Plus One Computer Application Model Question Paper 3

Kerala Plus One Computer Application Model Question Paper 3

Time: 2 Hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum: 60 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Calculations, figures, and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 33

Part A

Answer all questions from 1 to 5
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 1

Question 1.
The Least Significant Digit (LSD) of (1234.56)10 is …………
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 2

Question 2.
The process of detecting and correcting errors in a program is called …………….
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 3

Question 3.
Name any two keywords in C+ +.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 4

Question 4.
The memory size required for the void data type is ……………
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 5

Question 5.
Rewrite the expression a = a + 1 using an arithmetic assignment operator.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 6

Part B

Answer any nine questions from 6 to 16
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 7

Question 6.
Find the octal and hexadecimal equivalent of (111101 )2.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 8

Question 7.
Write a short note on any two utility software.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 9

Question 8.
Redraw the following flowchart by correcting mistakes.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 10

Question 9.
Classify the followings into valid and invalid literals and give a reason for invalid literals.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 11
33,000 +410. 5.6E 82

Question 10.
Consider a = 5 and b = 2 and find the result of the following expressions.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 12

  1. a > b
  2. a !=b && b > a

Question 11.
Write a short note on any two statements in C+ +
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 13

Question 12.
Briefly, explain type promotion with suitable example.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 14

Question 13.
Write the equivalent switch statement for the following.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 15

Question 14.
Define the terms given below.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 16
a. Bandwidth
b. Noise,

Question 15.
Name any four basic elements for data communication.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 17

Question 16.
Write two advantages of Electronic Payment System (EPS).
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 18

Part C

Answer any nine questions from 17 to 27
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 19

Question 17.
If (X)16 = (Y)10 = (Z)8 = (11111111)2. find the values of X, Y and Z.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 20

Question 18.
What is e-waste? Explain any two e-waste disposal methods.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 21

Question 19.
Write an algorithm to find the sum of numbers from 1 to 10.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 22

Question 20.
Explain any two types of programming errors.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 23

Question 21.
Consider the following diagram and answer the question.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 24
Write the base address (Lvalue), content (Rvalue) and Name of variables,
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 25

Question 22.
Write short notes on.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 26
a. Preprocessor directive
b. Header file
c. Main() function

Question 23.
What is the use of type modifiers in C++? List any four type modifiers.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 27

Question 24.
Write a C++ program to input an integer and check whether it is positive, negative or zero.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 28

Question 25.
Compare Dialup connection and wired broadband connection.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 29

Question 26.
a. Consider the following email address and write the username and domain name of it.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 30
b. List any four advantages of email.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 31

Question 27.
Explain any three IT-enabled services.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 32

Part D

Answer any two questions from 28 to 30
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 33

Question 28.
“Open source software are getting more popular all over the world today”.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 34
a. Write the full form of FSF.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 35
b. Briefly elaborate four freedoms of open source software.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 36
c. Give four examples of open source softwares.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 37

Question 29.
a. List the four different parts of a loop in C++.
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b. Compare while loop and do-while loop with suitable example.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 39

Question 30.
a. Define topology,
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 40
b. Explain any two topologies.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 41
c. Differentiate HUB and SWITCH.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 3 42


Answer 1.

Answer 2.

Answer 3.
continue, float

Answer 4.
zero. It does not require any memory space.

Answer 5.
a+ = 1

Answer 6.
(111101)2= 111 → 7, 101 → 5 = (75)8
(111101)= 0011 → 3, 1101 → D
= (3D)16

Answer 7.
a. Compression tools. Large files can be compressed so that they take less storage area. Compression of files is known as zipping and decompression is called unzipping, eg., WinZip, WinRAR.
b. Disk Defragmenter. It is a program that rearranges files on a computer hard disk. This enables the computer to work faster and more efficiently.

Answer 8.

Answer 9.
33,000: Invalid, Use of special character
+410. : Invalid. Use of special character
5.6E: Invalid. No exponent part
82: Valid

Answer 10.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer 11.
1. Declaration statement. Variables are identifiers of memory locations add are used in programs to refer to data. They should be declared prior to their use in the program and data types are required for this. The syntax of variable declaration is:

data type <variable1>
[, <variable2>, <variable3 >,...];
eg., int rollno, age;

2. Assignment statement. A specific data is stored in memory locations (variables) using an assignment operator (=). The statement that contains = is known as assign.. ment statement. It is also a binary operator and the operand to the left of = should be a variable. The operand after = may be a numeric constant, a variable or an expression of numeric type.

