Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity

Kerala Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity

Question 1.
The first socialist revolution happened when USSR was formed. Identify the year in which this revolution took place.

Question 2.
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity 1
Hints:- USA,India , UK, Poland, Pakistan, Albania, Arrange the properly in the above given table.
a. America
b. England
c. Poland
d. Albania
e. India
f. Pakistan

Question 3
USSR was formed in September 1917. Identify the year in which Mikhail Gorbachev formally declared the dissolution of U.S.S.R.

Question 4
Which among the following statements that describe the nature of soviet economy is wrong ?
a. Socialism was the dominant ideology
b. State ownership existed over the factors of production.
c. People enjoyed economic freedom
Every aspect of the economy was planned and controlled by the state.
c. People enjoyed economic freedom

Question 5
Arrange the following in chronological order.
a. Soviet invasion of Afganistan
b. Fall of the Berlin wall
c. Disintegration of the Soviet Union
d. Russian Revolution
a. Russian Revolution
b. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
c. Fall of the Berlin Wall
d. Disintegration of the Soviet Union


Question 6.
The efforts of reform of USSR by Mikhail Gorbachev, the last President of USSR, led to its disintegration. Identify the two major policies.
Glasnost, Perestroika

Question 7.
Which among the following is NOT an outcome of disintegration of the USSR.
a. End of the ideological war between the US and USSR.
b. Birth of CIS
c. Change in the balance of power in the world order
d. Crises in the Middle East
Crises in the Middle East

Question 8.
Which is not an outcome of the disintegration of USSR?
a) End of Cold war.
b) Birth of CIS.
c) Change in the balance of power in the world order.
d) Crisis in the middle east.
d) Crisis in the middle east.

Question 9.
Match the following A
Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity 2
1-c 2-d 3-a 4-e

Question 10
Fill in the blanks:
a. The soviet political system was based on— ideology.
b. was the military alliance started by the USSR
c. Party dominated the Soviet Union’s political system.
d. initiated the reforms in the USSR in 1985
e. The fall of the symbolized the end of the cold war.
a. socialist
b. Warsaw Pact
c. Communist
d. Mikhail Gorbachev
e. Berlin Wall

Question 11.
USA was established during 1776.
USSR was formed during 1917.
After the second world war, the world witnessed the emergence of USSR as a super power along with USA. Evaluate the factors which helped USSR to emerge quickly as a super power.

  • Soviet Union came into existence after the 1917 Socialist Revolution.
  • It was the Movement of the ordinary people, both men and women, that helped the Soviet Union.
  • The Soviet Union tried to abolish poverty basing it on a society believing in equality.
  • The Soviet Union gave priority to the Government and Party.
  • It was the government that planned and controlled economic matters.
  • After the Second World War, the Soviet Union developed.into a Superpower. An extensive communication network, the production of heavy machinery, oil, iron and steel and the capacity to reach even the remotest parts through various transport systems helped the country grow.
  • It had all kinds of industries. From pins to cars it produced and sold.
  • The government promised a minimum standard of life to all its citizens. Subsidy was given for health care, education, child and welfare schemes, there was no unemployment there.

Question 12.
The countries of the world are classified into three, such as 1st world, 2nd world and 3rd world. As a student of political science can you explain the reasons behind the classification to your friend who is studying in’science class? ‘
In contemporary politics, the Second World War was an important affair. The War had affected all countries, even outside Europe. The end of the WW II found the beginning of the Cold War. WW II witnessed the col lapse of Germany and Japan. America and the Soviet Union grew into Superpowers. They became powerful enough to make their presence felt anywhere in the world.

Both the Superpowers were trying hard to extend their influence into other smaller nations. There was hardly any country that did not join one of the two sides. Smaller countries joined the Superpowers with their own interests in mind. They used to get arms an also financial help from the two Superpowers.

The West European countries joined America and the East European countries joined with Russia. Thus there were two groups – the Western Alliance and the Eastern Alliance. The Western Alliance was the first to be formed. In April 1949 NATO was formed. It was a group of 12 nations. This is the 1st world. The Eastern Alliance was known as the Warsaw Pact. It was formed in 1955. The Soviet Union was its leader. Opposing the NATO powers was its main goal. This was the 2nd world.

The Cold War was almost dividing the world into two sides. The newly independent Asian, African and Latin American countries were worried if they would lose their freedom once again. Their internal problems also prevented them from joining any of the Superpowers. They joined together and made a third group called Non-Aligned Movement. This is the 3rd world.


