Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

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Kerala Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Plus Two Botany Biotechnology: Principles and Processes One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Ti plasmids used in genetic engineering is obtained from
(a) Bacillus thuringiensis
(b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(c) Pseudomonas tumefaciens
(d) Bacillus subtilis
(b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Question 2.
Which one is regarded as a molecular scissor in biotechnology?
(a) Reverse transcriptase
(b) Restriction endonuclease
(c) Taq polymerase
(d) Topoisomerase
(b) Restriction endonuclease

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 3.
Name the stain used to identify DNA bands in gel electrophoresis
Ethidium Bromide

Question 4.
In rDNA technology the alein DNA and cloning vector are a cut by same Restriction endonuclease enzyme. Give reason.
The same restriction enzyme must be used cut the alien and foreign DNA forgetting sticky ends.

Question 5.
Name the most common technique is used to transfer DNA into plants.
Biolistics or gene gun

Question 6.
The plasmid of Agrobacterium is
(a) Ti plasmid
(b) F1 plasmid
(c) T plasmid
(d) Col E1
(a)Ti plasmid

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 7.
Which of the following is not a restriction endonuclease?
(a) EcoRI
(b) Hind III
(c) pst I
(d) DNAse I
(d) DNAse I

Question 8.
The desired DNA can be amplified to 1 billion copies through an important technique. Name it.
Polymerace Chain Reaction

Question 9.
Restriction in Restriction enzyme refers to:
(a) Cleaving of phosphodiester bond in DNA by the enzyme
(b) Cutting of DNA at specific position only
(c) Prevention of the multiplication of bacteriophage in bacteria
(d) All of the above
(c) Prevention of the multiplication of bacteriophage in bacteria

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 10.
In PCR technique, nucleotides add one by one on template strand with the help of polymerace enzyme. From which organism it is isolated.
Thermus aquaticus

Question 11.
A recombinant DNA molecule can be produced in the absence of the folloiwng:
(a) Resriction endonuclease
(b) DNA ligase
(c) DNA fragments
(d) E.coli
(d) E.coli

Question 12.
In agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA molecules are separated on the basis of their:
(a) Charge only
(b) Size only
(c) Charge to size ratio
(d) All of the above
(b) Size only

Question 13.
Which of the following bacteria is not a source of restriction endonuclease?
(a) Haemophilus influenzae
(b) Esherichia coli
(c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(d) Bacillius amyloli
(a) Haemophilus influenzae

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 14.
Which of the following steps are catalysed by Taq polymerase in a PCR reaction?
(a) Denaturation of template DNA
(b) Annealing of primers to template DNA
(c) Extenstion of primer end on the template DNA
(d) All of the above.
(c) Extenstion of primer end on the template DNA

Question 15.
An enzyme catalysing the removal of nucleotides from the ends of DNA is:
(a) endonuclease
(b) exonuclease
(c) DNA ligase
(d) Hind-ll
(b) exonuclease

Question 16.
Polymerase Chain Reaction helps in
(a) DNA synthesis
(b) DNA amplification
(c) Protein synthesis
(d) Aminoacid synthesis
DNA synthesis

Question 17.
Starting from double stranded DNA suggest a strategy for obtaining large amounts of pure single stranded DNA for sequencing purpose.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 18.
The cutting of DNA at specific locations became possible with the discovery of ensymes called ‘molecular scissors’. Identify this enzyme.
Restriction enzymes/Restriction Endonucleases

Question 19.
Which among the following is the first discovered Restriction Endonuclease?
(a) Hindi I
(b) Hindi II
(c) EcoR I
(d) EcoR II
(b) Hind II

Question 20.
Observe the following illustration and find out the enzymes which are denoted as A and B.

  1. Restriction endonucleases
  2. DNAIigases

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 21.
Write the technique used for the separation of DNA fragments.
Gel Electrophoresis

Question 22.
Final step of gel electrophoresis of DNA molecules from the gel. What is this process called?

