: because the best people do it. To have been to certain spots on the earth’s surface is socially correct; and having been there, one is superior to those who have not. Moreover, traveling gives one something to talk about when one gets home, The subjects of conversation are not so numerous that one can neglect an opportunity of adding to one’s store.

Question 4.
Pick out the words that have the meaning ‘to neglect’ and ‘curiosity’ from the options given below.
to miss, to mix, inquisitiveness, uncertainty

Question 5.
Why, according to the author, do people travel?

Question 6.
The writer tells us that people who travel rarely find happiness. Do you agree with this statement? Give your comments.

(Questions 7 – 10): Answer any three questions. Each carries four scores.

Question 7.
Reread the excerpt given above (for Questions 4 – 6) and write a precis reducing the passage into 1/3rd of its length.

Question 8.
If the victim of abuse is a woman, she has to carry its stigma and shame all her life. So, women, victims do not even mention the atrocities they face. In the Sacred Turtles of Kadavu, we see that the two women from Namuana were changed into turtles to escape from the fishermen from Nabukalevu. If they had come back, how should the society have received them? Write an email to your friend on how society can help victims of abuse to succeed in life.

Question 9.
In the story, ‘His First Flight’, the writer tells us about the first victory in the life of the young seagull. The helping hand for the maiden flight was extended by his mother. Have you not received such support in your life too? Narrate your experience in a paragraph.

Question 10.
The passage given below is an extract from a motivational speech. Fill in the blanks using appropriate forms of the words given in the brackets. Everybody is unique. If you, (be) confident enough to break the shackles of uncertainty, you will be successful. Don’t brood over your past failures. I you (fail) in the past, you would learn lessons from it. If you (Pass) in all your attempts very easily, you would have been satisfied with those successes and (sit) simply with those.

(Questions 11 – 20): Answer any eight questions. Each carries five scores.

Question 11.
Read the statements given below about the narrator in the story, ‘The Serang of Ranagangi’.

  • Young and inexperienced in my profession, I had not learned to control my feelings.
  • Indeed, as I viewed my own outlook towards the future, my passionate desire for success and wealth, I was conscious of a secret shame.
  • Silence a vision of the Serang’s nobility rising before me. Attempt a character sketch of the narrator in a paragraph on the basis of the statements given above and the impressions you have formed from reading the story.

Question 12.
The recent Ockhi disaster wreaked havoc in the lives of hundreds of people in coastal Kerala. The tragedy warns us that our weather forecasting technology needs to improve. Write a letter to the editor of a popular daily expressing your concern over the delay in the forecasts and the need for better technology and more proactive staff.

Question 13.
Read the lines from the poem, ‘Sunrise on the Hills’ given below.
If thou wouldst read a lesson, that will keep Thy heart from fainting and thy soul from sleep Go to the woods and hills! More than a nature poem, it sounds like a plea for an escape from daily worries and concerns. Do you agree? Write your comments in a paragraph of 75 words.

Question 14.
In the poem, To Sleep’, William Wordsworth speaks about his experience of staying sleepless at night. Give five suggestions for a sound sleep.

Question 15.
You are a travel guide and you are assigned the task of preparing a travel info by the tour and travel coordinator of the travel agency you work with. Prepare a travel info of a place of your choice focusing on the facilities of transportation, major attractions, food, etc.

Question 16.
Edit the following passage.
‘The Price of Flowers’ are a story wrote by Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay. It speaks about the selfless love of a fourteen-year girl towards her family. The title indicates that though she sacrifices only a shilling, it have a far greater worth. The price of flowers cannot be measure.

Question 17.
The story, ‘Gooseberries’ tells us how Nicholai Ivanich attains his goal and long cherished dream. If you were a reporter, how would you cover the success story of Nicholai? Write the newspaper report, giving it a suitable title.

Question 18.
After reading the story, ‘Conceptual Fruit1 your class conducts a group discussion on the topic, ‘Differently abled Children and Technology’. As the member who initiates the discussion, what would you say? Write your views on the topic in a paragraph.

Question 19.
Given below are the details in the life of Martin Luther King. Prepare his profile using the details.
Birth: 15th January 1929 in Atlanta, U.S.
Education: Morehouse College, University of Boston
Career: Activist
Spouse: Coretta Scott
Awards: Nobel Peace Prize (1964), Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977, posthumous)
Known for: Civil Rights Movement, Peace Movement
Died: 5th April 1968 by gunshot wound to head

Question 20.
Study the poster given below. Now, write your reflections on the idea conveyed through this poster on the basis of your reading the essay, ‘Going Out For a Walk’.

(Questions 21 – 23): Answer any two questions. Each carries eight scores.

Question 21.
He (Gandhiji) sent us to the villages, and the countryside hummed with the activity of innumerable messengers of the new gospel of action”, says Jawaharlal Nehru. Write an essay on the topic, ‘India lives in its villages’.
(Hints: Self-sustenance in food – importance of agricultural prosperity – farming – development – boost to the economy).

Question 22.
The poem, ‘Death the Leveller’ undermines war heroism. Prepare the script of a speech on the topic, ‘War creates woes and not heroes’ to be delivered in the school assembly in connection with Hiroshima Day.

Question 23.
Read the poem given below and attempt an appreciation of the poem.


Edgar Guest
Figure it out for yourself, my lad,
You’ve all that the greatest of men have had,
Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,
And a brain to use if you would be wise.
With this equipment, they all began,
So start for the top and say “I can”.

Look them over, the wise and great,
They take their food from a common plate
And similar knives and forks they use,
With similar laces, they tie their shoes,
The world considers them brave and smart.

But you’ve all they had when they made their start.
You can triumph and come to skill,
You can be great if only you will,
You’re well equipped for what fight you choose,
You have legs and arms and a brain to use,
And the man who has risen, great deeds to do
Began his life with no more than you.

Courage must come from the soul within,
The man must furnish the will to win,
So figure it out for yourself, my lad,
You were born with all that the great have had,
With your equipment, they all began.
Get hold of yourself, and say: “I can”.


Answer 1.
The overuse of smartphone hinder Real Human interaction. Our younger generation is usually less capable of normal socializing. They have gotten so little practice that they are simply not comfortable with chatting with someone they meet in public. Since humans are social creatures by nature who need real life connections, this runs the risk of becoming a huge problem for society.

Answer 2.
The story of the Titanic sounded sublime be-cause never was courage more noble and true than that of the people of the ship

Answer 3.
Titanic’s Crew

Answer 4.
to neglect to miss curiosity – inquisitiveness

Answer 5.
Some people travel on business, some in search of health. But it is neither the sickly nor the men of affairs who fill the Grand hotels and the pockets of their proprietors.

Answer 6.
Yes, I agree with this statement. We all have stress and tension in our lives. Traveling forces us to temporarily disconnect from our normal routine and it helps us appreciate the things and people you have around.

Answer 7.
Some people travel on business while others in search of health. But those of who travel for pleasure fill the Grand hotels and the pockets of their proprietors. Only very few travelers like traveling. Moreover, traveling gives one something to talk about when one gots home. The subjects of conversation are little so one can neglect an opportunity of adding to one’s store.

Answer 8.
Hi Veena,

Hope you are doing good. Nowadays women are feeing a lot of abuse today. But the sad fact is that no action is taken to prevent such abuses. One of the primary things a survivor of violence needs is for you to sit and listen sincerely. Just listen to what they have to say and allow them to be truly heard. If the survivor decide to move forward with seeking help and healing offer to drive them or accompany them to any of the agencies that will provide them with the help such as the hospital for a medical or a forensic exam. One of the ways you can support rape survivors and show your support is attend a community went that is bringing awareness to sexual assault and offering support. Only then we can bring a change in the problems women are facing today.

With Regards,

Answer 9.
The greatest support I got is from my friend Reena. I always dreamt of becoming a Bhara tanatyam dancer. But due to my poor finan¬cial background and stage fright I couldn’t achieve my dream. I was always frightened to face people. She was the person who gave me the confidence as well as financial support. At least I achieved my dream of becoming a dancer. I performed many stage shows and I got many good reviews. Thanks to Reena. If she wasn’t there with me I wouldn’t be able to achieve my dream.

Answer 10.
If you are confident enough to break the shackles of uncertainty, you will be successful. Don’t brood over your past failures. If you failed in the past, you would learn lessons from it. If you had passed in all your attempts very eas¬ily. You would have been satisfied with those successes and sit simply with those.

Answer 11.
The narrator was a traveler of the ship Rana- ganji which was traveling to Calcutta. The chief officers were Englishmen but the crew were Indians. The narrator was the physician of the ship. The narrator treats the patients affected with Small Pox. Though he was inexperienced in his profession he manages the situation of crisis bravely. He was very devoted to his profession. He knew to identify between good and bad. Hasan the serang of the ship helped the narrator to take care of the patients. The narrator had a special sympathy towards the serang. He assisted the narrator.

Answer 12.
Aniradha Manzil,

The Editor,
New Indian Express,

Sub: To improve the weathering for casting technology

Dear Sir,
This letter is to inform you about the need for better technology in weather forecasting. The recent Ockhi cyclone took away the lives of many people and damaged the property of many others. This tragedy warns us that our weather forecasting technology needs to improve. Our system failed in accelerating mitigation and rescue operation. Natural disaster should be grouped and task forces set up without further delay. There are three basic failings in the government’s response; the cyclone warning was delayed, the warning when At came, was ineffective because it couldn’t be conveyed to thousands of fisherfolk who were already out at sea, and once the cyclone struck, there was no warlike mobilization and action, which are the hallmarks of a good disaster management. So it would be kind of you if you could highlight this issue through the columns of your esteemed daily.

Yours truly,

Answer 13.
Sunrise on the hills is a descriptive and evocative lyric which praises the glories of sunrise amidst the hills. The poet watches and enjoys the sunrise from a hilltop. The first rays of the sun came in through the wide arch of heaven. The poem is full of sights, sounds and movements of nature. The poem reads like a song. A lot of poetic devices are used to create musical effects. Alternate lines of the poem rhyme and the entire poem reads like a series of couplets. The poem is built upon a military image. The sun in its glorious march is like a victorious army proudly making its parade. Everything else in the path of this glorious march fades away defeated. The poem consists of three stanzas. The first stanza describes the sights on the hills, the second stanza describes the sounds on the hills and the third stanza gives the message of the poem. The poet gives the message that nature prevents our heart from fainting and our soul from sleep. The poet gives the message that hills and valleys and their response to sunrise remove all sorrows from human heart. The poem is an invitation to flee into the lap of nature. The forest and hills teach us many things. They prevent our heart from fainting and our soul from sleep.

