Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Kerala Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Paper 2018

Time: 2 Hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum: 60 Scores

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Calculations, figures, and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

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Part A
Answer all questions from 1 to 5
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Question 1.
The meaningful and processed form of data is known as ……………….
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Question 2.
Write the full form of USB.

Question 3.
…………….. is a step by step procedure to solve a problem.
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Question 4.
What is the name of files created to support C++ programs and kept in the standard library?
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Question 5.
Find out the odd one from the following:
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a. DOS
b. DSL

Answer any nine questions from 6 to 16
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Question 6.
Despite the high speed and accuracy, computers are said to be the slaves of human beings. Why?
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Question 7.
Name the four waste disposal methods.
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Question 8.
What are the features of RAM?
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Question 9.
Problem-solving by computer proceeds through different stages. Name the stages in the correct order.
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Question 10.
Write the output of the following C++ expressions.
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Let a = 7, b = 2 ’
a. a + b * 3 / ++b;
b. a < = 7 && b > 1;

Question 11.
Detect and correct the errors in the following C++ code.
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# include<iostream> 
using name space std; 
int main ( );
int a, b;
cout<< “Enter two numbers”; 
cin>>a and b; a + b = c;
cout<< “Sum =”<<c; 
return 0;

Question 12.
Rewrite the following code using a switch case statement.
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cout<<‘i prefer Malayalam”;
else if (Lan == ‘E’)
cout<<“l prefer English”;
else cout<<“l prefer neither Malayalam
nor English”;

Question 13.
There are many advantages of using networked computers instead of standalone computers. Write any four advantages of them.
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Question 14.
What is the importance of the TCP/IP protocol in computer networks?
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Question 15.
Write any two drawbacks in using social media.
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Question 16.
eBusiness has many possibilities in the business world, but it faces some challenges. Write about any two challenges in e-Business.
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Answer any nine questions from 17 to 27
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Question 17.
If (M)8 = (96)10 = (N)2 , find M and M.
(M)8 = (96)10 = (N)2
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Question 18.
Following is a flowchart to find the sum of the first 50 natural numbers.
a. Correct the flowchart if there are errors.
b. Redraw the flowchart to find the sum of even numbers between 1 and 50.
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Question 19.
What is debugging? Which are the different types of errors that may occur in a program?
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Question 20.
a. What is a token in C++?
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b. Distinguish between keywords and identifiers.
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Question 21.
Data types are necessary to declare variables in C++.
a. What is a data type?
b. Write the classification of fundamental data types in C++.
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Question 22.
Write a short note on arithmetic and logical operators in C++.
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Question 23.
a. Write the equivalent arithmetic operations for the given C++ shorthands.
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b. What is the difference between a=20 and a==20?
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Question 24.
Write a C++ program to find the sim pie interest of an amount (P) deposited with a rate of interest (R) for a period of years (N). A rate of interest = 7% if deposit amount P is less than 1 lakh. A rate of interest = 8% if deposit amount P is between 1 lakh and 5 lakhs. A rate of interest = 9% if the deposit amount P is above 5 lakhs. (Hint: Simple interest = P × N × R/100)
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Question 25.
a. Give the output of the following code.
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for(i= 10; i<30; i+ = 3)

b. Rewrite the code using while loop, while
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Question 26.
Explain briefly about the wireless broadband connectivity methods used for internet connection.
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Question 27.
e-Leaming allows us to overcome many limitations of the conventional teaching-learning process.
a. Name any three eLearning tools for enhancing the e-Learning process.
b. Write any three advantages of eLearning.
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Answer any two questions from 28 to 30
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Question 28.
a. Write a detailed classification of software.
b. Some programming languages use compiler whereas some use interpreter. What makes them different?
c. What do you mean by free software?
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Question 29.
a. What is a type conversion ? Which are the two ways of type conversion?
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b. Define type casting.
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c. Consider the C++ code.
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p = 7, q = 2; float a, b;
a = p/q;
b = (a+q)/q;
Find the values of’a and b.

Question 30.
a. Define the term topology.
b. Consider that, your principal has decided to network your computer lab. Which topology will you suggest? Justify your answer.
c. Differentiate between LAN and WAN.
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Answer 1.

Answer 2.
Universal Serial Bus

Answer 3.

Answer 4.
Header files

Answer 5.
a. DOS

Answer 6.
Yes. Many people think that the computer has superhuman capabilities. However, this is not true. A computer does not have natural intelligence as humans have. A computer cannot decide on its own.

Answer 7.

  1. Reuse: It refers to second-hand use or usage after the equipment has been upgraded or modified.
  2. Incineration: It is a controlled and complete combustion process in which the waste is burned in specially designed incinerators at a high temperature in the range of 900 to 1000 degree Celsius.
  3. Recycling: It is the process of making or manufacturing new products from a product that has originally served its purpose.
  4. Landfilling: In this method, the soil is excavated from the trenches made and waste material is buried in it, which is covered by a thick layer of soil.

