Plus One Computer Application Model Question Paper 2

Kerala Plus One Computer Application Model Question Paper 2

Time: 2 Hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum: 60 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off-time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Calculations, figures, and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

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Part A

Answer all questions from 1 to 5
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Question 1.
JPEG stands for
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Question 2.
The process of making or manufacturing new products from the product that has originally served its purpose is called
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Question 3.
Program errors are known as
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Question 4.
Its value does not change during execution. What is it?
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Question 5.
The act of breaking into a secure network to destroy data is called hacking.
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Part B

Answer any nine questions from 6 to 16
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Question 6.
If (x)8 = (101011)2, then find x.
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Question 7.
Explain the benefits of a blue-violet laser in BluRay DVD.
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Question 8.
When do we use ROM?
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Question 9.
What is the runtime error? Explain.
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Question 10.
Identify the errors in the following code segments:
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 2 12

int main()
cout<<“Enter two numbers”
cin >> num >> auto
float area = Length * breadth ;
# include <iostream>
using namespace std
void Main()
int a, b 
cin<<a <<b 
max=(a > b) a:b 

Question 11.
Write the working of arithmetic assignment operator? Explain all arithmetic assignment operators with the help of examples.
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Question 12.
Checks whether a given character is an alphabet or a digit.
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Question 13.
Define resource sharing.
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Question 14.
Define network topology.
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Question 15.
What are the disadvantages of email?
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Question 16.
What are the facilities provided by the IRCTC website?
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Part C

Answer any nine questions from 17 to 27
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Question 17.
What are the methods of representing integers in computer memory?
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Question 18.
What is the role of a computer in problem-solving?
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Question 19.
What is a computer program? How do algorithms help to write programs?
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Question 20.
Distinguish between identifiers and keywords.
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Question 21.
Explain the different types of logical operators in C++.
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Question 22.
Explain the memory representation of a variable with the help of an example.
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Question 23.
How do the type modifiers affect the size and range of int and char data types?
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Question 24.
Write a C++ program to find the biggest number from 3 given numbers.
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Question 25.
Briefly explain the working of a for loop along with its syntax. Give an example of for loop to support your answer.
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Question 26.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media?
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Question 27.
Discuss in detail various uses of IT in health care field.
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Part D

Answer any two questions from 28 to 30
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Question 28.
List and explain various categories of software.
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Question 29.
In the following program, some lines are missing. Fill the missing lines and complete it.
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# include<iostream.h>
int num1, num2, sum; 
cout<< “Enter two numbers:”;
cout<< “Sum of numbers are = "<<sum;

Question 30.
Which is/are communication channels suitable for the following situations?
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a. Setting up a LAN.
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b. Transfer of data from a laptop to a mobile phone.
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c. Transfer of data from one mobile phone to another.
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d. Creating a remote control that can control multiple devices in a home.
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e. Very fast communication between two offices in two different countries.
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f. Communication in hilly area.
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g. Communication within a city and its vicinity where a coast of cabling is too high.
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Answer 1.
Joint Picture Experts Group

Answer 2.

Answer 3.

Answer 4.

Answer 5.

Answer 6.
101 → 5,
011 → 3
x = 53

Answer 7.
The benefit of using a blue-violet laser is that it has a shorter wavelength which makes it possible to focus the laser spot with greater precision. This allows data to be packed more tightly. Therefore it is possible to store more data on the disk. Can hold up to 25 GB on a single-layer disc and 50 GB on a dual-layer disc. ‘

Answer 8.
ROM is nonvolatile; the contents are retained even after the power is switched off. It is used to hold boot up a program known as Basic Input Output System (BIOS). This software runs when the computer is switched on or ‘boots up’. It checks the computer’s hardware and then loads the operating system.

Answer 9.
The error messages may be displayed by the error handling function of the language. These errors are known as a runtime error. These errors can be rectified by providing instruction for checking, the validity of the data before it gets processed by the subsequent instructions in the program.

Answer 10.
a. No header file, no semicolon is used at the end of a second and third statement. Variables did not declare a return value not specified, auto cannot be used here.
b. M is upper case in main(), no semicolon used in any statements. Operators of sin and cout are wrong. Missing in conditional operator?

Answer 11.
A simple arithmetic statement can be expressed in a more condensed form using arithmetic assignment operators.
eg., a=a+10 can be represented as a+=10. Here += is arithmetic assign* meant operator. The arithmetic assignment operators in C++ are +=, =,*=,/=, %=. These are also known as C++ shorthands. These are all binary operators and the first operand should be a variable. The use of these operators makes the two operations (arithmetic and assignment) faster than the usual method.
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Answer 12.

# include<iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main()
char ch;
cout << “Enter the character(only small letter): "; 
cin » ch;
if (ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= 'z) 
cout<<“You entered an alphabet”; 
if (ch >= ‘0’ && ch <= ‘9’) 
cout<<“You entered a digit\n”; 
return 0;

Answer 13.
It is defined as the sharing of available hardware and software resources in a computer network.

Answer 14.
The physical or logical arrangement of computers on a network is called structure or topology. It is the geometrical arrangement of computers in a network.

Answer 15.
1. It requires a computer, a modem, software, and internet connection to check mail.
2. Some emails may contain viruses.
3. Mailboxes are filled with junk mail. So very difficult to find the relevant mail.

Answer 16.
IRCTC provides online booking facilities of railway tickets and offers other services like checking reservation status, train timing, reservation of hotels for the tourists across the country.