Answer 14.

  1. If you have trouble sleeping, avoid naps especially in the afternoon.
  2. Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends.
  3. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual
  4. Exercise daily
  5. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Answer 15.
Travel info
Getting there
Nearest Railway Station. Pallikara or Kan hangad 13km. It is 65 km from nearest Mangalore international airport and 15 km from Kasargod town.

Don’t Miss art
Bekal Beach Vallyaparamba Backwaters

Dishes of all kinds are available in the near by hotels.

Answer 16.
‘The Price of Flowers’ is a story written by Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay. It speak about the selfless love of a fourteen year old girl towards her family. The title indicates that though she sacrifices only a shilling, it has a far greater worth. The price of flowers cannot be measured.

Answer 17.
Nicholai’s Tchimbarshov Corner Russia:
It was Nicholai’s dream to eat his own ship, with its savoury smell floating across the farmyard. He liked reading newspapers, but only the advertisements of land to be sold, so many acres of arable and greenland with a farm house, river, garden, mill and mill pond.

But his dream was a gooseberry bush. He worked hard to achieve his dream. He married an elderly widow with the idea of buying a farmhouse. After three years she passed away. Through an agent Nicholai raised a mortgage and bought three hundred acres with a from house a cottage and a park, but there was no orchard, no gooseberry bush, no duck pond. These was a river with coffee colored water. But Nicholai was not worried about that, he ordered twenty gooseberry, bushes and settled down to a country life. He was proud of his gooseberries Nicholai was happiest as his dearest dream had come true as he had attained his goal in life, who had got what he wanted and was pleased with his destiny and with himself.

Answer 18.
Differently abled Children and Technology:
Having come across some specially abled people in our day to day life make as thank God for our well being and force us to be considerate towards these people. Our motive or duty as a human being should always be not only to be sympathetic towards these people but should contribute towards their well being and growth in their life. Assistive technology in available to help individuals with many types of disabilities.

Assistive technology for kids with learning disabilities can increase a child’s self reliance and sense of independence. Kids who struggle in school are often overly dependent on parents, siblings, friends and teachers for help. But the rapid development and application of computer based technology however has created a sea change in available options for disabled students ending the isolation and limited opportunities disabled students have faced. Computer programs have been designed to make it easier for disabled students to access material, communicate their ideas and work and participate in educational experiences.

Answer 19.
Martin Luther King:
Martin Luther King the famous social activist was born on 15th January 1929 in Atlanta, US. He was married to Coretta Scott. He was awarded the Nobel peace Price in 1964, and the Presidential medal of Freedom in 1977 (Posthumous award). He was a famous activist in the Civil Rights movement and peace movement. On 5th April 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinated by gunshot wound to head.

Answer 20.
Plenty of people are unaware of the many health benefits of walking nor that is one of the best daily exercises out there. Walking is one of the best ways to get into an exercise routine because it’s a simple way to work muscle groups and burn calories. Many studies have found that people who walk at least 30 minutes a day tend to be less likely to develop type 11 diabetes, asthma and some cancers. The essay entitled Going out for a Walk’ by Max Beerbohm rather contradicts the popular statement ‘a sound mind in a sound body’. The essay is written in a mock serious tone and the reader is impressed by the under stated accuracy of observations. Beer bohm presents himself as a die hard opponent of walking from childhood itself. Humorously he poses a question why we should go for walk. He is against the common idea of walking for walking’s sake. According to him, if one person walks with the intention of physical fifteen alone, his purpose will definitely fail him. This activity purely being mechanical, he could never enjoy the nature and such a man would never be creative.

Answer 21.
India lives in its villages:
We are inheritors of a rural civilization. The vastness of our country, vastness of popula¬tion, the situation and the climate have des¬tined it for a rural civilization, villages are the backbone of a nation. Villages are the mirror of one Nation’s virgin culture, social life and natural beauty. Development of a nation is a complete one only with development of villages. Development of a nation is a complete one only with development of villages. After inde¬pendence the Government gave much importance to the villages and the rural economy, agriculture. First five year plan was formulated entirely for Agriculture. The condition of the rural side slowly improved. Green Revolution and other programmes were introduced with targeting agriculture and development of the villages. According to Mahatma Gandhi, if a village perishes India will be no more India.

Her own mission in the world will get lost. The revival of the village is possible only when it is no more exploited. Industrialization on mass scale will necessarily lead to passive or achieve exploitation of the villagers as the problem of competition and marketing come in. Therefore we have to concentrate on the village being self, contained, manufacturing mainly for use. India is one of the world’s most diverse countries, not only socially, geographically and historically but also economically. India is an agriculture-based country and more than 50% population in our country still lies in the villages and earn their livelihood through agriculture.

Answer 22.
War is without argument the worst collective experience of humanity. It has created new nations on the rubbles of destroyed cities and human dead. It involves man-killing without human feelings even if short and swift. Wars, when prolonged like the world wars, result in human brutality, mass extermination of races and intolerable atrocities on innocent civilians. All rules are kept on the back burner and what matters is victory or defeat. The 21st century has seen the development of weapons, controlled by computerized systems with pinpoint accuracy and a million-fold increase in powers of destruction compared to our previous wars. Wars break out for various reasons. According to experts, the main reasons or factors that contribute to wars are human greed for wealth and intolerance. The effects of war are both physical and psychological.

Human society are deeply affected by wars are residential areas, public infrastructure, hospitals and the very basis of human existence is destroyed. Wars bring untold miseries as well as political and economical instability. Peoples lives and daily existence come under threat. Population is displaced and have to constantly move about for security reasons. Thousands of people die in the war zone leaving behind their families and many thousands of people live physically handicapped for the rest of their lives. Residential areas become hard to live in. The public infrastructure is destroyed and the hospitals becomes packed with patients.

Wars destroy mankind and natural resources also creating a lot of pollution. Trees are cut on an extensive scale to meet the war demands. Iron and steel are also used on a large scale Nuclear weapons like the ones that were used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki not only killing two hundred thousand people but also causing severe damage to the natural environment. Even today people suffer from diseases caused by radioactivity. Furthermore, the disease are inherited by their offsprings. Wars disturb common man’s life. Population gets displaced and have to constantly move about to security reasons and sometimes go into hiding security reasons and sometimes go into hiding creating uncomfortable conditions.

Children deprived of education for years together ruin their future. It would become difficult for common man to find a job and continue with their normal day to day life. On an overall look wars create a second hell on earth while we are shilling living. Thus humans must avoid wars at any cost. The only way we can protect our lives and ensure stability in our world is to practice tolerance and respect for each other. Or else we too become extinct like dinosaurs. Thus we can say that war creates woes and not heroes.

Answer 23.
The poem ‘Equipment’ written by the poet Ed-gar Guest is in the form of advice given by father to his son. The poet says that the secret of success is very simple Right attitude towards life and belief in ones abilities, the basic ingredients lead one to success. The poet says that all are equally created by God. All are blessed with same faculties at birth.

Great men don’t enjoy any special advantages or privileges from birth. Determination and courage are the secret of success. A wise man sets his goal and works hard to achieve them. He is not dejected or discouraged by obstacles. He has faith in his abilities and is confi¬dent that he will win the battle of life. The basic equipment in the same in everybody. We should not blame others for our lapses. In this poem the poet is conveying the idea that all people have the equipment to succeed. God has given them everything they need, now itis time to determine whether they are going to use the equipments wisely or badly.

Plus One English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 5

Kerala Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 5

Time: 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates :

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provied.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5


Answer all questions from question numbers 1 to 3. Each carry one score. (3 × 1 = 3)
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 1

Question 1.
Find out the pseudocoelomate animal from the following :
Tapeworm, Hookworm, Earthworm, Honey bee.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 2

Question 2.
Identify the word pair relation and fill the blanks :
a. Fish : ammonotelic :: Cockroach : ……………..
b. Bone : Osteocytes :: Cartilage : ……………..
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 3

Question 3.
ICZN stand for
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 4
a. InternationalCouncilofZoologicalNome- nclature.
b. Indian Council of Zoological Nomenclature
c. International Code of Zoological Nomen-clature
d. Indian Code of Zoological Nomenclature

Answer any nine from question numbers 4 to 14 Each carries two scores.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 5
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 6

Question 4.
Certain disorders and their causes are given. Match them suitably.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 7

Question 5.
“In the tissues, the conditions are favourable for dissociation of oxygen from the oxyhae- moglobin”. Write any four favourable condi¬tions in the tissues for the dissociation of O2 from oxyhaemoglobin.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 8

Question 6.
a. Classify the given organisms under the heading poikilothermous and homoio-thermous.
Rats, Frog, Dog fish, Ostrich
b. Define the terms poikilithermous and – homoiothermous.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 9

Question 7.
Classify the given hormones in the table. Prolactin, Oxytocin, Leutinising hormone,Vasopressin.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 10

Question 8.
a. Identify the organism,
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 11

Question 9.
Fill in the blanks suitably.
In a protein, aminoacids are linked by (a) ……………… bond. In a polysacchharides are linked by (b) ………….. bond.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 12

Question 10.
In (A) ………………… type synapse the membrances of presynaptic and post synaptic neurons are in very close proximity.
In (B) ………………… type synapse the membrances of pre and post synaptic neurons are sepa¬rated by a afluid filled spaces
a. Name the types of synapse A and B.
b. Name the fluid filled space in the synapse B.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 13

Question 11.
Certain indicators regarding the layers in the wall of alimentary canal are given. Name the layers against the indicator.
a. Formed of loose connective tissues containing nerves and blood vessels.
b. Innermost lining forms rugae in the stomach.
c. Formed by smooth muscles.
d. Outermost layer made of mesothelium.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 14
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 15

Question 12.
“The functioning of the kidneys is efficiently monitored and regulated by the heart to a certain extent”.
Do you agree with this statement ? Justify your answer.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 16

Question 13.
How does the increased level of Ca++ in the sarcoplasm help in muscle contraction ?
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 17

Question 14.
a. Write the significance of reabsorption in urine formation.
b. Of the following substances which one is reabsorbed by active transport ? Glucose, Nitrogenous waste, Water.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 18

Answer any three from question numbers 15 to 18. Each carries three scores.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 19

Question 15.
a. Effect of change in concentration of substrate on enzyme activity is graphically represented. After reaching a maximum velocity (Vmax), the reaction is not exceeded by any further rise in concentration of substrate. Explain.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 20
b. Mention any 2 other factors that affect enzyme activity.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 21

Question 16.
Identify the figures A and B. Write any one characteristic features of each A and B.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 22

Question 17.
Fill the blanks suitably.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 23
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 24

Question 18.
Redraw the diagram. Name and label the parts indicated below.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 25


Answer 1.

Answer 2.
a. Uricotelic

Answer 3.

Answer 4.

  • Myasthenia gravis – Auto-Immune disorder
  • Tetany – Low Calcium ions in body fluid
  • Muscular dystrophy – Genetic disorder

Answer 5.
The factors favourable for the dissociation of O2 from the oxyhaemoglobin in the tis- 7. sues are,

  • Low pO2
  • High pCO2
  • High H+ concentration
  • Higher temperature

Answer 6.

Poikilothermous (Cold-blooded) Homoiothermous (Warm-blooded)
Frog Ostrich
Dog fish Rat

b. Poikilothermous : They are cold-blooded, they lack the capacity to regulate body temperature.
Homoiothermous : They are warm-blooded animals, ie., they are able to maintain constant body temperature.

Answer 7.

Released from adenohypophysis Released from neurohypophysis
Prolactin Oxytocin
Leutinising hor­mone Vassopressin

Answer 8.
a. Hippocampus
b. Class – Osteichtyes
c. Endoskeleton is bony
Exoskeleton is formed of cycloid & cten-oid scales.
Both marine & fresh water forms

Answer 9.
a – peptide bond
b – glycosidic linkage

Answer 10.
a. A – Electrical synapse
B – Chemical synapse
b. Synaptic cleft

Answer 11.
a. Submucosa
b. Mucosa
c. Muscularis
d. Serosa

Answer 12.
An increase in blood flow to the atria of the heart can cause the release of Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF). ANF can cause vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) and thereby decrease the blood pressure. ANF mechanism, therefore, acts as a check on the rennin angiotensin mechanism.

Answer 13.
Action potential stimulates sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2+. The Ca2+ binds with troponin of actin filaments. This causes conformational changes in the troponin molecule and expose the active sites on the fibrous actin molecules. These sites are specific to the myosin heads, which exhibits Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity. Myosin ATPase is normally inactive, but it become active only when myosin head combines with the actin. The energy released by the splitting of ATP by head combines with the actin. The energy released by the splitting of ATP by ATPase is used for cross bridge movement. At the time of relaxation, Ca2+ pumped back into sacroplasmic reticulum. As a result, the troponin molecule become free to mask the active sites.

Answer 14.

  • The process of absorption of selected materials from the filtrate into the blood of peritubular capillaries or vasa recta is termed as reabsorption.
  • Even though 180 litres of glomeru¬lar filtrate is produced daily, about 99% of this is reabsorbed by the renal tubules.
  • Normal volume of urine released -1.5 litres per day.

b. Glucose

Answer 15.
a. Increase in substrate concentration increases the rate of the reaction. The reaction reaches maximum velocity (Vmax). It is not exceeded by any further rise in substrate concentration. At this stage the enzyme molecules are fully saturated. Noactivesite is left free to bind with additional substrate molecule.
b. Temperature and pH.

Answer 16.
A – Smooth muscle tissue
B – Skeleton muscle tissue
A – Striations are present, spindle-shaped
B – Long and cylindrical

Answer 17.
a. – Granulocytes
b – Basophyl
c – Monoxytes
d – Lymphocytes
e – Resist infections and associated with allergic reactions.
f – Responsible for the immune response of the body.

Answer 18.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 5 26

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 4

Kerala Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 4

Time : 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provied.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1


Questions 1-3. Answers all questions. Each question carries 1 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 1

Question 1.
Choose the correctly matched pair.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 2
a. Neries – False segmentation
b. Taenia – True segmentation
c. Ascaris – No segmentation

Question 2.
In human beings dentition is ‘heterodont’.
This condition means ………
a. presence of two types of teeth.
b. presence of two sets of teeth.
c. presence of different types of teeth.
d. teeth are placed in sockets of jaw.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 3

Question 3.
The diagram given below is a simple epithelium. Name the part marked as “P” in the figure.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 4

Questions 4-14. Answers any 9 questions. Each question carries 2 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 5

Question 4.
Match column B and C with column A.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 6

Question 5.
Figure A and B are the fishes of two different classes. Identity and differentiate between these classes.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 7

Question 6.
Observe the following figure. No need to redraw the diagram.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 8
a. Label the parts, A and B.
b. Write the function of ‘B’
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 9

Question 7.
Complete the following sentence using appropriate words.
a ………….. hormone controls the diurnal (24 hours) rhythm.
b. Insulin controls ………. level of blood.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 10

Question 8.
“A contracted muscle becomes shorter and thicker but its volume remains the same.”
a. Which theory explains the process of muscle contraction?
b. Identify two contractile proteins seen in muscle.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 11

Question 9.
Where do you find the following structures in a human body ?
a. Collagen fibres
b. Axons
c. Squamous epithelium
d. Smooth muscles
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 12

Question 10.
Name the chemical bonds formed between the following :
a. Amino acids in a protein molecule.
b. Sugar and phosphate in nucleic acids.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 13

Question 11.
‘‘All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates”. Evaluate and substantiate the statement.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 14

Question 12.
Blood transports CO2 from tissues to lungs by various means. Mention any two methods of the same.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 15

Question 13.
ln a 400 metre race competition, Athira won the first place. Her friends commented that it is due to her high vital capacity.
a. What do you understand by the term vital capacity?
b. Suggest the ways to improve the vital capacity.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 16

Question 14.
Red muscle fibers have greater capacity to do work for a prolonged period, whereas white muscle fiber suffer from fatigue after a short work. Evaluate the statement.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 17

Questions 15 – 18. Answers any 3 questions. Each question carries 3 scores.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 18

Question 15.
Observe the graph.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 19
a. Identify the partial pressure of oxygen where 50% of saturation of Hb with oxygen.
b. Mention the factors favourable for the formation of oxyhaemoglobin in alveoli.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 20

Question 16.
Following is a schematic representation of an action.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 21
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 22

Question 17.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 23
a. Label PQRST in the graph.
b. What does the T wave represent?
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 24

Question 18.
Write the functions of parts 1 and 4. Label the parts 2 and 3 in the following figure showing a synapse. (No need to copy the picture.)
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 25


Answer 1.

Answer 2.
c. presence of different types of teeth.

Answer 3.
Basement membrane

Answer 4.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 26
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 27

Answer 5.
A – Chondrichthyes (Cartilagienous fishes)
B – Osteichthyes (Bony fishes)
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 28

Answer 6.
a. A. Nucleus
B. Inter calated disc.

b. Pass the signals to adjacent cells for the contraction of cells as a unit.

Answer 7.
a. Melatonin
b. Glucose

Answer 8.
a. Sliding filament theory
b. Actin and Myosin

Answer 9.
a. Collagen fibres – Connective tissue
b. Axon – Neuron
c. Squamons epithelium – Walls of blood vessels.
d. Smooth muscle – Visceral organs

Answer 10.
a. Peptide bond
b. Phospho diester bond

Answer 11.
Vertebrates are chordates with vertebral column, there are chordates without vertetral column. Notochord is present in all vertebrates but vertebral column is present only in vertebrates and not in all chordates.

Answer 12.
CO2 transport by plasma and as bicarbonate in plasma.

Answer 13.
a. Vital capacity is the maximum volume of air a person can breath in after a forced expiration.
b. Regular exercise, avoid smoking, practice yoga.

Answer 14.
Red muscles contain large amount of nitrogenious which can use large amou-nt of oxygen stored in them.

Answer 15.
a. 30 mm Hg
b. High partial pressure of oxygen, low partial pressure of CO2, low H+ concentration, low temperature.

Answer 16.
a. Afferent neuron, motor neuron, effec tor organ.
b. Sudden withdrawal of hand when if touches a hot body.

Answer 17.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 4 29
b. Repolarisation of ventricle or relaxation of ventricle.

Answer 18.
1 – Axon : Transport impulse form cell body to synaptic knob.
4 – Neurotransmitter : Help in the transport of impulse across synapse.
2 – Syneptic vesicle :
3 – Synaptic cleft

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 3

Kerala Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 3

Time : 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provied.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1


Questions 1-3. Answers all questions. Each question carries 1 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 1

Question 1.
Rearrange the following in the correct taxo¬nomic hierarchical sequence :
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 2

Question 2.
Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest words for the fourth place.
Collection of living plants : Botanical garden.
Animals kept in protected environment : ……………….
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 3

Question 3.
After completing a project study based on diversity of spiders, the specimens were intended to be stored for future reference. Select a suitable taxonomical aid from the following for the preservation of specimens.
a. Herbarium
b. Museum
c. Zoological park
d. Sanctuary
Justify your answer.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 4

Questions 4-14. Answers any 9 questions. Each question carries 2 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 5

Question 4.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 6
Carbon dioxide transport in the form of bi-carbonate ion is picturized below. Observe the diagram and identify the enzyme not¬ed as “A”.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 7

Question 5.
Categorize the following animals based on the nature of excretion of nitrogenous waste.
Mammals, Bony fishes, Birds, Aquatic am¬phibians, Terrestrial amphibians, Insects, Cartilage fishes, Aquatic insects.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 8

Question 6.
Stethoscope is an instrument which is used to detect the sounds of the heart.
a. Mention the two sounds of the heart.
b. Give the causes of heart sound.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 9

Question 7.
Find the odd one and write the function.
Neutrophil, Erythrocyte, Monocyte, Lymphocyte, Basophil, Eosinophil,
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 10

Question 8.
Observe the diagram carefully and Label the parts marked as A,B,C,D.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 11

Question 9.
Obseve the given diagram and answer the following questions
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 12
a. Identify the duct labelled A and the secretion it pours into the doudenum.
b. Mention any one function of secretion in digestion.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 13

Question 10.
The following diagram shows the characteristic features of a phylum.
a. Identify the phylum.
b. Mention four salient features of this phylum.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 14

Question 11.
Observe the following figure.
a. Name the figure.
b. Label the parts A, B and D
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 15

Question 12.
Complete the given flowchart :
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 16

Question 13.
Like insulin and glucagon, PTH and calcitonin are antagonistic in their action inmaintaining normal blood calcium level. Substantiate this statement.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 17

Question 14.
Fill in the blanks with suitable terms according to the indicators shown below: Indicators : a and b -food habit, cand d- Excretory organ.
a. Cockroach : ……………
b. Earthworm : ……………
c. Cockroach : ……………
d. Earthworm : ……………
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 18

Questions 15 – 18. Answers any3 questions. Each question carries 3 scores.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 19

Question 15.
Complete the columns using the appropriate phylum, distinctive features and excretory organs.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 20

Question 16.
Observe the figure given below and answer the questions.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 21
a. Write the name of the figure.
b. Name the labelled part (A) and (B).
c. Which is the site of formation of ultrafiltrate?
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 22

Question 17.
The following diagram shows the characteristics of a phylum.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 23
a. Identify the phylum.
b. Label A in the diagram.
c. Mention four salient features of the phylum.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 24
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 25

Question 18.
Result of a project study related to the circulatory disorders to an area is given below.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 26
a. What is your observation?
b. Name any one circulatory disorder and its characteristics.
c. Suggest two measures to avoid these disorders.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 27


Answer 1.
Sapiens → Homo → Hominidae → Primata → Mammalia → Chordata

Answer 2.
Zoological Park

Answer 3.

Answer 4.
Carbonic anhydrase.

Answer 5.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 3 28

Answer 6.
a. Lubb, dupp
b. Lubb: Sound is heard when the closure of biscupid and triscupid valve takes place. Dupp sound is heard due to the closure of semilunar valve.

Answer 7.
Erythrocyte. It helps in gas transport through blood.

Answer 8.
A – Lens
B – Iris
C – Cornea
D – Optic nerve

Answer 9.
a. Bile duct, bile.
b. Bile emulsifies fat.

Answer 10.
a. Phylum Chordata
b. Chrodata
i. Notochord present
ii. Pharyngeal gills slits present
iii. Dorsal tubular nerve cord
iv. Heart is ventral
v. presence of post anal tail

Answer 11.
a. Cross section of small intestine/gut.
b. A – Serosa, B – Muscularis, D – Mucosa

Answer 12.
A – Mid brain
B – Thalamus,
C – Cerebellum
D – Medulla oblongata

Answer 13.
Thyrocalcitonin secrected from the thyroid gland and parathyroid hormone secreted from the parathyroid gland involved in the regulation of blood calcium level. Thyrocalcitonin decrease the blood calcium level by decreasing the intestinal absorption of calcium but parathyroid hormone (PTH) increase the blood calcium level by enhancing intestinal absorption of calcium ions and decalcifiation of bones.

Answer 14.
a. Cockroach – omnivore
b. Earthworm – Soil and decayed leaves
c. Malpighian tubule
d. Nephredia

Answer 15.
a. Flat body
b. Flame cells
c. Jointed footed animals
d. Annelida
e. Nephridia
f. Echinodermata

Answer 16.
a. Malpighiancorpuscle

b. A – Glomerulus,
B – Bowman’s capsule

c. Bowman’s capsule (Lumen)

Answer 17.
a. Phylum Chordata

b. Notochord

c. 1. Presence of notochord
2. Dorsal hollow nerve cord
3. Phasym seal gill slit
4. Post aral tail

Answer 18.
a. 55% persons are affected with circulatory disorders.

b. 1.Hypertension: Patients body has very high blood pressure than normal.
2.Coronary artery disease: Affect blood vessels that supply blood to heart.

c. 1.Avoid fat containing food, smoking, drugs etc.
2.Do regular exercise.

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 2

Kerala Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 2

Time: 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1


Questions 1-3. Answers all questions. Each question carries 1 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 1

Question 1.
Choose the correctly matched pair.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 2
a. Collagen fibres – connective tissue
b. Axon – Walls of blood vessels
c. Squamous epithelium – Neuron

Question 2.
From the following list, pick out the en-zyme, that takes part in carbohydrate digestion.
(Salivary amylase, peptidase, lipase, carboxypeptidase)
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 3

Question 3.
Diagram of a joint is given below :
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 4

Questions 4-14. Answers any 9 questions. Each question carries 2 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 5

Question 4.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 6

Question 5.
Classify the organisms below based on segmentation :
a. Ascaris
b. Taenia
c. Fasciola
d. Wuchereria
e. Neries
f. Pheretima
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 7

Question 6.
Observe the figure. No need to redraw the figure.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 8
Label A and B and write the function of A and B.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 9

Question 7.
Complete each of the following sen ten- ces using appropriate words.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 10

a. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop is …. to water whereas the descending limb is …… to water.
b. An excessive loss of fluid from the body stimulates the hypothalamus to release …….. hormone from the ………….

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 11

Question 8.
“The functioning of human kidney is e f- feiciency monitored and regulated by hor-monal actions of hypothalamus is pituitary, JGAand to a certain extent by heart.”
a. Do you agree with this statement?
b. Justify your answer with suitable rea- sons.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 12

Question 9.
Answer the following in a few words.
a. Significance of pulmonary circulatior I in man.
b. Function of erythrocytes
c. Pacemaker for a human heart and its significance.
d. Normal blood pressure of human beings and its variation during hypertension.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 13

Question 10.
The output of urine increases in cold days while decreases in hot and sunny days. Can you give a reason for this phenom¬enon as realized from the graph given below?
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 14

Question 11.
Your Biology teacher exhibited a labora-tory specimen in the classroom. Based on which features will you distinguish it as a chordate or a nonchordate ?
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 15

Question 12.
Give two examples for each of the following :
a. Synovial joints
b. Muscular proteins
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 16

Question 13.
Distinguish between cofactor and coenzyme with an example for each.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 17

Question 14.
The male and female cockroaches can be identified by the difference in their mor-phological features.
a. Name this phenomenon.
b. Give one external difference between males and females.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 18

Questions 15 – 18. Answers any3 questions. Each question carries 3 scores.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 19

Question 15.
Observe the graph showing the activity of an enzyme influenced by pH.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 20
a. Name the possible enzyme involved in this reaction. [1/2]
b. Where is its site of action? [1/2]
c. Mention any other factor which affects this enzyme activity that results in a similar pattern of graph.
d. Name another Similar enzyme acting on the same substrate.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 21

Question 16.
Observe the organization chart given be¬low and fill appropriately. No need to redraw the chart.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 22

Question 17.
0bserve the structural representation of the muscle given below.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 23
a. Which among this represents the con-tracted state? [1/2 + 1/2]
b. Name the parts labelled as A, B and C.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 24

Question 18.
Longitudinal section of the human heart showing internal structure is given below. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions. Redraw the diagram and label the parts marked as A, B, C.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 25

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 26


Answer 1.

Answer 2.
Salivary amylase

Answer 3.
Hinge joint or synovial joint

Answer 4.
Cold blooded animal – Shark
Living fossil – Limulus
Egg laying mammal – Platypus
Water vascular system – Sea Cucumber

Answer 5.

True Seqmentation

False Seqmentation No Seqmentation
Neries Pheretime Taenia

Ascaris Fasciola Wucheraria

Answer 6.
A – Proximal convoluted tubule: Reab-sorb major part of electrolytes, essential nutri¬ents and water.
B – Collecting duct: Reabsorb water and urea. It also secrete H+ and K+ ions.

Answer 7.
a. Impermeable, permeable
b. ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone), ditaitary

Answer 8.
a. Yes
b. ADH fecilites water reabsorption from tubule, there by preventing diuresis. ADH can also affect the kidney function by its constrictory effect on vessel. This cause an increase in blood pressure.

Renin-Angiotensin Mechanism.

Decreased blood pressure → Kidney Renin → Liver → Anglotensiongen → Angiotensin l
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 2 27

Answer 9.
a. For purification of blood, ie., release of CO2 and intake of O2.
b. For the gas transport of O2 and CO2.
c. SA node or sinu-auricular node, the area where cardiac impulse starts.
d. 80/120 mmHg is the normal blood pressure 80mmHg is the diastolic pressure. 120 mmHg is the systolic pressure. Above normal BP is called Hypertension.

Answer 10.
When temperature increases ADH level increases ADH hormone increase re-absorption of water form urine as a re¬sult only small quantity of urine is produced.

Answer 11.
Animals with notochord are called chordates and those animals which do not form this structure are called non-chordates, e. g., porifera to echinoderms.

Answer 12.
a. Synovial joint – Hinge joint (knee joint)
b. Muscular protein – Troponin

Answer 13.
Cofacter: Non protein part of enzyme,
eg., Zinc in carboxy peptidase.
Co-enzyme : Organic compound that bound to apoenzyme loosely, eg., NAD.

Answer 14.
a. Sexual dimorphism.
b. In male, short thread like anal styles present. In females, it is absent.

Answer 15.
a. Salivary amylase
b. Buccal cavity
c. Temperature or substrate concentration
d. Pancreatic amylase or intestinal amylase

Answer 16.
a. Axial skeleton – 80
b. Vertebral column – 26
c. Ribs-12 pairs
d. Sternum – 1

Answer 17.
a. II
b. A – Z-line,
B – H-zone,
C- Myosin

Answer 18.
A – Aorta
B – Semilunar valve
C – Left ventricle

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 1

Kerala Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 1

Time: 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provied.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1


Questions 1-3. Answers all questions. Each question carries 1 score.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 1

Question 1.
Rearrange the following flowchart in the correct sequence.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 2

Question 2.
Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest words for the fourth place.
Collection of living plants: Botanical garden. Animals kept in protected environment : ……………..
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 3

Question 3.
Pick out the acoelomate organism from the folllowing.

  1. Roundworm
  2. Hookworm
  3. Filarial worm
  4. Tapeworm

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 4

Questions 4-14. Answers any 9 questions. Each question carries 2 score.

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 5

Question 4.
Identify the protein structures, (A) and (B) from the following figure.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 6

Question 5.
Arrange the following words into two groups and give appropriate heading to each group.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 7
Testes, oviduct, cloaca, Bidder’s canal, ova¬ries, urinogenital duct, vasa efferen-tia, cloaca.

Question 6.
You may have an experience of sudden withdrawal of body parts when you come in contact with objects that are extre-mely cold. This response occurs invol- untarily With out conscious efforts
a. Name the process behind this. [1/2]
b. Construct a flowchart showing the path way of impulses during this process.[1/2]
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 8

Question 7.
After diagnosing the blood of a foetus, a doctor comments that the foetus has some immunological diseases and it may be due to the malfunctioning of an endocrine gland.
a. Name the gland. [1/2]
b. Which are the hormones produced by this gland?
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 9

Question 8.
‘During the advengturous trip a plus one student got a skull and skeletal part of rare animal from the Chinnar forest.
Select the suitable location for keeping it from the list of taxonomic aids given below. (Herbarium, Museum, Zoological park, Botanical garden)
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 10
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 11

Question 9.
A schematic sketch representing the ali-mentary canal of a cockroach is given be¬low. Fill the boxes with the appropria-te organs from the list. No need to redraw the diagram.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 12

Question 10.
Observe the diagram :
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 13
a. Lable the parts A and B [1]
b. Even though concentrated HCl is stored in the stomach, it will not generally damage the stomach wall. Why? [1]
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 14

Question 11.
Hormonal abnormality is responsible for certain diseases in main. List of some diseases are given below. Write the hormone related to eash of it.

(a) Diabetes mellitus
(b) Gigantism
(c) Diabetes insipidus
(d) Cretinism

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 15

Question 12.
Observe the following representation and fill up the blanks appropriately.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 16

Question 13.
Name the phyla in which the following cells/ structures/organs are present

a. Radula
b. Cnidoblast
c. Pneumatic bone
d. Proboscis gland

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 17

Question 14.
Name the distinctive character (responsible for their names) of the following animal groups.

a. Cnidaria
b. Arthropoda
c. Porifera
d. Annelida
e. Chordata
f. Ctenophora

Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 18

Questions 15 – 18. Answers any3 questions. Each question carries 3 scores.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 26

Question 15.
Fill the table appropriately
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 27

Question 16.
Observe the molecule given below and answer the following questions.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 20
a. Identify the molecule.
b. Label 1 and 2.
c. Mention any three structural details of the molecule shown in the diagram.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 21

Question 17.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 22
a. Identify this compound. [1/2]
b. Name the bond produced when another biomolecule of the same category combines with this. [1/2]
c. If a number of such molecules are bonded together, what will be the resultant molecule? [1/2]
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 23

Question 18.
During a seashore visit, a student collected two organisms. Observing the mor-phology, it is clear that the organisms are radially symmetrical. One of them shows bioluminescence.
a. To which phylum does this organism belong? [1]
b. Identify the possible phyla to which the other organism can be included. [1]
c. Which distinctive feature of this organism will help you to categorize it into a particular phylum? [1]
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 24


Answer 1.
SA Node →AV Node → Atrial contraction →AV Bundles →Ventricle contraction

Answer 2.
Zoological park

Answer 3.
Tape worm

Answer 4.
A – Protein secondary structure or Helical
B – Protein tertiary structure or 3D

Answer 5.
Plus One Zoology Model Question Papers Paper 1 25

Answer 6.
a.Reflex action
b. Receptor → Sensory (afferent) neuron → Inter neuron → Motor neuron (efferent) neuron → Effector.

Answer 7.
a. Thymus gland
b. Thymosin

Answer 8.
Herbarium, Museum

Answer 9.
a. Salivary gland
b. Crop
c. Gizzard
d. Hepatic caeca
e. Malpighian tubule
f. Rectum

Answer 10.
a. A-Cardiac stomach,
B – Pyloric stomach
b. Mucus layer in stomach and bicarbonate present in gastric juice protects stomach wall.

Answer 11.
a. Insulin
b. Growth hormone / GH / STH.
c. ADH / Vassopressin
d. Thyroxine / T4, T3

Answer 12.
A – secondary metabolites
B – amino acids
C – pigments

Answer 13.
a. Mollusca
b. Cnidaria / Coelenterata
c. Chordata / Aves – Birds
d. Hemichordata

Answer 14.
a. Cnidaria – Presence of Cnidoblast
b. Arthropoda – Joint footed animals
c. Porifera – Body contains pores
d. Annelida – Rings on body
e. Chordata – Notochord bearing animals
f. Ctenofora – Comb plates

Answer 15.
a. Secretion of pancreatic enzyme and bile juice.
b. Juxtaglomerular cells of kidney
c. Atrial natriuretic factor
d. Thyroid gland

Answer 16.
a. Structure of DNA

b. 1. Thymine
2. Hydrogen bond

c. Sugar phosphate back bone is present. Adenine pairs with thymine by 2 hydrogen bond. Guanine pairs with cytosine by 3 hydrogen bond.

Answer 17.
a. Amino acid
b. Peptide bond
c. Protein

Answer 18.
a. Phylum – Ctenophara
b. Phylum – Echinodermata
c. Bioluminescence

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Kerala Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Time : 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is ‘5 minutes’ ‘Preparatory Time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of Zoology Examination.
  • Your are not allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’ and ‘Preparatory time’.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 1


Question 1.
Select the correct sequence of taxonomic hierarchy.

a. Kingdom – Phylum – Class – Order – Genus – Family -Species.
b. Kingdom – Phylum – Order – Class – Family- Genus – Species
c. Kingdom – Phylum – Class – Order- Family – Genus – Species
d. Kingdom – Class – Phylum – Family Order- Species – Genus

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 2

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 3

Question 2.
In cockroach spiracles are present in

a. Alimentary canal
b. Tracheal system
c. Malpighian tubules
d. Reproductive system

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 4

Question 3.
Complete the given branching diagram based on connective tissue.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 23
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 5

Question 4.
Match the items in columns B and C with A.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 6
Features of different phyla / class are given below. Identify the phylum / class and give examples of each group.

a. Body is covered by scales, heart is three or four chambered. They respire through lungs.
b. They are exclusively marine, commonly called sea walnuts and show biolumi-nescence.
c. Body is divided into proboscis, collar and trunk.They have open circulatory system and presence of proboscis gland.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 7
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 8

Question 5.
Among the different phyla of animals ….. have pseudocoelom
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 9

Question 6.
Categorize the following animals under ra dial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 10

Question 7.
Differentiate the process of inspiration and expiration.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 11

Question 8.
a. Observe the diagram and label A and B.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 12
b. Dental formula of permanent teeth in man is ………….
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 13

Question 9.
Identify the given biomolecules
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 14

Question 10.
Select the wrongly matched pair from the following :
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 15
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 16

Question 11.
Complete the following chart showing struc ture of myosin filament and it’s protein based on the hints given in the brackets.(Light meromyosin, Actin, Tropomyosin, Meromy osin).
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 17

Question 12.
Answer the following :
a. Cerebral hemispheres of human brain are connected by ………………..

  1. Association area
  2. Corpus callosum
  3. Corpora quadrigemina
  4. Pons varoli

b. Observe the diagram and label A, B,CandD.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 18
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 19

Question 13.
Complete the table
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 20

Question 14.
a. Select the correct statement regard¬ing the ECG of man.

  1. P – wave represents auricular re-polarization.
  2. P- wave represents ventricular re-polarization.
  3. P- wave represents auricular de-polarization.
  4. P – wave represents ventricular de-polarization.

b. Observe the diagram and label A, B, C and D
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 21

Question 15.
Prepare two matching pairs from the given list of animals and excretory organs.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2017 22


Answer 1.
c. Kingdom – Phylum – Class – Order – Family – Genus – Species.

Answer 2.
b. Tracheal system

Answer 3.
A. Specialised connective tissue
B. Adipose tissue
C. Irregular
D. Cartilage

Answer 4.
a – iv – 3
b – iii – 1
c – i – 2
a. Class: Reptilia. Eg., Chelon (Turtle)
b. Phylum : Ctenophora. Eg., Ctenoplana
c. Phylum : Hemichordata. Eg., Balano glossus.

Answer 5.
Phylum : Aschelminthes

Answer 6.
Radial symmetry : Physalia , Adamsia
Bilateral symmetry : Tapeworm,Fasciola

Answer 7.

Inspiration Expiration
  • The process of intake of air into the alveoli of lungs. It is an active process
  • The breathing out of air from the lungs is called expiration.
  • Inspiration takes place when pressure within the lungs becomes less than the atmospheric pressure, i.e., there is a negative pressure in the lungs with respect to atmospheric pres sure.
  • It takes place when the intra pulmonary pressure is higher than the atmospheric pressure.
  • The contraction of intercostal muscle lifts up the ribs and sternum.This causes an increase in the volume of the thoracic chamber.
  • Relaxation of the diaphragm and the in ter coastal muscles returns the diaphragm and sternum to the normal position.

Answer 8.
a. A – Canine
B. Molars b. ii. 2123/2123

Answer 9.
A – Serine
B – Adenylic acid
C – Cholesterol

Answer 10.
Antibody – Sensory reception

Answer 11.
A – Meromyosin
B – Light meromyosin

Answer 12.
a. Corpus callosum
b. A – Axon B – Synaptic vesicles
C – Synaptic cleft D – Neurotransmitter

Answer 13.
B – Decreases blood glucose level
C – Juxta gomerular cells of kidney
D – Thymosin

Answer 14.
a. P – wave represents auricular depolarization.
b. A – Aorta
B – Venacava
C – Pulmonary vein
D – Chordae tendinae.

Answer 15.
a – ii, b – , c – i

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Kerala Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Time: 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Exami¬nation and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provied.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 1


Answer all questions from question numbers 1 to 3. Each carry one score. (3 × 1 = 3)
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 2

Question 1.
Rearrange the following taxonomic categories in the correct sequence.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 3

Question 2.
Note the relationship in the first pair and then complete the second pair
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 4
Osteichthyes : Cycloid scales
Chondrichthyes : ……………….

Question 3.
The innermost layer of the eyeball is ……………….
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 5
a. Choroid
b. Iris
c. Retina
d. Sclera

Answer any nine from question numbers 4 to 14. Each carries two scores.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 6

Question 4.
The molecular structure of 2 amino acids are given below.
Name them.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 7

Question 5.
Arrange the following terms under two headings based on symmetry.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 8

Question 6.
a. Expand GFR.
b. Even though GFR in a healthy person is 180 litres per day, the amount of urine released per day is only about 1.5 litres. Give a reason.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 9

Question 7.
Select the bones of the leg from the given list of bones.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 10
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 11

Question 8.
Name the following :
a. The antibacterial enzyme present in the saliva of man which helps in prevention of infection.
b. The digestive enzyme present in salvia.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 12

Question 9.
Observe the diagram showing the alimen¬tary canal of cockroach. Name the parts labelled A,B,C and D.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 13
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 14

Question 10.
Diagrammatic representation of a standard ECG is given below :
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 15
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 16
a. What does the QRS complex denotes ?
b. Mention the clinical significance of ECG.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 17
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 18

Question 11.
Distinguish between the following :
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 19

Question 12.
Complete the given flow chart.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 20

Question 13.
Name the hormones whose deficiency is responsible for the following :
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 21

a. Dwarfism
b. Diabetes mellitus
c. Cretinism
d. Diuresis

Question 14.
Identify the following tissues :

a. Tissue that stores fat
b. Tissue that connects bones together
c. Tissue that connects bones to muscles
d. Tissue that conducts impulses
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 22

Answer any three from question numbers 15 to 18. Each carries three scores.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 23

Question 15.
Match the terms in column A with those in columms B and C
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 24
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 25

Question 16.
a. Complete the diagrammatic representation showing the nature of enzyme action :
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 26
b. List out any two factors affecting enzyme activity.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 27
c. Based on the reaction formulae given below, identify the classes of the enzymes.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 28
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 29

Question 17.
Protein digestion by proteolytic enzymes is given below :
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 30
a. Name the enzymes marked as A and B.
b. Identify the gland which secrete these enzymes.
c. Write the inactive form of the enzymes A and B.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 31
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 32

Question 18.
a. A table showing examples of vertebrates given below. But some of the examples are wrongly given. Identify and rearrange it
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 33
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 34
b. Which of the above mentioned class is characterized by the presence of pneumatic bones?
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 35


Answer 1.
Kingdom ← Phylum ← Class ← Order ← Family ← Genus ← Species

Answer 2.
Placoid scales

Answer 3.

Answer 4.
a. Serine
b. Alanine

Answer 5.
Radial symmetry – Ctenophores, Coelen- terates.
Bilateral symmetry – Arthropods, Molluscs

Answer 6.
a. Glomerular Filtration Rate
b. Due to tubular reabsorption. Nearly 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed by the renal tubules.

Answer 7.
Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals

Answer 8.
a. Lysozyme
b. Salivary amylase / amylase

Answer 9.
A – Crop
B – Hepatic caecae
C – Malpighian tubules
D – Colon / Hindgut

Answer 10.
a. Depolarisation of the ventricles or ven tricular contraction.
b.Any deviation from the normal shape indicates a possible abnormality or dis-ease, heart disease, defective heart functioning and chance of heart attack.

Answer 11.
a. IRV (Respiratory Reserve Volume) :
Additional volume of air that can be inspired forcibly after a normal inspiration. This averages 2500mL – 3000mL.

ERV (Expiratory Reserve Volume) :
Additional volume of air that can be expired forcibly after a normal expira¬tion. This averages 1100 mL – 1200mL.

b. IC(inspiratory Capacity)
Total volume of air, a person can inspire after a normal expiration/ relevant volume. Which is equal to (TV + IRV).

EC(Expiratory Capacity):
Total volume of air, a person can expire after a normal inspiration / relevant volume. Which is equal to TV + ERV.

Answer 12.
Plus One Zoology Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018 36

Answer 13.
a. Growth hormone
b. Insulin
c. Thyroxine
d. Vasopressin

Answer 14.
a. Adipose tissue
b. Ligaments
c. Tendon
d. Neural / Nervous tissue

Answer 15.

(a) Neutrophils 60-65% Phagocytic
(b) Eosinophils 2-3% Allergic re­action
(c) Lymphocytes 20-25%

Immune response

Answer 16.
a. (a) EP / Enzyme Product Complex, (b) Product / P
b. i. Temperature
ii. pH

c. i. Oxidoreductases/dehydrogenases.
ii. Lyases

Answer 17.
a. A – Chymotrypsin
B – Carboxy peptidase
b. Pancreas
c. A – Chymotrypsinogen
B – Proarboxypeptidases

Answer 18.

Pisces Amphi­bia Reptilia Aves


Dog fish Frog Alliga­tor Penguin

Blue Whale

Rohu Salama­nder Tortoise Vulture

Flying fox

b. Class – Aves / Birds

Plus One Chemistry Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018

Kerala Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Time Allowed: 2 hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 60

Answer Question number 1, which carries 5 scores.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018
Question 1.
Match the columns ‘B’ and ‘C’ with column ‘A’.

a. Mean Equity in agriculture No correlation
b. Land reforms r = 0 Ayurveda
c. China Median Land ceiling
d. The coefficient of correlation Yoga Commune system
e. Ayush Growth due to manufacturing Mode

Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.1
Answer all questions from question numbers 2 to 6. Each carry 1 score
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.2
Question 2.
The stage of demographic transition prevailed in India before 1921 was…………
a. First state
b. Second stage
c. Third stage
d. None of the above 1921
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.3

Question 3.
Operation flood is connected with………….
a. fish production
b. food grains production
c. milk production
d. vegetable production
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.4

Question 4.
Non-sampling error can be minimized by taking……
a. small sample
b. large sample
c. medium sample
d. None of these
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.78

Question 5.
Frequency distribution of two variables is known as……….
a. Univariate distribution
b Bivariate distribution
c. Multivariate distribution
d. None of these
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.81
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.82

Question 6.
The index number is used in India to measure the changes in retail prices.
a. Consumer price index
b. Wholesale price index
c. Producer price index.
d. None of these
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.6

Answer all questions from question numbers 7 to 11. Each carries 2 scores.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.7
Question 7.
Now India is one of the industrially growing economies in the World. In light of this, analyze the state of the industrial sector during the British Period in India.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.8

Question 8.
Unemployment is one of the major hurdles in India’s growth path. In this context, differentiate the concepts of open unemployment and disguised unemployment.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.9

Question 9.
National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) is a national level agency to collect process and tabulate the statistical data. Find the other two national level agencies.
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.87

Question 10.
Statistics is an indispensable tool for an economist. It helps him to understand an eco­nomic problem. List the other two uses
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.88

Question 11.
India and Pakistan followed similar develop­ment strategies in many areas. Identify any four.
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.89

Answer any 6 questions from question numbers 12 to 18. Each carries 3 scores.

Question 12.
The Government of India has replaced planning commission with a new institution named NITI Aayog (National Institution for Trans¬forming India) Economic planning should have some clearly specific goals. Briefly analyze any three major goals of economic planning.
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.90

Question 13.
Census method and sampling survey are gen­erally used to collect the data. Being an economics student, point out the three merits of census method student, point out the three merits of census method.
Plus One Model Economics Question Papers Paper 2.91

Question 14.
Draw a pie diagram based on the following data.

Course No. of Students
Science 240
Commerce 180
Humanities 120
Computer Science 120

Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.11
Question 15.
Calculate the simple aggregative price index

Commodities Price
2010 (P0) 2015 (P1)
A 100 110
B 75 80
C 200 250
D 50 60

Question 16.
The following are the steps towards mak­ing a project. Arrange them orderly. Choice of the target group, Conclusion, Orga­nization and presentation of data, Analy­sis and interpretation Collection of data, Identifying a problem on an area of study.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.12
Question 17.
The Government of India adopted three di­mensional approaches to attack poverty in the country. Briefly analyze the third approach of “Provide minimum basic facili­ties to the people”.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.13
Question 18.
Poverty means not having enough money for basic needs such as food, drinking water, shelter or toilets. Briefly explain the major causes of poverty in India. How do you mea­sure it?
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.16
Answer any 4 questions from question numbers 19 to 23. Each carries 4 scores.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.15
Question 19.
Under the various articles of the Indian Con­stitution, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental right to children between the ages of 6 and 14. On this context analyze the education sector in India.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.17

Question 20.
Rural development is the process of improv­ing the quality of life and economic well be­ing of people living in rural areas. Specify the areas which are challenging and need fresh initiatives for rural development.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.18

Question 21.
Convert the inclusive method into an exclusive method in the table given below and fill up the other columns based on the exclusive classes.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.19

Question 22.
The following table shows the scores ob­tained by 5 dancers in a dance competition. Find the rank correlation coefficient.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.20

Question 23.
Draw a multiple bar diagram
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.22
Answer any 2 question from question numbers 27 to 29 .Each carries 8 scores.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.21
Question 24.
The Government of India started economic reforms in 1991. After 25 years of its incep­tion, being a student of Economics analyze the impact of economic reforms in the sec­tors of agriculture and industry in India.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.23

Question 25.
Energy is one of the major inputs for eco­nomic development. Prepare a note on the conventional and nonconventional sources of energy and their consumption in India
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.24
Answer any 2 questions from question numbers 27 to 29. Each carries 8 scores.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.25
Question 26.
Environment and sustainable development are interconnected. The environmental issues arises due to the developmental activities in the country which directly threatens India’s environment. Explain.
(Hints: Sustainable development, India’s environment, Global warming, Ozone, Depletion, Pollutions etc.)
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.26
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.27

Question 27.
Calculate the Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode from the following data
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.28
Question 28.
Calculate the standard deviation and coefficient of variation! from the following data.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.29


Answer 1.

a. Mean Median Mode
b. Land reforms Equity in agriculture Land ceiling
c. China Growth due to manufacturing Commune system
d. The coefficient of correlation r = 0 No correlation
e. Ayush Yoga Mode

Answer 2.
First stage

Answer 3.
Milk Production

Answer 4.
small sample

Answer 5.
Bivariate Distribution

Answer 6.
Consumer Price Index

Answer 7.
We saw earlier in the British economic policy in India had twin objectives of converting India into a source of raw material for British industry and a market for British industry.

Impact on the industrial sector.

  • The result was the destruction of Indian handicrafts and massive unemployment.
  • The machine made goods of Britain were cheaper than Indian handicrafts products.
  • This led to the substitution of local products with foreign goods. Thus India becomes a good market for British goods.
  • The growth rate in the industrial sector was low.
  • During the British period, the capital goods industry did not develop.
  • The contribution of industry to the GDP level continued to remain low during the British period.

Answer 8.
Open unemployment:

  1. Open employment refers to the situation in which an individual has no job and unable to earn his livelihood.
  2. This unemployment is; clearly visible.
  3. People’s unemployment will affect the production of goods and services in an economy.
  4. Country’s labor force does not get opportunities for adequate employment
  5. In Open Employment the landless agricultural laborers in rural areas face this.

Disguised unemployment:

  1. Disguised unemployment refers to the situation in which people work at a place where there is no more people are required.
  2. This unemployment is hidden.
  3. People’s unemployment won’t affect the production of goods and services because here already more than the requirement of people are working so if they leave that’s not a big deal.
  4. The work is not constantly available or too many people are employed for the same work that does not require so many hands.
  5. This is generally found in an unorganized sector where either work is not constantly available or too many people are employed for the same work that does not require so many hands.

Answer 9.

  1. National Sample Survey Organization
  2. Central Statistical Organisation
  3. Labour Bureau
  4. RGI

Answer 10.

  1. Statistics is an indispensable tool for economists. Because it enables on the environment to present economic facts in a precise and definite form that nips in proper comprehension of what is stated.
  2. Statistics is nips in considering the mass of data into a few numerical measures such as (mean, variance etc.) These nominal resources help summarise data.
  3. It helps in the establishment of a correlation between the two facts

Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.30
Answer 11.
1. India and Pakistan both started their de­velopment process on economic planning after getting independence in 1947.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.31
2. Both of them have adopted the mixed economic system involving the co-existence of both the public and the private sector.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.32
3. Both of them introduced economic reforms around the same time to strengthen their economies. Pakistan initiated reforms in 1988 and India followed in 1991.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.33
4. They both have announced First Five Year plans for growth and development
5. Both the countries relied more on the public sector for initiating the process of growth and development.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.34

Answer 12.
Goals of NITI Aayog

  1. To evolve a shared vision of national development priorities sectors and strat­egies with the active involvement of States in the light of national objectives.
  2. To foster cooperative federalism through structured support initiatives and mecha­nisms with the States on a continuous basis, recognizing that strong States make a strong nation.
  3. To develop mechanisms to formulate cred­ible plans at the village level and aggre­gate these progressively at higher levels of government.
    To ensure, on areas that are specifically referred to it, that the interests of national security are incorporated in economic strategy and policy.
  4. To pay special attention to the sections of our society that may be at risk of not benefiting adequately from economic progress.
  5. To design strategic and long-term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives, and monitor their progress and their efficacy. The lessons learned through monitoring and feedback will be used for making innovative improvements, including necessary mid-course corre­ctions.

Answer 13.
A complete enumeration of all the items in an in the population is known as Census survey. It is also known as complete enumeration method.


  • The result obtained will be highly accurate and more reliable.,
  • This method is free from sampling errors.
  • All the characters are the universe and are maintained in the original.
  • Collected data is useful for further studies
  • We can study each unit in details, under this method

Answer 14.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.35
Answer 15.

Commodities Price
2010 (P0) 2015 (P1)
A 100 110
B 75 80
C 200 250
D 50 60
Total 425 500

Answer 16.

  • Identify a problem on an area of study
  • Choice of the target group
  • Collection of data
  • Organisation & Presentation of data
  • Analysis and Interpretation
  • Conclusion

Answer 17.
Social security measure
1. Rural Employment Generation Programme: It is implemented through the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), To help eligible entrepreneurs to set up village industry units. Under this programme, entrepreneurs can establish village industries by availing of margin money assistance from KVIC and loans from public sector scheduled commercial banks, selected regional rural banks. Under REGP, bank appraises the projects as per the scheme and take credit decision.

2. Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY): In this programme help to set up any kind of enterprise that generates employment for the educated unemployed from low-income families in rural and urban areas.
Lack of infrastructure

3. Swama Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY): The urban self-employment Programme and the Urban Wage Employment Programme are two special scheme of the SJSRY, initiated in December 1997.

Answer 18.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.37
The following are the measures to solve the problem of poverty in a village like that of mine.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.38
Poverty line:
The poverty line is the cut-off point which di­vides population as poor and non-poor. The cutoff point can be on a line of distribution of income. People whose incomes are be­low the poverty line are poor and those whose incomes are above the poverty line are non-poor. This measures of poverty are known as the headcount ratio. Because we are count­ing the number of heads below the poverty line.

Answer 19.
Education provides knowledge to understand changes in society and scientific adva­ncements, thus, facilitate inventions and inn­ovations, Similarly, the availability of educ­ated labour force facilitates adaptation to new technologies. Economic growth means the increase in real national income of a country; naturally, the contribution of the educated person to economic.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.39
In India, the ministries of education at the union and state level, departments of education and various organisations like National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), University Grants Commission (UGC) and All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) facilitate institutions which come under the education sector. Similarly, the ministries of health at the union and state level, departments of health and various organisations like the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) facilitate institutions which come under the health sector.

Answer 20.
1. Development of the productive resources of each locality.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.40
2. Development of human resources includ­inliteracycy more specifically, Female literacy, education and skill development and public health.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.41
4. Infrastructure development like irrigation, marketing, electricity, transportation facilities and facilities for agriculture research and extension and information facilities.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.42
5. Special measures for alleviation of poverty and bringing about significant improvement in the living conditions of the weaker section of the population emphasizing access to productive employ­ment opportunities. All this means that farmers also need to be given opportuni­ties to diversify into various non-farm productive activities such as food processing.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.43

Answer 21.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.44

Answer 22.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.45

Answer 23.
Multiple Bar Diagram
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.46

Answer 24
Impact of Economic Reforms Process on Indian Agricultural Sector.
The agricultural sector is the mainstay of the rural Indian economy around which socio-economic privileges and deprivations revolve, and any change in its structure is likely to have a corre­sponding impact on the existing pattern of social equality. No strategy of economic reform can succeed without sustained and broad-based agricultural development, which is critical for

  • raising living standards,
  • alleviating poverty,
  • assuring food security,
  • generating a buoyant market for expansion of industry and services, and
  • making a substantial contribution to the national economic growth.

Although there has been much theorising on the impact of India’s economic reforms of 1991 on Indian manufacturers. Most firms felt that the reforms were helpful by increasing access to foreign technology and making imports of capital and inter­mediate goods cheaper. They also felt that improvement in infrastructure and more flexible labour laws will facilitate further growth of India’s manufacturing sector.


  • Textiles and clothing
  • Wood products
  • Rubber and plastics products
  • Chemicals including pharmaceutical products
  • Metal products
  • Automobile and automotive parts

Answer 25.
Energy is a crucial component of economic infrastructure as it is the basic input that is required to sustain economic growth. There is a powerful relationship between economic development and energy consumption. When the country is more developed, it has a higher per capita of energy consumption and vice- versa. Conventional sources of energy are the most important sources of energy.
These are the two major sources of energy:

Conventional sources of energy

  • Commercial source
  • Non-commercial source

Non-Conventional sources of energy

  • Power and electricity
  • Health

Growing Energy needs

The most common sources of conventional energy are coal, petroleum, natural gas. They account for about 90% of the world’s production of commercial energy, hydro­electric and nuclear power accounting for only 10%.


  • Oil-39.5%
  • Natural gas-19.6%
  • Coal-30.3%
  • Hydroelectric- 6.7%
  • Nuclear-3.9%.

Commercial energy consumption in developed countries has increased at a high rate during the last 3-4 decades. More than 80% of the total world consumption of energy is by them which account for only 30% of the world population. On the contrary, 20% of the energy is consumed by 70% of the world ‘* population in developing countries.

Answer 26.
Ozone depletion.
Ozone depletion and the ozone hole have generated worldwide concern over increased cancer risks and other negative effects. The ozone layer prevents most harmful UVB wavelengths of ultraviolet light (UV light) from passing through the Earth’s atmos­phere. These wavelengths.cause skin cancer, sunburn, and cataracts, which were projected to increase dramatically as a result of thinning ozone, as well as harming plants and animals

1. Water pollution: Water pollution has many sources. The most polluting of them are the city sewage and industrial waste discharged into the rivers.

2. Air pollution: Air pollution in India is a serious issue with the major sources being fuelwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission, and traffic congestion

3. Solid waste pollution: Trash and garbage is a common sight in urban and rural areas of India. It is a major source of pollution. Indian cities alone generate more than 100 million tons of solid waste a year.

4. Noise pollution: The Supreme Court of India gave a significant verdict on noise pollution in 2005. Unnecessary honking of vehicles makes for a high decibel level of noise in cities.

Answer 27.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.47
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.48
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.49
Answer 28.
Plus One Economics Improvement Question Paper 2018.50

Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Kerala Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Time Allowed: 2 hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 60

General Instructions to Candidates :

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
  • Your are not allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018

Question 1.
Worker population ratio is……………
a. Population / Worker
b. Worker / Population
c. Population / Worker X 100
d. Worker/Population X 100
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.32

Question 2.
List any four effects which ‘the miracle seeds’ created in Indian agriculture.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.1

Question 3.
For a classroom discussion Ashna collected the following information about present In­dia.
a. Infant, mortality rate – 45
b. Life expenctancy-66.4
c. Overall literacy level 74.04
d. Compare them with the British period and comments.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.2

Question 4.
Demographic data on birth and death rates in India, a collected and published by………………
a. RG
c. CSO
d. Labour Bureau
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.4

Question 5.
Distinguish between bar diagram and histo­gram. (Hint: Not to draw diagrams)
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.5

Question 6.
The various ranks secured by Merin and Kanchana in four medical entrance examinations are
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.6
Calculate the rank correlation and interpret the result.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.7

Question 7.
Find the one which is NOT measured for im­proving agricultural market system.
a. Adoption of green revolution
b. Assurance of minimum support price
c. Maintenance of buffer stock
d. Public distribution system
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.33

Question 8.
a. Name the system of farming that restores, maintain and enhance Ecological balance,
b. Point out any three merits of it.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.8

Question 9.
Prepare an essay on various policies and pro­grams towards poverty alleviation in India. Do you find any faults in the implementation of these programs? Substantiate.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.9

Question 10.
A value of correlation coefficient (r) =+1.2 in­dicates
a. Perfect+ve correlation
b. High degree of +ve correlation
c. Low degree of +ve correlation
d. Error in calculation
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.10

Question 11.
Identify the names of the steps in a project to which you can include the following statisti­cal tools you have studied.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.11
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.12
Question 12.
State the two senses in which the word ‘sta­tistics’ is used. Elucidate.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.13

Question 13.
An import substitution policy.
a. Increase in the tax on imported goods
b. Fixing of quotas
c. Enlarge domestic production
d. All of these
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.14

Question 14.
a. Name the outcome of the two policy strat­egies of liberalization and privatization,
b. Do you think that Indian agriculture sec­tor was adversely affected by the reform process? Justify.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.15

Question 15.
State to which country the following demo­graphic features belongs to.
(Hint: India, China or Pakistan)
a. Highest annual growth of population
b. Lowest population density.
c. Less urbanization
d. High fertility rate
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.36
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.37

Question 16.
Observe the graph. It is……..
a. Uni-modal data
b. Bi-model data
c. Multi-modal data
d. None of these
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.31

Question 17.
Calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.34

Question 18.
“Most of the surveys conducted in India are sample surveys”.
Prepare any three reasons to support the above statement.”
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.35

Question 19.
Which is NOT a pair?
a. Tapas Majumdar Committee’ – Education
b. Brundtland Commission – Sustainable de­velopment
c. Karve Committee-Agriculture
d. VKRVRao-National income estimation
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.16
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.17

Question 20.
a. Name the relative measure of standard de­viation.
b. Define SD.
c. Calculate the standard deviation from the following data:
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.18

Question 21.
Do India faces challenges in the power sec­tor? Elucidate.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.19
Question 22.
For conducting a survey among 200 house­holds, Anumitha has written the names of all 200 households on pieces of paper, mixed well and 20 names are selected one by one. It is
a. Census method
b. Random sampling
c. Nonrandom sampling
d. None of these
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.20

Question 23.
While preparing a frequency distribution from the raw data, name the questions we have to address. Briefly, explain in 1 % pages. (Hint: Four steps in the construction of a frequency distribution)
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.21

Question 24.
The heights (in cm) of 11 plants in a garden are
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.22
a. Choose the mode.
b.Calculate the mean and median height of the plants, by using the equations.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.23

Question 25.
Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the employment sector in India?
a. 93% workers are in the informal sector.
b. 50% of the workers are self- employed.
c. Disguised and seasonal unemployment exist in the Indian farm sector.
d. During 1972-2010 there was a movement of workers from casual wage to self-empl­oyment.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.24

Question 26.
Define the term, ‘Sustainable development’. Suggest various strategies for attaining it in two pages.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.25

Question 27.
Express your view in the following aspects with reference to the present human capital formation in India.
a. Education for all
b. Gender equity
c. Higher education
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.26

Question 28.
The current and base year prices of a group of commodities are Rs. 180 and Rs. 135 re­spectively. It shows
a. price is said to have risen by 38.33%
b. price is decreased by 33.33%
c. price is increased by 133.33%
d. none of these
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.27


Answer 1.
Worker /population X 100

Answer 2.

