Kerala Plus One Economics Previous Year Question Paper 2018
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 60
General Instructions to Candidates
- There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
- Your are not allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
- Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
- Read questions carefully before you answering.
- All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
- When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
- Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
- Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
- Give equations wherever necessary.
- Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.
Answer all questions from question numbers 1 to 6. Each carry one score.
Question 1.
The following are the components of secondary sector except ………….
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Construction
(c) Trade
(d) Electricity, gas and water supply
Question 2.
The advantages of a particular mode of data collection is given below. identify the mode of data collection.
- Highest response rate
- Better for using open ended questions
- Allows the use of all types of questions
(a) Personal interview
(b) Telephonic interview
(c) Mail the questionnaire
(d) None of these
Question 3.
The following factors responsible for land degradation except………..
(a) Shifting cultivation
(b) Improper crop rotation
(c) Afforestation
(d) Indiscriminate use of agrochemicals
Question 4.
The midpoint of ‘ 10-15’ is…………..
(a) 7.5
(b) 10
(c) 12.5
(d) 2.5
Question 5.
Golden Revolution relates to………….
(a) Horticulture
(b) Sericulture
(c) Pisciculture
(d) None if these
Question 6.
Match the columns ‘B’and ‘C’ with column ‘A’
A | B | C | |
a | Green revolution | BRICS | Base year |
b | Index number | Mail the questionnaire | Quartile Deviation |
c | SAARC | HYV Seeds | Telephonic |
d | Personal Interview | Mean Deviation | Use of Fertilizers |
e | Lorenz Curve | Current year | ASEAN |
Answer all questions from question numbers 7 to 11. Each carries two score
Question 7.
Categorise the following programmes under the heads of wage employment and selfemployment programmes,
(b) NFWP
(c) PMRY
Question 8.
Workers can be classified in many ways. One type of classification is casual wage worker and regular salaried worker. Cite two examples of them
Question 9.
Human capital and human development are interrelated. Point out any two relationship between them
Question 10.
Classes can be arranged in inclusive and exclusive manner. Point out any two features which help us to distinguish them.
Question 11.
Calculate the Mean Deviation from Median for the following observations.
Values: 3,5,8,2,4
Answer any six questions from question numbers 12 to 18. Each carries three scores.
Question 12.
Statistics helps the economics in various ways. Cite three instances for it.
Question 13.
In the field of infrastructure, the British Government took many initiatives during the colonial period. Do you consider that, these are the positive contributions of the British? Substantiate.
Question 14.
The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 formed the basis of second five year plan. It was a milestone in the history of Indian industrial development. Point out the important features of the policy.
Question 15.
India, China and Pakistan had started their development strategies almost at the same time. Observe the following table and draw three inferences regarding the state of Human Development if these countries.
Some selected indicates of Human Development 2012-13
Item | India | China | Pakistan |
1. Human Development Index (value) | 0.586 | 0.719 | 0.537 |
2. Human Development (Rank) | 135 | 91 | 146 |
3. Life Expectancy at Birth | 66.2 | 75.2 | 66.4 |
4. Adult Literacy Rate | 62.8 | 95.1 | 54.7 |
5. GDP Per Capita (PPP US$) | 5238 | 11524 | 4549 |
6. Infant Mortality Rate | 41 | 11 | 69 |
Question 16.
Arithmetic mean has an interesting property. Identify and prove it with an example
Question 17.
Statistical and Economics are closely related. Some statistical tools and their uses are given below. Match them correctly.
Question 18.
Environment and sustainable development and interconnected . List out any six functions of environment
Answer any four questions from question numbers 19 to 23. Each carries four scores.
Question 19.
Details given below shows the height of 25 participants in a selection test. The minimum required height for the post is 170 cms. Prepare a frequency distribution table by exclusive method by taking class interval of 5. Find out the number of participants selected.
Question 20.
Calculate the price index number,
Question 21.
“If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin” – Charles Darwin. In the light of this quotation, list out and analyze the cause of poverty in India.
Question 22.
The development of health infrastructure ensure a country of healthy manpower. Whether the present status of Indian infrastructure is sufficient to keep the people healthy? Analyse .
Question 23.
Scores of 40 students in an examination is given below. Calculate the Mean.
Answer any two questions from question numbers 24 to 26. Each carries five scores.
Question 24.
The concept of human capital is relatively more important in labour surplus economies like India. To make human capital formation possible the Government has to address some areas. Identity these areas. Analyze the relationship between human capital formation and economic growth.
Question 25.
Now-a-days people discuss more about organic farming. Why? Discuss the following:
(a) Advantages of organic farming.
(b) Organic farming and sustainable development.
Question 26.
Calculate Karl Person’s coefficient of correlation.
Answer any two questions from question numbers 27 to 29. Each carries eight scores.
Question 27.
Antoine Augustin Cournot in 1843, was the first who used the term Median for the value that divides a probability distribution into two equal halves. Median can be located graphically with the help of Ogives. Draw Ogives and locate the median by using the following table.
Question 28.
We learned that India implemented New Economic Policy in 1991. It affected all sectors of our Economy. On this basis:
(a) List out-analyze the reform measure, industry, and the financial sector.
(b) Critically evaluate the impact of these economic reforms on the measure of agriculture, industrial and financial sectors.
Question 29.
Calculate the quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation for the following distribution.
Answer 1.
Answer 2.
a.Personal interview
Answer 3.
c. Afforestation
Answer 4.
Answer 5.
Answer 6.
A | B | C | |
a | Green revolution | HYV Seeds | Use of Fertilizers |
b | Index number | Current year | Base year |
d | Personal Interview | Mail the questionnaire | Telephonic Interview |
e | Lorenz Curve | Mean Deviation | Quartile Deviation |
Answer 7.
Wage employment | Self-employment |
Answer 8.
Casual wage worker – construction workers, head-load worker etc.
Regular salaried workers – teachers, chartered accountants etc.
Answer 9.
Human capital and human development are interrelated. Human capital refers to the knowledge, skill-sets and motivation of people have, which provide economic value. Human capital realizes not everyone has the same. skill sets or knowledge and that quality of work can be improved by investing in peoples education.
The relationship can be measured by how much is invested into peoples educations. The investment in peoples education is really helping to human development that means the investment in human capital is helps in human development and also the human welfare should be increased through investment in education and wealth, on the basis of the above paragraph we concluded that human capital and human development are interrelated.
Answer 10.
Exclusive method:- In this method, the classes are formed in such a way that the upper limit of one class equals the lower limit of the next class. In this way, the continuity of data is maintained. This method is most suitable in case of data of a continuous variable. In this method, the upper-class limit is excluded and lower class limit is included in the interval.
Inclusive method: This method does not exclude the upper-class limit in a class interval. Thus, both class limits are parts of the class interval.
Answer 11.
Here given data is not in ascending order to arrange them in ascending order
Answer 12.
1. Statistics is an indispensable tool for economists. Because it enables on the environment to present economic facts in a precise and definite form that nips in proper comprehension of what is stated.
2. Statistics is nips in considering the mass of data into a few numerical measures such as (mean, variance etc.) These nominal resources help summarise data.
3. IT helps in the establishment of a correlation between two facts
Answer 13.
Definitely, I agreed with this statement, Infrastructure is the support system which provides support to the efficient working of a modem industrial economy. Modem agriculture also largely depends on it for speedy and large-scale transportation of seeds, pesticides, fertilizer, etc. Inadequte infrastructure can have multiple adverse effects on health. Improvements in water supply and sanitation have a large impact by reducing morbidity from major waterborne diseases and reducing the sererity of disease when it occurs. Air pollution and safety hazards connected to transportation also affect mobility, particularly in densely populated areas.
Answer 14.
In accordance with the goal of the state controlling the commanding heights of the economy. The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 was adopted. This resolution formed the basis of the Second Five Year Plan, the plan which tried to build the basis for a socialist pattern of society. This resolution classified industries into three categories. The first category comprised industries which would be exclusively owned by the state. The second category consisted of industries in which the private sector could supplement (the efforts of the state sector, with the state taking the sole responsibility for starting new units. The third category consisted of the remaining industries which were to be in the private sector.
Answer 15.
The table shows that China is moving ahead of India and Pakistan. This is true for many indicators income indicators such as GDP per capita or health indicators such as mortality. rates,literacy or life expectancy.
Neither Pakistan nor India have been able to save women from maternal mortality. In China, for one lakh births, only 32 women die whereas in India and Pakistan, about 190 and 170 women die respectively. China is moving ahead of India and Pakistan both in human development rank and human development index.
Answer 16.
Arithmetic means. This is a most commonly used measure of central tendency, It is defined as sum of the value of all observations divided by the number of observations and it is usually denoted by \(\bar { x } \)
Answer 17.
Answer 18.