Answer 17.
There are three methods for representing an integer number in computer memory. They are:
a. Sign and magnitude representation
b. 1’s complement representation
c. 2’s complement representation

Answer 18.
A computer can solve problems only when we give instructions to it. If it understands the tasks contained in the instructions, it will work accordingly. An instruction is an action-oriented statement. It tells the computer what operation it should perform. A computer can execute (carry out the task contained in) an instruction only if the task is specified precisely and accurately.

Answer 19.
A sequence of instructions written in a language that is understood by a computer is called a computer program.
The algorithm is a step by step procedure to solve a problem. Each step represents a specific task. These steps help the programmer to write instructions in a programming language.

Answer 20.
Identifiers are the user-defined words that are used to name different program elements such as memory locations, statements, functions, objects, classes etc.

The words (tokens) that convey a specific meaning to the language compiler are called keywords. These are also known as reserved words as they are reserved by the language for special purposes and cannot be redefined for any other purposes.

Answer 21.
1. && (logical AND). If two relational expressions E1 and E2 are combined using this ‘operator, the result will be 1 (True) only if both E1 and E2 have values 1 (True). In all other cases, the result will be 0 (False).
2. 11 (logical OR). If two relational expressions E2 and E2 are combined using logical OR (| |) operator, the result will be 0 (False) only if both E1 and E2 are having a value 0 (False), In all other cases, the result will be 1 (True).
3. (logical NOT). This operator is used to negate the result of a relational express

Answer 22.
Plus One Computer Application Model Question Papers Paper 2 43
Memory representation of a variable The variable name is num and it consumes 4 bytes of memory at memory addresses 101, 102, 103 and 104. The content of this variable is 18. That is the Lvalue of num is 101 and the Rvalue is 18.

Answer 23.
C++ provides data type modifiers which help us to alter the size, range or precision. It alters the range of values permitted to a data type by altering the memory size and/or sign of values.

Name Description Size
char Character or a small integer 1 byte
short int (short) Short Integer 2 bytes
int Integer 4 bytes
long int (long) Long integer 4 bytes

Answer 24.

# include<iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main()
int colour;
cout<<“Enter a number between 1 and 4:”;
if (colour==1) 
else if (colour==2)
else if (colour—3) 
cout<<“Blue”; else
cout<<“Wrong input”; 
return 0;

Answer 25.
for loop is an entry controlled loop. All the three loop elements (initialization, test expression, and update statement) are placed together in for a statement. So it Snakes the program compact. The syntax is:

for (initialization; test expression; update statement)
These three steps (test, body, update) are continued until the test expression
is evaluated to False, 
eg., for (n=1; n<= 10; ++n)
cout<< “hello”;

Answer 26.
Advantages are:

  1. Bring people together; It allows people to maintain the friendship.
  2. Ran and organize events: It allows users to plan and organize events.
  3. Business promotion: It helps the firms to promote their sales.
  4. Social skills: There is a key role in the formation of society.

Disadvantages are:

  1. Intrusiontoprivacy. The personal information (photo, email id, phone number, name, address etc.) posted in such sites can be used for illegal activities.
  2. Addiction. Addiction to such sites wastes our valuable time.
  3. Spread rumors. Social media will spread the news quickly.

Answer 27.
Some of the areas where ICT used in health are the following:
1. Medical equipment. Most of the modern medical equipment work with the help of computers. Scanners like CT, MRI depends on computers to process their data. Computer-guided lasers are used in surgery, even in the removal of brain tumors etc.

2. Electronic Medical Records (EMR). It is possible to store all patient’s records in digital format. This is known as EMR. EMR is used by doctors for diagnostics and treatment.

3. Web-based support/diagnosis. There are a lot of treatments, therapies, medical journals are available on the internet, which can be referred to by patients. Some websites provide a facility for identifying their diseases without consulting a doctor. This predictions, may not be correct in some time.

4. Telemedicine. It helps to monitor and share a patients conditions like body temperature, blood pressure, heartbeats, ECG etc. from a distant place by a doctor. A surgeon in one place of the world can contact an expert from another part of the world while performing a surgery. It reduces cost and time.

5. Research and Development. Various researches are going on to discover new medicines. Use of IT in biotechnology have reduced the cost of drug discovery. Drugs for a specific purpose can be developed with the use of advanced computers.

Answer 28.
The software is a general term used to denote a set of programs that help us to use a computer system and other electronic devices efficiently and effectively. The two types of software are:
1. System software: It is a set of one or more programs designed to control the operations of a computer.

  • Operating system: It is a set of programs that act as an interface between the user and computer hardware.
  • Language processors: The instructions to the computer are written in different languages. Various language processors are:
    • Assembler: It converts languages written in assembly language into machine language.
    • Interpreter: It converts a high-level language into machine language by-line by line.
    • Compiler: It translates a high-level language into machine language by converting all the lines at a time.
  • Utility software: A set of programs which help users in system maintenance tasks and in performing tasks of routine nature. Utility programs are compression tools (WinZip, Win RAR), disk defragmenter (rearranges files on a computer hard disk), backup software.

2. Application software: It is the software developed for a specific application. It includes general purpose software (Word Processing software, spreadsheet software, presentation software, database, multimedia), specific purpose software (designed to handle particular tasks).

Answer 29.

# include<iostream.h> 
void main()
int num1, num2, sum;
cout<< “Enter two numbers:”;
sum = num1 + num2;
cout<< “Sum of numbers are = ”

Answer 30.
a. STP/UTP (Twisted pair cable)
b. Bluetooth or WiFi
c. Bluetooth or infrared
d. Infrared
e. Satellite communication
f. Microwaves
g. WiMax

Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Papers and Answers