Answer 12.
In implicit type conversion, compiler is responsible for the conversion. It always converts a lower type into, higher one and hence it is also known as type promotion,
eg., For example, the expression 5 / 2 * 3 + 2.5 which gives the result 8.5. The evaluation steps are as follows:
Step 1: 5/2 gives 2 (Integer division) Step 2: 2 * 3 gives 6 (Integer multiplication)
Step 3: 6 + 2.5 gives 8.5 (Boating point addition, 6 is converted into 6.0)

Answer 13.

switch (ch)
case ‘P’: cout<<“Pass”;
case ‘F: cout<<“Failed”;
default: cout<<“No result";

Answer 14.
a. Bandwidth. It is the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted by the medium. It can be measured in Hertz.
b. Noise. It is the unwanted electrical or electromagnetic interference that adversely affects the transmitted data signals.

Answer 15.
Message. It is the data/information to be transmitted from one computer to another.
Sender. It is a computer or a device that sends data. It is also called source or transmitter.
Receiver. It is a computer or a device that receives data.
Protocol. The rules and conventions for transmitting data.
Medium. It is the path through which message travels from sender to receiver.

Answer 16.
A system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in an online environment is called an Electronic Payment System (EPS). The financial exchange is facilitated by a digital financial instrument (such as a credit/debit card, electronic cheque or digital cash) backed by a bank and/or an Intermediary.

Answer 17.
1111 → F, 1111 → F
(11111111)2 = (FF)16 = (X)16
011 → 3, 111 → 7, 111 → 7
(11111111), = (377)e = (Z)8
(11111111 )2 = 1 × 27 + 1 × 26 + 1 × 2s + 1 × 24 + 1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 2°
= 128 + 64 + 32+ 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 155
,(155)10 = (Y)10

Answer 18.
It is defined as discarded computers, office electronic equipment, entertainment device, mobile phones, television sets, and refrigerators. This global mountain of waste is expected to continue growing at 8% per year.

  1. Reuse: It refers to secondhand use or usage after the equipment has been upgraded or modified.
  2. Incineration: It is a controlled and complete combustion process in which the waste is burned in specialty designed incinerators at a high temperature in the range of 900 to 1000 degree Celsius.
  3. Recycling: It is the process of making or manufacturing new products from a product that has originally served its purpose.
  4. Landfilling: In this method, soil is excavated from the trenches made and waste material is buried in it, which is covered by a thick layer of soil.

Answer 19.

Step 1: Start
Step 2: a = 1, s = 0
Step 3: s = s + a
Step 4: a = a + 1
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 to 4 while a<=10
Step 6: Print M
Step 7: Stop

Answer 20.
1. Syntax errors result when the rules or syntax of the programming language are not followed. Such program errors typically involve incorrect punctuation, incorrect word sequence, undefined term, or illegal use of terms or constructs. In the case of interpreters, the syntax errors will be detected and displayed during execution,

2. The logical error is due to the improper planning of the program’s logic. The language processor successfully translates the source code into machine code if there are no syntax errors. The computer actually follows the program instructions and gives the output as per the instructions. But the output may not be correct. This is known as logical errors. In order to determine whether or not there is a logical error, the program must be tested.

Answer 21.
Base address (Lvalue) 3000
Content (Rvalue) 105
Name of variables NUM

Answer 22.
a. Preprocessor directives. A C++ program starts with preprocessor directives. Preprocessors are the compiler directive
‘ statements which give instruction to the compiler to process the information provided before actual compilation starts. The # include is used to link the header files available in the C++ library. There are some other preprocessor directives such as # define, # undef, etc.

b. Header files. It contains the information about functions, objects and predefined derived data types and they are available along with compiler. The header file ios team contains the information about the objects cin and cout.

c. The main() function. The execution starts at main() and ends within main(). If we use any other function in the program, it is called (or invoked) from main(). The function header main() is followed by its body, which is a set of one or more statements within a pair of braces {}. This structure is known as the definition of the main() function. Each statement is delimited by a semicolon (;).

Answer 23.
C++ provides data type modifiers which help us to alter the size, range or precision. It alters the range of values permitted to a data type by altering the memory size and/or sign of values. Important modifiers are signed, unsigned, long and short.

Name Description Size
char Character or a small integer 1 byte
short int (short) Short Integer 2 bytes
int Integer 4 bytes
long int (long) Long integer 4 bytes
float Floating point number 4 bytes
double Double preci­sion floating-point number 8 bytes
long double Long double-precision floating-point number 10 bytes

Answer 24.

# include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main()
int a;
cout<<“Enter an integer:”; 
cin >> a;
if (a > 0) .
cout<<“The number is positive”;
else if (a < 0) *
cout<<“The number is negative”;
cout<<“The number is zero”; return 0;

Answer 25.
Dial-up connection. The internet connection is established by dialing into an ISP’s computer. If ISP is not busy they verify the username and password if it is valid they will connect our computer to the internet. It uses Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or Points to Point Protocol (PPP). It is slower and has a higher er rotate.

Wired Broadband Connectivity. In these, there is a permanent wire connection, between your computer and ISP. So it’s an “always on” connection. It uses a broadband modem and we can use telephone lines while using the internet.

Answer 26.
a. Username my school
b. Domain name b. The advantages of email are:

  1. Speed is high.
  2. It is cheap.
  3. We can send email to multiple recipients.
  4. Incoming messages can be saved locally.
  5. It reduces the usage of paper.
  6. We can access mailbox anytime and from anywhere. „

Answer 27.
1. Medical equipment. Most of the modern medical equipment work with the help of computers. Scanners like CT, MRI depends on computers to process their data. Computer-guided lasers are used in surgery, even in the removal of brain tumors etc.

2. Electronic Medical Records (EMR). It is possible to store all patient’s records in digital format. This is known as EMR. EMR is used by doctors for diagnostics and treatment.

3. Web-based support/diagnosis. There are a lot of treatments, therapies, medical journals are available on the internet, which can be referred to by patients. Some websites provide facility f&r identifying their diseases without consulting a doctor. This prediction may not be correct in some time.

Answer 28.
a. Free Software Foundation
b. Freedom 0: The freedom to run a program for any purpose.
Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs. Access to source code should be provided.
Freedom 2: The freedom to distribute copies of the software.
Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

  1. GNU / Linux is a computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution.
  2. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation’Program) is an image editing software.
  3. Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers. It provides added security features for safe browsing.
  4. is a complete office software which contains word processor, spreadsheet and presentations.

Answer 29.
a. A looping statement has four components: initialization expression, test expression, update expression, loop body. The loop body is the set of statements for repeated execution. The execution is continued as long as the test expression (condition) is true. The variable used in the test expression, called a loop control variable, gets its initial value through the initialization expression (or statement). Update expression changes the value of the loop control variable. Usually, it takes place after each execution of the loop body.

b. while loop. The condition is checked first and if it is found, True the body of the loop will be executed. That is the body will be executed as long as the condition is True. The syntax of a while loop is, initialization of loop control variable;

while (test expression)
body of the loop;
updation of Ipop control variable;
eg., int k= 1; while(k<=3)
cout << k << `\t’;

do while loop. The condition is checked only after executing the loop body. So it is certain that the loop body will be executed at least once in the case of do while loop.

Syntax is:
initialization of loop control variable; 
body of the loop;
updation of loop control variable;
while (test expression); 
eg., int k = 1; do {
cout << k << At’;
while (k<=3);

Answer 30.
a. The physical or logical arrangement of computers on a network is called structure or topology. It is the geometrical arrangement of computers in a network,
1. Ring topology. All the computers are connected in the shape of a ring and it is a closed-loop. Here also there is no central computer. Here a computer transmits a message, which is tagged along with its destination computer’s Address. The message travels in one direction and each node checks whether the message is for them. If not, it passes to the next node. It requires only short cable length. Its advantages are no signal amplification required because each node do this and requires less cable, so cost-effective. The main disadvantage is if a node fails, the entire network will fail.

2. Bus topology. All the computers are attached to a single cable, called the bus. If anyone node has to send data to another node, it will send the data to the bus. In the bus, the data travels in both directions. The node that needs the data copies it. A small device called terminator connected at both end of the bus removes the data and frees the bus for next transmission. Advantages are added or remove computer is very easy. It requires less cable length and the installation cost is less. A disadvantage is fault detection is very difficult because of no central computer,

c. Hub. It is a small, simple and inexpensive device used to connect computers (devices) to a network. If a computer wants to transmit data to another computer, first it sends to the hub, the hub retransmits this data to all other computers. Each and every computer gets the data and check whether it is for them or not. It increases the network traffic and hence the transmission speed is low.

Switch. It is an expensive device used to connect computers (device) to a network. Unlike a hub, switch transmit data, not to all computers, it retransmits data only to the intended computer. So the traffic is less and the speed is high.

Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Papers and Answers