Question 23.
One of the given options is not related to PCR. Find it.
(a) Denaturation
(b) Spooling
(c) Extension
(d) Annealing

Question 24.
Which among the following is not a gene transfer method?
(a) Microinjection
(b) Disarmed pathogen vectors
(c) Gene gun
(d) Elution
(d) Elution

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 25.
Cloning vector suitable for gene transfer in plants is
(a) Ti plasmid
(b) Bacteriophages
(c) Viruses
(d) Transposons
(a) Ti Plasmid

Question 26.
Which among the following are the selectable markers of PBR-322.
(a) ampR, kanR
(b) tetR, kanR
(c) ampR, tetR
(d) chlR, tetR
ampR, tetR

Question 27.
Restriction Endonucleases cut DNA at specific locations by breaking_______
(a) Sugar-phosphate bonds
(b) Sugar-Nitrogen base bonds
(c) Hydrogen bonds
(d) Disulphide bonds
Sugar-phosphate bond

Question 28.
Downstream processing is the final step in the process of recombinant DNA technology. What do you understand by “down stream processing”?
Separation and purification of gene product.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 29.
Ti plasmid is a suitable cloning vector for plants. It is the plasmid of a bacterium called_______.
Agrobacterium tumifaciens.

Plus Two Botany Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Elution is a major step of electrophoresis.

  1. Explain the process.
  2. Give the importance of UV light


  1. Separated bands of DNA are cut from Agarose gel piece and extracted out.
  2. Under UV light DNA bands are observed as orange colour.

Question 2.
Genetic engineering is the gene manipulation technique that helps to create new organism with desired genetic make up

  1. Give the contribution of Stanley cohen and Herbert Boyer in genetic engineering.
  2. Name the enzyme used to cut DNA strand?


  1. Herbert Boyer and Stanley cohen constructed first recombinant DNA by linking a gene encoding antibiotic resistance with a native plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium in 1972.
  2. Restriction endonuclease

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 3.
Mosquitoes are considered as vectors which transfer the malarial parasite into human body. Plasmids are considered as Vectors in biotechnology’. Justify.
Vectors are agents which transfers materials from one organism to another. Plasmids are extra chromosomal DNA seen in bacteria which have the ability for independent replication.

In the field of Biotechnology plasmids are used as vectors as they replicate rapidly after integrating a foreign DNA. Thus, through the plasmid the alien gene can be introduced into another organism.

Question 4.
Eco R I is the restriction endonuclease enzyme obtained from E.coli bacteria that helps them to restrict the growth of virus. What are the criteria for naming endonucleases.
EcoRI comes from the name of bacterium Escherechia coli Ry 13. E represents the genus, co represents species, ‘R’ is derived from the name of strain and I is the order in which the enzyme is isolated.

Question 5.
Separation and isolation of DNA fragments can be done by a technique known as gel electrophoresis

  1. What is the procedure used separate DNA fragements?
  2. Name the organism from which agarose gel is isolated

1. Negatively changed DNA fragments are separated by forcing them to move towards the anode under an electric field through agarose matrix.

The DNA fragments separate according to their size in agarose gel. So the smaller the fragment size moves farther. Then it is cut out from the agarose gel by elution.

2. Seaweeds.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 6.
PCR is meant for making the multiples copies of the gene of interest.

  1. Give the major step involved in PCR.
  2. Name the thermostable DNA polymerase enzyme is used in this technique. Why?

1. The major step involved in PCR:

  • Denaturation – It involves the separation of DNA strands
  • Annealing – The double strands are synthesised from free nucleotides by the action of DNA polymerase.
  • Extension – The length of the strands are increased as a result of addition of more and more nucleotides. Thus DNA amplified up to 1 billion copies.

2. Taq polymarase
PCR cylinderworks at high temperature. Hence thermostable enzyme is used.

Question 7.
In r DNA technology recombinant DNA is directly injected into the plant cell

  1. Name the technique used
  2. What you meant by competent host?


  1. Biolispics or Gene gun.
  2. This is done by treating them with calcium ions and incubating the cells and recombinant DNA on ice, followed by placing them at 42°C. Then putting them back on ice. This helps the bacteria to take up the recombinant DNA.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 8.
If RNA use, protease, cellulase etc. are not used in the isolation of genetic materials.