1. Supply Resources
Resource include both renewable and non¬renewable source of energy resource which can be used without any fear of getting depleted are a renewable source of energy, eg.tress, fishes, etc.
2. Sustains Life
Sun, soil, air, water are the essential ingredients of environment for human life. Absence of these will lead to an end of life on the Earth.
3. Aesthetic Services
The environment provides aesthetic service like scenery, which includes rivers, ocean, mountains and deserts. Enjoying these surroundings adds to the quality of life.
Answer 19.
Answer 20.
Answer 21.
The causes of poverty lie in the institutional and social factors that mark the life of poor. The poor people are deprived of quality education and unable to acquire skills which fetch them better incomes.
Answer 22.
The government has the constitutional obligation to guide and regulate all health-related issues such as medical education, adulteration of food, drugs and poisons, the medical profession, vital statics, mental deficiency, and lunacy.
Answer 23.
Answer 24.
Investment in education is considered as one of the main sources of human capital. There are several other sources as well. Investments in health, on the job training, migra¬tion and information are the other sources of human capital formation. Like education, health is also considered as an important in¬put for the development of a nation as much as it is, important for the development of an individual. Hence, expenditure on health is an important source of human capital formation. Preventive medicine, curative medicine intervention during, Social medicine and provif lion of clean drinking water and good sanitation are the various forms of health expenditures. Health expenditure directly increases the supply of health labour force and is, thus a source of human capital formation.
Economic growth means the increase in real national income of a country; naturally, the contribution of the educated person to economic growth is more than that of an illiterate person. If a health person could provide uninterrupted labour supply for a longer period of time, then health is also an important factor for economic growth. Thus, both education and health, along with many other factors like on the job training, job market information and migration, increase an individual income-generating capacity. This enchanced productivity of human capital contributes substantially not only towards increasing labour productivity but also stimulates innovations and creates the ability to absorb new technologies. Education provides knowledge to understand changes in society and scientific advancements, thus, facilitate inventions and innovations, Similarly, the availability of educated labour force facilitates adaptation to new technologies.
Answer 25.
- More nutritional value
- Pesticide free
- Highly international demand
- Environment friendly
(b) Conventional agriculture uses chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides, etc which enter the food supply, penetrate the water resources, harm the livestock, deplete the soil and devastate natural eco-system. Due to these problems, an eco-friendly technology is required.
Organic farming is such technology which restores, maintains and enhances the ecological balance. There is an increasing demand for organically grown food to enhance food safety throughout the world.
Organic farming requires awareness and willingness on the farmers adapt to new technology.
Inadequate infrastructure and the problem of marketing the products are major concerns which need to be addressed and it is adviceable that India should adopt organic farming as it will be advantageous because India has abundant labour force and organiuc farming as a labour intensive process.
Answer 26.
Answer 27.
Answer 28.
(a) Liberalisation: Removal of Industrial Licensing and Registration. Previously private sector had to obtain a license from Govt, for starting a new venture. In this policy the private sector has been freed from licensing and other restrictions.
Privatisation: Simply speaking, privatisation means permitting the private sector to set up industries which were previously reserved for the public sector. Under this policy many PSU’s were sold to the private sector. Literally speaking, privatisation is the process of involving the private sector in the ownership of Public Sector Units (PSU’s). The main reason for privatisation was in the currency of PSU’s are running in losses due to political interference. The managers cannot work independently. Production capacity remained under-utilized. To increase competition and efficiency privatisation of PSUs was inevitable.
Globalization: Literally speaking Globalisation means to make Global or worldwide, otherwise taking into consideration the whole world. Broadly speaking, Globalisation means the interaction of the domestic economy with the rest of the world with regard to foreign investment, trade, production, and financial matters.
(b) Economic reforms have not been able to benefit the agricultural sector because public investment in agriculture sector especially in infrastructure which linkages and research and extension have been reduced in the reform period. The removal of fertilizer subsidy has led to increasing in the cost of production which has severely affected the small and marginal farmers. Industrial growth has also recorded a slowdown. This is because of decreasing demand of industrial products due to various reasons cheaper imports have decreases the demand for domestic industrial goods. Globalisation created conditions for the free movement of goods and services from foreign countries that adversely affected the local industries and employment opportunities in developing countries. So domestic manufactures faced competition from imports.
The assets of PSUs have been undervalued and sold to the private sector. This means that there has been a substantial loss to the government. Moreover, the proceeds from disinvestment revenues rather than using it for the development of PSUs and building social infrastructure in the country
Answer 29.