Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using Java Script

Kerala State Board New Syllabus Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using Java Script.

Kerala Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using Java Script

Plus Two Computer Application Client-Side Scripting Using Java Script Using HTML 3 Marks Important Questions

Question 1.
Develop a webpage to display the following login screen. (MARCH-2016)
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using Java Script 1
Write JavaScript do the following validation:
a) The application number should be int he ranges 10000 to 99999
b) The password should contain atleast 8 characters.
Javascript – login
<script language =”Javascript”>
function showValid ( )
var appno,pas;
appno=document. frmlogin.txtappno. value;
pas=document.frmlogin.txtpass. value;
if (appno<10000|| appno>99999)
alert (“The number should be in the range 10000 to 99999. Try again”);
if (pas.length <8)
alert (” The password must contain atleast 8 characters. Try again”);
<Body bgcolor = “Cyan”>
<Form Name = “frmlogin”>
Application No.
<inputtype= “text” name = “txtappno”>
<br> <br> password
<input type = “password” Name = “txtpass”> <br> <br>
<input type= “button” value = “show” onClick = “showValid()”>

Question 2.
Design the following web page enter the mark of a student: (MAY-2016)
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using Java Script 2
a) Write HTML code forthe website.
b) Provide validations for the text box using JavaScript. The mark should be in the range of 0 to 100 and should up a number. The text box should not be empty.
student details
<SCRIPT Language=”JavaScript”>
function showValid()
if(mark<0 || mark >100)
alert(“The mark should be in the range 0 to 100”);
if (isNaN(mark))
alert (“The mark should be a number”);
if(mark == ” “)
alert (“please enter a valid mark”); return;
<Form Name = “frmcheck”>
<input type= “text” name = “txtmark”>
<input type= “button” Value= “Check” onClick=”showValid ( )”>

Question 3.
Develop a webpage to display the following screen: (MARCH-2017)
Plus Two Macroeconomics Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics 11
The user can enter a name in the textbox. On checking the ‘show’ button the name entered in the textbox should be changed into uppercase. Include JavaScript code in the HTML for doing this.
<SCRIPT Language=”JavaScript”>
function convert( )
var str1
document.fimconvert.txtname.value=str1.toUpperCase( );
<form name=”frmconvert”>
Enter Name
<input type=”text” name=”txtname”>
<inputtype=”button” value=”show” onClick-’convert( )”> </form>

Question 4.
Write a JavaScript which inputs the name, rollno, and date of birth of a student. Date of birth contains month, day and year. The month should be selected from a drop-down list. (MAY-2017)
<Script Language=”JavaScript”>
function get( )
</body bgcolor=”cyan”>
<form name=”frm”>
Enter your name
<input type=”text” name=”txtname”>
Enter your rollno
<input type=”text”name=”txtroll”>
Entr your Date of Birth
<input type=”text” name=”txtroll”>
<select size=”1″ name=”cbomth”>
<input type=”text” name=”txtyr”>
<input type=”button” value=”submit”
onClick=”get( )”>