  1. Find out the difficulties arise during the process of rDNA technology.
  2. What is spooling?


  1. If the above said enzymes are not used, it is difficult to get DNA in pure form for foreign gene isolation.
  2. Fine thread of DNA separated out from chilled alcohol.

Question 9.
How is the action of Exonuclease different from that of endonuclease?
Exonuclease removes the nucleotides from the ends of DNA molecules while endonuclease takes cut at specific position within a DNA molecule.

Question 10.
Spooling is one of the important method used in r DNA technology.

  1. Name the medium in which DNA appear as fine threads.
  2. What is the aim of using lysozyme in the isolation of genetic material?


  1. Chilled alcohol
  2. It helps to remove the cell wall of bacteria

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 11.
Sticky ends are unpaired strands of DNA get by using restriction endonuclease enzyme.
Do you agree?.Give reason
Yes. The same restriction enzyme is used to cut both vector DNA and foreign DNA, get sticky ends that facilitate the action of DNA ligase.

Question 12.
In biotechnology lab Ramu interested in constructing r DNA, for this he used tools of r DNA technology.

  1. What happen if DNA polymerase enzyme is not used?
  2. Name the sequence of DNA subjected to the action of restriction enzyme


  1. Addition of nucleotides not take place
  2. Palindromic sequence

Question 13.
3′ end of template strand is very important in polymerase chain reaction

  1. Name the complementary strand that attaches template sequence of 3′ end
  2. Find out the type of nucleotides supplied in this technique


  1. Primer
  2. dCTP, d ATP, d GTP, d TTP

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 14.
In r DNA technology recombinant DNA is directly injected into the plant cell

  1. Name the technique used
  2. Can you explain two other methods for gene transfer?

1. Microinjection.

2. Methods for gene transfer:

a. The bacterium is treated with divalent cation such as calcium which makes the bacterial cell competent to take up DNA (the pores bacterial cell wail is widened).

The recombinant DNA is forced in to the cell by incubating cells with recombined DNA on ice followed by heat shock (42YC) and then back on ice. This helps the bacteria to take up recombined DNA.

b. High velocity micro particles of gold or tungsten is coated with DNA & bombarded into the cell. This method is called biolistics or gene gun.

Question 15.
A researcher in biotechnology is in need to produce insulin in large amounts as part of his study.

  1. Which instrument will he select for the purpose?
  2. What are the facilities in the instrument?

1. Bioreactor.

2. A bioreactor commonly use a stirring type. It consists of cylindrical tank with a stirrer which facilitate mixing of the content of the reactor. It also facilitate oxygen availability.

An agitator system, an oxygen delivery system, temperature control system, pH control system are present in a bioreactor. Small volumes of the products are removed through sampling ports periodically.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 16.
In r DNA technology amplification of genetic material is important, In such a device

  1. Thermostable enzyme must be used why?
  2. Name it.


  1. The working of programmed cylinder for PCR requires high temperature . Hence thermostable DNA polymerase is used
  2. Taq polymerase

Question 17.
It is difficult to use other bacteria instead of Agrobacterium for the transfer of desired gene into plants. Do you agree? Give reasons.
Yes. Agrobacterium possess Ti plasmid , it has the ability to transfer gene into dicot plants through infection. Hence it is widely used in gene transfer.

Question 18.
When chromogenic substrate is added to the medium containing bacterial colonies are subjected to insertional inactivation, some appears as blue coloured and others as white coloured colonies. Give reasons.
The colonies appears as blue coloured does not possess for eigengene they are called non-recombinants while the colonies of white coloured have foreign gene insert, they are called as recombinants.

The production of blue colour is due to the reaction between beta-galactosidase enzyme and chromogenic substrate while the white coloured colonies have no enzyme for reaction with substrate.

Question 19.
Even though salmonella, Ecoli etc. contains plasmids PBR 322 is widely used in genetic engineering. Why?
The plasmid PBR 322 is artificial cloning vector, it possess several features such as origin of replication, selectable marker, cloning sites etc. Some features of artificial cloning vector is not found in natural plasmid. Hence PBR 322 is widely used in genetic engineering.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 20.
What you meant by selectable marker? Give 2 examples.
The selectable marker is antibiotic resistant gene. Examples are ampicilin resistant and tetracycline resistant gene.