Answer 8.
The microprocessor can read from and write to RAM. Data can be stored and retrieved at random from anywhere within the RAM, no matter where the data is. The contents of RAM are lost when power is switched off. Therefore, RAM is a volatile memory. The speed of a RAM refers to how fast the data in memory is accessed and expressed in MegaHertz (MHz).

Answer 9.
Problem identification, preparing algorithms and flowcharts, coding the program, translation, debugging.

Answer 10.
a. 9
b. True / 1

Answer 11.

# include<iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main ()
int a, b, c;
cout<< “Enter two numbers"; 
cin>>a>>b; c = a + b;
cout<< “Sum =”<<c; return 0;

Answer 12.

switch (Lan)
case‘M’: cout<<“I prefer Malayalam";
case ‘E’: cout<<“l prefer English”; break;
default:cout<<“l prefer neither Malayalam nor English";

Answer 13.
The advantages of networks are:

  1. Resource sharing: All the computers in a network can share software.
  2. Reliability: If one computer fails, the other computer can perform the work without any delay.
  3. Price Vs Performance: Instead of a main frame 10 personal computers are used with less cost and same performance.
  4. Communication medium: It has a powerful communication medium. We can exchange information between computers in a network.
  5. Scalable: System performance can be increased by adding computers to a network.

Answer 14.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) uses a set of rules to exchange\messages with other internet points at time information packet level. When data is to be sent from one computer to another over the internet, it is first broken into smaller packets by TCP and then sends. When these packets are received by the receiving computer, TCP submits a request for retransmission else packets are assembled into the original message according to the rules specified in the TCP protocol. Delivery of each packet to the right destination is done by Internet Protocol (IP).

Answer 15.

  1. Intrusiontoprivacy.The personal information (photo, e-mail id, phone number, name, address etc.) posted on such sites can be used for illegal activities.
  2. Addiction to such sites wastes our valuable time.
  3. Spread rumors. Social media will spread the news quickly.

Answer 16.

  1. A good percentage of the population is unaware of IT applications and its uses. Most of the regular Internet users also lack knowledge about online business and its possibilities.
  2. Most of the customers, especially to the rural population, do not possess plastic money such as credit card, debit card and net banking system, which is necessary for e-Business.
  3. If not Used with caution, customers may lose valuable information like their credit card number, passwords, etc.
  4. Products like apparel, handicrafts, jewelry, etc are often purchased after examining physically. But in online shopping, customers don’t have this touch and feel advantage.
  5. For the success of e-Business of any organization or company perfect and efficient shipment service is a necessity.

Answer 17.
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Answer 18.
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Answer 19.
It is the stage where programming errors are discovered and corrected, programming errors are known as ‘bugs’and the process of detecting and correcting these errors is called debugging.

The error messages may be displayed by the error-handling function of the language. These errors are known as a runtime error. These errors can be rectified by providing instruction for checking the validity of the data before it gets processed by the subsequent instructions in the program.

The logical error is due to the improper planning of the program’s logic. The language processor successfully translates the source code into machine code if there are no syntax errors. The computer actually follows the program instructions and gives the output as per the instructions. But the output may not be correct. This is known as logical errors.

The error messages may be displayed by the error-handling function of the language. These errors are known as a runtime error. These errors can be rectified by providing instruction for checking the validity of the data before it gets processed by the subsequent instructions in the program.

Answer 20.
a. Tokens or lexical units are the fundamental building blocks of the program. C++ has five types of tokens. They are keywords, identifiers, literals, punctuators, and operators.
b. Identifiers are the user-defined words that are used to name different program elements such as memory locations, statements, functions, objects, classes etc.
The words (tokens) that convey a specific meaning to the language compiler are called keywords. These are also known as reserved words as they are reserved by the language for special purposes and cannot be redefined for any other purposes.

Answer 21.
a. The data type specifies the nature of
data we have to store, the set of operations that can be performed on the data. Predefined data types in C++ are char, int, float, double and void, b. int data types; Integers are whole numbers without a fractional part: They can be positive, zero or negative. The keyword int represents integer numbers. It allows 4 bytes of memory.

char data types. All letters, digits, special symbols, punctuations, etc. come under this category. When these characters are used as data they are considered as char type data in C+ +. The keyword char represents character type data, void data type. The data type void is a keyword and it indicates an empty set of data. It does not require any memory space, float data types.

Numbers with a fractional part are called floating point numbers. The keyword float is used to denote such numbers. It allows 4 bytes of memory, double data type. It is used to store large real numbers. It uses 8 bytes of memory. It can be represented as double.

Answer 22.
Arithmetic operators: These are defined to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The symbols used for this are +,* and / respectively. It provides a special operator, % (modulus operator) for getting remainder during division.
Logical operators: Used to combine relational operations and it gives either true or false.

Answer 23.
a. i. x = x % 20;
ii. a = a + 2;
iii. p = p/5;
b. A specific data is stored in memory lo-cations (variables) using assignment op-erator (=). Here the value 20 is stored in the variable
a. == (equal to) is a relational operator used for comparing numeric data. Here the value 20 is compared with the value stored in the variable a.

Answer 24.

# include <iostream>'
using namespace std; 
int main()
int P, N, R; 
float SI;
cout << “Enter the values of P and N:”; cin >> P>>N; 
if (P< 100000)
SI = (P*N*7)/100;
cout << “Simple Interest is”<<SI;
else if (P>100000 && P<500000)
SI = (P*N*8)/100;
cout << “Simple Interest is”<<SI;
else if (P>500000)
SI = (P*N*9)/100;
cout << “Simple Interest is"<<SI;
return 0;

Answer 25.
a. 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 b. i = 10;

while (i<30)
} '

Answer 26.
Satellite Broadband. Here the internet connectivity is provided through a satellite. A VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) dish antenna and a transceiver (transmitter-receiver) required at the user’s side. Speed up to 1 Gbps. Used in banks, stock exchange etc.

Mobile broadband is wireless internet access using mobile phones, tablets, USB modems etc. The modems are built inside the mobile phones, tablets. You can use the internet when you are in traveling. The mobile technologies use here are 2G, 3G, and 4G.

Wimax (World Wide Interoperability for Microwave Access). The whole area of a city can be provided with wireless internet using WiMax. It uses the base station for transmitting WiMAX signals and Wimax receivers for receiving the signal. Speed ‘ up to 70 Mbps.

Answer 27.
a. Online chat, Educational TV channels, Electronic books reader (e-Books) b. 1. eLearning has the ability to offer courses on a variety of subjects to a large number of students from a distant location.
2. In e-Learning, a cost for learning is much less. It saves journey time and money, instructor fees, etc.
3. People with limited financial resources are very much supported by the lower cost of e-Learning.

Answer 28.
a. Software is a general term used to denote a set of programs that help us to use a computer system and other electronic devices efficiently and effectively. The two types of softwares are:
1. System software: It is a set of one or more programs designed to control the operations of a computer.

  • Operating system: It is a set of programs that acts as an interface between the user and computer hard ware.
  • Language processors: The instructions to the computer are written in different languages. Various language processors are:

a. Assembler: It converts languages written in assembly language into machine language.
b. Interpreter: It converts a high-level language into machine language by-line by line.
c. Compiler: It translate a high level language into machine language by converting all the lines at a time.

  • Utility software: A set of programs which help users in system maintenance tasks and in performing tasks of routine nature. Utility programs are compression tools (WinZip, Win RAR), disk defragmenter (rearranges files on a computer hard disk), backup software.

2. Application software: It is tHe software developed for a specific application. It ineludes general purpose software\(Word Processing software, spreadsheet sbftware, presentation software, database, multimedia), specific purpose software (designed to handle particular tasks).
b. Compiler: It translate a high level lan-guage into machine language by converting all the lines at a time. The errors are provided at the end of the compilation. The programming language that have a compiler are C, C++, Pascal, etc.

Interpreter: It converts a high level language into machine language by line by line. If there is an error in one line, it reports and the execution is terminated. It will continue the translation only after the correction of the error, eg., BASIC is an inter-preted language.
c. It gives the user the freedom to use, copy, distribute, examine, change and improve the software.

Answer 29.
a. Type conversion is the process of con-verting the current data type of a value into another type. It may be implicitly and explicitly converted.
It can be done in two ways:
1. Implicit type conversion: It is performed by C++ compiler internally. In expressions where different types of data are involved, C++ converts the lower sized operands to the data type of the highest sized operand. Since the conversion is always from lower type to higher, it is also known as type promotion.

2. Explicit type conversion: Sometimes the programmer may decide the data type of the result of an evaluation. This is done by the programmer by specifying the data type within parentheses to the left of the operand. Since the programmer explicitly casts a data to the desired type, it is also known as type casting. Usually, type casting is applied on the variables in the expressions.
b. Sometimes the programmer may decide the data type of the result of an evaluation.

This is done by the programmer by sSpecitying the data type within parentheses to the left of the operand. Since the programmer explicitly casts a data to the desired type, it is also known as type casting.
c. a = 3.0 or 3
b = 2.5

Answer 30.
a. Physical or logical arrangement of computers on a network is called structure or topology.
b. Bus topology. All the computers are at-tached to a single cable called the bus. Here one computer transmits all other computers listen. Therefore it is called the broadcast bus. The transmission from any station will travel in both the direction. The connected computers can hear the message and check whether it is for them or not. Advantages are add or remows computer is very easy. It requires less cable length and the installation cost is less,
c. Local Are Network (LAN): This is used to connect computers in a single room or buildings of one location by using twisted pair wire or coaxial cable. Data transfer rate is high and an error rate is less.

Wide Area Network (WAN): This is used to connect computers over a large geographical area. It is a network of networks. Here the computers are connected using telephone lines or Microwave station or satellites. The error rate in rate in data transmission is high, eg., internet.

Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Papers and Answers