Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 4 Web Technology

Kerala State Board New Syllabus Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Previous Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology.

Kerala Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Previous Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology

Question 1.
“An HTML document requires a structure”. Justify tLIs statement. [MARCH – 2007] (3)
HTML page has a well-defined structure. The main sections of the HTML document are given below.

The entire HTML document is bounded with <HTML> and </HTML>
<Head>-</Head> TLIs defines the head section. The head section includes information such as document title, general style definition etc.

<Title>-</Title> TLIs encloses a Title. Title is given in head section. Text given in <TITLE>-</TITLE>will displayed in the Title Bar.

<Body></Body>. Content of the document is written witLIn <BODY> and </BODY>

<Title>First Page</Title>

Question 2
Write the HTML code required to display the following in a web page(use list tags). [MARCH – 2008] (5)
A ListBox control displays a list of items from which a user can select one or more items ComboBox
A ComboBox control combines the features of a textbox and a ListBox.
A frame provides grouping for controls

Definition list 
<dd>A ListBox control displays a list of items from wLIch a user can select one or more items 
<dd>A ComboBox control combines the features of a textbox and a ListBox.
<dd>A frame provides grouping for controls 

Question 3.
Gopal wants to set lettertype for a paragraph of text in one of LIs web pages with following properties. Anal font with size 5 and colour red. [MARCH – 2008] (1)
<BASEFONT Face=”Arial” size=5 color=”red”>

Question 4.
Suresh is designing a web page. He wants to display an image in the right side of text. Write the HTML code for it. [June 2008] (2)
<img SRC=”home.jpg” Align=”Right”>

Question 5.
If you analyse web pages you can see different colors to links, visited links, background etc. Suggest how tLIs can be done in HTML with example. [June 2008] (3)
We can use the attributes of <Body>tag
1) Bgcolor-specifies background colorforthe document Body

2) Background – Sets the image as background for the document body
Eg. <BODY BACKGROUND= “C:/page1 .jpg”>

3) Text- Specifies the color of the text content of the page
Eg. <BODYTEXT= “Blue”>

4) Link- Specifies colour of the hyperlinks that are not visited by the viewer
5) Alink-Specifies the colour of hyperlinks
6) Vlink- Specifies the color of hyperlinks wLIch are already visited by the viewer.
Eg.<BODY ALINK = “Blue” VLINK=”cyan” VLINK=“Yellow”>

Question 6.
What are the two types of hyperlinks available in HTML. [June 2008]
The power of HTML lies in the ability to provide hyperlinks. <A> tag is used for this. There are two types of Linking.
1) External Linking. External links are hyperlinks given to another page. By clicking on hypertext we can link or go to other webpages.
<A> Anchor tag is used for External Linking.

2) Internal Linking- Internal Links are given to a section in the same document.
<Title> Internal linking</Title>
<P><A name=”Bio”>Biology Group</A><BR>
Subject combinations are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. <P>
<P><A Name= “comp”> computergroup</A> <BR>
Subject combination are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science. <P>
<P><A name=“Comm”> Commerce Group</A> <BR>
The subject combination are Business studies, Economics, Accountancy and Computer Application
<br><A href=”#Bio”>Go Biology</A>
<br><A href=”#Comp”>Go Com’puter</A>
<br><A href=”#Comm”>Go Commence</A>

Question 7.
The DIR attribute of <HTML> tag is used to indicate ________ [June 2009] (1)

Question 8.
Differentiate container tag and empty tag. [June 2009] (2)
Container tag : It has both opening tag and closing
tagEx: <html>,<head>,<body>, ………..
Empty tag : It has only opening tag no closing tag Ex: <br>, <hr>, ………..

Question 9.
WLIch of the following is not a browser program [FEBRUARY – 2009]
b) Windows Explorer (1)
c) Internet Explorer
d) Netscape Navigator
Windows Explorer

Question 10.
The following code intends to centralize the image mypic.gif in browser window <IMG src-mypic.gif align =center> however, the desired result is not coming. Can you point out the reason for it and a solution for it ? [FEBRUARY – 2009] (2)
The attribute align has no value center. It can take values left, right, top, middle and bottom.
The right code is <IMG src-mypic.gif align =middle>

Question 11
Write the HTML code for creating the following Webpage: [March 2010] (2)
ABC Pvt. Ltd.
1. Health Care
2. Baby Products
a. Toys
b. Dress
3. Men’s Wear
* Casuals
* Formals

<LI> ABC Pvt. Ltd. 
<LI>Health Care 
<LI>Baby products
<LI> Mens Wear 

Question 12.
Name the software used to view a web page. [June 2010] (1)
Web Browser- Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator

Question 13.
List the steps for creating a hyperlink with an example. [June 2010] (2)
The power of HTML lies in the ability to provide , hyperlinks. <A> tag is used for tLIs. There are two types of Linking.

