Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 10 Civic Consciousness

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 10 Civic Consciousness

Question 1.
What is meant by civic consciousness? What are the important factors that formulate civic consciousness?

  • Civic consciousness means the recognition that each citizen is for the society and the genuine interest of the society are the interests of the citizen.
  • The factors that formulate civic consciousness are family, education, association, media and democratic system.

Question 2.
List the features that you see in the people with civic consciousness.

  • Social commitment
  • Value consciousness
  • Unselfishness
  • Service mentality

Question 3.
Explain the role of morality in fostering civic consciousness.
Morality means the ability to recognize virtues from vices, accept virtues and to perform duties with utmost responsibility. Morality helps civic consciousness. The most effective way to foster civic consciousness is the creation of moral consciousness in all walks of life. Morality is essential for the welfare and continuance of a society.

Question 4.
Civic consciousness helps in solving the problems faced by the society. Substantiate examples.
Civic consciousness greatly influences the progress of the society and the state. In the absence of civic consciousness, a person becomes selfish and all his activities will be only for his own personal gains. This will affect social life adversely.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Chapter 10 Civic Consciousness 1
The society today faces many problems like water scarcity, environmental pollution and corruption. Water shortage can be solved by rainwater harvesting and the effective use of water. Pollution in the surrounding can be solved by the planting of trees and garbage treatment at source. The problem of corruption can be solved by conducting awareness against corruption and raising complaint against it.

Question 5.
Give examples for certain ideal models who have high sense of civic consciousness.

  • A.P.J. Abdul Kalam :
    Famous scientist and the former President of India. He contributed greatly to Indian missile technology. He dedicated his whole life for the nation.
  • Kallen Pokkudan :
    Famous environmentalist who dedicated his life for the protection of mangroves. He also planted thousands of mangroves and became an excellent model in creating environmental awareness.
  • Mother Teresa:
    A humanitarian who worked among the destitutes, lepors and the crippled of Calcutta. The Missionaries of Charity, the organisation founded by her works for the poor and destitutes all over the world.
  • Mayilamma :
    A tribal woman and social activist who campaigned against the Coca- Cola company at Plachimada in Palakkad for water shortage in the area.
  • Dashrath Manjhi:
    Also known as ‘Mountain Man’ was a poor labourer in Gehalur village near Gaya in Bihar, carved 110 m long path through a hillock using hammer and chisel, connecting Arti and Wazirganj blocks of Gaya.

Question 6.
Explain the role of family, education and media in fostering civic consciousness.
It is very essential to create and maintain civic consciousness for the progress of the nation and the society. All societies adopt positive measures
to foster civic consciousness in the people. Civic consciousness can be fostered in the people only through creative intervention in society.

Family as a social institution plays a great role in personality formation. It is the basic social institution that a person depends and intervenes ever since his birth. Family teaches qualities like social conscience, love, clemency, sacrifice, etiquette, etc.

One learns to respect the elders and to engage in social service from family. Family plays an important role in fostering and maintaining a sense of responsibility among its members. Inspiration and encouragement from the family will develop civic consciousness in individuals.

Education :
The primary aim of education is to equip a person to effectively utilise the knowledge gained by the learning of different subjects for the betterment of the society.

Through education, a student understands how his country is governed, what are the rights and duties of a citizen and thereby becomes a democratically conscious citizen in the sockly. Education helps to practise qualities like mutual dependence, civic consciousness, punctuality, discipline and obedience. Education also helps to develop qualities like value consciousness, environmental awareness, scientific temper, tolerance and leadership qualities.

Through education, science and technology can be effectively utilised in a useful manner to the society. Through value oriented educational approach, we can instill civic consciousness among the people. Governments formulate educational policies with this aim.

Media :
Media play a major role in the formulation of civic consciousness. Printed media and electronic media influence the society tremendously. Media convey news and information to the people. Media propagate cultural values. Media also help to respect national values like democracy, socialism, fraternity and secularism and to dedicate one’s life for the unity and integrity of the nation.

They can create public opinion against illiteracy, ignorance, communalism, alcoholism, drug addiction, racialism, etc. Judicious and objective information lead to the formulation of creative ideas. Media should be impartial and independent. The information from the media should be evaluated critically.

Question 7.
Suggest methods for overcoming the challenges faced by civic consciousness.

  • Work for one’s interest without going against public interest.
  • Activities based on democracy and tolerance.
  • Each should critically evaluate his activity.
  • Equal importance be given to both rights and duties.
  • Be the change you expect from others.

Question 8.
Prepare a note on the Social Science learning and civic consciousness.
How can we utilise the study of Social Science in formulating social consciousness?

  • Social Science learning plays an important role in the formulation of civic consciousness.
  • As the area of study of Social Science is closely related to man and society, .envisages comprehensive changes in each individual.
  • Disseminate the message of peace and co-operation in society.
  • Equip the individuals to respect diversities and to behave with tolerance.
  • Make the individual civic conscious and action oriented by familiarising the role models and activities of civic consciousness.
  • Help to understand the different contexts of political, social, economic and environmental problems.
  • Equip individuals to suggest comprehensive solutions to different problems.

Question 9.
How does family influence in the formation of civic consciousness?
Man’s social relationships begin with the family. It is from the primary social institution of family that one learns to respect the elders and to engage in social service. Family teaches qualities like social conscience, love, clemency, sacrifice and etiquette. Family plays an important role in fostering and maintaining a sense of responsibility among its members.

It is from the family that one gets the training to live in the society following the behaviour patterns and mores that are acceptable to it. Inspiration and encouragement from the family will develop civic consciousness in its members. The concept that each individual is for the family and family is for the society should be developed in the family atmosphere.

Question 10.
What activities can be undertaken in schools to formulate civic consciousness?

  • The activities of N.C.C., S.P.C and Scout and Guides help to mould responsible citizens.
  • Help to mould a healthy society by participating in the activities of Red Cross and Health Club.
  • Convey the message of protection of environment through Eco Club and Nature club.
  • The reinforcement of civic consciousness in students by the observance of National Days like Independence Day and Republic Day.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions