Kerala Plus One Zoology Model Question Paper 2
Time: 1 Hours
Cool off time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 30 Scores
General Instructions to candidates
- There is a ‘cool off time’ of 10 minutes each for Botany and Zoology in addition to the writing time of 1 hour each. Further there is a ‘ 5 minutes’ ‘preparatory time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before the commencement of the Zoology Examination.
- Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
- Read the instructions carefully.
- Read questions carefully before you answering.
- Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
- Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
- Give equations wherever necessary.
- Electronic devices except non programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.
Questions 1-3. Answers all questions. Each question carries 1 score.
Question 1.
Choose the correctly matched pair.
a. Collagen fibres – connective tissue
b. Axon – Walls of blood vessels
c. Squamous epithelium – Neuron
Question 2.
From the following list, pick out the en-zyme, that takes part in carbohydrate digestion.
(Salivary amylase, peptidase, lipase, carboxypeptidase)
Question 3.
Diagram of a joint is given below :
Questions 4-14. Answers any 9 questions. Each question carries 2 score.
Question 4.
Question 5.
Classify the organisms below based on segmentation :
a. Ascaris
b. Taenia
c. Fasciola
d. Wuchereria
e. Neries
f. Pheretima
Question 6.
Observe the figure. No need to redraw the figure.
Label A and B and write the function of A and B.
Question 7.
Complete each of the following sen ten- ces using appropriate words.
a. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop is …. to water whereas the descending limb is …… to water.
b. An excessive loss of fluid from the body stimulates the hypothalamus to release …….. hormone from the ………….
Question 8.
“The functioning of human kidney is e f- feiciency monitored and regulated by hor-monal actions of hypothalamus is pituitary, JGAand to a certain extent by heart.”
a. Do you agree with this statement?
b. Justify your answer with suitable rea- sons.
Question 9.
Answer the following in a few words.
a. Significance of pulmonary circulatior I in man.
b. Function of erythrocytes
c. Pacemaker for a human heart and its significance.
d. Normal blood pressure of human beings and its variation during hypertension.
Question 10.
The output of urine increases in cold days while decreases in hot and sunny days. Can you give a reason for this phenom¬enon as realized from the graph given below?
Question 11.
Your Biology teacher exhibited a labora-tory specimen in the classroom. Based on which features will you distinguish it as a chordate or a nonchordate ?
Question 12.
Give two examples for each of the following :
a. Synovial joints
b. Muscular proteins
Question 13.
Distinguish between cofactor and coenzyme with an example for each.
Question 14.
The male and female cockroaches can be identified by the difference in their mor-phological features.
a. Name this phenomenon.
b. Give one external difference between males and females.
Questions 15 – 18. Answers any3 questions. Each question carries 3 scores.
Question 15.
Observe the graph showing the activity of an enzyme influenced by pH.
a. Name the possible enzyme involved in this reaction. [1/2]
b. Where is its site of action? [1/2]
c. Mention any other factor which affects this enzyme activity that results in a similar pattern of graph.
d. Name another Similar enzyme acting on the same substrate.
Question 16.
Observe the organization chart given be¬low and fill appropriately. No need to redraw the chart.
Question 17.
0bserve the structural representation of the muscle given below.
a. Which among this represents the con-tracted state? [1/2 + 1/2]
b. Name the parts labelled as A, B and C.
Question 18.
Longitudinal section of the human heart showing internal structure is given below. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions. Redraw the diagram and label the parts marked as A, B, C.
Answer 1.
Answer 2.
Salivary amylase
Answer 3.
Hinge joint or synovial joint
Answer 4.
Cold blooded animal – Shark
Living fossil – Limulus
Egg laying mammal – Platypus
Water vascular system – Sea Cucumber
Answer 5.
True Seqmentation |
False Seqmentation | No Seqmentation |
Neries Pheretime | Taenia |
Ascaris Fasciola Wucheraria |
Answer 6.
A – Proximal convoluted tubule: Reab-sorb major part of electrolytes, essential nutri¬ents and water.
B – Collecting duct: Reabsorb water and urea. It also secrete H+ and K+ ions.
Answer 7.
a. Impermeable, permeable
b. ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone), ditaitary
Answer 8.
a. Yes
b. ADH fecilites water reabsorption from tubule, there by preventing diuresis. ADH can also affect the kidney function by its constrictory effect on vessel. This cause an increase in blood pressure.
Renin-Angiotensin Mechanism.
Decreased blood pressure → Kidney Renin → Liver → Anglotensiongen → Angiotensin l
Answer 9.
a. For purification of blood, ie., release of CO2 and intake of O2.
b. For the gas transport of O2 and CO2.
c. SA node or sinu-auricular node, the area where cardiac impulse starts.
d. 80/120 mmHg is the normal blood pressure 80mmHg is the diastolic pressure. 120 mmHg is the systolic pressure. Above normal BP is called Hypertension.
Answer 10.
When temperature increases ADH level increases ADH hormone increase re-absorption of water form urine as a re¬sult only small quantity of urine is produced.
Answer 11.
Animals with notochord are called chordates and those animals which do not form this structure are called non-chordates, e. g., porifera to echinoderms.
Answer 12.
a. Synovial joint – Hinge joint (knee joint)
b. Muscular protein – Troponin
Answer 13.
Cofacter: Non protein part of enzyme,
eg., Zinc in carboxy peptidase.
Co-enzyme : Organic compound that bound to apoenzyme loosely, eg., NAD.
Answer 14.
a. Sexual dimorphism.
b. In male, short thread like anal styles present. In females, it is absent.
Answer 15.
a. Salivary amylase
b. Buccal cavity
c. Temperature or substrate concentration
d. Pancreatic amylase or intestinal amylase
Answer 16.
a. Axial skeleton – 80
b. Vertebral column – 26
c. Ribs-12 pairs
d. Sternum – 1
Answer 17.
a. II
b. A – Z-line,
B – H-zone,
C- Myosin
Answer 18.
A – Aorta
B – Semilunar valve
C – Left ventricle