1) External Linking. External links are hyperlinks given to another page. By clicking on hyper text we can link or go to other webpages.
<A> Anchor tag is used for External Linking.
<A href= “c:\main. html”>Main</A>

2) Internal Linking- Internal Links are given to a section in the same document.

<Title> Internal linking</Title>
<P><A name=”Bio”>Biology Group</A><BR>
Subject combinations are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. <P>
<P><A Name= “comp”> computer group</A> <BR>
Subject combination are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science. <P>
<P><A name=‘Comm> Commence ©oup</A> <BR>
The subject combination are Business studies, Economics, Accountancy and Computer Application
<br><A href=”#Bio”>Go Biology</A>
<br><A href=”#Comp”>Go Computer</A>
<br><A href=”#Comm”>Go Commerce</A>

Question 14.
Suppose you want to place a picture in a web page. WLIch tag is used for tLIs purpose? [March 2011] (2)
<img src=”filename”>

Question 15.
HTTPS stands for __________ [March 2016] (1)
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

Question 16.
How will you distinguish a static webpage from a dynamic webpage? [March 2016] (2)

Static web page Dynamic web page
1. Content and layout is fixed 1. Not fixed, may change during run time.
2. Never use databases 2. It uses databases
3. Directly runs on the browser 3. Runs on the server-side application program
4. Not interactive 4. Interactive

Question 17
Write HTML code for a webpage of an institution with the following features. It should have a marquee welcoming users, a heading in different fonts and a picture and address of the institution. (3)

BVM institute
<body bgcolor = “Cyan”>
<MARQUEE height = “100” width = “100 %”
Bgcolor = “red” behavior = “scroll">
BVM HSS welcomes you </MARQUEE>
<H1 > BVM HSS </H1 >
<Fontsize= “12” Face = “Courier New”> Kalparamba </Font>
<img src= “school.jpg” height= “200” width=”200” align =”top”>

Question 18.
a) Classify the following scripting language into client-side and server-side: ASP, PHP, JavaScript, VBScript (2)
b) Write anyone’s use of client-side scripting. (1)
a) Client side script – Server side script
JavaScript – ASP
VBscript – PHP

b) Client-side scripts are executed by the browser (client)-hence reduces network traffic and workload on the server.

Question 19.
Fill the following table with appropriate points to distinguish between <P> tag and <BR> tag.

<P> tag  <BR>tag
1) …………………….  1. breaks the current line and continues to the next line
2) Container tag
3) Align attributes sets the alignment of the text in the paragraph


<P> tag  <BR>tag
1. It indicates a new paragraph and instructs the browser to add a blank line before the paragraph  1. breaks the current line and continues to the next line
2) Container tag 2. Empty tag
3) Align attributes set the alignment of the text in the paragraph 3. It has no aligned attribute

Question 20.
a) Write an HTML code to display a list of hardware and software of a company in the following format:
I) Hardware
1) Cables
i) DTP
ii) Coaxial
iii) Fiberoptic

2) Storage Devices
i) USB
ii) Hard Disk
iii) Tape

II) Software
1) Application Software
i) MS Office
ii) Inventory Management System

2) System Software
i) Compilers
ii) Assemblers (5)
b) Write an HTML code to display a user registration form as shown below:
Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 4 Web Technology 1
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Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 4 Web Technology 5

Question 21.
Default port number for HTTPS is _______ (1)
The default port number for HTTPS is 443.

(Note that 80 is the default port number for HTTP).

Question 22.
What are the various types of client-side scripting languages? (2)
Client scripts – These are scripts executed by the browser(client) hence reduces network traffic and workload on the server.

Javascript and VB Script are the two client-side scripting languages.

Java script(developed by Brendan Eich for the Netscape browser) is a platform-independent scripting language. Means It does not require a particular browser. That is it runs on any browser hence it is mostly accepted scripting language. But VB Script(developed by Microsoft) is a platform-dependent scripting language. This means it requires a particular browser(MS Internet Explorer) to work which is why it is not a widely accepted scripting language.

Question 23.
Develop a web page of an organization with the following features:
a) Has an image as background.
b) Welcomes users with a marquee in attractive fonts.
c) Displays the address of the organization. (3)
Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 4 Web Technology 6

Question 24.
Expand the name of the language wLIch is used to develop webpage..’ (1)
HTML-Hyper Text Mark up Language