  • Enable India to attain sufficiency in food grains.
  • Increased market surplus
  • Large-scale increase in production
  • Price of food grains declined.
  • Government procured surplus products for future use.

Answer 3.
a. 218/1000
b. 32 years
c. Less than 16 %

Answer 4.
RGI (also give merits for NSSO)

Answer 5.

Bar diagram Histogram
Bar diagram comprised agro up of equispaced A histogram is a two dimen­sional diagram
Equal width rectangular bars The width may be different
Space is left between adjacent bar No space is left
Draw for discrete and
con­tinues variables.
Drawn for continuous vari­able only
Not help to determine any average Help to determine made

Answer 6.

R1 Exams R2 Rank of Merin Rank of Kanchana (D = R1 R2) d2
KEAM 1 2 -1 1
AIPMT 3 4 -1 1
JIPMER 2 4 -1 1
ALLMS 4 1 3 9

Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.28

Answer 7.
a. Adoption of green revolution

Answer 8.
a. Organic farming
b. Substitute with locally produced and or­ganic inputs

  • More nutritional value
  • Pesticide-free
  • Highly international demand
  • Environment-friendly

Answer 9.
1. Rural Employment Generation Programme.
It is implemented through the Khadi and vil­lage Industries Commission (KVIC), To help eligible enterpreneurs to set up village indus­try units. Under this programme, enterpre­neurs can establish village industries by avail­ing of margin money assistance from KVIC and loans from public sector scheduled com­mercial banks, selected regional rural banks. Under REGP, bank appraises the projects as per the scheme and take credit decision.

2. Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY): In this programme help to set up any kind of enterprise that generates employment to the educated unemployed from low income fami­lies in rural and urban areas.

3. Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
The urban self-employment Programme and the urban Wage Employment Programme are two special scheme of the SJSRY, initiated in December 1997.

4. National Food for Work Programme (NFWP)
This Programme was introduced February 2001 for five months and was further extend­ed. This programe aims at augmenting food security through wage employment in droug­ht affected rural areas.

5. Swarna Jay at hi Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SJGSY)

It was launched with effect from 1999. As a result of amalgamating certain erstwhile prog­rammes into a single self-employment pro­gramme. This programme aims at promoting micro-enterprises and helping the rural poor into Self Help Groups(SHG). This scheme cov­ers all aspect of self-employment.

6. Mid Day Meals Scheme: In this programme involves provision for free lunch on working days for children in primary and upper primary classes in government education centers. The primary objective of the scheme is to provide hot cooked meal to children of primary and upper primary.

7. National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP): It was introduced on 15 August 1995 as a 100% centrally sponsored scheme for social assistance to poor household affected by old age, death of primary bread earner and mater­nity.

8. Pradhan Mantri Gramodya Yojana (PMGY): It was started in 2001. It aims at improving the standard of living of the rural people by de­veloping five important area health primary education, drinking water, housing and roads.

9. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY): It was nationwide plan in india to provide good all-weather road connectivity to unconnected villages. The scheme has started to change the lifestyle of many villagers.

10.Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY): It was introduced in 2001. Jawahar Gram Samridhi yojana and Employment Assurance Scheme were intergrated into a single yojana. The objective of this yojana is to provide em­ployment opportunity to the surplus Workers. Through the policy towards poverty alleviati­on has evolved in a progressive manner but over the last five and a half decades it has not undergone any radical transformation.

The three major area of concern which preve­nt the successful implementation of the progra­ms, they are:

  1. These program depend mainly on govern­ment and bank officials for their implementa­tion since such officials are ill motivated, the resources are inefficiently used and wasted.
  2. Unequal distribution of land and other as­sets due to the benefits have been availed by the non-poor.
  3. In comparison to the magnitude of poverty, the amount of resource allocated for these programmes is not sufficient.

Answer 10.
Error in calculation

Answer 11.
b. Analysis on interpretation
c. organisation or presentation of data

Answer 12.
In the plural sense:- statitics refers to the sys­tematic collection of numerical facts. It indic­ated information in terms of numbers or nume­rical data such as employment statistics and population statistics.
In the singular sense:- statistics refers to the science of studying statistical methods. It indic­ates the techniques or methods of collecting organising, presenting analysing and inter­preting data.

Answer 13.
d. All of these

Answer 14.
a. Globalisation
b. Yes, Reduction of public investment. There has been a drastic decrease in the volume of public investment. In the agricultural sector. There has been an acute outback from the Indian government to provide. Sufficient irri­gation facilities, electricity information sys­tem, market linkages and roads.
Removal at subsidies removal subsidies on fertilisers pushed up the cost of production of agriculture. This made forming more expen­sive, thereby, adversely affecting the poor and marginal farmers.                Shift towards cash crops and lack of food grai­ns. The export-oriented production strategies led to the shift of agricultural production from food grains to the production of cash crops like cotton jute etc.
Liberalisation and reduction in impart duties on agricultural products. Due to adherence to the to commitment, Indian government re­duced impart duties on agricultural products that forced the poor and marginal farmers to complete with their foreign countries part in international markets.

Answer 15.
a. Pakistan
b. China
c. India
d. Pakistan

Answer 16.
b. Bi-modaldata

Answer 17.

Item Weight(4%) Base year price Current year price
food 50 2000 3000
cloth 15 1000 1200
fuel 25 400 700
Rent 10 500 600
Item Weight W Base year Price Current year Price R
food 50 2000 3000 150 7500
cloth 15 1000 1200 120 1800
fuel 25 400 700 175 4375
Rent 10 500 600 120 1200
Total 100 14875

Consumer price index = \(\cfrac { \Sigma WR }{ \Sigma W } =\cfrac { 14875 }{ 100 } =148.75\)

Answer 18.

  • A sample can give recomable, reliable and accurate informations.
  • Lower cost
  • Shorter time
  • More detailed information can be collected as sample is less than population.
  • Need smaller loan of enumerators
  • Easier to trains and supervise the enum­erators

Answer 19.
c. Karve Committee – Agriculture

Answer 20.
a. Coefficient of variables
b. Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation: is the positive square root of the mean of squared deviations from mean.
So if there are five values X1, X2, X3,X4and X5, first their mean is calculated. Then devia­tions of the values from mean are calculated. These deviation are then squared. The mean of these squared deviations is the variance. Positive square root of the variance is the standard deviation.

Marks No.of students X d(x-5) fd fd2
(Fd x d)
0-10 3 5 -30 -90 2700
10-20 5 15 -20 -250 2000
20-30 6 25 -10 100 600
3040 8 35 0 0 0
40-50 10 45 10 100 1000
50-60 1 55 20 20 400
60-70    5 65 30 360  10800
70-80 5 75 40 200 8000
50 430 25,500

Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.29
Answer 21.

  • Installed capacity to generate electricity is not sufficient to feed the annual demand of 7%
  • State electricity board are running is losses of Rs,’ 500 billion transmission and distri­bution loss, wrong price, inefficiency etc.
  • Challenge from the part of the private sector and foreign power generates.
  • General public interest due to high tariff and long power

Answer 22.
b. Random sampling

Answer 23.

  • Find the range of data
  • Decide the approximate number of classes
  • Determine the approximate class interval size
  • Decide the starting point
  • Determine the remaining class limits
  • Distribute the data into respective classes.

Answer 24.
Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers 2018.30

Answer 25.
During 1972 -2010 there was a movement of workless from casual wage to self-empl­oyment.

Answer 26.
It refers to the development strategy to inte­rruption till the resource extraction was not above the rate of regeneration of the resource and the wastes generated were within the assimilating capacity of the environment But today, environment fails to perform its third and vital function of the substance resulting in an environmental crisis. The rising popula­tion of the developing countries and the af­fluent consumption and production stand­ards of the developed world have placed huge stress on the environment in terms of its first two functions.

Strategies for sustainable Development.

1. Use of a non-conventional source of energy: – India heavily, depends on the hydropower plants to meet its power needs. Both of the­se have adverse environmental impacts. Thermal power plants emit large quantities of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. It is not used properly.

2. Bio-Composting:-Inorder to increase pro­duction, we have started using chemical fertilisers which are adversely affecting the waterbodies, groundwater system, etc. But again farmers in large numbers have started using organic fertilisers for production.

3. Mini-Hydel Plants:- Mountainous region have streams everywhere, Most of such streams are perennial. Mini-hydel plants use the energy of such streams to move small turbines which generates electrici­ty. Such power plants are more or less envi­ronment friendly.

4. Traditional Knowledge and Practices:- Traditionally, Indian people have close to their environment. If we look back at our agriculture system, healthcare system, ho­using, transport, etc we find that all prac­tices have been environment-friendly.

5. Biopest Control:-With the advent of Gre­en Revolution, the country entered into the use of chemical pesticides to produce more which laid the adverse impacts on soil, wa­ter bodies, milk, meat, and fishes. To meet this challenge, better methods of pest control should be brought. One step is pesti­cides based on plants like neem. Even many animals also help in controlling pests like snakes, peacocks, etc.

6. CNG in Urban Areas:- In Delhi, the use of Compressed Natural Gas as fuel in the public transport system has significantly low­ered air pollution and the air has become cleaner in the last few years.

Answer 27.
a. It is still a dream
b. Better than before
c. A few takes

Answer 28.
d.None of these

Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Papers and Answers