Question 21.
If RNA ase, protease, cellulaseetc are not used in the isolation of genetic materials. Find out the difficulties arise during the process of rDNA technology.
If the above said enzymes are not used, it is difficult to get DNA in pure form for foreign gene isolation.

Question 22.
DNA is a hydrophilic molecule, so it can’t pass through the cell membrane. How can DNA inserted into a Bacterial cell?
Bacterial cells must have to be competent to take up DNA. This is done by treating them with calcium ions and incubating the cells and recombinant DNA on ice, followed by placing them at 42oC Then putting them back on ice. This helps the bacteria to take up the recombinant DNA.

Question 23.
State principle underlying gel electrophoresis and mention two applications of this technique in biotechnology.
The molecular separation in gel electrophoresis are based on gel filtration as well as electrophoretic mobilities of the molecules being separated. It is among the most powerful and yet conveniently used method of macro molecular separation.

Question 24.
How has Agrobacterium tumifaciens has been suitably modified to act as cloning vector?
Genes are transferred from bacterium or virus to eukaryotic cells and these genes force the transformed cell to works at their will eg: Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 25.
How is the action of Exonuclease different from that of endonuclease?
Exonuclease removes the nucleotides from the ends of DNA molecules while endonuclease takes cut at specific position within a DNA molecule.

Question 26.
According to the size and charge of DNA sequence that move in an agarose gel,the smaller fragment is selected for cloning

  1. Name the technique is used to’separate digested and undigested fragments
  2. Which is the method used to get pure DNA fragment from agarose gel


  1. Gel electroforesis
  2. Elusion

Question 27.
Why is the enzyme cellulose used for isolating genetic material from plant cells but not for animal cells?
Due to the presence of cell wall in plants cellulose is used, whereas the animal cell lacks cell wall.

Question 28.
Following is the sequence of nucleotide in two strands of DNA .observe the strands and answer the preceding questions
5’ GAATTC 3’
3’ CTTAAG 5’

  1. Name the special term used for such an arrangement of nucleotide
  2. Name the special type of enzyme which work/function at this specific points
  3. Name the enzyme that cut DNA between GA sequence.
  4. Name the single strands produced after the action of the enzyme.


  1. Palindromes
  2. Restriction endonucleases
  3. E co Rl
  4. Sticky strands

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 29.
DNA cutting enzymes are mainly isolated from prokaryotes

  1. Do eukaryotic cells have restriction endonucleases?
  2. Justify your answer.


  1. No.
  2. They do not have restriction endonucleases. The eukaryotic cells have some other means of defence against viral infection, i.e., immune system.

Question 30.
Give an example of micro organisms that have transforming ability.
A bacterium Agrobacterium tumefactions has T- DNA in its Ti-plasmid which is able to transform normal plant cells to tumour cell and cause crow gall tumours in plants.

Question 31.
‘One of the limitations of traditional hybridization is that it leads to inclusion and multiplication of undesirable genes along with the desired genes’. How does genetic engineering help to overcome these limitations?
In this method desirable genes/alien gene can be cut and incorporated into plasmid and thus recombinant DNA is prepared . Then introduced into the target organism.

Question 32.
In-gel electrophoresis, we cannot see pure DNA fragments in visible light and without staining. Explain how is it possible to visualize the DNA fragments?
Staining the DNA with Ethidium bromide, followed by exposure to UV radiation.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 33.
Figure given below is an important technique used in genetic-engineering.
Plus Two Botany Biotechnology Principles and Processes Two Mark Questions and Answers 1

  1. Identify the technique.
  2. Find out the aim technique.


  1. Gel electrophoresis
  2. Separation of DNA fragments

Question 34.
Match the following columns A and B suitably

i. Gel Electrophoresisa. Continuous culture of microorganisms
ii. Microinjectionb. Amplification of genes
iii. Polymerase Chain reactionc. Separation of DNA fragments
iv. Bioreactord. Precipitation of DNA fragments
e. Direct gene transfer method



Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 35.
Given below is the diagram of a cloning vector.
Plus Two Botany Biotechnology Principles and Processes Two Mark Questions and Answers 2

  1. Identify the vector
  2. What do ampR and tetR stand for?


  1. pBR 322
  2. ampR – ampicillin resistant gene, tetR tetracyclin resistant gene.

Question 36.
Each restriction endonuclease recognizes a specific palindromic nucleotide sequence in the DNA.

  1. What is a palindrome?
  2. Give one example.


  1. Palindrome is a sequence of base pairs that reads same on two strands of DNA molecule
  2. 5′ GAATTC 3′
  3. 3′ CTTAAG 5′

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 37.
Given below are some enzymes used for the release of DNA molecules from different types of cells. Lysozyme, chitinase, cellulose. Arrange them suitably in the columns provided below.
Plus Two Botany Biotechnology Principles and Processes Two Mark Questions and Answers 3

Plant cellsCellulase
Bacterial cellsLysozyme
Fungal cellsChitinase

Question 38.
Select markers help us in identifying and eliminating non transformed cells during gene cloning. Explain how the gene for beta-galactosidase enzyme works as a selectable marker?
When recombinant DNA inserted within the coding sequence of the enzyme beta-galactosidase, the gene for the enzyme production is removed, after this colonies are transferred into growing medium containing chromogenic substrate, non-transformed colonies give blue colour but transformed colonies not give any colour due to insertional inactivation.

Question 39.
In order to force bacteria to take up the plasmid, the bacterial cells must first be made ‘competent’ to take up DNA. Suggest a method to make bacterial cell competent to receive DNA.
At first, treat the cell with divalent cation like calcium, which increases the efficiency with which DNA enters the bacterium through pores in the cell wall. Then incubate of cell with rDNA on ice and placing them briefly at 42° C and then putting back to ice.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 40.
Multiple copies of the gene of interest is synthesized in vitro using DNA polymerase enzyme.

  1. Which are the three steps of the above process?
  2. Find out the DNA polymerase enzyme used here.


1. Three steps of the above process:

  • Denaturation
  • Annealing
  • Extension

2. Thermostable DNA polymerase/Taq polymerase.

Question 41.
Bioreactors help for the large scale production of recombinant proteins.

  1. Which are the two commonly used bioreactors?
  2. What is the purpose of stirring mechanism in a bioreactor?


  1. Simple stirred tank bioreactor
  2. Sparged stirred tank bioreactor

The stirrer facilitates mixing of content and o2 availability.

Question 42.
Given below is the diagram of a cloning vector. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions.
Plus Two Botany Biotechnology Principles and Processes Two Mark Questions and Answers 4

  1. Name the bacterium from which this vector is made?
  2. What are the significances of ‘ori’ and ‘rop’ denoted in the picture?


  1. Ecoli
  2. “ori”-origin of replication it is the point from which replication starts “rop”- codes for proteins involved in replication of plasmid.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 43.
Restriction Endonucleases are enzymes responsible for cutting of DNA molecule. Eco Rl is derived.

  1. How the name Eco Rl is derived?
  2. Write the palindromic sequence of Eco Rl.

1. First letter from the genus and second two letters from the species name Letter ‘R’ is derived from the type of strain Roman number I indicates the order of discovery.

2. 5′ ………..GAATTC 3′
3’…………CTTAAG 5′

Plus Two Botany Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Three Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write any three uses of Gene cloning.

  1. Genes of interest can be inserted into animals, so as to produce better farm animals.
  2. Desired proteins like insulin, hormones, interferons, vitamins can be manufactured in bacteria on an industrial basis.
  3. Recombinant vaccines, improved antibiotics can be produced by gene cloning.

Question 2.
Plus Two Botany Biotechnology Principles and Processes Three Mark Questions and Answers 5

  1. Identify the process.
  2. Identify the enzymes involved in steps (ii) and (iii)
  3. Write the base sequences recognised by EcoRI

1. Recombinant DNA technology.

2. enzymes involved in steps:

  • Restriction Endonuclease
  • Ligase enzyme

3. sequences recognised by EcoRI:


Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 3.
Vehicles which are used to transfer a gene from one cell to another is called a cloning vector. PBR 322 is a widely used cloning vector.

  1. Name 2 important features that a cloning vector should possess.
  2. What is the importance of Ori?


  1. Origin of replication Selectable marker
  2. Origin of replication the point from which replication begins.

Question 4.
Stanley cohen and Hebert Boyer constructed r DNA by using plasmid and antibiotic-resistant gene.

  1. Name the slicing and splicing enzyme used.
  2. What is the significance of slicing enzyme in rDNA technology?

1. Slicing enzyme – Restriction endo nuclease Splicing enzyme-DNA ligase

2. significance of slicing enzyme in rDNA technology:

  • It is used to cut within DNA sequence.
  • Same restriction enzyme is used to cut both vector DNA and foreign DNA.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 5.
Match the items in column A with the items of Column B.

Palindromic nucleotide sequenceSeparation of DNA fragments
Restriction endonucleaseSynthesise gene product
Gel ElectrophoresisTool of recombinant technology
Bioreactor5′ – GAATTC- 3′, 3′ – CTTAAG- 5′
BiolisticsCloning vector
pBR322Method to introduce alien DNA into host


Palindromic nucleotide sequence5′ – GAATTC- 3′, 3′ – CTTAAG- 5‘
Restriction endonucleaseTool of recombinant technology
Gel ElectrophoresisSeparation of DNA fragments
BioreactorSynthesise gene product
BiolisticsMethod to introduce alien DNA into host
PBR322Cloning vector

Question 6.
Following is the sequence of nucleotide in two strands of DNA. Observe the strands and answer the preceding questions
5’ GAATTC 3’
3’ CTTAAG 5’

  1. Name the special term used for such an arrangement of nucleotide
  2. Name the enzyme that cut DNA between GA sequence.
  3. Name the single strands produced after the action of the enzyme.


  1. Palindromes
  2. EcoRI
  3. Sticky strands

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 7.
Following are the various steps of recombinant DNA technology. Arrange them in correct sequential order.

i) Obtaining the foreign gene product
ii) Amplification of gene of interest using PCR
iii) Cutting of DNA at specific locations
iv) Downstream processing
v) Intsertion of recombinant DNA into the host cell/organism
vi) Isolation of genetic material
vi) Isolation of genetic material
iii) Cutting of DNA at specific locations
ii) Amplification of gene of interest using PCR Insertion of recombinant DNA into the host cell organism
i) Obtaining the foreign gene product
iv) Downstream processing

Plus Two Botany Biotechnology: Principles and Processes NCERT Questions and Answers

Question 1.
From what you have learnt, can you tell whether enzymes are bigger or DNA is bigger in molecular size? How did you know?
DNA molecules are bigger in molecular size as compared to molecular size of enzymes. It is because an enzyme (protein) is synthesized from the segment of DNA called gene.

Question 2.
What would be the molar concentration of human DNA in a human cell?
In human being the concentration of DNA is 0.4%. It contains 6.6 × 109 bp.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 3.
Besides better aeration and mixing properties, what other advantage do stirred tank bioreactors have over shake flasks?
Shake flasks are used for growing microbes and mixing the desired materials on a small scale in the lab. But the large scale production of desired bio technological product requires large stirred tank bioreactors. Besides better aeration and mixing properties, the bioreactors have following advantages –

  1. It has oxygen delivery system.
  2. It has foam control, temperature and P^ control system.
  3. Small volumes of culture can be withdrawn periodically.

Question 4.
Do eukaryotic cells have restriction endonucleases? Justify your answer.
No. They do not have restriction endonucleases. The eukaryotic cells have some other means of defence against viral infection ie, immune system.

Question 5.
Can you recall meiosis and indicate at what stage a recombinant DNA is made?
Pachytene stage of prophase I by crossing over.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 6.
Can you think and answer how a reporter enzyme can be used to monitor transformation of host cells by foreign DNA in addition to a selectable marker?
Reporter enzyme can differentiate recombinants from non-recombinants on the basis of their ability to produce specific color in the presence of chromogenic substrate. ArDNA is inserted within the coding sequence of the enzyme, galactosidase.

This results into inactivation f the enzyme which is referred to as insertional inactivation. The presence of a chromogenic substrate gives blue colored colonies, if the plasmid in the bacteria does not have an insert.

Presence of insert results into insertional inactivation of the-galactosidase and the colonies do not produce any colour. These are identified as recombinant colonies.

Plus Two Botany Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The linking of antibiotic resistance gene with the plasmid vector became possible with
(a) DNA ligase
(b) Endonucleases
(c) DNA polymerase
(d) Exonucleases
(a) DNA ligase

Question 2.
The construction of the first recombinant DNA was done by using the native plasmid of
(a) E.coli
(b) Salmonella typhimurium
(c) Bacillus thuringiensis
(d) yeast
(b) Salmonella typhimurium

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 3.
Which of the following is used as a best genetic vector in plants?
(a) Bacillus thuringiensis
(b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(c) Pseudomonas putida
(d) None of the above
(b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Question 4.
One of the key factors, which makes the plasmid, the vector in genetic engineering?
(a) It is resistant to antibiotics
(b) It is resistant to restriction enzymes
(c) It has the ability to carry a foreign gene
(d) It has the ability to cause infection in the host
(c) It has the ability to carry a foreign gene

Question 5.
A clone is
(a) heterozygote obtained asexually
(b) homozygote obtained asexually
(c) heterozygote produced by sexual methods
(d) homozygote produced by sexual methods
(b) homozygote obtained asexually

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 6.
In recombinant DNA technique, the term vector refers to
(a) donor DNA is identified and picked up through eletrophoresis
(b) plasmid, transfers DNA into living cell
(c) collection of entire genome in form of plasmid
(d) enzyme, cuts the DNA at specific sites
(b) plasmid, transfers DNA into living cell

Question 7.
The enzyme employed for amplification of DNA during PCR is commercially obtained from
(a) Streptococcus pyogenes
(b) Bacillus licheniformis
(c) Trichodermapallidum
(d) Thermusaquaticus
(d) Thermusaquaticus

Question 8.
The enzyme used for annealing the cut DNA segments is
(a) DNA ligase
(b) Helicase
(c) Topoisomerase
(d) Polymerase
(d) Polymerase

Question 9.
How does PCR serve the purpose of early diagnosis?
(a) By detecting very low amounts of DNA by amplification
(b) It is a powerful technique to identify man genetic disorders
(c) To detect mutations is genes in suspected cancerpatients
(d) All the above
(d) All the above

Question 10.
Enzyme used in the addition of nucleotides in DNA replication is
(a) catalase
(b) DNA polymerase
(c) nuclease
(d) RNA polymrerase
(b) DNA polymerase

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 11.
Importance of restriction endonuclease enzyme is to cut
(a) RNA strands at specific site
(b) DNA strands at specific site
(c) Ends of DNA strands
(d) none of the above
(b) DNA strands at specific site

Question 12.
Large amount of recombinant protein is produced in
(a) tissue culture
(b) bioreactor
(c) somatic hybridization
(d) genetic engineering
(b) bioreactor

Question 13.
Polymerase enzyme in the replication process to produce 1 billion copies of DNA is
(a) RNA polymerase 1
(b) DNA polymerase 1
(c) DNA polymerase 11
(d) taq polymerase
(d) taq polymerase

Question 14.
Digested and undigested fragments of DNA can be observed in elecrophoresis by
(a) Ethidium bromide
(b) CFC
(c) Ethidium chloride
(d) acetyl chloride
(a) Ethidium bromide

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 15.
In which step of DNA amplification DNA hybridization occurs
(a) denaturation
(b) extention
(c) annealing
(d) elongation
(c) annealing

Question 16.
The plasimid of Agrobacterium is
(a) Ti plasmid
(b) F1 plasmid
(c) T plasmid
(d) col E1
(a) Ti plasmid

Question 17.
The ori of clonimg vector indicates
(a) cloning site
(b) restriction site
(c) replication site
(d) selectable marker site
(c) replication site

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Question 18.
Selectable marker of cloning vector plays an important role in
(a) identification of recombinants
(b) identification of non recombinants
(c) identification of recombinants from non recombinants
(d) none of the above
(c) identification of recombinants from non recombinants

Question 19.
Coating of gold or tungsten particle with DNA is used in
(a) direct gene transfer
(b) indirect gene transfer
(c) both direct and indirect gene transfer
(d) none of the above
(a) direct gene transfer