Question 13
In 1991 the world order underwent some fundamental changes due to the disintegration of USSR. Identify and explain the causes for the disintegration of USSR.
The control exercised by the Soviet government on its citizens made their life difficult.

  • There was no freedom of expression or democracy.
  • 1 Many institutions needed reforms. But the Communist Party strictly controlled them and reforms were not possible.
  • The Party refused to give people their rights. The Soviet Union was a Union of 15 Republics. They had their own cultures and problems.
  • Although on paper there were 15 Republics, only Russia was allowed to exercise control. Russia dominated the other republics and the people of the other republics were either ignored or suppressed.
  • Although the Soviet Union was able to maintain its equality with the US in arms race, it was very costly for them. Western technology was better than the Russian technology. The political and economic needs of the Soviet people were not taken care of by the Soviet government.
  • Soviet Union used most of its resources to develop atomic weapons, to make arms, to increase military facilities and to develop its satellite East European countries.
  • The go-slow policy, refusal to correct mistakes and the closed door policy quickened the country’s downfall.

Question 14
Containment of Communism was a major policy adopted by the Capitalist states during the cold war period. But even after the cold war they extended this policy in the form of shock therapy. Prepare a short note about the Shock Therapy and its consequences.
The failure of the Soviet Union made many of its constituent countries abandon Communism and follow democratic ways. Russia, Asian countries, Easer European countries etc were attracted towards organizations like the World Bank and IMF.

  • The main purpose was to make communist countries follow the capitalist model.
  • Private capital would be very important.
  • Cooperative farming will give way to private farming.
  • Foreign investment, open market system and currency exchange would be possible,
  • The countries of the erstwhile Soviet Union will have the facility to have contact with Western countries and trade with them.
  • Using all these, the Western countries made the member countries of the erstwhile Soviet Union come closer to them.


  • Many big industries under government control collapsed.
  • 90% industries were sold to individuals or private companies.
  • The Russian Currency Rouble was devalued.
  • Because of inflation people lost the value of their savings.
  • In Cooperative farming, people had food security. But now it was not there. Russia had to import food grains.
  • lnRussia,theGDPin 1999 was less than that of 1989.
  • The social welfare schemes were abandoned.
  • As subsidies were withdrawn, many people experienced poverty.
  • Educational and intellectual human resources were scattered and many people emigrated
  • Privatization made economic inequality among people.

Question 15
In this post cold war period India as a member of NAM is maintaining relationship with post communist countries. Prepare a report showing India’s relation with these countries.
India is maintaining good relations with the Communist countries. Even now India has strong relations with Russia. Indo-Russian relations are an integral part of India’s foreign policy. These relations are warm because of mutual interests. Indian actors from Raj Kapoor to Amitabh Bachan are well-known and respected in Russia.

  • India and Russia have the same views regarding cooperation, security? regionalism, international disputes, and strengthening of the United Nations.
  • There are many bi-lateral agreements between India and Russia. In 2001 both the countries signed the Indo-Russian Strategic Treaty.
  • Russia helps us in the problems like the Kashmir Issue. In things like energy distribution, sharing Information Technology, steps against terrorism, relations with China etc. both countries have mutual agreement.
  • India gets military hardware mainly from Russia.
  • Russia helps India in all possible ways. Even when India has no problems, Russia continues to help us.
  • India often imports a lot of its energy needs from Russia. From Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan also India buys oil.
  • Russia has a big role in India’s atomic energy planning.
  • Russia gives India cryogenic engines for its space activities.India and Russia work hand in hand in many scientific schemes.


Additional Questions

Question 1
In which year socialist revolution took place in Russia?

Question 2
In which year disintegration of Soviet Union took place?

Question 3
Who was the founder of Bolshevik communist party?
Vladimir Lenin

Question 4
What were the factors that forced Gorbachev to initiate the reforms in the USSR?
Gorbachev brought many reforms to Russia. These are the reasons for introducing the reforms:

  • After the WW II, Soviet Union became a real Superpower. In the armament race, Soviet Union became equal to America. But it had to spend a lot of its resources for that. The economy of the Soviet Union was not that strong.
  • Soviet Union was far behind the West in technology.
  • In the Soviet system there were elements of autocracy and bureaucracy. People were not happy with that system.
  • It was the Communist Party that led the Government. It also controlled all Institutions in the country. The Party had no responsibility to the people.
  • Soviet Union utterly failed to fulfill the political and economic needs of the people.

Question 5
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  • The Russian Revolution
  • The intrusion of the Soviet Union into Afghanistan
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall
  • The disintegration of the Soviet Union

Plus Two Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers