The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 1 Chapter 2 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats (Hasegawa Takejiro)

Std 8 English Textbook The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions and Answers

The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
How is the youngest child introduced in the story?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th
The youngest boy is introduced as a clever, but quite weak and a small boy who is not fit for hard work.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
Why did the parents take the boy to the priest?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
People of the village opined that the boy could never grow very big. So his parents thought it would be bet¬ter for him to become a priest than to become a farmer.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 3.
‘… but perhaps you will become a great artist.’
Do you think the opinion of the priest about the boy is appropr¬iate? Why?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th
Yes. Because whenever the boy was alone, he drew the pictures of cats.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
What was the advice of the priest to the boy?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th
The priest advised the boy to avoid large places at night and to keep to the small.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Worksheet Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 5.
Why didn’t the boy go home after he left the temple?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Worksheet Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
The boy did not go home because he felt sure that his father would punish him for being disobedient to the priest.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th  Question 6.
When the boy entered the temple he did not see anyone. What could be the reason?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th
The reason was that a goblin rat had! frightened the priests away and had taken possession of the place.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 7.
Why did he choose a small place to sleep?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th
The boy felt afraid of the place and he resolved to look for a small place to sleep.

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 Question 8.
Where did the boy find a safe place to sleep on?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2
He found a little cabinet, with a sliding door and got into it and shut himself up.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Conversation Between Boy And Priest 8th Question 9.
What was the dreadful voice that the boy heard?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Conversation Between Boy And Priest 8th
The dreadful voice might have been the result of the fighting and screaming between the cats and the goblin rat.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Story Kerala Syllabus 8th  Question 10.
How do you think the goblin rat was killed?
The Boy Who Drew Cats Story Kerala Syllabus 8th
The goblin rat was killed by the cats which the boy had drawn.

8th Standard English Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 11.
Was the advice of the priest helpful to the boy? Why?
8th Standard English Notes Kerala Syllabus
Yes. Because a dreadful fight was going on between the cats and the goblin rat and the boy was safe in the Cabinet.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Textbook Activities And Answers

The Boy Who Drew Cats Character Sketch Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 1.

Did you enjoy the story, ‘The Boy who Drew Cats’? If you were the young boy, how would you tell the story?
You may begin like this.
The Boy Who Drew Cats Character Sketch Kerala Syllabus 8th
I was the youngest child of a poor Japanese family. Because of my ill health, I was sent to a priest home to be trained as a priest. I liked to draw the pictures of j cats. Although I obeyed all the rituals and i I rule of the priest home I could not stop I drawing cats. My teacher ordered me not to draw cats anymore. But I could not stop drawing.

At last, my teacher advised me to become a painter, not a priest. I planned to quit the place. Before leaving the teacher advised me to take shelter in small places and asked me to avoid big places.

I started my journey to the next village. I found a temple. It was covered with dust and cobwebs. I did not know that it was j the place of a monstrous rat. I entered in and saw walls which were empty. I started painting cats. When I felt sleepy I slept in a small room. After sometime hearing some sound I woke up. When it was morning, I came out and saw a big rat killed. Because of the pictures of the cats the big rat was killed. After that incident, I became a famous painter in Japan.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 2.

How was the goblin rat killed?
Write the events that led to the death of the goblin rat to complete the flow-chart given below.
The Boy Who Drew Cats Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 14

The Boy Who Drew Cats Additional Questions & Answers

Question 1.
Read the passage from the story ‘ The Boy who Drew Catstfand answer the questions that follow.
Whenever he found himself alone, he drew cats. He drew them on the margins of the priest’s books, and on all the screens of the temple, and on the walls, and on the pillars. Several times the priest told him this was not right: but he did not stop drawing cats. He drew them because he could not really help it.

He had what is called ‘the genius of an artist’ and just for that reason he was not quite fit to be an acolyte- a good acolyte should study books. One day after he had drawn some very clever pictures of cats upon a paper screen, the old priest said to him severely: ‘ My boy, you must go away from this temple at once. You will never make a good priest, but perhaps you will become a great artist. Now, let me give you a last piece of advice, and be sure you never forget it. Avoid large places at night, keep to small!’

The boy did not know what the priest meant by saying, ‘ Avoid large places keep to small.’ He thought and thought, while he was tying up his little bundle of clothes to go away; but he could not understand those words and he was afraid to speak to the priest anymore, except to say good-bye.
1. The boy continued to draw cats because ……………………
a. He hated cats.
b. He wanted to become an artist
c. He wanted to please the priest
d. He was unable to stop drawing cats
2. Pick out the word from the passage which means ‘ one who helps the priest’,
a. Genius
b. Acolyte
c. Artist
d. Cats
3. Which were the places the boy choose to draw cats?
4. Why did the priest decide to send the boy away from the temple?
5. Pick out the expression from the passage that shows the boy wandered about the priest’s advice.
1. He was unable to stop drawing, cats.
2. Acolyte
3. On the margins of the priest’s books, and on all screens of the temple, and on the pillar.
4. He would never make a good priest.
5. He thought and thought

Question 2.
Edit the following passage.
Whenever he found himself alone, he draws (a) cats. He drew them on the mar¬gins of the priests (b) books, and on all the screens (c) of the temple and on the walls and on the pillars.
a. drew
b. priest’s
c. screens

Question 3.
Complete the passage given using suitable phrasal verbs from the ones given below.
The boy ………. (a) ……….. for the big temple in the next village. When he ……….. (b) ………… the village it was already dark. He……….. (c)……… the temple on a hill. He went at once to the temple and knocked. There was no sound inside. He ………….. (d)………. knocking but still nobody came. At last, he pushed gently at the door and found that it was not fastened.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 15
a. set out
b. got out
c. came across
d. went on

Question 4.
Given below are signboards to create awareness on Road Safety. Read them carefully and identify the verb phrases. One is done for you.
a) School Ahead, Go Slow
b) Wear Seatbelts While Driving
c) Pedestrians, Keep To Your Left

Verb Phrase
a. Go slow
b. ………….
c. ………….
b. Wear seat belts
c. Keep to your left


Speech is an effective verbal communication made by a person addressing a group of people. Usually, a speech begins with an appropriate salutation.

Tips to remember

  • Good beginning with a salutation
  • Introduce the topic well
  • Conclude the speech well

Question 5.
You are the secretary of the Arts Club in your school. The club decides to honor the boy in the story ‘ The Boy who Drew Cats’ in your school assembly. Prepare a speech of appreciation.

(Hints: The boy always drew cats- send away from temple by the priest as he always drew cats – goes to next village – draws cats in the haunted temple – goblin rats were killed- blood on the mouth of the cats drawn by the boy – became a famous artist)
A very warm welcome to all present here. Today I am very happy to introduce to you the famous painter Erico. He was the youngest child of a poor Japanese family. Because of his ill health, he was sent to a temple to be trained as a priest. He loved to draw cats. Although he learned whatever that was taught he couldn’t stop drawing cats. Though the old priest ordered him not to draw cats anymore he couldn’t stop drawing. At last, his teacher advised him to become a painter, not a priest. So he planned to quit the place.

Before leaving, the teacher advised him to take shelter in small places and asked him to avoid big places. He started his journey to the next temple. The temple was covered with dust and cobweb. He did not know that it was the place of a monstrous rat. When he saw the walls empty he painted cats. He felt sleepy and slept in a small cabinet. After sometime hearing some sound he woke up. In the morning when he woke up he found that the big rat had been killed by the cats he drew. It was the words of his teacher ‘Avoid large places at night, keep to small’ that saved him from the monstrous rat. After that incident, he became a famous painter in Japan.

Question 6.
Look at the following word pyramid.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 16
Now, construct a similar word pyramid using the word ‘ book’.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 17

The Boy Who Drew Cats Summary in English

The main character in the story, youngest son of poor, hardworking farmer, lives in a country village of old Japan. Because he is small, weak, and bright, his parents sent him to the village priest to be trained for priesthood. The boy learns well and pleases his master in almost all ways, but he persists in one act of disobedience drawing cats whenever he can. Although warned to stop, he continued it. The disobedience of the boy causes the old priest to send him away with the advice to stop trying to become a priest but instead become an artist. The priest cautions the boy to avoid large places at night and keep to the small. Puzzled by the strange warning, the boy reluctantly leaves his temple home and walks to the next village, where there is a large temple at which he hopes to continue his religious training.

He arrives at the temple at night, only to find it deserted and covered with thick layers of dust and cobwebs. He does not know the temple has been abandoned because a bloodthirsty goblin lived there. Earlier, soldiers entered the temple at night to kill the goblin but did not survive the attempt. The unsuspecting boy sits quietly and waits for the temple priests to appear. He notices large, white screens, wonderful surfaces for drawing cats, and soon has drawing ink and brushes ready. He unhesitatingly draws cats, not stopping until he is too tired to continue.

Sleepily he remembers the old priest’s warning as he lies down, so he crawls into a small cabinet and pulls the door before he sleeps. Hours later, the boy wakes to sounds of horrible screaming and fighting. He cowers silently while the fight rages, and only ventures out after daylight streams into the room. He finds a floor wet with blood and, lying dead, a monster goblin-rat the size of a cow. Scanning the temple, he notices the wet, blood-red mouths of the cats he has drawn on the screens. Suddenly he understands the priest’s advice and realizes that his cats have destroyed the goblin in the vicious fight he has overheard. The boy later becomes a famous artist, whose pictures of cats can still be seen in Japan.

The Boy Who Drew Cats Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 18
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 19

The Boy Who Drew Cats Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Boy Who Drew Cats 20

From A Day in the Country Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 4 Chapter 4 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From A Day in the Country Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 4  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 4 A Day in the Country (Anton Chekhov)

Std 8 English Textbook From A Day in the Country Questions and Answers

A Day In The Country Question Answers

A Day In The Country Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
Why is Fyokla worried? Pick out the expressions which show that she is worried.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 4 A Day in the Country 1
A Day In The Country Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
A Day in the Country Questions and Answer:
Fyokla was worried because her brother had met with an accident. Her uncle Terenty, who was to help her, was not to be seen. The following sentence shows that she is worried. ‘ the 1 white-haired, barefoot child is pale, Her eyes are wide open, her lips are trembling’.

A Day In The Country Class 8 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
How does the author describe Trinity?
A Day In The Country Class 8 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus
Trinity was a tall old man with a thin, pockmarked face, very long leg, and bare feet, dressed in a woman’s tattered jacket. On his long crane-like legs, he swayed in the wind.

A Day In The Country Questions, And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 3.
What was the accident that Danilka met with?
A Day In The Country Questions, And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
Danika tried to put his hand into a hole in a tree to get cuckoo’s eggs. His hand was stuck and he could not take it out.

A Day In The Country Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Why does Terenty think that the thunder will not hurt the girl?
A Day In The Country Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
Trinity said that it was not from spite that it thundered and it would not kill a little thing like Fyokla

A Day In The Country Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 5.
How did Fyokla feel when she heard the thunder?
A Day In The Country Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th
Fyokla felt that something big, heavy and round was rolling over the sky, and tearing it’ open exactly over her head.

A Day In The Country Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 6.
Why does the boy not think of his trouble while looking at the stormy sky?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 4 A Day in the Country 7
A Day In The Country Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
The boy was gazing at the story sky and apparently he forgot to think of his trouble.

A Day In A Country Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 7.
Why couldn’t Danilka pull his hand out of the hole?
A Day In A Country Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th
A Day in the Country Answer:
The wood had broken at the edge of the hole and jammed Danilka’s hand.

A Day In The Country Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 8.
Why does Terenty ask Danilka not to touch the nightingale’s nest?
A Day In The Country Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th
The nightingale is a singing bird and it has a voice to cheer the heart of man. He thinks that it is a sin to disturb the bird.

A Day In The Country Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
‘He knows everything. ‘Why does the author say so?
A Day In The Country Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
He knows the names of all the wildflowers, animals and stones. He knows the herbs that cure diseases, he has no difficulty in telling the age of a horse or a cow. Looking at the sunset, the moon, or the birds, he could tell what sort of weather it would be the next day.

A Day In The Country Class 8 Summary Kerala Syllabus  Question 10.
‘These people have learned not from books ’ How did they learn then?
A Day In The Country Class 8 Summary Kerala Syllabus
They learned from the fields, woods, riverbanks, birds, the sun, etc. In short, they learned everything from nature.

A Day In The Country Class 8 Solutions Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
Why are the cobbler and the boy not weary?
A Day In The Country Class 8 Solutions Kerala Syllabus
While walking, they talked about the beauty of the earth unceasingly. So they were not weary.

The Day Of The Bare Feet Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Do you think that Terenty loves children? Justify your answer.
The Day Of The Bare Feet Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
Yes, He loves children. When the children fell asleep, he came to them and placed bread under their heads.

A Day In The Country Class 8 Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
‘The boy does not sleep. Why?
A Day In The Country Class 8 Pdf Kerala Syllabus
A Day in the Country Summary Questions and Answer:
The boy does not sleep. He gazes into the darkness and it seems to him that he can see everything that he has seen during the day.

A Day In The Country Multiple Choice Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 14.
‘And no one sees his love.’ What is the love referred to here?
A Day In The Country Multiple Choice Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th
The love of the cobbler towards the children is referred here.

A Day in the Country Textbook Activities And Answers

A Day In A Country Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 1.

The following is the summary of the story ‘A Day in the Country’. Some parts of it are missing. Complete it.
It was a stormy day. There was thunder and lightning.
A little girl ………………..
She asked everyone ……………..
The girl sobbed and told Terenty ………….
She wanted Terenty to ……………….
She said that Danika had put his ……………..
hand …………….
They both ………………
He saved the boy and. ……………….
On the way they …………………
Danika wondered how Terenty …………….
They shared their food and …………….
The children ……………….
Trinity ……………….
The moon enjoyed the love of the homeless cobbler.
Now, retell the story in your own way.
It was a stormy day. There was thunder and lightning. A little girl of six ran through the village looking for Trinity, the cobbler. She was worried. She asked everyone whether they had seen Trinity. Nobody could tell where Trinity was. At last she met Terenty’s bosom friends, who told her that he was in the kitchen gardens. She saw Terenty standing near the vegetable plots.

The girl sobbed and told Terenty that her brother Danilka met with an accident. She wanted Terenty to go with her and help Danika. She said that Danilka had put his hand into a hole in a tree to get cuckoos egg, and he could not get it out. They both rushed to the spot in the heavy rain. On the way he told her not to be frightened because it thundered and it would not kill a little thing like her. When they reached the spot, they found the frightened Danika.Terenty saved the boy and walked along the darkened road.

On the way they talked about a lot of things like nightingale, rain, ducks, etc. Terenty answered all their questions. Danika wondered how Terenty had good knowledge about everything. Terenty learned not from books, but from nature. They reached a riverbank and shared their food. They returned to the village only in the evening. The children went to a deserted barn at night. Danika could not sleep for a long time. He thought about all that he had seen. At last, they fell asleep. Terenty came to them and put bread under their heads. The moon was rejoiced seeing the love of the homeless cobbler.

A Day In The Country Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Let’s prepare a blog

In this unit, you have learned poems and stories that depict the splendor of nature. Can you write poems stories or articles describing the beauty and splendor of nature? Develop a blog for the EnglisljJClub of your school. Post your poems, stories and articles in the blog. You may ask your friends to comment on them.
A Day In A Country Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th

A Day in the Country Additional Questions and Answers

A Day In The Country Theme Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
Read the passage from the story ‘ A Day in the Country’ and answer the questions that follow.

Fyokla, a little girl of six, is running through the village, looking for Terenty the cobbler. The white-haired, barefoot child is pale. Her eyes are wide open, her lips are trembling. ‘Uncle, where is Terenty? she asks everyone she meets. No one answers. They are all preoccupied with the approaching storm and take refuge in their huts. At last she meets Terenty’s bosom friend. ‘ Uncle, where is Terenty?

At the kitchen – gardens answers he. The girl runs behind the huts to kitchen- gardens and there finds Terenty; the tall old man with a thin, pockmarked face, very long legs, and bare feet, dressed in a women’s tattered jacket, is standing near the vegetable plots, looking with drowsy eyes at the dark storm- cloud. On his long crane-like legs he sways in the wind.
a. How old was Fyokla?
b. Give a short description  about Trinity.
c. Pick out the expressions which show that Fyokla is worried?
d. Pick out a word from the passage which means a person who repairs shoes’.
a. Fyokla was a girl of six. 1
b. Terenty was a tall old man with a thin pockmarked face, very long leg, and bare feet, dressed in a woman’s tattered jacket. On his long crane-like legs, he swayed in the wind.
c. White-haired, barefoot child is pale. Her eyes are wide open, her lips are trembling.
d. cobbler

A Day In The Country Summary Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
Read the sentence given. Fill in the missing parts choosing appropriate words from the box.
Fyokla, a little girl / (a) six was searching for her brother/ (b) the woods.
(in, at, of)
a. of
b. in

Question 3.
Prepare a short profile on Anton Chekhov using the hints given below.
Born: January 29, 1860, Russia
Famous as: Physician and writer
Notable awards: Pushkin Prize
Notable works: The Steppe, The Lady With the Dog, A Day in the Country
Died: July 15, 1904, Germany (Tuberculosis)
Anton Chekhov:
Anton Chekov was born on January 29, 1860, in Russia. He was famous as a physician and writer. He was awarded the Pushkin Prize. The Steppe, The Lady with the dog, A Day in the Country, etc are his notable works. Chekov died of tuberculosis on July 15, 1904, in Germany.

Question 4.
Prepare a short profile of Pablo Ruiz Picasso, the renowned painter, and sculptor based on the information given below.
Born: 25 October 1881
Nationality: Spanish
Famous as: Painter, sculptor
Major works: Guernica (1937), The Weeping Woman (1937)
Death: April 18, 1973, France
Pablo Ruizy Picasso:
Pablo Ruizy Picasso was born on October 25 in 1881 in Spain. He was famous as a painter and sculptor. His major works are Guernica (1937) and The Weeping Women (1937). He passed away on April 18 in 1973 in France.

A Day in the Country Summary in English

This is a lovely story. It is just a single day, when a heavy, but short rainstorm hits this tiny village. Young Danika has got his arm caught in a tree. Even younger little Fyokla has raced to the village to find the kind Terenty, a cobbler. Despite the rain, he hurries with Fyokla to free Danika. Then they walk and talk after the rain, and the children learn much from him about nature. Later that night the kind Terenty comes quietly into the barn where the orphans are sleeping and leaves them some bread for the morning. It’s a very touching human story.

A Day in the Country Summary in Malayalam

A Day In The Country Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th

A Day in the Country Glossary

A Day In The Country Theme Kerala Syllabus 8th

From My Grandmother’s House Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 5 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From My Grandmother’s House Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 3  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 My Grandmother’s House (Kamala Das)

Std 8 English Textbook From My Grandmother’s House Questions and Answers

My Grandmother’s House Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question
1. ……… ‘That woman died, ……… ’Who is the woman referred to here? How is she related to the poet?

My Grandmother’s House Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
What happened to the house after the death of the grandmother?
After her death, the house withdrew into silence and snakes moved among the books.

My Grandmother’s House Poem Question And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 3.
’………. to lie Behind my bedroom door like a brooding Dog…. means that
i. The memories will always remain with the poet.
ii. The memories will lie unca-red for in a corner.
iii. The memories are as important as a dog.
The memories will always remain with the poet.

My Grandmother House Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
The poet wants to go back to the house
i. to peer ……………
ii. to listen ………………
iii. to pick …………..
5. Identify the most appropriate meaning for the expression, ‘an armful of darkness’.
i. Sad days
ii. Darkness of the past
iii. Memories of the grandmother’s house.
memories of the grandmother’s house.

My Grandmother’s House Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 6.
In the last three lines of the poem, the poet thinks of herself as a beggar.
a. What is she begging for?
b. What does she mean by sma- II change’?
a. She is begging for love,
b. small quantity

My Grandmother’s House Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 7.
Why are the eyes of the windows described as blind?
Windows are dusty and so one cannot see through it.

Question Answers Of The Poem My Grandmother’s House Kerala Syllabus 8th  Question 8.
The air in the grandmother’s house is frozen. Why?
Due to silence and loneliness

My Grandmother’s House Figure Of Speech Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 9.
Which words tell you that the poet is talking to someone? What is she talking about?
The word ‘darling’. She is talking about the house that she had lived in and the love she received while living there.

My Grandmother Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 10.
How does the house itself share the grief of grandmother’s death?
The house withdrew into silence and snakes moved among the books.

My Grandmother’s House Textbook Questions And Answers

Let’s revisit

8th Standard English Notes Kerala Syllabus Activity 1.

The poet thinks of her past. How is her present different from the past? Find hints/phrases from the poem which give you the idea that house was deserted after the death of the grandmother?

  • She had been given too much love in the past. But in the present, she is begging for love.
  • The house withdrew into silence and snakes moved among the books.

My Grandmother’s House Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 2.

Look at the phrase ‘blind eyes of windows’.
(i) Do you think that windows have eyes?
(ii) Aren’t ‘eyes’ a feature of living beings?
(iii) Is the poet attributing human qualities to ‘windows’? How?
Here the poet uses personification’. Personification is a figure of speech where a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes. E.g. The flowers danced in the breeze. Pick out another example of personification from the poem.
Eg. Eye of the windows
Windows do not have eyes. Eyes, a feature of living beings is attributed to windows.
‘…. pick an armful of Darkness to bring it here to lie Behind my bedroom door like a brooding Dog…’

My Grandmother Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 3.

……… my blood turned cold like the moon’ is an example of simile. Pick out another simile from the poem.
Simile: Behind my bedroom door like a brooding dog.

My Grandmother’s House Malayalam Translation Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 4.

‘……….. blood turned cold’ is an instance of a tactile image. Find out other images from the poem.
Snakes moved among books – Visual image
Peer through blind eyes – Visual image
Listen to the frozen air – Auditory image
Pick an armful of darkness – Visual
By now at stranger’s door – Visual

My Grandmother’s House Additional Questions and Answers

Read the lines from the poem ‘ My Grandmother’s House’ and answer the following questions.
I received love… That woman died,
The house withdrew into silence, snakes moved
Among books, I was then too young
To read, and my blood turned cold like the moon.
How often I think of going
There, to peer through bind eyes of windows or
Just listen to the frozen air
1. Who is the woman referred here?
2. Why did the house withdraw into silence?
3. The expression ‘blind eyes of windows’ is an example of (simile/ metaphor/ personification)
4. Why does the speaker want to go back to the house?
1. Grandmother.
2. Because grandma died
3. Metaphor/ personification
4. To catch the memories of love.

Question 5.
Prepare a short profile of Kamala Surayya using the hints given below.
Born. : March 31, 1934
Famous as: Indian English poetess and a leading Malayalam author from Kerala.
Penname: Madhavikutty
Major works: The Sirens, Summer in Calcutta, My Story, Alphabet of Lust
Notable awards: Ezhuthachchan Puraskaram, Vayalar Award, Sahitya Akademi award
Died: May 31, 2009, age 75
Kamala Surayya:
Kamala Surayya was born on March 31 in 1934. She was a leading English poetess and a leading Malayalam author from Kerala. She was known by her pen name Madhavikutty. The Sirens, Summer in Calcutta, My Story and Alphabet of Lust are her notable works. She was awarded the Ezhuthachchan Puraskaram, Vayalar Award, and Sahitya Akademi award. She passed away at the age of 75 on May 31, 2009.

Question 6.
Given below are some of the headlines found in newspapers. Read them carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A. India sweeps Series against England
B. Oil Price ‘inflammable’
C. Noted poet Mullanezhi passes away
D. Teacher’s package announced
E. Two found dead in road mishap
1. A headline that can be called an obituary is …………………..
2. The headline that can upset a vehicle owner is ………………
3. Which headline is related to educational news?
4. The headline that reports an accident is …………….
5. Which headline conies under the category of sports news?
1. Noted poet Mullanezhi passes away
2. Oil Price Inflammable
3. Teacher’s package announced
4. Two found dead in road mishap
5. India sweeps Series against England

My Grandmother’s House Summary in English

The poetess recalls the house where she once used to live with her grandmother who was very fond of her and from whom she used to receive a lot of love. The grandmother had died, and the house had then ceased(stopped) to be inhabited by any¬body. The poetess was in those days a little girl and did not even know how to read the books which lay in the house. The death of her grandmother had made the little girl lose her capacity to feel. It had seemed to her that the blood in her veins was no longer warm but had turned cold, as cold as the moon.

The poetess now often thinks of going to that house in order to look at the things inside it through the windows; but the windows being closed she would not be able to see anything lying inside, and would be able only to experience a feeling of utter hopelessness, and then to gather some of the darkness from that place and bring it with her to her bedroom where she would merely lie down to meditate upon her memories of the past. Addressing her husband, Kamala Surayya says that he would perhaps not be able to believe that she had lived in such a house, had felt proud of herself, and had received the love of someone (namely her grandmother). She no longer receives any love from anybody. Now she seeks love like a beggar from strangers, and she would feel consoled even if she gets a small measure of love from somebody

My Grandmother’s House Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 3 My Grandmother's House 1

From The Sower Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 3 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From The Sower Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower (Victor Marie Hugo)

Std 8 English Textbook From The Sower Questions and Answers

The Sower Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 1.
What are the various activities involved in farming?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 1
Ploughing, Manuring, Sowing, Weeding, Irrigating, Harvesting.

The Sower Poem Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
Where is the speaker sitting
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 2
In a cool porchway

The Sower Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
What time of the day is it?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 3

Let’s revisit

The Sower Poem Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 1.
‘But one sower lingers still’. Why does the sower ‘linger’? What does the use of the word ‘linger’ suggest about the sower?
He lingers so that he can sow the seeds. It suggests that he is dedicated to his work.

The Sower Poem Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
Why does the speaker feel a thrill on seeing the sower now? Identify the words used by the poet to establish this.
He is impressed on seeing the silhouette of the sower dominating over the fields. Black and high his silhouette Dominate the furrows deep!

The Sower Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
How does the sower go about performing his task?
He marches along the field to and fro and scatters the seeds wide.

The Sower Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 4.
In normal circumstances pea¬rls, diamonds and rubies are referred as precious. In this poem, ‘grain’ is referred to as precious. Why does the poet consider grain precious?
lt is these grains that grow as corn and provide us food that keeps us alive.

The Sower Poem Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
The poet speaks of the sower as ‘old and in rags’ in the beginning of the poem. How does this opinion change towards the end of the poem? Pick out the lines from the poem.
The sower grows in stature and the poet seems to respect him more for what he does.
‘Now his gesture to mine eyes Are august; and strange – his height Seem to touch the starry skies.’

The Sower Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 6.
Bring out the contrast between the poet and the sower.
The poet is sitting idle, watching the sower whereas the sower works hard even after twilight has set in and everyone has gone home.

The Sower Textbook Activities And Answers

The Sower Poem Meaning In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 1.
Look at the words:
These are rhyming words. Now, pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
The Sower Poem Answer:
Lands — stands
still — thrill
deep — reap
plain — grain
wide — stride
kight — height
eyes — skies

The Sower Solutions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
Locate the word pictures used in the poem.
shadows shoot across the lands Marches he along the plain, To and fro and scatters wide From his hand’s precious grain

The Sower By Victor Marie Hugo Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
‘Seems to touch the starry skies’ is an example of alliteration from the poem. Pick out other examples from the poem
The Sower Question Answer:
shadows shoot across the lands looking on, I feel a thrill

The Sower 8th Class Kerala Syllabus  Question 4.
Write the rhyme scheme of the first stanza.
Rhyme scheme ab -ab

The Sower Additional Questions & Answers

The Sower Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Questions 1 to 4:
Read the lines from the poem ‘ Song of the Flower’ and answer the questions that follow :
Sitting in a porchway cool,
Fades the ruddy sunlight fast
Twilight hastens on to rule
Working hours are well – nigh past
Shadows shoot across the lands;
But one sower lingers still,
Old, in rags, the patient stands,
Looking on, I feel a thrill
1. Where is the poet sitting?
2. What time of the day is it?
3. Pick out the word pictures in the poem.
4. Find out the rhyme scheme of the first stanza.
1. In a cool porchway
2. Evening
3. Shadows shoot across the lands
4. abab

The Sower Poem Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
Prepare a short profile of Victor Marie Hugo using the hints given below.
Born: February 26, 1802, France
Popular as: Greatest and best known French writer
Spouse: Adele Foucher (1822)
Notable works: The Hunchback of Notredame, Sea Devils
Died: May 22, 1885
Victor Marie Hugo:
Victor Marie Hugo was born on February 26, 1802, in France. He was one of the greatest and best known French writers. He married Adele Foucher in 1822. The Hunchback of Notredame, Sea Devils, etc are his notable works. He passed away on May 22 in 1885.

The Sower Poem Stanza Wise Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 6.
There are a few errors in the given passage. They are given in bold letters. Edit this passage.
The City police has decided to took (a) stern action against drivers which (b) attempt to overtake in (c) the left side on city roads. All driver (d) who violate this rule will be punished (e).
The Sower Answer:
a. take
b. who
c. on
d. drivers
e. punished

Hss Live Guru 8th English Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Read the following sentences given below and rewrite them after fill¬ing the blanks using appropriate relative pronouns. You may use the words given in the box.
a. The beggar …………… is hungry shouted for food.
b. The banker …………… was younger in those days was suddenly carried away by excitement.
c. The old banker ………………. money was lost was walking up and down.
d. The majority of the guests among …………….. were many journalists and intellectual men disapproved of dealth penalty.
e. The King was not ready to throw away the crown ……………….. was the sign of power.
f. Jail is the place …………….. one’s personal freedom is negated.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 4
a. Who
b. Who
c. Whose
d. Whom
e. Which
f. Where

Questions 8 to 12. Read the newspaper headline s given below and answer the questions that follow.

8. Which headline is related to the field of sports?
9. The headline which speaks of nature’s fury is ……………
10. Identify the headline that hints at superstitious belief.
11. The headline that talks of a road mishap is ……………..
12. The headline that can be categorized as educational news is ……………
The Sower Poem Brainstorming Answer:

Questions 13 to 17. Study the table showing the details of the sales in a book shop of a few novels by well-known authors and answer the questions that follow.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 5
13. Which is the most recently published novel out of the given list?
14. Pick out the novel that is sold less number of copies than the others.
15. Who is the author of the novel which is sold the most?
16. Name the author whose novel stands second on the basis of the sales.
17. How many copies of the novel stands second on the basis of the sales?
13. Blindness
14. If on a winter’s night a traveler
15. Paulo Coelho
16. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
17. 411

The Sower Summary in English

A Farmer, even though it is getting dark, is working hard in his field. All people have gone after their work. But this farmer whom the poet meets is still in the farm ploughing and preparing the soil for sowing the seeds. The poet feels happy when he watches this farmer. The farmer is making furrows and thus preparing his plot for sowing the seeds. After sowing the seeds he can happily get ready for the harvest.

The farmer walks everywhere in this farm by preparing the soil for sowing. He scatters the precious seeds with much care and enthusiasm. After some time the sunlight diminishes slowly. It is getting dark. The sight of the farmer who is like a royal and dignified person touches the skies. The poet describes the farmer as a divine person.

The Sower Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 6

The Sower Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Sower 7

From The Village Blacksmith Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 3 Chapter 4 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From The Village Blacksmith Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 4  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 4 The Village Blacksmith (H W Longfellow)

Std 8 English Textbook From The Village Blacksmith Questions and Answers

The Village Blacksmith Questions And Answers 8th Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
What words does the poet use to show the strength of the blacksmith?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 4 The Village Blacksmith 1
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 4 The Village Blacksmith 2
Mighty, large and sinewy, brawny arms, iron bands.

Village Blacksmith Question Answer 8th Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Why could the blacksmith ‘look the whole world in the face? What does this suggest about the blacksmith?
The Village Blacksmith Questions And Answers 8th Kerala Syllabus
He is honest and lives by working hard. He does not owe anyone anything.

The Village Blacksmith Class 8 Question Answer Question 3.
What is the blacksmith’s swinging his sled compared to?
The Village Blacksmith Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
To a sexton ringing the village bell.

The Village Blacksmith Poem Questions And Answers 8th Question 4.
The children enjoy watching blacksmith’s work. Give instances from the poem that suggest this. Identify another simile used by the poet.
Village Blacksmith Question Answer 8th Kerala Syllabus
The Village Blacksmith Poem Answer:
The burning sparks that fly like chaff from a threshing floor.

The Village Blacksmith Summary 8th Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
What does the blacksmith do on Sundays? How does he feel?
The Village Blacksmith Class 8 Question Answer
The Village Blacksmith Questions and Answer: He goes to church and sits among his sons listening to the parson’s prayer. Hearing his daughter’s voice in the choir, he is filled with joy.

Blacksmith Question 6. What is the blacksmith reminded of when he hears his daughter’s voice singing in the village choir?
The Village Blacksmith Poem Questions And Answers 8th
He is reminded of his dead wife.

The Village Blacksmith Notes 8th Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Identify the similes used in the poem.
The Village Blacksmith Summary 8th Kerala Syllabus
The burning sparks that fly like chaff from a threshing floor’

The Village Blacksmith Extra Question 8. What would have happened to the blacksmith’s wife? Pick outlines from the poem to justify your answer.
The Village Blacksmith Notes 8th Kerala Syllabus
The blacksmith’s wife might have died.
It seems to him like her mother’s voice,
Singing in Paradise How in the grave she lies’

Poem on Village in Hindi Question 9. What lesson do you learn from the life of blacksmith?
The Village Blacksmith Questions And Answers Pdf 8th
The blacksmith’s life establishes the fact that life is a mixture of hardships, sorrow and happiness. We have to make our fortune from the adverse situations in our life.

The Village Blacksmith Question 10. Pick out the words related to a blacksmith’s job from the poem
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 4 The Village Blacksmith 11
blow, heavy sledge, beat, flaming forge burning sparks Knowing the narrator couldn’t move forward, he put the oar in the water as though trying to prevent the raft from moving trying to anchor it in place.

The Village Blacksmith Additional Questions and Answers

Questions l to 4: Read the lines from the poem ‘ The Village Blacksmith’ and answer the questions that follow :
Week in, week out, from morn till night,
You can hear his bellows blow;
You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,
With measured beat and slow,
Like a sexton ringing the village bell’
When the evening sun is low.
And children coming home from school
Look in at the open door
They love to see the flaming forge,
And hear the bellows roar,
And catch the burning sparks that fly
Like chaff from a threshing – floor
He goes on Sunday to the church
And sits among his boys.
He hears the parson pray and preaches
He hears his daughter’s voice
Singing in the village choir,
And it makes his heart rejoice
1. Identity a simile from the above lines.
2. What does the blacksmith do on Sundays?
3. What does the blacksmith remember when he hears his daughter singing in the village choir?
4. What is the blacksmith’s swinging his sledge compared to?
1. The burning sparks that fly like chaff from a threshing floor.
2. He goes to church and sits among his sons listening to the parson’s prayer.
3. He is reminded of his wife.
4. To a sexton ringing his village bell.

The Village Blacksmith Questions And Answers Pdf 8th Question 5.
Prepare a short profile of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow using the hints given below.
Born: February 27, 1807, Portland
Education: Bowdoin College
Notable works: The Village Blacksmith, A Psalm of Life, The Wreck of Hesperus, The Divine Tragedy, Voices of the Night
Died: March 24, 1882
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807, in Portland. He was educated at Bowdoin College. The Village Blacksmith, A Psalm Of Life, The Wreck of Hesperus, The Divine Tragedy, Voices of the Night etc are his notable works. He passed away on March 24 in 1882.

The Village Blacksmith Question Answer 8th Kerala Syllabus Questions 6 to 10.
These days more and more children prefer processed and fast foods. This is leading to diseases. Study the information given below regarding the advantages and disadvantages of natural and pro¬cessed food and answer the questions that follow.
The Village Blacksmith Question Answer 8th Kerala Syllabus
6. The frequent use of processed food can lead to …………………..
7. Which type of food is cheaper?
8. Why do doctors suggest natural food only?
9. What attracts children to processed food?
10. What disadvantage does natural food make for your mother?
6. Diseases
7. Natural food
8. Natural food is good for health.
9. Tasty
10. Have to buy daily.

The Village Blacksmith Summary in English

The poet here describes a village blacksmith with his experiences of the past and the present. He was a strongman and had large and sinewy hands. His muscles were as strong as iron. His hair was crisp, black and long. His brow was wet with sweat because he worked hard and earned whatever he could. He looks at the world with pride because he is not indebted to anyone. He works continuously and the sound of the bellows and the beating of the iron are heard in the air. His beating of the iron is as rhythmic as the ringing of the church bell in the evening. Children returning from school curiously watch the blacksmith’s bellows. They try to catch the burning sparks.

The blacksmith goes to church on every Sunday and takes part in prayers and listens to the sermon. He hears his daughter’s voice in the choir and is delighted. He feels that he is hearing the singing of his dead wife from heaven. After completing his day’s work he goes to sleep at night. The poet thanks the blacksmith. He has taught him a good lesson like an intimate friend. Our fortunes have to be formed from the flaming forge of life. Our thoughts and deeds should be shaped from the sounding anvil.

The Village Summary in Malayalam

Village Blacksmith Questions And Answers 8th Kerala Syllabus
Question Answers Of The Village Blacksmith 8th Kerala Syllabus

The Village Glossary

Question Answer Of The Village Blacksmith 8th Kerala Syllabus
The Village Blacksmith Lesson Plan 8th Kerala Syllabus

From Solitude Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 5 Chapter 4 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From Solitude Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 4  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 4 Solitude (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Std 8 English Textbook From Solitude Questions and Answers

Solitude Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
What does the opening lines tell us about the present-day world?
Solitude Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
In the present day world, people are only interested in sharing happiness and joy with others. Sorrows are to be faced all alone. This shows selfishness.

Solitude By Ella Wheeler Wilcox Questions And Answers Question 2.
’ Life is a mixture of joy and sorrow.’ How differently do people react to reach to each of them?
Solitude By Ella Wheeler Wilcox Questions And Answers
There are many to share a person’s joy but none to comfort him/ her during his/her unhappy moments.

Solitude Poem Line By Line Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 3.
Even the earth is indifferent to human suffering. Identify lines that hint this idea.
Solitude Poem Line By Line Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th
For the sad, old earth must borrow its mirth,

Summary Of The Poem Solitude Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
‘Succeed and give and it helps you live. ‘Is this line an exhortation to help and support others in need?
Summary Of The Poem Solitude Kerala Syllabus 8th
Yes, The poet means to suggest that success alone can motivate us to live and sharing the joy of our success can promote harmony.

8th English Notes Kerala Syllabus Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Every human being must undergo pain as a part of life. Which lines give you this idea?
8th English Notes Kerala Syllabus Kerala Syllabus
‘But one by one we must all file on Through the narrow aisles of pain.’

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Notes Question 6.
‘The poem throws light on the need to be ‘self-reliant’. Do you agree? Why?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Notes
Yes, Being self-reliant helps us to overcome the problem of life and gives us confidence to face the challenges in life.’

Solitude Questions Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 7.
Does the poem establish the idea that this is essentially a pleasure-seeking world? How?
Solitude Questions Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
‘Yes, The world abides with us only when we are happy. Nobody will be there to share our sorrows.

My Sweet Solitude Meaning In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 8.
What does the poet mean by the expressions ‘nectared wine’ and ‘life’s gall’?
My Sweet Solitude Meaning In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th
Nectared wine: the happiest moment of her life. Life’s gall: the sorrows of one’s life.

Solitude Textbook Activities And Answers

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Notes English Question 1.
The theme of the poem is:
a. If you stay positive, you will become successful.
b. If you seclude yourself, you will have lots of friends.
c. If you weep, you weep alone.
d. If you stay positive, people will be with you.
If you stay positive, people will be with you.

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solution Guide Question 2.
The tone of the poem is:
a. optimistic
b. pessimistic
c. indifferent
d. frustrated

Hss Live Guru 8th Standard English Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Which line in the poem describes the speaker’s outlook on life?
a. ‘There is room in the halls of pleasure.’
b. ‘Rejoice, and men will seek you’.
c. The echoes bound to a joyful sound’.
d. For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth’.
‘Rejoice, and men will seek you’.

Solitude Additional Questions and Answers

Read the lines from the poem ‘ Solitude’ and answer the questions that follow.
Laugh, and the world laughs with you,
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth But has trouble enough of its own Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air
The echoes bound to a joyful sound;
But shrink from voicing care
1. What idea do we get from the opening lines?
2. Even the earth is indifferent to human suffering. Identify lines that hint this idea?
3. Life is a mixture of joy and sorrow. How differently do people react to reach each of them?
4. Pick out a word that means ‘ desire’.
1. In the present day world, people are only interested in sharing happiness and joy with others. Sorrows are to be faced alone. This shows selfishness.
2. For the sad, old earth must borrow its mirth,
3. There are many to share a person’s joy but none to comfort him/ her during his/ her unhappy moments.
4. Mirth

Solitude Poem Line by Line Explanation Question 5.
Prepare a short profile on Ella Wheeler Wilcox using the hints given below.
Born: November 5, 1850
Famous as: American author and poet
Spouse: Rob ert Wilcox (1884)
Notable works: Solitude, Yesterday, Sweet Danger
Death: October 30, 1919, 68 years
Ella Wheeler Wilcox:
Ella Wheeler Wilcox the famous author and poet was born on November 5, 1850. She married Robert Wilcox in the year 1884. Solitude, Yesterday and Sweet Danger are her notable works. She passed away on October 30, 1919, at the age of 68.

8th Class English Notes Kerala Syllabus Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
The following table shows the results gained by a school in the SSLC examination.
Read them carefully and answer the questions that follow.

YearNo attendedNo passedPercentage of pass

a. Which year did the highest number of students qualify for higher studies?
b. Identify the years in which equal number of students attended the examina¬tion?
c. What was the lowest percentage of pass recorded?
d. How many students appeared for exam in the year 2008?
e. Compare the results of the years 2006 and 2011.
a. 2011
b.2008 and 2010
c. 32.6
e. In 2011 the pass percentage was 93 (Highest) and in 2006 the pass percentage was 32.6 (lowest).

Solitude Summary in English

This is a delightful little poem. The imagery is simple but it has layers of meaning and interconnections.Life is full of ups and downs and we can’t help but feel sad or happy at times. One day you feel like you are on top of the world and then the next you just want to be alone and you hate everyone. It is also full of unexpected twists because you’ll never know what life has for. Even if we are sad, we have to move on with life or we won’t feel like we are part of this world. The sad old earth must borrow its mirth .

It is just a poetic contrivance, but it seems to be saying that even the earth wouldn’t be interested in helping you to shoulder your burdens as it needs to gain strength only from the happiness of those who share its world. Even the last verse too is saying that ultimately you have to do something alone, no one can share your pain or your deathbed.

Solitude Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Notes English

Solitude Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solution Guide

From Song of the Flower Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 4 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From Song of the Flower Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 1  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 1 Song of the Flower (Khalil Gibran)

Std 8 English Textbook From Song of the Flower Questions and Answers

Song of The Flower Questions and Answers Question 1.
Who is the speaker in the poem?
The Flower

Song of The Flower Notes Question 2.
What do the expression ‘blue tent’ and ‘green carpet’ refer to?
‘Blue tent’ refers to the sky and the ‘Green carpet’ refers to the earth full of vegetation.

Song of The Flower Appreciation Question 3.
How are the seasons related to the life of the flower?
The life of the flower is related to the season. Winter conceived it, spring gave birth to it, summer reared it and in autumn it passed away.

Song of the flower Poem Question 4.
What does the flower do at dawn and at dusk?
The flower joins the breeze and announces the arrival of the light in the morning. In the evening it joins the

Song Of The Flower Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
How does the flower make the world beautiful?
lt decorate the plain and fills the air with its fragrance.

Song Of The Flower Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 6.
What is described as ‘the eye of the day’?
The sun

Song Of The Flower Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 7.
How does the flower become a part of joy and sorrow?
The flower is used to make wreaths on both joyous and sorrowful occasions like wedding and death respectively. Thus it becomes the part of joy and sorrow.

Song Of The Flower Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 8.
Why does the flower consider itself as ‘the last gift of the living to the dead’?
Because it is used as a wreath to be placed on a dead body.

Song Of The Flower Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 9.
What, according to the flower, is the wisdom that man should learn?
The flower always looks up to see only the light. It never looks down to see the shadow. Similarly, man should see the brighter side of life and never brood over its darker side.

Song of the Flower Textbook Activities And Answers

Let’s revisit

Song Of The Flower Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 1.
What does the flower symbolize? Explain.
The flower symbolizes kindness, beauty, fragrance, love – all the bright things in nature. It also symbolizes the experiences we have in our life – joy, sorrow, failure, victory, etc.

Song Of The Flower Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
Quote some instances in which the flower becomes part of joy and sorrow.
Wedding (Joy), Funeral (Sorrow)

Song Of The Flower Appreciation Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
Read the last stanza of the poem once again. What are the two contrasting ideas presented in it? Do you think the poet is optimistic? Why?
The light is contrasted with the shadow. Yes, the poet is optimistic. The attitude of the flower represents the poet’s optimism. The flower likes to see only the light and not the shadow.

Appreciation Of The Poem Song Of The Flower Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 4.
Pick out the lines and expressions that impressed you the most. Give reasons.
But I look up high to see only the light And never look down to see my shadow I like these lines the most because here the poet says that man should see the brighter side of life and never brood over their darker side. I appreciate the poet’s optimistic view of life.

Song Of The Flower Poem Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
What do you think is the mood of the poem – happy, sad, humorous or philosophical?
The mood of the poem is happy and philosophical. The poem reflects upon the themes of life and death and imparts the wisdom that man must look always for light.

Activity 1.

Read the poem again and complete the following notes. One hint is given for you.

Song Of The Flower Stanza Wise Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 1.
What does the flower say about itself?
1. a kind word uttered and repeated by the voice of nature.
2. ………………………………
3. ………………………………
1. ‘a star fallen from the sky’
2. ‘daughter of the elements’
3. ‘was conceived by winter

Song Of The Flower Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
What are the everyday activities that the flower is engaged with?
1. announce the coming of light
2. …………………..
3. …………………..
1. ‘announce the coming of the light’
2. ‘bid the light farewell’
3. ‘decorate the plains with beautiful colors’

Summary Of The Poem Song Of The Flower Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
Who watches over the flower?
Eyes of night’

Song Of The Flower Theme Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 4.
How does the flower enjoy nature?
1. I drink dew
2. ………………..
3. ………………..
1. ‘listen to the voice of the birds’
2. ‘dances to the rhythmic swaying of the grass’

Song Of The Flower By Khalil Gibran Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
What is the flower used as
1. as the lover’s gift
2. ………………….
3. ………………….
4. ………………….
1. as the lover’s gift
2. wedding wreath
3. wreath for the dead body
4. memory of a moment of happiness

Appreciation of the Poem Song of the flower Question 6. What is the flower’s vision?
1. see only the light
2. ………………..
2. ‘never look down to see my shadow’

Activity 2.

Read the following lines.
I am a kind word uttered and repeated By the voice of Nature Here the flower is considered as a word uttered by Nature. This is an example of a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that develops a hidden comparison between two objects that share something in common. It is different from a ‘simile’ where the comparison is drawn using ‘like’ or ‘as’.
Pick out few more examples of metaphors from the poem.
1. ………………………………….
2. ………………………………….
3. ………………………………….
1. I am a star.
2. I am the daughter of the elements.
3. The eyes of the night
4. The eyes of the day

Write what the following metaphors imply. One is done for you.
Song Of The Flower Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Song Of The Flower Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Attempt writing your own examples of metaphors
1. …………………..
2. ………………….
3. ………………….
4. …………………
1. Her eyes were fireballs.
2. I was lost in a sea of nameless faces.
3. He is a rolling stone
4. The wheels of justice turn slowly

Summary Of Song Of The Flower Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Activity 3.

Read the poem again and complete the following spider diagram.

The Song Of The Flower Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Now, can you prepare an appreciation of the poem ‘Song of the Flower’ using the spider diagram?
Song Of Flower Poem Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Appreciation of the poem.
Song of the flower is a beautiful poem about nature and its relationship with living beings. This poem was written by Khalil Gibran, the famous Lebanese poet. This poem speaks about the life cycle of a flower and its experience. The flower in the poem is a representative of every aspect of nature. The flower claims that it is a kind word uttered and repeated by nature’s voice. It is a star fallen from the sky. The sky is referred as ‘the blue tent’. All the four seasons play vital roles in the life of the flower. The flower is conceived by winter, given birth by spring, reached by summer and eternal sleep by autumn. The flower heralds the coming of the light in the dawn. It bids farewell to the light in the evening.

The plains are decorated with beautiful flowers. The air is filled with the lovely fragrance of the flower. Days and nights shower love, care and affection on the flower lavishly. The flower enjoys nature as much as it can. To the flower dew is wine. It sings with- the birds and dances according to the rhythm of the swaying grass. The poet is impressed by the beautiful image of nature. The flower becomes a part of joy as well as sorrow because it is used on occasions of wedding and funeral. The poem teaches us how to deal with life’s struggles, to learn from our past and face the future with confidence and hope. The poet uses appropriate similes and metaphors in the poem, that makes the poem more beautiful.

Song of the Flower Additional Questions & Answers

Questions l to 4: Read the lines from the poem ‘ Song of the Flower’ and answer the questions that follow:
I am a star fallen from the
Blue tent upon the green carpet
I am the daughter of the elements
With whom Winter conceived:
To whom Spring gave birth: I was
Reared in the lap of Summer and I
Slept in the bed of Autumn
At dawn, I unite with the breeze
To announce the coming of light:
1. I am a star fallen from the Blue tent upon the green carpet …………… What do the expressions ‘ blue tent and ‘green carpet’ imply?
2. What does the speaker do at dawn?
3. ‘I am the daughter of the elements …………… Identify the figure of speech used in this line.
4. Pick out an example of a visual image from the above lines.
1. Blue tent – Sky
Green carpet – Earth
2. Unite with the breeze to announce the coming of light.
3. Metaphor
4. A star fallen from the blue tent.

8th Standard English Question 2. Prepare a profile of the famous writer KHALIL GIBRAN using the hints given below.
Birth: 1883
Nationality: Lebanese
Famous as: Artist, poet, writer, philosopher, Considered as third most popular poet in history.
Works: ‘ The Prophet’ (1923)
Death: 1931
Khalil Gibran:
Khalil Gibran the famous Lebanese poet was born in 18 83. He was famous as a Artist, poet, philosopher. He was considered as the third most popular poet in history. His major work is The Prophet in the year 1923. He passed away in the year 1931.

Song of the Flower Summary in English

This beautiful poem portrays the character of a flower. According to the poet, the flower is a word spoken and repeated by nature. It is a star that has fallen from the blue sky upon the green grass on the Earth. Then the poet describes how the different seasons show their role in the life of the flower. It is conceived (created as embryo)in the winter, born in the spring, summer looks after it like its mother and it bids farewell(dies) to the world in autumn. When morning arrives, it joins the breeze to announce the coming of the sun and in the evening along with the birds, it bids farewell to the sun. The plains are all decorated by the flowers and the air is filled by its sweet aromatic smell.

In the night, when it sleeps, the night becomes a watchman for it and in the morning it wakes to see the sun without which even our eyes wouldn’t be helpful. It drinks dew like wine, listens to the birds singing and the dances when the grasses sway in the wand. When lovers meet, flower is exchanged and so is it when they get married. Also, it is the last gift that we give to our beloved ones when they pass away. But the flower wants us to be optimistic and look high and dream. It doesn’t want us to look back on the sorrows of our lives and regret. It teaches us the lesson of self-worth and wants us to spread joy just as it does.

Song of the Flower Summary in Malayalam

Song Of The Flower Poem Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Song of the Flower Glossary

Song Of The Flower Line By Line Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Song Of The Flower Class 8 Kerala Syllabus

From The Light on the Hills Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From The Light on the Hills Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills (Lucy Clifford)

Std 8 English Textbook From The Light on the Hills Questions and Answers

The Light On The Hills Questions and Answers Question 1.
Have you ever painted a picture? What are the things you will do to make your painting beautiful?
The Light On The Hills Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
a. Let the learners say what makes a painting beautiful.
b. Select a beautiful scenery
c. Drawing it truthfully
d. Using appropriate colors
e. Highlighting the important aspects.


The Light On The Hills Character Sketch Of Boy Question 2.
How, according to the girl, can the boy make people feel happy while looking at his picture?
The Light On The Hills Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
When people look at the picture of the fields painted by the boy they will feel as if they are in the field and this will make them happy.

Character Sketch Of The Boy In The Story The Light On The Hills  Question 3.
‘It is a beautiful world.’ What makes the little girl say so?
Light On The Hills Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The sight of the trees and fields the deep shadows and hills beyond, the glimmering sunlight along with the rustling leaves and rippling stream make the world beautiful.

The Light On The Hills Question Answers  Question 4.
What is described as a ‘sin’ by the boy?
The Light On The Hills Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
To do anything which might represent the world badly or imperfectly

The Light on The Hills  Question 5.
What, according to the girl, should we do when we want to give our best?
The Light On The Hills Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
According to the girl if we want to give our best we should do it for the people we love.

The Light On The Hills Character Sketch  Question 6.
‘…a big tragedy struck the family.’ What was the tragedy?
The Light On The Hills Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The death of the little girl

The Light On The Hills Question Answer  Question 7.
Why was the boy reluctant to go to the same field once again?
The Light On The Hills Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The boy was so filled with grief at the loss of his little sister that he could not gather enough courage to see the same field without her.

The Light on the Hills Character Sketch of Boy Question 8.
What was the desire in the boy’s heart?
The Light On The Hills Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
To put into the world something which should make the meanest, humblest citizen, a little happier or better.

The Light on the Hills Summary Question 9.
What was the comment made by the audience on seeing the picture?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 9
The Light On The Hills Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
This is better than all he has done before. It is surely beautiful for it makes one happy to look at it.

The Light on the Hills Question 10.
Why did the boy say that his heart ached as he did the picture?

Light On The Hills Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The memories of his sister made his heartache.

The Light on the Hills Activities Question 11.
How can one find happiness for one’s own self?
The Light On The Hills Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
One can find happiness for oneself by seeking it for others.


The Light on the Hills Short Story Summary Question 12.
‘Ah, then it is called Heaven.’ What does the statement mean?
The Light On The Hill Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Love helps one to live one’s life. When that love helps to bring happiness to others as well as oneself, it becomes heavenly.

The Light on the Hills Textbook Activities And Answers

Let’s revisit

The Light On The Hills Activity 1.

The Light On The Hills Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Setting: On the plains overlooking the hills
Characters: a little boy and a little girl Characterisation :

  • Nervous, lacks confidence, loving gains confidence as he grows up: Boy
  • Loving, mature, encouraging, think positively: Sister

Theme: Ardent love and dedication to one’s work can bring forth success in one’s life.
Tone: Touched to read about the loving relationship between the boy and his sister. The story inculcates optimistic views in us.
Imagery: The glimmering sunlight, rustling leaves, rippling stream with the light shining upon the hills.

  • The wonderful picture of a brother and sister at work trying to paint a picture
  • The little boy growing up to be a great artist one day

Point of view: The little boy’s Conflict :
Internal: The desire to paint a picture lack of confidence to paint it.
External: The desire to paint a picture vs society’s response to an imperfect work.

Activity 2.

A few of the major incidents of the story are given below. Complete the following flow-chart.
The Light On The Hills Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

  • The little sister watched her brother painting the portrait.
  • The boy was unable to draw the picture
  • She tries to build up his confidence.
  • A big tragedy struck their family
  • The little boy is filled with grief at the | death of his sister.
  • Sorrow gives him power and he draws the picture which wins recognition.
  • Perfect love helps one to work and to wait. It also gives happiness.
  • Ah, then it is called Heaven.

Let’s enrich our vocabulary

Activity 1.

Complete the following by choosing appropriate words from the box given below.
The little girl asked the boy to do his work with great ………… She asked him to see the ………… of the sunlight. In nature, we could listen to the ……… of the leaves. In nature, we could also hear the ………….. of streams. It is a great ………… for artists to capture the beauty of nature. It is definitely a ………… to represent nature imperfectly. The little boy was in great …………. when he learned about the death of his sister. The boy felt that happiness is something difficult to……………

Light On The Hills Discourses Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
dedication, glimmer, rustling, rippling, honor, sin, grief, seize.

Activity 2.

You have studied how to use prefixes and suffixes in the previous units.
Now, identify eight words from the story which have different suffixes such as ‘-ed’, ‘-ly’, ‘-s/-es’, ‘-fuT, ‘-ness’, ‘-ing’, ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ separating the root word and the suffix. One is done for you.
Light On The Hills Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Light On The Hills Story Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Activity 3.

Look at the following sentences from the story.
If I do it badly, it will make them unhappy.
It is a sin to do anything which might represent the world imperfectly.
The underlined words take the prefixes ‘un-’ and ‘im-’ respectively to form words opposite in meaning to the root words.

Other prefixes that are often used to form the antonym of the root words are ‘in-’ and ‘dis—
Prepare a list of root words and their antonyms using the prefixes mentioned above. Write at least five words with each
Un – unimportant, unfair, unusual, uninteresting, unlucky
Im – immature, impossible, immortal, immobile, impatient
In – insecure, inappropriate, incorrect, indirect, incredible
Dis- disqualify, disable, disapprove, disagree, disconnect

Activity 4.

Look at the following sentence from the story.
The little sister went too and stood by him watching while he painted.
The underlined words in the above 1 sentences are action words and they are in the past tense form.
Read the text and find out how the action j words make their past forms from the root word.
Do you see any fixed pattern in forming the past in the case of a majority of words?
What do you call such words?
Give five examples for such verbs from the text.
1. ………………………
2. ……………………..
3. ……………………..
4. ……………………..
5. ……………………..
What do you call verbs which do not follow this pattern?
Now, prepare a list of such verbs from the story.
1. Once more they looked at the hills that seemed to rise up out the deep shadow into the light, and then together they went home.
2. But after many years as he sat and worked, a strange power come to him
3. I thought of her all-time I worked
4. Son, your little sister wandered into another world and journeyed on so far that she lost the clue to earth, and could not be back anymore.
5. It was the sorrow that gave me power.
Yes, majority of verbs from the past by adding – ‘ed’ at their end. These are called regular verbs.
Verbs which don’t follow this pattern are called irregular verbs.
go — went — gone
stand — stood — stood
come — came — come
feel — felt — felt
make — made — made
know — knew — known
do — did — done

Let’s write

Activity 1.

And yet my heart ached as I did it,’ the boy said, as he went back to the field. ‘I thought of her all the time I worked.’ Many thoughts must have passed through his mind while painting the pictures. What would those thoughts be? Attempt a diary entry based on the boy’s thoughts.
The Light on the Hills Question Answer:
October 12 Thursday
A memorable day! My promise to her has been fulfilled. But, I miss my little sister a lot. How happy she would be if she were alive! She was the one who wished the most to see me successful. It was her words of love and encouragement that kept me going. I am really indebted to her. How I wish she were with me! In fact, it is her memories that gave me the strength to complete our dream picture. I was so pleased when I saw the happiness on the face of the people who came to see my picture. All the appreciation and happiness, I dedicate to my dearest sister. My sister still continues to inspire me.


Activity 2.

The boy finally came up with a wonderful painting appreciated by everyone. His little sister’s words were the real inspiration behind his achievement. Having heard of the achievement of the boy, you have decided to send a letter of appreciation to him. Write the letter.
The Light On The Hills Short Story Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
New Delhi
12 October 2017
Dear Harry,
Hope you are doing well. I’m writing this to express my happiness on hearing about your achievement. Hearty congratulations! I read all the details of your art exhibition in the papers today. I must say it is indeed spectacular. Harry, I read about your growth as an artist. I was really touched to learn about the wonderful way in which you were inspired by your sister. You are truly dedicated to art. Moreover, you, have worked very hard to groom yourself as an artist. Now, the result is here for the whole world to see and for you to feel proud of. I am sure, you will bloom as a renowned painter in the coming years. I wish you luck in all your future endeavors. Congratulations once again!


Activity 3.

Study the word-web given below. The web shows some clues related to the boy and his character. Now, prepare a character sketch of the boy using the expressions in the word web.
Summary Of The Light On The Hills Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Now, construct a similar word web about the little girl in the story.
The Light On The Hills Character Sketch Of Girl Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Attempt a character sketch of the little girl using the web.
The little girl plays a dominant role in the story ‘The Light on the Hills’ written by Mrs. Lucy Clifford. In spite of being the younger of the two siblings, the girl is portrayed as a very mature person with a comprehensive and positive outlook towards life. The girl encourages her brother to paint the picture saying, ‘it will make people happy to look at it’ She tries to build up his confidence by pointing out to him that ‘If you do your work with dedication and honesty, people will know how hard you have tried’. Not only does she display a rare strength of character and confidence but tries to instill it in her brother also. She tells him that if he wants to do his best j then he has to do it for the people whom he loves. That will help him endure everything and enable him to move forward. She shares a strong and loving relationship with her brother and remains as a constant source of inspiration even after her death.

Let’s speak

Activity 1.

The boy in the story says; ‘If I do it badly, will it make them unhappy?’ Every day we engage ourselves in many j activities. Some of them make the people around us happy while some others may make them unhappy. Sit in groups and discuss the kinds of things you have done that made your parents, friends, and teachers happy or unhappy.
You may use the following expressions
1. My parents were happy when I ……………………
2. They got annoyed when I …………………………….
3. ………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………
My parents were happy when I got full A+.
They got annoyed when I began to shout.
Our teacher was very happy when our team won the match.
My friend became sad when I refuged his invitation.


Activity 2.

Visit and watch Severn Suzuki’s speech delivered in the UN Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro. Severn Cullis-Suzuki was a 12-year-old girl who spoke at the UN Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Her speech is touching and encouraging.

Listen to her speech and find out what makes her speech inspiring. You may also visit for watching more inspiring speeches. Let the learners list down the features of a speech. Conduct a discussion based on the features of a speech. Which of the following do you think are the features of a good speech? A good speech:
a. begins with a salutation addressing the audience
b. includes quotations
c. includes stories, anecdotes, etc.
d. uses humor
e. will have a beginning, a middle and an end
f. will have properly organized ideas
g. will have ideas supported with details and examples
h. is one in which the speaker uses appropriate body language, eye contact, and voice modulation
Prepare a speech to be presented in the school assembly highlighting the importance of motivation and hard work to attain success in life. You are free to include examples from the life of the boy depicted in the story, ‘The Light on the Hills’.
Respected teachers and my dear friends, Today we live in a highly competitive world. We all strongly desire to become a successful person in life. In my view, motivation and hard work are the two important factors that enable us to achieve our goals.

I think, as a student, we need motivation from parents and teachers alike. Inspiring words and support from parents and teachers will strengthen your determination and self-confidence to achieve your goals. If we carefully study the success mantra behind eminent personalities like Abdul Kalam, we can see it is nothing other than hard work.

I would like to quote Lucy Clifford’s story “The Light on the Hills” as a best example for how motivation of a young girl played to bring out the best creation of an artist. It tells the story of a boy who wanted to paint a beautiful picture. His little sister accompanied him in the field. Even- though she was young, her words motivated her brother. Her visions and views were based on virtues. She also said when you do a work with dedication for people whom you love, will bring out your best talents. These words touched the boy deeply and he said that he would draw a picture for her. But suddenly she died in her sleep. The boy became sad because of the untimely death of his sister. But even after her death, the little sister motivated the boy to draw a beautiful picture and become a successful artist.

I conclude my words with this stuff Even though you are a student you can motivate others. It has a power to transform others. You can motivate others and at the same time, you can receive motivation from others.

Let’s discover how grammer works

Activity 1.

Look at the following sentences used in the story.
1) If you do your work with dedication and honesty, people will know how hard you have tried.
2) If I want to do my very, very best I will do it for the people I love.
These sentences deal with a likely situation in the present or future.
The situations we describe may not have happened yet. But they are likely to happen because we can easily imagine them happening. These are examples of the first conditional.
Now, identify the features of the conditional clauses.
a. How do the sentences begin?
b. Can you move the clauses at the beginning of the sentences to the end, without a change in meaning?
c. How many verb phrases do you notice in each of the sentences?
d. Do they follow a fixed pattern?
e. Can you use any other modal verb instead of ‘will’ in the main clause?
f. What changes occur in the meaning and form, if you change the verbs in the ‘if-clause’ to past and past perfect tense?
a. The sentences begin with ‘if – conditional clause.
b. People will know how hard you have tried if you do your work with dedication and honesty. I will do it for the people I love if I want to do my very best.
c. Phrases: with dedication and honesty for the people.
d. Yes, they follow a fixed pattern
e. If you do your work with dedication and honesty people would know how hard you have tried.
If I want to do my very very best I would do it for the people I love.
f. If you did your work with dedication and honesty, people would know how hard you have tried.
If I wanted to do my very, very best I would try.
If I had wanted to do my very, very best I would have done it for the people I love

Activity 2.

In the first two units, you have learned about noun phrases. Norm phrases usually appear right at the beginning of sentences. They can last/come towards the end of sentences. Underline the noun phrases in the subject position in the following sentences. You may also identify the head nouns in each.
a. The little girl in the story supports him.
b. Her brother who became a painter got inspiration from her.
c. The girl advised her brother to paint pictures.
d. The hills which they visited together appeared misty.
e. The boy became a professional artist in the end.
Which class of words are added before the head noun?
Which are the wards added after the head nouns?
Identify the classes of words that are added before and after the head nouns in the noun phrases? Write your observations.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 22
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 23

Activity 3.

Read the following signboards. Circle the head nouns in the noun phrases used in the signboards and write them in the space provided
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 24
Baby, Road, Bridge, Clothing, Parking

Let’s edit

Read the following passage.There are some errors in it. They are underlined. Edit the errors.
A pet dog swam three rivers, walked 13 kilometers and then keep a week’s vigil outside a jail where his master was imprison.
When Sohrab was arrested, his dog swam behind the boat that ferried him across the first river to prison. The boatman trying to drive away, hit him on the head with an oar but he kept on swim. At the prison, the dog waited until his owner was release from a one-week sentence.
The dog often used to cry outside the gate, but it would wag its tail in joy when his

Let’s play with language

Read the following sentence from the story.
‘ It is surely beautiful, for it makes one happy to look at it.’
The underlined word expresses an
master would send it half his prison food. Ali was, jail. for critically wounding a neighbour in his remote villagef^The neighbour is still suffer from injuries in the district hospital.
Now, rewrite the edited version of the paragraph
A pet dog swam three rivers, walked 13 kilometres and then kept a week’s vigil outside a jail where his master was imprisoned.
When Sohrab was arrested, his dog swam behind the boat that ferried him across the first river to prison. The boatman trying to drive away, hit him on the head with an oar but he kept on swimming. At the prison, the dog waited unil his owner was released from a one – week sentence.
The dog often used to cry outside the gate, but it would wag its tail in joy when his master would send it half his prison food.
Ali was jailed for critically wounding a neighbour in his remote village. The neighbour is still suffering from injuries in the district hospital.
emotion. Words like happy, sad, angry, excited,pride,envy,lonely,shame,surprised, etc. are words related to emotions. A few emotions are hidden in the word puzzle given below. Find them out and circle them. One is done for you.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 25
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 26

Question 1.
Here’s another game that you can attempt. Some words are given in a jumbled order. They are words functioning as verbs. Identify the word and write it in the space provided.Now, write the encircled letters in the boxes given below. If you get the title of the story, you win.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 27

The Light on the Hills Additional Questions & Answers

Questions 1-4. Read the excerpt given below from the story ‘ The Light on the Hills’ and answer the questions that follow.

‘It is a beautiful world.’ The boy echoed sadly. ‘It is a sin to do anything which might represent the world badly or imperfectly.’
‘ But will you always do things well?’ asked the little sister.
‘I get so tired,’ he said, ‘ and long to leave off so much. What do you do when you want to do your best, your very, very’ best?’ he asked, suddenly.
‘ I think if I want to do my very, very best then I’ll do it for the people I love,’ she answered. ‘ It makes you very strong if you think of them; you can bear pain, and walk far, and do all kind of things, and you do not get tired so soon.’
He thought for a moment. ‘Then I shall paint my picture for you,’ he said; ‘I shall think of you all the time I am doing it.
1. Why does the girl say that ‘ It is a beautiful world’?
2. According to the girl what should we do when we want to give our best?
3. What is described as a ‘sin’ by the boy?
4. Pick out the word from the passage that means ‘ repetition of sound’.
1. The sight of the trees and fields, the deep shadows and hills beyond, the glimmering sunlight along with rustling leaves and rippling stream make the world beautiful.
2. According to the girl if we want to give our best we should do it for the people we love.
3. To do anything which might represent the world badly or imperfectly.
4. Echo

Question 5.
The boy in the story ‘ The Light on the Hills’ was appreciated by everyone for his painting. Their appreciation reminded him of his sister. Later, he writes his thoughts and feelings in his diary. Write the likely diary entry.
November 13


A memorable day! My promise to her has been fulfilled. But, I miss my little sister a lot. She is the reason for all the appreciation I am receiving today. How happy she would be if she were alive. She was the one who wished the most to see me successful. It was her words of love and encouragement that kept me going. How I wish she were there with me. In fact it is her memories that gave me the strength to complete our dream picture. I was so pleased when I saw the happiness on the face of the people who came to see my picture. All the appreciation! and happiness is dedicated to my sister.


Question 6.
The boy in the story ‘ The Light on the Hills’ is awarded the best painter award for his painting. At the award function, he delivers a speech on how his sister inspired him. Write the likely speech.
(Hints: went to the field to paint- not satisfied- sister expressed her views – how to make people happy- sister passed away-sad-not confident enough to paint- strange power- painted masterpiece)
A very warm good morning to all seated here. Today I am very happy as I stand before you. On this occasion I remember my dear little sister. She is the person behind my success. She was the one who wished the most to see me successful. It was her words of love and encouragement that kept me going. I wish she were here with me. In fact, it is her memories that inspired me to complete our dream picture. I dedicate all the appreciation and happiness to my dear sister. She still continues to inspire me. My dear friends, before I conclude I would like to tell you that you must motivate others at the same time you can receive motivation from others.

Question 7.
Prepare a short profile of Lucy Clifford using the hints given below.
Born: August 2, 1846, London
Known as: W.K Clifford
Famous as: English Novelist and Journalist
Spouse: William Kingdon Clifford
Notable Works: Mrs. Keith’s Crime, A Woman Alone
Died: April 21, 1929
Lucy Clifford:
Lucy Clifford was born on August 2 in 1846 in London. She was known as W.K Clifford. She was a famous English Novel and journalist. Her spouse was William Kingdon Clifford. Mrs. Keith’s Crime and A Woman Alone were her notable works. She passed away on April 21 in 1929.

Question 8.
Construct two meaningful sentences using the words given in the box below. One is done as an example for you.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 28
a. Varsha runs fast.
b. ……………………
c. ……………………
b. Children are playing cricket.
c. This bag is new.

Question 9.
Read the conversation and complete it choosing the appropriate words/ phrases from those given in brackets.
Sister: What are you drawing?
Boy: I ….(a)… (draw/ am drawing/ was drawing) the picture of that field. Will it make people happy?
Sister: Yes of course! Art …(b)… (made/makes/is making) people happy. You had better do it well.
Boy: That means, if I (c) (do/does/is doing) it badly, I will make unhappy.
Sister: Be positive. You are a good painter. Go ahead.
a. am drawing
b. makes
c. do

The Light on the Hills Summary in English

‘Light on the Hills’ is a short story which shows how the words of a person can influence another person. A boy was painting scenes from nature. His little sister stood watching him. She pointed out some of the defects of his painting. She remarked that people who saw that painting would be glad and they would feel that it was real. Then the boy asked her if he painted it badly would the people be unhappy. To this the girl answered that if he was doing his work with dedication and honesty, they would understand how much effort he took to paint it, and would certainly like his picture. The girl pointed out to the boy the light from the hills. Both of them enjoyed watching it.

He tried to paint trees, field and the dark shades and the faraway hills with light on them. As the sunlight began to dim, he stopped his painting. The girl said that the world was very beautiful. The boy repeated these words with a pinch of sorrow. The boy asked her when she wanted to do something great, what would she do. The girl answered that she would think that she was doing it for the person whom she loved best. This would make her strong and she could forget all her sorrow. Thus she would be able to go forward and would never get bored. The boy thought for a moment and said that in that case, he would paint his picture for her. Then they both returned home.

A tragedy happened in the family that night. The girl died in her sleep. The sorrowful mother told the boy that his little sister would never come back for this world again. The sorrow of the boy was beyond words. He thought about the words she had spoken before she had got an extraordinary strength. He completed the picture. Everyone appreciated the picture. It was whispering in his ears that it was love, true love, from which all virtues came. If it gave happiness, it could be called heaven.

The Light on the Hills Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 29
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 30
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 31


The Light on the Hills Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Light on the Hills 32

From The Nightingale and the Rose Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 4 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From The Nightingale and the Rose Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Nightingale and the Rose (Oscar Wilde)

Std 8 English Textbook From The Nightingale and the Rose Questions and Answers

The Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard  Question 1.
Why does the young man think that his life is wretched?
The Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
He had good knowledge and wisdom. Still, he was unhappy because he could not have a red rose. So he thinks that his life is wretched.

The Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
How does the Nightingale describe the young student?
The Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
His hair is as dark as the hyacinth, and his. lips are as the rose, but passion has made his face look like pale ivory, and sorrow has set her seal upon his brow.

Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
Why does the Nightingale think that the Student is a true lover?
Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
As he failed to get the rose, he became grief-stricken and hence lamented over his fate. This made the Nightingale think that the Student was a true lover.

The Nightingale And The Rose Pdf Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 4.
The lizard says that it is ridiculous to weep. Do you agree with th is statement? Why?
The Nightingale And The Rose Pdf Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Free response

The Nightingale And The Rose Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
How does the author describe the flight of the Nightingale?
The Nightingale And The Rose Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Nightingale spread its wings and soared high into the air. It passed through the grove like a shadow and sailed across the garden.

The Nightingale And The Rose Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 6.
Was the third rose-tree able to give a red rose to the Nightingale? Why?
The Nightingale And The Rose Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
No, because the winter had chilled its veins and the frost had nipped its buds and the storm had broken its branches. So it had no red rose that year.

The Nightingale And The Rose Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 7.
How, according to the third rose- tree, could the Nightingale get a red rose?
The Nightingale And The Rose Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Nightingale should press its breast against the thorns and sing the whole night. Its lifeblood should flow into the veins of the rose tree.

Nightingale And The Rose Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 8.
Why did the Nightingale think of sacrificing her life?
Nightingale And The Rose Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Nightingale thought that love is better than life. It also believed that the heart of a bird is nothing compared to the heart of a man.

The Nightingale and the Rose Questions and Answers Pdf Question 9.
The Nightingale thinks that the heart of a man is more valuable than that of a bird. Do you agree with the Nightingale? Explain.
Nightingale And The Rose Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
I don’t agree with the Nightingale.
The very words of the Nightingale prove that the heart of the bird is more noble and valuable than that of a man. The heart of the bird is full of goodness. But the heart of man is full of selfishness. Man thinks that everything in nature is meant for him. But the fact is that man is not superior to any other living being on the earth. Nature will exist even without man. But man cannot exist without other living beings.

The Nightingale And The Rose Summary In Malayalam Question 10.
What would happen if the Nightingale did not press its breast closer against the thorn?
The Nightingale And The Rose Summary In Malayalam
The blood of the Nightingale would not flow into the veins of the rose tree and it might not give a red rose. This would disappoint the student.

This point estimate calculator can help you quickly and easily determine the most suitable point.

The Nightingale and the Rose Question 11.
How did the pain affect the Nightingale’s song?
The Nightingale And The Rose Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The bitter the pain, the wilder the song became.

The Nightingale And The Rose Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 12.
What is the red rose compared to?
The Nightingale And The Rose Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
To the rose of the eastern sky

The Nightingale And The Rose Malayalam Story Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 13.
Describe the last moments of the Nightingale.
The Nightingale And The Rose Malayalam Story Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Her voice grew fainter, her wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes. Her song grew fainter and she felt something choking her throat. She gave one last burst of music and died.

Nightingale And The Rose Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 14.
Why didn’t the Professor’s daughter accept the red rose
Nightingale And The Rose Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
She thought that it would not match with her dress. To her wealth and possessions were more valuable than love.

The Nightingale and the Rose Textbook Activities And Answers

The Nightingale And The Rose Activities Let’s revisit

The Nightingale And The Rose Activity 1.

Read the story and answer the following questions. Put a tick mark [✓]in the appropriate box.

The Nightingale and the Rose Lesson Activities Question 1. What is the color of the rose that the Student searches for?
The Nightingale And The Rose Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

The Nightingale And The Rose Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
What does the Nightingale admire about the Student? (or)

Why Does The Nightingale Admire The Young Student?
The Nightingale Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
He values love above everything

The Nightingale Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
Where does the Student plan to present the rose to the girl?
The Nightingale Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Nightingale and the Rose Answer:
At the Prince’s ball

The Nightingale Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 4.
Why couldn’t the Student find a red rose by himself?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Nightingale and the Rose 18
The red rose tree was withered in the winter.

Question 5.
Which of the following was not done by the Nightingale to get the rose?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Nightingale and the Rose 19
She yelled at the trees until they gave her a rose.

The Nightingale and the Rose Malayalam Meaning Question 6. Why did the professor’s daughter reject the flower?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Nightingale and the Rose 20
Money and jewels were more important for her than love.

The Nightingale And The Rose Activity 2. 

you have read the story ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’, haven’t you? Now, read the story once again and complete the story house.
The Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

  • Garden
  • Gallery
  • Student’s house and window
  • Rose’s house


  • Nightingale
  • Garden Lizard
  • Student
  • Professor’s daughter


  • The Nightingale pressed her breast against the thorn and started singing.
  • A red rose appeared and the Nightingale died.

The Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Let’s enrich our vocabulary

Activity 1.

Look at the sentence quoted below. ‘The musicians will sit in their gallery,’ said the young student, ‘and play upon their stringed instruments, and my love will dance to the sound of the harp and the violin.’ Harp and violin are stringed musical instruments. Here’s a list of some musical Instruments. Classify them as stringed, wind and percussion instruments. Accordion, Bagpipe, Barrel, Bass drum, Chenda, Clarinet, Dholak, Flute, Guitar, Harmonium, Madh- Alam, Mohana veena, Mridangam, Saenghwang, Sarangi, Saxophone, Star, Tabla, Veena, Zurna
Nightingale And The Rose Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Nightingale And The Rose Pdf Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Activity 2.

Read the following sentences from the story.
On the topmost spray of the Rose- tree, there blossomed a marvelous rose.
‘What a wonderful piece of luck!’ he cried; ‘Here is a red rose!
The words underlined are synonyms. Synonyms are words or expressions which have the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language. ‘Big’ and ‘large’ are synonyms.
Find the words and pair them as synonyms from the list below, dawn, rude, tense, wealthy, slight, daybreak, prudent, whisper
healthy, rich, nervous, Impolite, murmur, fit, wise, fain
dawn – daybreak
whisper – murmur
slight – faint
rude – impolite
healthy – fit
prudent – wise
tense – nervous
wealthy – rich

Activity 3.

The Student, the Nightingale, and the Professor’s daughter are the characters in the story. What all traits does each character have in the story?
Fill in the following chart with words from the box given below that are most appropriate to the traits of each character.
Innocence, money, love, wisdom, nature, heroism, greed, knowledge, death, compassion, sacrifice, pride, beauty, purity, love, truth bravery frivolous serious, sincere, Insan- romantic, realistic, superficial, selfless, snobbish, Intellectual, sentimental
The Nightingale And The Rose Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The Nightingale And The Rose Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Let’s write

Activity 1.

Evaluate the Student in terms of his studies, his understanding of the world, his feelings for love. etc. based on your reading of the story. Pick outlines from the story to support your ideas.
The student in the story ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ is very romantic, sensitive and passionate. He feels depressed when he fails to get a red rose for his beloved. ‘Sorrow has set her seal upon his brow’ and he feels lonely. His studies did not make him wise. He is blind with love. So he does not understand the true nature of the girl. He thinks’ she will have no heed of me, and my heart will break.’ He is sincere in his love. So he weeps thinking of his ill fate. The Nightingale feels pity and decides to sacrifice its life for the sake of the boy.

Finally, when he gets the red rose, he rushes to his beloved. She tells him, ‘I am afraid it will not go with my dress.’ She says that the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent her precious jewels. She rejects him by saying that jewels cost far more than flowers. The Student finally realizes that his lover is ungrateful. He throws the flower into the street. The poor lover walks away saying, ‘What a silly thing love is!’ The ending of the story makes us think seriously about issues like love, sacrifice, greed, etc.

Activity 2.

Imagine that the young Student has realized the sacrifice made by the Nightingale. He feels very sad and writes a letter to his friend about it. What would he write? Write the letter.
The Nightingale And The Rose Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Flat no.34
Sector 9
Washington Street
22 March 2018
Dear Tom,
Hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness. Hope all at home are fine. I am writing this letter to tell you about a very touching experience. You know, I was in love with the Professor’s daughter. One day she said that she would dance with me at the Prince’s ball the next night if I broug¬ht her a red rose. You know roses couldn’t be found in that season. So I was very sad.

I was very frustrated. I sat in my garden weeping. I feared that the professor’s daughter would not dance with me. Seeing my sorrow, a nightingale took pity on me. It wanted to help me. The Nightingale appro-ached all the Rose trees and told them about my strange condition. The Rose trees could not help the Nightingale. Finally, it came to the rose tree near my window. The Rose tree said that the winter had chilled its veins, the frost had nipped its buds, and the storm had broken its branches, and so it could have no roses that year. On repeated persuasions, the Rose tree finally said that it could give a red rose only if the Nightingale would sing to the tree with its breast against a thorn. The red blood must flow into its veins. What a great sacrifice the Nightingale had done for me! The Nightingale thought that love was better than life, and that bird’s heart was nothing compared to a man’s heart.

All the night the Nightingale sang, with her breast against the thorn and stained the Rose tree with its lifeblood. A marvelous rose blossomed. She pressed closer and closer, Bitter and bitter was the pain. Fainter and fainter grew her song. The rose became crimson. The Nightingale gave one last burst of music and lay dead in the grass, with the thorn in her heart. What a heroic deed! I feel quite sad about this bird. I can never forget the glorious sacrifice of the Nightingale. I have made up my mind to love all the birds and animals and do whatever I can to preserve and protect everything in nature.

Activity 3.

The dejected Student goes to his room, overwhelmed with feelings and makes a diary entry. Write the diary entry in which you should express:
1. the Student’s feelings about being rejected in love.
2. what he thinks of the Professor’s daughter
3. what he would do in future.
21st January 2018,


What a wretched fate! How cruel the professor’s daughter is! I never thought she would be so ungrateful! I can’t even imagine She said the red rose would
not go with her dress. The Chamberlain’s nephew he has given her jewels. How dare she say that jewels cost far more than flowers!

Today is the darkest day in my life. What a silly thing love is! I pined for it. Worthless …….. Can wealth and position be more valuable than a man’s love? ….. never again trust a girl. A Nightingale sacrificed its life for me. Well, hereafter I will never do any harm to any living being. I take a pledge that I shall dedicate my whole life for the protection and preservation of everything in nature.

Activity 4.

The relationship between man and nature is one of the themes of the story ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’. In the story, the Nightingale, the Green Lizard, and the Rose-tree speak like human beings. Look at the poster given below and identify the features of a poster. Design a poster for promoting awareness on the need for conserving nature.

Posters usually contain notices, advertisements or invitations. They are attractive and captivating. They are designed either to invite our attention to an event or to create awareness on an important social issue.

Feature of Poster

Nightingale And The Rose Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Nightingale And The Rose Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Features of Poster

  • Imaginative and interesting
  • Effective in highlighting the issue
  • Good use of text/image/layout, etc.
  • Illustration
  • Captions
  • Clear and bold message
  • Simple and attractive language
  • Details like place, time, organizers, etc.
  • Self-explanatory

The Nightingale And The Rose Summary In Malayalam
Plant a tree, so that next generation can get air for tree
Trees the legs of the world
Save trees now they will save you in future.
There is enough on the earth for the
human’s need but not for the human’s greed

Let’s speak

Activity 1.

The Nightingale sacrificed her life for true and ideal love. Do you think that the Nightingale has made the right choice? Why? Give at least two reasons to support your answer. Try to use the following expressions while speaking.
1. I think
2. I believe
3. It seems to me that
4. I am convinced that
5. I feel absolutely certain that
1. I think the Nightingale has made the right choice because she sacrificed her life to give joy to the boy.
2. I believe that the Nightingale’s decision was good because it was for the sake of true love that she lost her life.
3. It seems to me that the Nightingale has done a great thing by sacrificing her life. Only such sacrifices will make people un¬derstand the value of true love.
4. In my opinion, the nightingale should not have sacrificed her life for such a simple reason.
5. I am convinced that the Nightingale was stupid to die for the boy because he did not seek her help.
6. I feel absolutely certain that the Nightingale was a fool to have sacrificed her life for the sake of the selfish Student.

Activity 2.

Go through the following speech delivered by the Oak-tree to mourn the death of the Nightingale.

Dear friends,
I am very sad. It is with deep sorrow and shock that I speak about the de¬mise of my Mend, the Nightingale. She used to spend most of the time sitting on my branches and pinging. How happy I was when I listened to her melodious songs! She sacrificed her life for the happiness of the young student. For her, love was eternal and mud! more precious than her life. I am deeply moved by her sacrifice. She was a great bird and a true Mend to all of us I know I will miss her a lot. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Hold a condolence meeting mourn¬ing the death of the Nightingale. Imagine that you are one of the following and deliver the speech.
Learner 1: The Rose-tree
1. expresses grief at her death
2. tells that you had warned her but she did not pay any heed.
Learner 2: The Green Lizard
1. expresses grief at her death.
2. remarks that it was silly of her to have sacrificed her life for love.
3. puts the blame of her death on the student.
Learner 3: The Young Lover
1. expresses his sorrow at the sacrifice made by the Nightingale.
2. remarks how the Nightingale was very special to you
3. recalls the help given by the Nightingale.
Learner 4: The Moon
1. recalls the night when the Nightingale died and was lost in grief.
2. bemoans the terrible loss.
3. acclaims that the Nightingale understood the true meaning of love.
4. proclaims that the Nightingale is a martyr of love.
The Rose-tree:
Dear friends,
Our dear friend has gone forever. As all of you know. I am one who is responsible for her death. But I had no alternative when she came to me for a red rose. I warned her about the difficulty to get a flower in this season. She compelled me for a flower so informed her to build a flower out of music by moonlight and stain it with her own heart’s blood. But I did not think she would have to spend all her blood. That was why she lost her life. Her death deeply touches my heart. She is a model for all of us. Let me stop.

The Green Lizard:
Dear friends,
It is really a shocking incident- the departure of my dear friend – the Nightingale. She considered love more valuable than life. What a great sacrifice the Nightingale has done for the student when I heard the sad news, I first told daisy about it. Beware, humans, think twice before you think of falling in love. I cannot say anything more. Let me stop.

The young Lover:
My dear friends the plants and animals,
I am the one who is responsible for her death. My foolishness forced the Nightingale to sacrifice her life. The Nightingale thought that love is better than life. Nature does not belong to man alone, you animals, birds and plants are as important as humans. She is a model for all of us. Now I understand my foolishness very well. The Nightingale taught me a lesson by her sacrifice. I can never forget her. Let me stop.

The Moon:
Dear friends,
I am eye witness to all that happened from beginning to end. She is not lost forever. Her memories are here with us forever. Her life is a lesson for all humans on the earth. Let them learn to love each other. Let them not run after money, fame or power. If so there will be peace on your earth. She understood the true meaning of love. But neither the lady love nor the lover understood the real value of love. What a heroic deed. I feel quite sad about the bird Let me stop.

Let’s discover how grammar works

Activity 1.

Read the following passage. A word is missing where [/] is marked. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to make the passage meaningful.
The Nightingale and the Rose is / (a) fairy tale, /(b) plot of the story is very simple. A young student thought that he was madly/(c) love with the Professor’s daughter. The girl told him that she would only dance with him. /(d) he brought a red rose. He felt miserable because he could not find a single red rose in /(e) whole garden. The Nightingale overheard this and was deeply touched by/(f) young man’s, true love. So she decided /(g) help the young man, but she was told that the only way to get a red rose in that cold winter/(h) for her to build it out of her music and her heart’s blo¬od. She was ready to lay/(i) her own life for the happiness of the young couple. She, therefore, did what she was j told to do. The next morning, the | most beautiful red rose appeared, but the Nightingale was found dead/(j) the Rose-tree
a. a
b. The
c. in
d. if
e. the
f. the
g. to
h. was
i. down
j. beneath

Activity 2.

Look at the words/phrases underlined in the following sentence. Then he put on his hat and ran up to the Professor’s house.
They are phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs usually do not bear the meaning of the words used as such.
The meaning of ‘put on’ is ‘to wear’ and ‘ran up’ is ‘to move quickly to, where someone is’.
Find out such examples from the story and write them down.
1. Pass by
2. ran past
3. passed through
4. sailed across
5. pay for
6. put on
7. ran up

Make a few phrasal verbs using the following verbs.

The Nightingale And The Rose Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Now, frame sentences selecting one phrasal verb from each set.
Take away: Remove
eg: The police took the protestors away.
Take after: look like, resemble
eg: He takes after his mother
Take on: Employ
eg: The council has had to take on 20 extra employees to handle their increased workload.
Take to: Make a habit of something* eg: He’s taken to wearing a baseball cap since his hair started thinning more noticeably

Bring off: Succeed with something difficult
eg: No one thought she had managed to do it, but she brought it off in the end.
Bring in: Earn
eg: The job brings in two thousand dollars a month.
Bring back: return, cause someone to remember
eg: He took the calculator home yesterday and hasn’t brought it back yet.
Bring forward: make something happen
eg: The meeting has been brought forward to this Friday instead of next week.

Turn away: Not allow someone to enter a place.
eg: Dozens of people were turned away from the hostel.
Turn against: stop liking and start disliking
eg: A lot of his supporters turned against him.
Turn off: stop a machine
eg: Turn off the lights as you leave.
Turn over: Give to the authorities
eg: The want or cleared the company to turn over their financial records.

Carryover: continue past a certain point,
eg: The meeting carried over into the afternoon because there was so much to talk about.
Carry out: Perform a task
eg: The government is carrying out test on grousing genetically modified crops
Carry off: Win, Succeed
eg: She carried off the first prize in the competition.
Carry forward: make something progress
eg: They hope the new management will be able to carry the project forward.

get after: Nag or exhort someone
eg: You should get after them to finish the work
get ahead: Progress
eg: Nowadays, you need the skill if you
want to get ahead.
getaway: Escape
eg: The robbers got away in a stolen car, which the police later found abandoned,
get behind: Support
eg: All students got behind the teacher.

Makeover: Change appearance
eg: The beauty saloon gave her a makeover before the party.
Makeup: Invent a story
eg: They made up an excuse for being late.
Make out: Progress, pretend
eg: How are your children making out at the new school?
Make it: Arrive or get a result
eg: I thought you weren’t coming, so I was really pleased you made it.

Put over: Successfully execute
eg: They put over a clever practical joke
on us.
Put up: Increase prices, twice, etc.
eg: The government have put tuition fees for U. G students up again Put off: Postpone
eg: The concert’s been put off until next month because the singer got a throat infection.
Put out: Broadcast
eg: Most of the stuff they put out isn’t worth watching.

Activity 3.

Read the following sentences.
1. But there is no red rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely, and she will pass me by. She will have no heed of me. and my heart will break.
2. He buried his face in his haggis and wept.
The words underlined in the above sentences are words we use in the place of a noun. They are called pronouns. They have subject, object, and possessive forms. We can categorize the above pronouns as shown in the table below.
The Nightingale And The Rose Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
There are seven personal pronouns in English. Prepare a table of all the seven personal pronouns and their object and possessive forms.


Let’s edit

Aswin, a student of Class VIII, wrote a summary of the story ‘The Night¬ingale and the Rose’. Read it. There are some errors which are under¬lined. Edit the errors.
A rich girl tells a young man, which
(a) is a student, that she will dance
(b) with him at the ball the next night if he brings her a red rose. However, he has no
(c) red roses and vocalizes his despair when a nightingale hears her
(d). The nightingale are
(e) touched by the soul of this student, and desires strongly to help him. The bird filed
(f) around trying to find a red rose, but none j are red. She finally
(g) pierces her heart on a thorn to bleed onto a white rose, making it a brilliant red rose, and in the process dies.
(h) student finds the rose and is thrilled, so he plucks it and brings it to his love. The girl rejects the rose saying it won’t match her dress; someone else has brought her jewels
(i), which are much better. Angrily, the student walks away and throws the rose in the gutter where it is run over by a cart. He concludes
(j) that love is ridiculous and logic is better.
The Nightingale And The Rose Malayalam Story Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Let’s play with language

Read each sentence and fill in the blanks with an adverb from the box.
loudly, hard, angrily, happily, well, hopefully, slowly, lightly, never, hungrily, there, finally, fast


1. Henry ate the soup …………….
4. Malavika hit the ball and ran …………….
6. Durga brushed the canvas ………….. with yellow paint.
8. All the students did very …………… in the reading test.
9. The twins couldn’t believe their birthday had ……………. arrived.
11. I will sit here; you can sit ……………..


1. Naveen ………… agreed to join the game.
2. The crickets chirped ………….. outside the window.
3. The tired children walked home from school …………..
5. The cat hissed …………… when the dog walked by.
7. When I heard the announcer begin to name the winners, I looked up ………….
9. Lucia ran ………….. enough to catch up with others.
10. Rita has …………… experienced snowfall before.

Now, write your answers in the crossword puzzle.
Nightingale And The Rose Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard


1. hungrily
4. had
6 . lightly
8. well
9. finally
11. three


1. happily
2. loudly
3. slowly
5. angrily
7. hopefully
9. hard
10. never

The Nightingale and the Rose Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Read the excerpt from the story ‘ The Nightingale and the Rose’ and answer the questions that follow:

You said that you would dance with me if I brought you a red rose,’ cried the Student. ‘Here is the reddest rose in all the world. You will wear it tonight next to your heart, and we will dance together.’
But the girl frowned.
‘ I am afraid it will not go with my dress,’ she answered and besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers.’
‘ Well upon my word, you are very ungrateful,’ said the Student angrily; and he threw the rose into the street, where it fell into the gutter, and a cartwheel went over it.
‘ What a silly thing Love is! said the Student as he walked away.
a. What was the Student’s request to the Professor’s daughter after giving her a rose?
b. Why did the Student call the Professor’s daughter ‘ungrateful’?
c. What is your opinion about the Professor’s daughter?
d. Pick out a word from the passage which means ‘ to show displeasure’
e. The young Student threw away the rose angrily. (Identify the word that qualifies the verb in this sentence.)
a. He requested her to wear the rose that night next to her heart and dance with him.
b. She turned down his request by saying that the flower wouldn’t go with her dress.
c. Her love to the student was not sincere. She valued the jewels more than his love.
d. Frown
e. Angrily

Question 2.
Read the excerpt from the story ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ and answer the questions that follow.
‘ No red rose in all my gardenlhe cried, and his beautiful eyes filled with tears. ‘Ah on what little things does happiness depend! I have read all that the wise men have written, and all the secrets of philosophy are mine, yet for want of a red rose in my life made wretched’
‘ Here, at last, is a true lover’, said the Nightingale. ‘ Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not: night after night I have told his story to the stars and now I see him. His hair is dark as the hyacinth – blossom and his lips are red as the rose of his desire, but passion has made his face like pale ivory, and sorrow has set her seal upon his brow’.
a. Who is the ‘true love’ mentioned in the passage?
b. Why was the student’s beautiful eyes filled with tears?
c. Who did the Nightingale tell the story to?
d. The color of the student’s hair is compared to
e. What made the Student‘s face look like pale ivory?
a. Student
b. Because he failed to give red rose to her lover.
c. Nightingale told the stories to the stars.
d. Hyacinth blossom
e. Passion

Question 3.
Prepare a short profile of Oscar Wilde using the hints given below:
Born: October 16, 1854
Awards: Retro Hugo Award for the Best Dramatic Presentation
Education: Portora Royal School, Magdalen College College, Oxford ( 1874 – 1878)
Notable works: The Importance of Being Earnest, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Died: November 30, 1900, at the age of 46.
Oscar Wilde:
Oscar Wilde was born on October 16, 1854. He won the Retro Hugo Award for the Best Dramatic Presentation. He did his schooling in Portora Royal School and later joined the Magdalen College, Oxford from 1874 to 1878. Importance of Being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray are his notable works. He passed away on November 30 in 1900 at the age of 46.

Question 4.
The passage given below has a few errors in it. The errors are under¬lined. Edit the passage.
When I was in Chennai last year, I meet (a) a group of school children playing at the seashore. One of the boy (b) in the group did not know swimming. He was keeping away from other children. But his friends dragged him to their midst and he too joined them final (c). They were playing at the beach which (d) a lot of tourists assembled to watch the sunset. Suddenly the boy who didn’t know swimming took (e) away by a huge wave. Fortunately, the coast guards on the beach could save him.
a. met
b. boys
c. finally
d. where
e. was taken

The Nightingale and the Rose Summary in English

There was a student who was very upset because he did not have a red rose in his garden to be given to his lover. If he could give it to her the next day, then she would dance with him. But as he didn’t have any rose, he started crying. A nightingale was watching all this. The nightingale said that this man is a true lover. Then the Green Lizard and the Daisy noticed the student crying. The nightingale told them that he was weeping for a red rose which made them laugh. Now the nightingale felt sorry for the student and wanted to get him a red rose. She went to the Rose tree at the center of the grass-plot and requested for a red rose. She said that she would sing for it as a reward. But the tree only had white roses and it directed the Nightingale to its brother who was growing at the sun-dial. But that tree had yellow roses.

It asks the Nightingale to fly to another tree that was growing under the window of the student’s room. She made the same request to the next tree. But it said” My flower is very, very red. But my veins are chilled by the cold season and the snow has nipped my buds. The storm has broken my branches. So I cannot produce any flower this year”. The bird asked if there was any possible way to get a red rose. The tree said that for getting the rose the bird had to sing in the moonlight and stain the tree with the blood of the bird. It had to sing pressing its breast upon a thorn. The thorn had to go into the heart of the bird and blood had to flow into the veins of the rose. The Nightingale thought of how beautiful her life was. But she said that love is superior to life and that a man’s life is better than a bird’s life, the nightingale continued. It asked the student to be a true lover. But he couldn’t understand anything. The Oaktree was very upset about the Nightingale, so she sang one last song for it.

Then the bird flew to Red-rose tree, pressed her breast against a thorn and started singing songs. The thorn pierced into her heart deeper and deeper and blood came out of her body. Before morning a red rose was born and the Nightingale was gone. The student was very happy to find the red rose and he rushed to his lover, who was the Professor’s daughter and requested her to dance with him as he had brought the rose. She said “ I don’t think it matches with my dress. There is another thing also. The nephew of Chamberlain has sent me some jewels. You know that jewels are more valuable than flowers’. The student thought that she was very ungrateful and not trustworthy. He very angrily threw the flower into the street and it fell into the gutter where the wheel of a cart ran upon it. The student said ‘ What a silly thing love is!’. The irony here is that even though the Nightingale thought that love was more valuable than life and she gave her life for it, the girl just so easily rejected the student’s red rose, which came from the great sacrifice of the Nightingale!.

The Nightingale and the Rose Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Nightingale and the Rose 35
The Nightingale And The Rose Questions Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

The Nightingale and the Rose Glossary

The Nightingale Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

From Rosa Parks Sat Still Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 3 Chapter 2 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From Rosa Parks Sat Still Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2 Rosa Parks Sat Still (Rosa Parks)

Std 8 English Textbook From Rosa Parks Sat Still Questions and Answers

Rosa Parks Questions And Answers

Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 1.
What was the only thought in Rosa Parks’ mind as she left her workplace?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
She wanted to sit down

Rosa Parks Sat Still Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 2.
What was the only thing that the driver knew about Rosa Parks?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
That she was a black passenger

Rosa Parks Sat Still Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 3.
What was the rule in the bus?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Black passengers had to give up their seats when white passengers came in.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 4.
What happened when the bus was about to start?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Passengers rushed in. Many of them were white Americans. Each time a white passenger climbed into the bus, a black passenger got up from the seat and moved away.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 5.
Why was Rosa arrested?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger even after the driver asked her to get up. So he brought the police in and they arrested Rosa as she had broken the law.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 6.
Why did the black people decide to fight with the bus-company?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
When the news ‘of Rosa’s arrest spread all over the town, the black people decided to fight for her. They knew that they could not fight with the police. So they decide to fight with the bus company.

Rosa Parks Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 7.
How did the black passengers support the boycott?
Rosa Parks Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
They decided that no black passenger would use city buses until Rosa was freed; instead, they went to work in private cars and shared the cost of the taxi.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Lesson Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 8.
What was the judgment given I by the Supreme Court?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Lesson Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2 Rosa Parks Sat Still 9
The judges of the Supreme Court said that segregation was unlawful in public transport services. They said it was against the law of the country.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 9.
What, do you think, was the reason for the success of the boycott?
Rosa Parks Sat Still Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
The boycott lasted for more than a year and the bus company lost millions of dollars. Without black passengers, the buses ran almost empty. Moreover, the unity and will power of the black passengers was indomitable.

Summary Of Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 10.
There are other stories of such courageous men and women who changed the life of millions. Recollect and write any one of them?
Summary Of Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel prize, winner. Malala was born in Pakistan, where education is not provided to the girl child. She campaigns for the rights of girl children, particularly their right to education. Malala gives voice to all the voiceless millions around the world and exhorts the world to acknowledge the power of education and gender equality.

Summary Of Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 11.
What were the events that led to the historic judgment of the Supreme Court? Complete the flow chart given below:
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2 Rosa Parks Sat Still 12
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2 Rosa Parks Sat Still 13
Rosa Parks Sat Still Character Sketch Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Chapter 2 Rosa Parks Sat Still Additional Questions and Answers

Rosa Parks Sat Still Character Sketch Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Questions 1 to 5:
Read the excerpt from the story ‘ Rosa Parks Sat Still’ and answer the questions that follow.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to move- and this transformed a million lives. Rosa Parks had been working all day. Work had been heavier than usual. At the end of the day, there was only one thought in her mind. She wanted to sit down. But it was getting late, and everybody was going home.
Rosa walked to the bus stop and got on a bus. There were many vacant seats. She paid her fare and sat down in the nearest seat.
The bus was nearly empty. Rosa felt grateful. Her feet were very tired. They really needed a rest.
1. How did Rosa Park transform a million lives?
2. There was only one thought in her mind at the end of the day. What was that thought?
3. Pick out the word from the passage which means ‘thankful’.
4. Pick out a sentence from the first paragraph which contains an adjective.
5. Read the following sentence.
Rosa walked to the bus stop and got on a bus. Replace the phrasal verb ‘ got on’ with the suitable word from the bracket.
(entered, enter, entering)
1. Rosa Parks transformed a million lives by refusing to move from her seat.
2. She wanted to sit down.
3. Grateful
4. Her feet was very tired/ The bus was nearly empty.
5. Entered

Rosa Parks Sat Still Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Question 6.
The following are some of the events from the story ‘Rosa Parks Sat Still’ They are jumbled up. Write a paragraph sequencing them in proper order.
( 1 ) The bus driver got angry.
( 2 ) Rosa Parks wanted to sit down after the heavy work of the day.
( 3 ) She occupied a seat in the bus with the least thought of breaking any rule.
( 4 ) Rosa walked to the bus stop and got into a bus.
( 5 ) She refused to give up her seat to the white passenger.
1. Rosa Parks wanted to sit down after the heavy work of the day.
2. Rosa walked to the bus stop and got into a bus.
3. She occupied a seat in the bus with the least thought of breaking any rule.
4. She refused to give up her seat to the white passenger.
5. The bus driver got angry.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Story In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard  Question 7.
Prepare a profile of Rosa Parks using
Born: February 4, 1913, Alabama, United States
Education: Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes
Awards: Presidential Medal of Freedom
Spouse: Raymond Parks
Died: October 24, 2005
Rosa Parks:
Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Alabama in United States. She was educated at the Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes. She was awarded the Presidential medal of Freedom. Raymond Parks is her husband. She passed away on October 24, 2005.

Rosa Parks Sat Still Theme Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Questions 8 to 11:
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

From Rameshwaram to the Rashtrapati Bhavan, it’s been a long journey. Talking to Nona Walia on the eve of Teacher’s Day, President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam speaks about life’s toughest lessons and his mission of teaching the Indian youth. “ A proper education would help nurture a sense of dignity and’ self- respect among our youth,” says President Kalam. There’s still a child in him though, and he’s curious about learning new things. Life’s a mission for President Kalam. Nonetheless, he remembers his first lesson in life and how it had changed his destiny. “ I was studying in standard V and must have been all of 10. My teacher, Sri Sivasubramania Iyer was telling us how birds fly.

He drew a diagram of a bird on the blackboard, depicting the wings, tail and the body with the head and then explained how birds soar to the sky. At the end of the class, I said I didn’t under¬stand. Then he asked the other students if they had understood but nobody had understood how birds fly” he recalls. That evening, the entire class was taken to Rameshwaram shore, the President continues. “ My teacher showed us sea birds. We saw marvelous formations of them flying and how their wings flapped. Then my teacher asked us. Where is the bird’s engine and how is it powered? I knew then that birds are powered by their own life and motivation. I understood all about birds dynamics”.
8. When did Nona Walia talk to President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam?
9. What did the teacher draw on the blackboard?
10. What did Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam learn when the entire class was taken to the Rameshwaram shore?
11. What message does the passage convey to you?
8. On the eve of Teacher’s day
9. A diagram of a bird
10. The birds are overpowered by their own life and motivation. He understood all about birds dynamics.
11. Be curious about learning new things

8th Standard English Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Look at the following word pyramid.
Rosa Parks Sat Still Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard
Construct a similar word- pyramid with the word ‘ Shoes’.
Rosa Parks Sat Still Story In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Rosa Parks Sat Still Lesson Summary in English

This is a story of a freedom – fighter who fought against the white people for the Black people’s rights in America. Rosa Parks was a working woman. One day after her work she was traveling in a bus. The bus was full of people. There were white people and Black people in the Bus. There was a rule at that time in 1955 that in a bus if there is a vacant seat it would be of the white people. The Black people were not supposed to sit there. Rosa Parks protested against this rule. When a white man approached her she did not get up and give the seat. This made the bus driver angry. He called the police and the police arrested Rosa Parks. Then there was a revolution among the Black people.

This resulted in the freedom struggle of the Blacks in America. In the court, there were many people who argued for her rights. Thus the white people came to know that there should not be any difference between the white people and Black people. This incident in the bus changed millions of minds of Americans. This awareness was made in their minds by the famous Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi; the writer thanks Gandhiji for his great ideas without which the Black people would not have achieved their rights.

Rosa Parks Sat Summary in Malayalam

Rosa Parks Sat Still Theme Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

Rosa Parks Sat Glossary

8th Standard English Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus
Summary Of The Story Rosa Parks Sat Still Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard

We’re the World Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 1 Chapter 4 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download We’re the World Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 4  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 4 We’re the World (Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie Jr.)

Std 8 English Textbook We’re the World Questions and Answers

We Are The World Questions Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
What, according to the lyricists, is the greatest gift of all?
Hsslive Guru Class 8 English Kerala Syllabus
According to the lyricists, lending a hand to the life of others is the greatest gift of all.

We Are The World Poem Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
Why do you think that we can’t go on pretending forever?
8th Class English Textbook Questions And Answers
lt is useless to think that someone will soon make a change somewhere.

We’re The World 8th Standard Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 3.
‘It’s true we’ll make a better day Just you and me.’ How?
Hss Live Guru English 8th Standard Kerala Syllabus
When we work in perfect uaifion we can make the world a better place.

We Are The World Poem Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
When will a change really come according to the lyricists?
Hss Live Guru 8th Standard English Kerala Syllabus
According to lyrisicts a real change will come only when we stand together.

The World Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 5.
What might have prompted the lyricists to sing a song like this?
Kerala State Class 8 English Chapter 1 Notes
The love for mankind and the suffering people around the world have prompted the lyricists to sing a song like this.

We’re the World Additional Questions & Answers

We’re The World 8th Standard Questions And Answers Question 1.
Read the lines from the song ‘ We’re the world’ and answer the questions that follow.
There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can’t go on pretending day by day
That someone somewhere will soon make a change
We all are a part of God’s great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need
a. What is the greatest gift of all?
b. What do you understand by the expression ‘ lend a hand to life’?
c. Name the value that we all need?
d. What is the message of the poem?
a. Lend a hand to life
b. To help others, people are dying
c. Love
d. Live in harmony

Hsslive Guru 8th Class English Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Read the lines from the poem ‘We are the World’ and answer the question that follows.
There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together
There are people dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can’t go pretending day by day
That someone somewhere will soon make a change.
We are all part of God’s great big family.
And the truth you know;
Love is all we need.
We are the world, we are the children
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me
Given below is the summary of the lines. Some words in it are miss¬ing. Choose suitable words from the lines given and complete it.
A time …(a)… when the world has to ..(b)…. the call and come…… (c) to help the ……. (d)…… people. We all belong to God’s …….. (e)……… and what we need is …..(f)….. for each other. We should not pretend someone somewhere will make a ……… (g) ……….. .
a. comes
b. heed
c. together
d. dying
e. family
f. love
g. change

Hsslive Guru 8th English Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Prepare a short profile of Michael Jackson using the hints given below.
Born: 1958, America
Known as: King of Pop
Famous as: Singer, Songwriter, Dancer, and Actor
Notable works: Bad, Dangerous, Off the wall, etc
Died Answer: 2009
Michael Jackson:
Michael Jackson was born in 1958 in America. He was known as the King of Pop. He was famous as a singer, songwriter, dancer, and actor. His notable works are Bad, Dangerous, Off the Wall, etc. He passed away in 2009.

We’re the World Summary in English

There will be a time when all of us hear a ‘miner call’. Then the whole world will become one. The people go on dying. It is time for us to give a helping hand. It will be the best gift. Let us stop acting. Let us not think that someone will make a change somewhere. All of us are a part of the world. Love is the need. All of us know that truth.We are the world. We are the children.

We should make the world brighter. So we must start giving. Yes, we will make a good time indeed. Yourself and myself together. Give your hearts to the sad people. Then they will understand that we care for them. Thus their lives will become more strong. They will be free. Like God who changed the stones into bread, we will also do wonders in helping others. When you are completely distressed and helpless believe that there is no way for you to fall. Everything will be fine one day. We all should recognize that we must stay together for a complete change.

We’re the World Summary in Malayalam

Hss Live Guru Class 8 English Kerala Syllabus

We’re the World Glossary

Hsslive Guru 8 English Kerala Syllabus

The Mysterious Picture Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 1 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download The Mysterious Picture Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture (Charles De Coster)

Std 8 English Textbook The Mysterious Picture Questions and Answers

The Mysterious Picture Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
Where do the events in the story take place?
The Mysterious Picture Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
The events of the story took place in the palace of the Archduke of Batt- Orenburg

The Mysterious Picture Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
Mention the two central char-acters you identify at this point?
The Mysterious Picture Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
Tyi Ulenspiegel and the Captain of the Guards are the characters at this point.

8th Class English Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture Malayalam Question 3.
What do you understand about the character of Tyl? Is he a serious man or one with a sense of humor? How do you know this?
8th Class English Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture Malayalam
Tyl is person who wanders from court to court. He is a man with a good sense of humor. His appearance and mannerisms make us think so.

The Mysterious Picture Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
Is there a change in the attitude of the Captain? What is the reason behind it?
The Mysterious Picture Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th
Yes, because the Captain of the Guards understood that Tyl was a Flemish painter.

The Mysterious Picture Story In Malayalam Pdf 8th Question 5.
The language used by Tyl when he speaks to the Archduke shows his respect for him. Pick out a few instances which show this.
The Mysterious Picture Story In Malayalam Pdf 8th
The words, “May, Your Highness pardon me. I might lay it at your noble feet.” shows Tyl’s respect for the Archduke.

Mysterious Picture Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 6.
What does Tyl wish to become?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 6
Tyi wished to become the court painter.

Hss Live Guru 8 English Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Do you think Tyl and his donkey are hungry? Give reasons for your answer.
Mysterious Picture Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th
The donkey was not hungry as it was fed fairly well all along the way. But Tyl had nothing to eat for the last three days.

Summary Of The Mysterious Picture Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 8.
What does the Archduke want Tyl to do?
Hss Live Guru 8 English Kerala Syllabus
The Archduke wanted Tyl to paint his portrait so as to leave his memory to his descendants.

Mysterious Picture Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 9.
What does the sentence, ‘We do not know when God will think fit to summon us,’ mean?
Summary Of The Mysterious Picture Kerala Syllabus 8th
lt means we do not know when we will die.

The Mysterious Picture Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 10.
Why does Tyl feel unhappy?
Mysterious Picture Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
Tyl was unhappy because the Arch-duke asked him to paint him alone without the courtiers in the portrait.

The Mysterious Picture Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 11.
Who are compared to the moon and the lanterns?
The Mysterious Picture Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 8th
The Lord and the Lady are com-pared to the moon and the courtiers are compared to the lanterns.

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Notes Question 12.
What were the demands of the Archduke and the courtiers in painting their pictures?
The Mysterious Picture Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th
The Archduke demanded Tyl to paint all the courtiers as such. But the courtiers demanded that he should make them more attractive than they actually were.

The Mysterious Picture Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 13.
Why did Tyl think that if he painted the picture, he would definitely be killed?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Notes
If he painted the picture as directed by the Archduke, he might be killed by the courtiers. If his picture satisfied the whims of the courtiers, he might be killed by the Archduke.

Character Sketch of Tyl Question 14.
What will Tyl do to save himself from being killed?
The Mysterious Picture Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
Elicit free responses
Not to paint the picture.
Paint the picture as the courtiers had demanded.
Paint the picture as the Archduke had instructed.

Question 15.
How did Tyl manage to stay in the court for long? How many days did he finally get to complete the picture?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 15
He kept on saying that the picture was nearing completion and he needed some more days to complete.

Question 16.
What is special about the picture?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 16
Elicit free responses. There is no picture at all. Tyl lied to the courtiers that only those who have noble blood can see the picture.

Question 17.
Is the jester a mere fool? Why do you think so?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 17
No, he is not. He is the only one who told the truth.

The Mysterious Picture Textbook Activites and Answers

Let’s revisit

Activity 1.

You have read the story of Tyl, haven’t you? Now, fill in the story map suitably.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 18
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 19

Activity 2.

The courtiers did not want to be portrayed in the picture in the manner they really looked like. Complete the following table by revisiting the story.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 20

CourtierReal appearanceThe way they wanted to be portrayed
Commander h- ChiefShort, fat, bald man with an enormous paaraeSi’He wanted to make his stomach look flat and make him more handsome
Elderly ladyLarge hump on her backRemove the hump on her back and supply what she tacked in beauty.
Young ladyShe had lost three of her front teethShe wanted to see herself smiling with a perfect set of pearly teeth

Activity 3.

The following are the major events in the story. Some of them are false ‘ while some others are true. Mark I them as True or False by a tick in the appropriate column.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 21
Correct the statements that are marked false and rewrite them below.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 22

  • He shows the picture of Our Lady, the Virgin to the Archduke.
  • Captain of the guards does not allow Tyl to meet the Archduke at once.
  • The Archduke’s jester says that he could see no paint but only a blank wall.
  • The Archduke said that he would be delighted to appoint Tyl as the court painter.
  • The courtiers ask Tyl to make them look more attractive and handsome.

Let’s Enrich Our Vocabulary

Activity 1.

Look at this sentence from the story. ‘The Captain of the Guards was a tall, well-built, red-haired man of about twenty-five.” Here the word, ‘well-built’ means’ with a strong physique’.
Now, find out the meaning of the words given below with Svell’ as the headword. You may refer to a dictionary, if necessary.
Well-informed: ………………
Now write down five more words with ’well’ as the headword, giving their meanings.
Well – off: In a good position or situation
Well – known: Famous
Well – wisher: someone who wants another person to be happy.
Well – read: having gained a lot of knowledge by reading.
Well – informed: having a lot of knowledge about a particular topic

Words with ‘well’ as headword, giving their meanings.
Well – being: the state of being comfortable.
Well-bred: having or showing good manners.
Well – done: carried out successfully.
Well-groomed: clean, tidy,
smart well-knit: strongly knit.

Activity 2.

Look at some of the words used in the first three paragraphs of the story.
How does Tyl address the Archduke, the Queen, the painter and
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 23
Here, the words in column 1 have – ‘s’ attached to their root forms toln column 2 -‘ed’ is used with the root words to get the past forms of the verbs. ‘-ly’ is used in column 3 to show how something is done. These are examples for suffixes in English. Now, fill in the following table picking up suffixed words like those above, from the rest of the paragraphs of the story.


Activity 3.

How does Tyl address the Archduke, the Queen, the painter and the Captain of Guards? Pick out the words used by him to address them. Complete the following table choosing appropriate words from those given below.
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Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 25
Which of the above words of address do we commonly use in our day-to-day conversation? Which are the words of address that we do not normally use?
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CharacterWords used to address
ArchdukeYour Highness
QueenHer Highness
Captain of GuardsSir
PainterMy dear fellow

Words we commonly use:
Mrs, Madam, Ma’am, Sir, Mr, Miss
Words we do not use in common:
Your Highness, My lord, Her Highness, Your Lordship, My dear fellow

Let’s write

Activity 1.

Does the story remind you of any stories that you have read or heard before? Narrate the story briefly.
Answer :
Many years ago there lived an emperor who loved beautiful new clothes so much that he spent all his money on being finely dressed. His only interest was going to the theatre or riding about in his carriage where he could show off the new clothes. He had a different costume for every hour of the day. Indeed, where it was said of other kings that they were at court, it could only be said of him that he was in his dressing room!

One day two swindlers came to the emperor’s city, they said that they were weavers, claiming that they knew how to make the finest clothes imaginable. Not only were the colors and the patterns were extraordinarily beautiful, but also, this material had an amazing property that it was to be invisible to anyone who was incompetent or stupid.

“It would be wonderful to have clothes made from that cloth,” thought the emperor. “Then I would know which of my men are unfit for their positions, and I’d also be able to tell clever people from stupid ones.” So he immediately gave the two swindlers a great sum of money to weave their clothes for him.

They set up their looms and pretended to go on working, although there was nothing at all on the looms. They asked for the finest silk and the purest gold, all of which they hid away, continuing to work on the empty looms, often late into the night.

‘I would really like to know how they are coming with the clothes!’ thought the emperor, but he was a bit uneasy when he recalled that anyone who was unfit for his position or stupid would not be able to see the material. Of course, he himself had nothing to fear, but still, he decided to send someone else to see how the work was progressing.

‘I’ll send my honest old minister to the weavers,’ thought the emperor. He’s the best one to see how the material is coming. He is very sensible, and no one is more worthy of his position than he.

where the two swindlers sat working at their empty looms. ‘Goodness’! thought the old minister, opening his eyes wide. ‘I cannot see a thing’ but he did not say so.

The two swindlers invited him to step closer, asking him if it wasn’t a beautiful design and if the colors weren’t magnificent. They pointed to the empty loom, and the poor old minister opened his eyes wider and wider. He still could see nothing, for nothing was there. ‘Gracious’ he thought. “Is it possible that I am stupid? I have never thought so. Am I unfit for my position? No one must know this. No, it will never do for me to say that I was unable to see the material.”

You aren’t saying anything!’ said one of the weavers. ‘Oh, it is magnificent! The very best’ said the old minister, peering through his glasses. ‘This pattern and these colors! Yes, I’ll tell the emperor that I am very satisfied with it!

That makes us happy’ said the two weavers, and they called the colors and the unusual pattern by name. The old minister listened closely so that he would be able to say the same things when he reported to the emperor, and that is exactly what he did.

The swindlers now asked for more money, more silk, and more gold, all of which they hid away. Then they continued to weave away as before on the empty looms. The emperor sent other officials as well to observe the weavers’ progress. They too were startled when they saw nothing,

and they too reported to him how wonderful the material was, advising him to have it made into clothes that he could wear in a grand procession. The entire city was alive in praise of the cloth. Magnifique Nysseligt! Excellent!’ they said, in all languages. The emperor awarded the swindlers with medals of honor, bestowing on each of them the title Lord Weaver.

The swindlers stayed up the entire night before the procession was to take place, burning more than sixteen candles. Everyone could see that they were in a great rush to finish the emperor’s new clothes. They pretended to take the material from the looms. They cut in the air with large scissors. They sewed with needles but without any thread. Finally, they announced, ‘Behold the clothes are finished!’

The emperor came to them with his most distinguished cavaliers. The two swindlers raised their arms as though they were holding something and said, just look at these trousers! Here is the jacket! This is the cloak!’ and so forth. They are as light as spider webs! You might think that you didn’t have a thing on, but that is the good thing about them?

Yes, said the Cavaliers, but they couldn’t see a thing, for nothing was there. ‘Would his imperial majesty, if it pleases his grace, kindly remove his clothes said the swindlers. ‘Then we will fit you with the new ones, here in front of the large mirror. The emperor took off all his clothes, and the swindlers pretended to dress him up, 1 piece by piece, with the new ones. They

took hold of his waist and pretended to tie something about him. It was the train. Then the emperor turned and looked into the mirror.
Goodness, they suit you well what a wonderful fit!” they all said. “What a pattern! What colors! Such luxurious clothes!’ ‘The canopy to be carried above your majesty awaits outside,” said the grandmaster of ceremonies.

‘Yes, I am ready!’ said the emperor. Don’t they fit well? He turned once again towards the mirror because it had to appear as though he was admiring himself in all his glory.

The chamberlains who were to carry the train held their hands just above the floor as if they were picking up the train. As they walked they pretended to hold the train high, for they could not let anyone notice that they could see nothing.

The emperor walked beneath the beautiful canopy in the procession, and all the people in the street and in their windows said, ‘Goodness, the emperor’s new clothes are incomparable! What a beautiful design on his jacket. What a perfect fit!’ No one wanted it to be noticed that he could see nothing, for then it would be said that he was unfit for his position or that he was stupid. None of the emperors’ clothes have received such praise before. But he doesn’t have anything on! said a small child.

‘Good Lord, let’s listen to an innocent child said the father, and whispered to another what the child had said. ‘A small child says that he doesn’t have anything on!’ Finally everyone was saying, He doesn’t have anything on!” The emperor shuddered, for he knew that they were right, but he thought, ‘The procession must go on!” He carried himself even more proudly, and the chamberlains walked along carrying the train that wasn’t there.

Activity 2.

Imagine you were one of the courtiers present while Tyl invited the courtiers to have a look at his picture. What would be the likely conversation between Tyl and you?
Tyl: Good Morning, Madam.
I : Good Morning, Mr. Tyl.
Tyl: I’ve finished my picture. Please have a look at it.
I : Oh! Tyl this is a fantastic picture
Tyl: Thank you, Madam
I : You have taken great pains haven’t you?
Tyl: Really
I : The Archduke looks excellent.
Tyl: Thank you
I : What’s your next work, Mr. Tyl?
Tyl: Not yet decided, Madam.
I : His Highness would surely appreciate your effort, I’m sure.
Tyl: Thank you, Madam.
I : Mr. Tyl, what will you do if the Archduke doesn’t appreciate your work?
Tyl: I don’t know madam.
I : Don’t be bothered, Mr. Tyl. I’m simply joking. OK

Activity 3.

Read the following script. It is based on the first event in the story, Tyl’s arrival at the palace gate.

The main entrance of the Archduke Battenburg. The Captain and another officer are playing a game of chess. The Captain’s sytord is in the sheath. The guards have spears close to them! placed against the wall. Tyl Ulens spiegel enters from the left, mounted on his donkey. He wears attractive dress j arid has a cap with three bright | feathers on it. He makes a eoinical ! appearance.

Captain: Hey there! You fellow on the | donkey! We don’t allow any loafers here. You and your donkey already look like skeletons. (Tyl dismounts from his I donkey.) .
Tyl (bowing): May God bless you. May God bless you, Sir Captain! If I look j like a skeleton, it is not my fault,
Captain: Why are you here?
Tyl: I’m very hungry. I’ve come here because I’m forced to. If you will be so good as to give me a piece of the gold cord that you wear on your coat, I’ll go and hang myself by the teeth on that large leg of mutton that I see hanging in that butcher’s shop.
Captain: (looks at Tyl curiously): Where do you come from?
Tyl: From Flanders
Captain: What do you want?
Tyl: 1 should like to show His Highness, the Archduke, one of my pictures. I’m a painter.
Captain: WeB, if you are a painter and if you come from Flanders, you may come in. (The Captain opens the gate and lets Tyl in.)
Read the script again.

How is the script different from the story?
The script has
1. a setting
2. Stage directions
3. Dialogues
4. Costumes
5. Gestures and actions
The following are some of the major events in the story, ‘The Mysterious Picture’.
1. The meeting between Tyl and the Archduke and his appointment as the court painter.
2. The meeting between Tyl and the courtiers.
3. The progress of Tyl’s painting.
4. The exhibition of Tyl’s painting and the reaction of others.
Work in four groups. Each group may take up one of the events for developing the script.
Rehearse the script in groups and perform the skit before the class.
Script: Group No. 1

Topic: The meeting between Archduke and Tyl.
(Scene at the palace)
Tyl: May God bless you! May God bless your Highness! (bows before the Archduke) I have brought a picture of Our Lady the Virgin in her royal robes. Give permission to show it before you, your Highness!
Archduke: Yes, you may. (Tyl shows the picture)
Archduke: Oh! It is wonderful!
Tyl: Your majesty, I see that the court painter’s seat is empty there, Please appoint me as your court painte^Tyl) Yes, you are appointed as the court painter. Please come. (Archduke gives him the chair) You are a talkative fellow. Tyl : Sir, My donkey Jeff is very happy because his stomach is full. But I am very hungry. I’ve only my dreams to eat. Archduke : But where is your donkey?
Tyl: He is outside.
Archduke : (Calls the soldier and orders)
Give Tyl a feast as supper. Give the | ’
donkey food and shelter.
Soldier: Yes my Lord.

Script: Group No. 2

The meeting between Tyl and courtiers : (Scene at Tyl’s room in the palace)
Tyl: Come in sir, please.
(Commander in chief of army comes in. He is a short, fat, bald man)
Army Chief: Painter, I am the chief of the army, am I handsome?
Tyl : (Keeps silent, looks at him)
Chief: Can you see me or not?
Tyl: I can see you sir. You are not very handsome.
Chief: I may not be handsome. But in the picture you should paint me as a handsome man.
Tyl: How sir?
Chief: you should make my stomach flat or else I will kill you. (He leaves)
(An elderly lady comes in; she has a hump on her back)
Lady: Sir, you should paint me as a young lady with a beautiful look.
Tyl: But how?
Lady: You remove my hump and draw I me in the picture as a beautiful lady or | else I will kill you. (She leaves)
(Another pretty lady comes in)
Tyl: Who are you?
Lady: I am a companion of the Duchess. You should paint me with a good smile.
Tyl: How is it possible? You don’t have your front teeth?
Lady: You should paint me beautifully or else I will destroy you with the help of the captain of guards who is my lover. (She leaves)

Script: Group No. 3

Topic: The progress of painting (Archduke’s palace)
(Archduke and Tyl are talking)
Archduke: How are you Tyl? Did you start painting the picture?
Tyl: Not yet sir.
Archduke: You should paint all the
courtiers as we see them.
Tyl: Yes your majesty.
(Tyl stands thoughtfully)
Tyl (to himself silently) : If I paint truly
the Archduke may like it but the courtiers
will not. If I paint the courtiers beautifully
Archduke will punish me. What to do? (Next day)
Archduke: Here is the wall to be painted. Is it good?
Tyl: Yes sir, Please hang curtains and give me some assistance.
Archduke: Who is there? Bring thick curtains and arrange some assistants too! (The soldiers bring curtains and assistants enter)
(After 30 days)
Archduke: How is the drawing? Is it over?
Tyl: Not yet sir I need a week more Archduke: Okay
(After a fortnight)
Archduke: Tyl, Is your work over?
Tyl: Not yet sir
Archduke: I want the picture within fifteen days, or show me the unfinished picture within that time.
Tyl: Yes your majesty

Script: Group No. 4

Topic: The exhibition and reaction of others
(Scene: Inside the palace)
(Archduke, Tyl, and courtiers enter)
Tyl: The picture is ready, my Lord.
Archduke: Why don’t you remove the curtains?
Tyl: Please order all the courtiers to assemble in the room.
Archduke: Bring all the courtiers immediately.
(All the courtiers come in)
Tyl: Ladies and gentlemen, the picture will be seen only to those who have royal blood. (Tyl moves the curtain aside)
AH, the courtiers and the Archduke: How marvelous! What a beauty?
(Jester comes in)
Jester: I cannot see anything. The wall is completely empty.
Tyl: It is time for the wise to walk out because the fools start talking.
(Tyl goes out)

Activity 4.

What are the words that the author uses to describe the Captain of the Guards?

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Now, prepare character maps of Tyl and the Archduke.

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Now using the concept maps prepare character sketches of Tyl and the Archduke. You may begin like this:
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Character map of Archduke
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Character map of Tyl
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Character sketch of Tyl :
Tyl was a painter. He wandered from court to court on his donkey Jeff. He was slim and looked like a skeleton. He always wore a cap with three bright feathers. He is cunning and tricky. He has a good sense of humor and values his own freedom and creativity.

Character sketch of Archduke :
The Archduke was the ruler of Battenburg. He loved paintings and artists. He was a stout, middle-aged man. In his royal uniform, he looked majestic. Though a little pompous he was sincere and just. He loves painting and favors artists.

Let’s speak

Activity 1.

Which character did you like the most? Share your views with the class. Here is what Athira, a student like you, said when she was asked this question

Dear friends,
I This is indeed an interesting question. Of course, we all like Tyl very much for his intelligence and ability to speak cleverly. Still, I like the Duke’s jester the most. Without him, the folly of the courtiers would never have been revealed. His ! honesty and intelligence helped them to understand the foolishness of their reaction. We think that just like a circus clown, he showed the real wisdom. And the others who were the honorable
members of the illustrious court proved to be mere fools. For all these reasons I like the jester the most.
Now, you may present your views before the class
Dear friends,
There are many interesting characters in this story. Tyl, Captain of Guards Archduke, Commander in chief of the army, the elderly lady, etc. But I like the jester the best because he is very wise and honest. He is courageous too. He tells the truth before the Archduke without any hesitation. For all these reasons I like the jester the best.

Activity 2.

Did the story make you feel: happy, angry, tired, bored? Why?
Share your feeling with your friends.
This story made me very happy. It has many interesting characters such as Tyl, the Captain of Guards, Archduke, Chief of the army, an elderly lady, the Jester, etc. Each character is unique. Tyl is a funny character. His appearance and jovial behavior are well-narrated? The whole story is divided into many scenes like that of a drama. The progress of Tyl’s painting in the story is very interesting. So I am very happy to read this story

Let’s discover how grammar works

Activity 1.

Look at the sentence from the story, You are a very talkative fellow, aren’t you?’ A short question put at the end of a sentence is a question tag. A question tag is generally used in a conversation to confirm a statement made.
The following ten sentences are about a friend of yours in the class. You may seek her confirmation on the statements made. Some hints are provided for you.
1. You ……….. Sandra, aren’t you?
2. Venu and Reshma …………. their parents, ………..?
3. Your father works in a bank………….?
4. Your mother is a housewife …………..?
5. Syam and Sayanth ………………?
6. Your hobby ………….?
7. You wake up …………..?
8. You have been studying …………..?
9. You studied at ……………. before coming here………….?

Choose a friend of yours and present ten statements about him/her and seek his/her confirmation. You may do this as a pair activity. Don’t forget to reverse your roles.
1. Are
2. Visited, didn’t they?
3. Doesn’t he?
4. Isn’t she?
5. Are your brothers aren’t they?
6. Is collecting stamps, isn’t it?
7. At 50’ clock, don’t you?
8. For three hours, haven’t you?
9. Kollam, didn’t you?
10. You will invite me to your house, won’t you?

Activity 2.

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 32
Now, write the sentences you have matched in the space below.
1. May, Your Highness pardon major my rashness in thinking that one of my paintings will please Your Highness.
Please pardon me for thinking that one of my paintings will please you.
2. …………………………
3. …………………………
4. …………………………
5. ………………………..
6. ………………………..
7. ………………………..
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Activity 3.

The following is a write-up by a student of Class 8 after reading the story, ‘The Mysterious Picture’. Some words are missing in it. Select appropriate words from the box below and complete the write-up.
I have read the ……………. ‘The Mysterious Picture’. I like the character …………. in the story very much. He is a ……………….. One day he visited ………….of ……………. the Archduke of …………….. He was stopped at …………… the palace by the Captain of the Guards. Later ………….. was allowed to meet the Archduke. Tyl and his companions enjoyed their life in the palace. Everybody praised his …………… But ……………. could see only…………..

the duke’s jester, painting, a blank wall, the palace, Battenburg. an interesting character, the entrance, painter, Tyl. he, the story I
Tire word/words you have used to fill in the above write – up are either nouns/ pronouns or noun phrases. A noun phrase is a word or group of words containing a noun. In the above example, ‘the duke’s jester’, jester is the headword or head noun. Nouns/ pronouns have the following properties:
1. Most of them have singular and plural forms (story- stories, I – we).
2. They can express gender (duke – duchess, he – she).
3. They can Ire used as the subject (Tyl, I, he. it) of a sentence and the object of a sentence (the story, me, him, it).
4. They have possessive forms (duke’s, my, his, her).
5. They show if someone/something is speaking (I, we) or being spoken to (you) or is being spoken about (hbf she, they, it).
the story, Tyl, painter, the palace, Battenburg, the entrance, he, painting the Duke’s jester, a blank wall

Activity 4.

Read the following paragraph and fill in the table below.
The Archduke ordered all the courtiers to assemble in the hall. Tyl addressed them, ‘My Lord, ladies and gentlemen, the picture is ready. You will now be able to see how well I have done my work. You can all admire my work. But I must warn you that there is something very special about this picture. Only those among you who have noble blood in your veins wall be able to see this painting.
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B. Now, write down your observations on how plural forms are derived from singular nouns. Can you classify them into different categories? Which are they?
C. Classify the nouns in the passage as nouns/noun phrases in the subject position and nouns/noun phrases in the object position and fill in the table. One is done for you.
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Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 36
Adding ‘s’ to get plurals
Adding ‘es’ to get plurals
Irregular plural forms

Noun phrases in the subject posit­ionNoun phrases in the object position
The Archdukeall the courtiers
Youmy work

Let’s edit

Read the paragraph written by! Sunil, a student of Class 8. There I are some errors in it which are underlined. Help Sunil to edit the errors.
Tyl reaches (a) the palace of the Archduke of Battenburg. He had to wait there for some time, the (b) Captain of the Guards (c) was play (d) chess with his friends. He stopped Tyl on (e) the gate and asked why he came over there. Tyl showed the captain a picture (f) he had drawn and asked to let him into the palace.
a. reached
b. The
c. Guards
d. was playing
e. at
f. picture

Let’s play with language

Here are a few funny questions. Try to answer them. If you cannot, guess the answer from the jumbled word given against each of them.
What can you catch but not throw? odlc
What kind of room has no doors or windows? smomurho
What is orange in color and sounds like a parrot? rtraoc
What has four fingers and a thumb, but is not living? elogv
What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night? lopwil
cold, mushroom, carrot, glove, pillow

The Mysterious Picture Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Read the excerpt given below from the story ‘ The Mysterious Picture’ and answer the questions that follow.
‘Your Highness, may it please you to remember me and my donkey, Jeff, for just one more minute,’ Tyl replied. ‘ My donkey has been feeding himself fairly well along the way on the thorns in the hedges and the grass on the roadside. But I have had nothing to eat for the past three days. My stomach has been complaining very’ loudly. Perhaps Your Highness can even hear it now. I have been feeding myself with dreams of good food and drink at your royal table.’ The Archduke smiled and said, ‘Well, my dear fellow, you will certainly have something more solid to feed on. But where is your donkey?’ ‘I left him outside, opposite the palace. I shall be most grateful if Jeff is looked after. He needs a little fodder and lodging at night,’ said Tyl. The Archduke immediately ordered the donkey to be taken care of and he added. ‘Treat it like one of my own animals.’
a. Why is Jeff, the donkey not hungry?
b. Pick out the word from the passage that means ‘ food for animals’.
c. ‘I have been feeding myself with dreams.’ What did Tyl dream of?
d. What expression does Tyl use to show that he is extremely hungry?
e. What does Archduke mean by saying, ‘something more solid than dreams’?
a. Jeff, the donkey was not hungry because he had been feeding himself fairly well along the way on the thorn in the hedges and the grass on the roadside.
b. Fodder
c. Tyl dreamt of the good food and drink at the Archduke’s royal table.
d. The expression ‘My stomach has been complaining very loudly’.
e. Delicious food on the royal table.

Question 2.
2. Read the excerpt from the story ‘ The Mysterious Picture’ and answer the questions that follow.
The Captain knew Flemish painters and their pictures were in great demand all over Europe. Tyl was presented to the Archduke. He saluted the Archduke three times and stood before him with his head bowed. “ May your Highness pardon me for my rashness is thinking that one of my paintings will please your High ness. I have brought a picture of Our Lady, the Virgin, in her royal robes. I have painted it specially so that I might lay it at your noble feet’. Tyl paused a few moments for his words to sink in. Then he continued, ‘You must forgive me, Your Highness, if I’ve dared to hope that this picture will please you. Perhaps Your Highness might wish to offer me the chair of your court painter who died recently. I can see the empty velvet chair waiting to be filled.
a. What is the speciality of Flemish paintings?
b. Pick out a line which shows Tyl’s smartness in presenting things.
c. What is the intention of Tyl?
d. Find out from the passage a word which means to ‘forgive someone’
e. According to Tyl what is it that may please the Archduke?
a. Flemish paintings had great demand all over Europe
b. He saluted the Archduke three times and stood before him with his head bowed/ May your Highness pardon me for my rashness in thinking.
c. To become the court painter
d. Pardon
e. The picture of our Lady in royal robes.

Question 3.
3. Read the passage from the story’ The Mysterious Picture’ and answer the questions that follow.
The Captain of the Guards was a tall, well- built, red haired man of about twenty- five. He was handsomely dressed in his gold- braided uniform. Tyl looked at him coolly and then dismounted from his donkey. He bowed low and said,’May God bless you ,Sir Captain!. If I look like a skeleton, It is not my fault. I ‘m very hungry. I’ve come here because I’m forced to. If you will be so good as to give me a piece of the gold cord that you wear on your coat, I’ll go and hang myself by the teeth on that large leg of mutton that I see hanging in that butcher’s shop.’ The Captain was playing a game of chess with another officer. He looked curi-ously at Tyl.
‘ Where do you come from? he asked.
‘ From Flanders,’ replied Tyl.
a. Describe the appearance of ‘ The Captain of the Guards’.
b. Name the game The Captain of the Guards played?
c. What did Tyl demand to the Captain of the Guards?
d. Find out a polite expression used by Tyl.
e. Pick out one word for ‘ To get off a horse’; bicycle or motorcycle.
(Looked; bowed; dismounted; forced )
a. Captain of Guards was a tall, well- built, red-haired man of about twenty-five. He was handsomely dressed in his gold-braided uniform.
b. Chess
c. A piece of gold cord
d. May God bless you Sir Captain e. Dismounted

Language Elements

Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the meaning different from the meaning of the original verb.
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Let us familiarise with phrasal verbs from the following example

Question 4.
One morning, Raju …………… (a) ………………. his uniform and started to school. On his way a stray dog ……………… (b) …………… him. Raju ran very fast calling out for help. The people around could not ………… (c) …………… what he was shouting for.
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a. put on
b. went after
c. make out


Question 5.
Edit the following passage.
Tyl reach (a) the palace of Archduke of Battenburg. He had to wait there for some time, die (b) Captain of the guards (c) was play (d) chess with his friends.
He stopped Tyl on (e) the gate and asked why he came over there.
a. reached
b. The
c. guards
d. was playing
e. at

Question 6.
Tyl leaves the place and on the way, he meets a boy. The conversation between them is given below. But it is not complete. Complete it suitably.
Boy: You are the court painter, …………. (a) ……………..?
Tyl: Yes, I am.
Boy:……………. (b) …………….?
Tyl: I painted a beautiful picture.
Boy: Will you please teach me the art of painting?
Tyl: Sure. If you come with me, ……………. (c) …………..
Boy:…………….. (d) ………………?
Tyl: You may come at any time.
Boy: We shall meet tomorrow morning.
Tyl : ……………..(e) ……………..
a. Aren’t you?
b. What did you paint?
c. I will teach you.
d. When shall I come?
e. Oh Sure. See you.

The Mysterious Picture  Discourse Based Questions

Conversation is a talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered or news and information are exchanged.
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Tips to remember

  • Give a good initiation
  • Try to convey the message/ content clearly.
  • Include apt expressions
  • Use short forms, short questions, broken expressions, etc.
  • Create a feeling of completion as the conversation ends.

Question 7.
Tyl asks Archduke for more time to complete his paintings. He talks to his friend about his plans. Prepare the likely conversation between them.
Tyl: Ey, Luke How are you?
Friend: Hi Tyl. I am doing good. I heard that you are the new painter at the court of the Archduke.
Tyl Yes, but I am in great trouble now.
Friend: What happened?
Tyl: It is a long story. The Archduke wants me to paint his portrait so as to leave his memory to his descendants.
Friend: Oh Great.
Tyl: The Archduke demanded me to paint all the courtiers as such but the courtier demanded that I should make them more attractive than they actually were. If I paint the picture as directed by the Archduke, I will be killed by the courtiers. If my picture satisfies the whims of the courtiers I will be killed by the Archduke.
Friend: Oh my God! So sad. What will you do again?
Tyl: I have thought of an idea. I am going to tell them that only those who have noble blood in their veins can see the painting. All the rest would only see a blank wall. This is the only way I found to escape from them. Yesterday I had asked the Archduke more time to finish the painting and he gave me two more days.
Friend: That’s a good idea hut be careful. If anyone finds out you will be in more trouble. 1
Tyl: Yes I must be alert.

Character Sketch
Character sketch is a brief written description of a person’s character.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 40

Tips to remember

  • Describe the role and significance of the character in the story.
  • Note the physical features including the dress code.
  • Write about the character’s relationship with the other characters in the story.
  • Check the errors and appropriateness of language.

Question 8.
Prepare a character sketch of Tyl Ulenspiegel, the protagonist of the story ‘The Mysterious Picture’.
Tyl was a Flemish painter. He was slim and looked like a skeleton. He always wore a cap with three feathers on it. He has a donkey named Jeff. He was cunning and tricky. He had a good sense of humor and valued his own freedom and creativity.

An announcement is a public statement that’s usually formal and has a specific purpose.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 41

Tips to remember

  • There should be a suitable salutation.
  • You may present a gist of the subject in the content part.

Question 9.
After showing the mysterious picture, Tyl fled from the palace. The Archduke assigns his senior guard to make an announcement to the public to find Tyl. Prepare the text for the announcement.
Dear Citizens of Battenburg,
It is saddening to tell you that a cunning painter from Flanders has cheated our Archduke. His name is Tyl Ulenspigel. He had received a hundred pieces of gold to draw a portrait of the Archduke accompanied by the others who adorned the court. All the required materials were provided for the painter to complete the painting. But he tricked everybody and left the place. The painter named Tyl was seen accompanied with donkey called Jeff. He is thin as a skeleton and wore a cap with three bright feathers on it. Anyone which finds him and brings him to the palace will be rewarded two hundred pieces of gold

Narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 42

Tips to remember

  • Recall the events in order
  • Portray the characters well
  • Narrate the events appropriately keeping the context.

Question 10.
Imagine that you are one among the courtiers who witnessed the whole events till Tyl revealed the picture in front of the courtiers. Narrate the happenings at the court to one of your friends.

(Hints: Tyl – a smart painter- very talkative- wishes to be court painter- secures food and luxury for his team and his donkey- flatters the Archduke – Tyl in danger – invents a trick – plays it on all courtiers – leaves with all fortune)
Tyl wanted to become the painter at court of the Archduke. He had a good sense of humor and valued his own freedom and creativity. He had a donkey called Jeff along with him. He showed the painting of Our Lady, The Virgin’ to the Archduke. The Archduke was flattered by the painting and gave Tyl the position of the court painter. One day the Archduke wanted his portrait to be drawn by Tyl. Tyl being clever convinced the Archduke that he wouldn’t feel happy about the painting without the others in it. The Archduke accepted his idea and commanded him to draw a portrait which included her highness, the noble generals and the captains.

Tyl was granted hundred gold pieces in advance. The next day as per Tyl’s wish all the courtiers who were to painted came to see him one by one. The Commander in chief of the army was a pleasant-looking fellow. But he wanted himself to be painted handsome and threatened to hang Tyl otherwise. Threats like these followed. But the King commanded that the painting should be very I real and if Tyl missed anything in it, he would be slaughtered like a pig. Tyl understood that he was in danger. So he invented a trick. When everybody came to see 1 the painting he told them that only those who had noble blood in their veins would be able to see the painting. All the rest would only see a blank wall. All started to admire the painting. Suddenly the Duke’s jester came and told that he was a fool and he had no blue blood in his veins but even then he couldn’t see the picture. Hearing this Tyl calmly paced away from the hall and ran for hisdffe on his donkey.

A profile is an information about a person’s life, work, interests etc.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 43

Tips to remember

  • Read the information/details of the person.
  • Sequence the given details
  • Use proper linkers to connect ideas
  • Give a title

Question 11.
Prepare a short profile of Charles De Coster using the hints given below.
Name: Charles De Coster
Birth: 1827
Place of Birth: Munich
Famous as: Father of Belgian literature
Notable works: The Legend of Tyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak
Death: 1879
Charles De Coster:
Charles De Coster was born in 1827 in Munich. He was famous as the Father of Belgian Literature. The Legend of Tyl and Lamme Goedzak are his notable works. He passed away in 1879.

Question 12.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs choosing the right options from the brackets.
[ bring up, carry away, into, go over, sympathize with, look into]
a. I find it difficult to …………… him.
b. We shall have to ………….. this matter at the meeting.
c. They have …………….. the first prize.
d. How do you convert gallons ……………. liters?
e. We should …………. the plan again.
a. sympathize with
b. go over
c. carried away
d. into
e. go over

The Mysterious Picture Summary in English

This chapter is based on the events that occur upon the arrival of Tyl Ulenspiegel at the court of the Archduke. He wanted to become the court painter. Impressed by his painting ‘Our Lady, the Virgin’ the Archduke accepted his wish and gave him the position. One day, the Archduke wanted his portrait to be drawn by Tyl. Tyl being clever convinced the Archduke that he wouldn’t feel happy about the painting without others in it. The Archduke accepted his idea and commanded him to draw a portrait which included Her Highness, the noble generals and the captains who adored him. Tyl was granted a hundred gold pieces in advance. The next day as per Tyl’s wish all the courtiers who were to be painted came to see him one by one.

The Commander-in-Chief of the army wasn’t a pleasant-looking fellow. But he wanted himself to be painted handsome and threatened to hang Tyl otherwise. Threats like these followed. But the King commanded that the painting should be very real and if Tyl if issued anything in it, he would be slaughtered like a pig. The picture was finished. Everyone came to see this wonderful piece, of art. Suddenly Tyl said that only those who had noble blood in their veins would be able to see the painting. All the rest would only see a blank canvas. It turned out to be that the courtiers started to show more admiration to the painting than the others. Suddenly, the Duke’s Jester came and told that he was a fool and he had no blue blood in his veins but even then he couldn’t see the picture. Hearing all this, Tyl calmly paced away from the hall and ran for his life on his donkey!

The Mysterious Picture Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 44

The Mysterious Picture Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 45
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture 46

Taj Mahal Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 1 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download Taj Mahal Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Taj Mahal (Rabindranath Tagore)

Std 8 English Textbook Taj Mahal Picture Questions and Answers

Taj Mahal Poem Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
What, in the poet’s view, are the things that would float away down the stream of time?
Poem Taj Mahal By Rabindranath Tagore Kerala Syllabus 8th
Life, youth, wealth and renown – all float away down the stream of time.

Taj Mahal Poem Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
What do you think was Shah Jahan’s ‘heart’s pain’?
Taj Mahal Poem Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
The memories of his beloved wife, Mumtaz. He wanted to preserve it by building a monument.

Taj Mahal Poem 8th Class Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Why is ‘imperial power’ compared to the splendor of sunset?
Taj Mahal Poem 8th Class Kerala Syllabus
Like the sunset, imperial power also diminishes/fades.

Taj Mahal Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
Pick out the lines which mean emeralds, rubies and pearls are transient.
Taj Mahal Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
“Though emerald, rubies, pearls are all But as the glitter of a rainbow trick¬ing out empty air And must pass away”

Taj Mahal Poem Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 5.
‘All float away down the stream of time’. What image do you get from this line?
Taj Mahal Poem Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 8th
The visual image of things floating down the stream of time gives us the idea that whatever is worldly will perish oneday.

Taj Mahal Poem Line By Line Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 6.
Pick out two instances of simile from the poem.
Taj Mahal Poem Line By Line Explanation Kerala Syllabus 8th
i. The harsh thunder of imperial power Would fade into sleep Like a sunset’s crimson splendor
ii. ii. Though emeralds, rubies, pearls are all But as the glitter of a rainbow tricking out empty air And must pass away,

Taj Mahal Textbook Activities And Answers

Taj Mahal Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 1.

In this poem, the poet uses similes and metaphors. A simile is a figure of speech that draws comparison between two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.
Pick out instances of similes from the poem.
Instance of similes from the poem

  • Like a sunset’s crimson splendor
  • As the glitter of rainbow tricking out empty air.

Taj Mahal Poem In English Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 2.

Poets use various images to lead the readers to a sensory experience. Images often give us mental pictures that appeal to our senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Pick out instances of visual and auditory (sound) images from the poem. One is done for you.
Taj Mahal Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th

1. CrimsonHarsh thunder
2. splendor
3. Rainbow sign

Taj Mahal 8th Standard Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 3.

Write down words from the poem related to transience and eternity.
Taj Mahal Poem In English Kerala Syllabus 8th


Taj Mahal Additional Questions and Answers

Taj Mahal Poem By Rabindranath Tagore Summary Question 1.
Read the lines from the poem ‘Taj Mahal’ and answer the following questions.
You knew, Emperor of India, Shah Jahan,
That Life, youth,wealth, renown
All float away down the stream of time
Your only dream
Was to preserve forever your heart’s pain
The harsh thunder of imperial power
Would fade into deep
Like a sunset’s crimson splendour,
But it was your hope
That at least a single, eternally- heaved sigh would stay
To grieve the sky
a. Who does the poet address as ‘you’ in the poem?
b. What does the expression ‘float away down the stream of time’ signify?
c. Pick out an instance of simile from the above lines?
d. What does the expression ‘heart pain’ refer to?
e. Pick out the word which is related to ‘Kingship’.
a. Emperor of India Shahjahan.
b. They are transient.
c. Like a sunset’s crimson splendor
d. The loss of memories of his beloved queen.
e. Imperial

Taj Mahal Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
Prepare a short profile of Rabindranath Tagore using the hints given below.
Born: 1861
Famous as: poet, short story writer, musician, educationist, and philosopher
Achievement: The first non – European to win the Nobel Prize for literature.
Important Works: Gitanjali, The Golden Boat, Cabuliwalah, The Post office, The Broken Nest, etc
Died: 1941
Rabindranath Tagore:
Rabindranath Tagore was born in 1861. He was famous as a poet, short story writer, musician, educationist, and philosopher. He was the first non- European to win the Nobel Prize for literature. His important works are Gitanjali, The Golden Boat, Cabuliwalah, The Post Office and The Broken Nest. He passed away in 1941.

Taj Mahal Summary in English

Rabindranath Tagore was a great admirer of ‘Taj Mahal’. According to some, he could feel the soul of Taj Mahal. He goes beyond the materialistic aspect of the monument. For Shah Jahan it was not just a beautifully carved building made of white marble. It was an expression of his love for his late wife Mumtaz Mahal. According to the poet, life, youth, money, power etc., will come and go. Only the feelings and memories built by love will remain in the hearts of people. Thus Taj Mahal being a symbol of love and memory of Shah Jahan’s beloved will remain forever.

Taj Mahal Summary in Malayalam

Taj Mahal 8th Standard Kerala Syllabus 8th

Taj Mahal Glossary

Taj Mahal Poem By Rabindranath Tagore Summary
Taj Mahal Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 8th

A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 2 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Std 8 English Textbook A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions and Answers

A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
What happened to the narrator?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
The narrator was in the middle of the ocean after a shipwreck. The ship plunged into an abyss and disappeared

The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions And Answers 8th Question 2.
What appeared reassuring to the narrator?
The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor Questions And Answers 8th
Other sailors were also having the same predicament as the narrator. It was reassuring to him.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 3.
‘I made it on the third try.’ What did the narrator do on the third try?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Answer:
The narrator made an attempt to grab the rigging and jump aboard.

The Shipwrecked Sailor Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
‘Then I saw three of my mates near the raft. Who were the three shipmates Velasco saw?
The Shipwrecked Sailor Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
Castillo, Caraballo and Luis Rengifo were the three shipmates whom Velasco saw.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 8 Question Answer Kerala Syllabus  Question 5.
Could Velasco save Ramon Herrera? Why?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Class 8 Question Answer Kerala Syllabus
No. The liferaft was almost two meters away and it was very heavy in that lurching sea and he had to row against the wind. So he was unable to reach Herrera.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 6.
What were Eduardo Castillo and Julio Amador Carahallo doing?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
A Shipwrecked Sailor Question Answer:
Caraballo, with Castillo clinging to his neck was struggling hard to swim towards the raft.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 7.
What kind of a man was Luis Rengifo?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th
He was a bold and confident person who was not ready to give up till the end.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 8.
What happened to Caraballo and Castillo?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Lesson Activities Kerala Syllabus 8th
Caraballo had vanished with Castillo hanging on to his neck.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 9.
What was the absurd thing do ’ ne by the narrator?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th
Knowing that he couldn’t move for-ward, the narrator put the oar in the water as though trying to prevent the raft from moving trying to anchor it in place.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 10.
How did Amador and Castillo vanish?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
Amador Caraballo and Castillo had almost reached the raft when a huge wave struck. Later, the narrator un-derstood that they had vanished with the waves.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 11.
‘I made a last try.’ What was the ‘last try’ made by Velasco? Was he successful in it?
A Shipwrecked Sailor Notes Kerala Syllabus 8th
Velasco tried to row towards Rengifo to rescue him. However, he was not successful. He sank forever less than two meters from the oar.

Class 8 English A Shipwrecked Sailor Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
‘I kept searching the water, hoping that someone would surface soon.’ Did anyone come to the surface? Why?
Class 8 English A Shipwrecked Sailor Kerala Syllabus
No, all the other shipmates were drowned.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 13.
Pick out the image that describes the sun.
A Shipwrecked Sailor Activities Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th
The sun was hot and metallic.

Shipwrecked Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 14.
‘…hut, I tried to resign myself to it.’ What did Velasco resign himself to?
Shipwrecked Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th
The narrator resigned himself to the fact that he was alone at sea and had no food and water.

8th Standard English Unit 2 Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
Why did Velasco splash water over his head?
8th Standard English Unit 2 Kerala Syllabus
The Velasco splashed water on his head as he had lost his cap and the sun was burning his head and skin.

The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 16.
‘…but when I did, I was startled.’ Why was Velasco startled?
The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th
Velasco was startled because he saw a half-moon shaped wound on the lower part of his knee.

Hss Live Guru 8 English Kerala Syllabus Question 17.
What were the items in the list of belongings of Velasco?
Hss Live Guru 8 English Kerala Syllabus
A gold ring, a watch, a chain with a medal of the Virgin of Carmen, keys to his locker, three business cards, etc were the items in the list of his belongings.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Text book Activities And Answers

Let’s revisit

Shipwrecked Sailor Meaning In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th Activity 1.

Fill in the following mind map of the story ‘A Shipwrecked Sailor’.
Shipwrecked Sailor Meaning In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 8th
Characters: Julio Amador Caraballo, Castillo, Luis Rengifo, and Ramon Herrera.
Events :
1 .Velasco and his shipmates were travelling from Mobile to Colombia.
2. He lost his shipmates in the shipwreck.
3. He managed to get on to raft.
4. He floated on the raft for many days alone in the sea, without food and water.

Activity 2.

You have identified the major events of the story, haven’t you? Here’s a graphic story for you. Study the pictures carefully and write the appropriate events from the story in the space provided. Try to add possible dialogues too. Now you can narrate the story from the point of view of Velasco. Some events are given to help you.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 19
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Activity 3.

Which event in the story do you j think is the most tragic? Why?
Event: Caraballo had vanished with Castillo hanging on to his neck.
Reason : They were less than three meters away from Velasco’s raft. He could hold out an oar for them to grab. At that moment a gigantic wave lifted the raft.

Let’s enrich our vocabulary

Activity 1.

Look at the opening sentence of the story, ‘My first impression was that I was utterly alone in the middle of the ocean.’ Here the narrator describes his experience of a shipwreck in first person. How would the sentence change if he expressed the salhe in third person?
‘ ……………. first impression was that …………… was utterly alone in the middle of the ocean.’ The possessive form of nouns are made by adding ‘-s” to the nouns, e.g. Sajina’s book, Rahul’s bat, etc. But in the case of pronouns, the words take new forms. The possessive of ‘I’ is ‘my’. Find the possessive forms of the pronouns we, you, he, she, they, and it. Use each pronoun and its possessive in sentences of your own.
Velasco’s first impression was that he was utterly alone in the middle of the ocean.
I — my
We — our
You — your
He — his
She — her
They — their
It — its
I love my India.
We sold our old car.
You should help vour neighbors.
He resigned his job.
She lives with her grandparents.
They don’t want to leave their house.
It is very funny to see it trying to catch
its own tail.

Activity 2.

Look at some of the words used in the story.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 36
It can be seen that the suffixes ‘-ly’, ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’ are used after the root word. You can also see that some elements are added before the root word.
‘un-’, ‘dis-’, ‘in-’, and ‘re-’, respecti-vely are added before the root word. These are examples of prefixes in English.
Fill in the following table with prefixed words identified from the story or with such words from a dictionary.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 37
un — unload, un recognise, unhappy, undress, uncountable, unfortunate
dis — disappear, dishonest, disgrace, distaste, dislocated, disagree
in — indefinite, injustice, invisible, inactive, inappropriate, insufficient
re — reassuring, reappear, relearn, revalue, reconsider, rewind

Activity 3.

Fill in the blanks in the following passage picking up the right words given in the box.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 38
I can’t ……….. (a) ………… what it would be like to be alone. My………..(b) …………. of it is really frightening. I am saying this based on the ………. (c) ……….. I got from my reading. I also ………(d) ………… that floating on the ………….. (e) ……….. of the sea on a boat alone is a more frightening experience than being trapped in a forest.
a. Contemplate
b. Impression
c. Evidence
d. Recognise
e. surface

Let’s write

Activity 1.

The narrator was given a heroic welcome by the people of his locality. Imagine that he narrates his exper¬ience in a public meeting. Write the possible speech the narrator might have delivered.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to be in front of you ………………………
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, lam very happy to be in front of you. I have never thought that I would be alive and be among my dear ones. It was a terrible experience at sea. The shipwreck, the loss of my friends, the terrible loneliness, the hunger and thirst and then the miraculous escape are all quite incredible and unimaginable. I don’t know how I could tolerate and manage all those adverse situations. Even now, when I think of it, I feel the terror enveloping all over my body. But it’s all over.

This difficult experience has taught me a lesson that we should not yield to any hardships in life. Tolerance, perseverance, and confidence can lead us to victory. Anyway, I’m very much grateful to my beloved ones for giving me such a wonderful reception in my home town. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you. Let me conclude with these words face the challenges boldly, ultimate success will be yours. Thank You. Have a nice day.

Activity 2.

The story, ‘The Shipwrecked Sailor’ is narrated from the point of view of a man involved in a shipwreck. If you were Valesco’s friend, how would you narrate the story You may begin like this.
Velasco and his four friends were sailing through the Caribbean Sea. Suddenly ……………….
Velasco and his four friends were sailing through the Caribbean Sea. Suddenly, the ship plunged into an abyss and disappeared. He thought that he was utterly alone in the sea. Soon, he began to hear shouts nearby. He recognized the voice of his friend Caraballo. Soon he saw that his other shipmates were also thrown into the sea. They were shouting to one another to stay afloat. Two life rafts appeared unexpectedly on the crest of the wave. Velasco swam for about three minutes and struggled to grab it.

Finally, he jumped aboard. Castillo, Caraballo and Luis Rengifo were trying to stay above the water and reach the raft. He grabbed the oars and tried to get close to the men. At that time he saw the fourth of his mates, Ramon Herrera, who was waving at him while he held on to a crate. Velasco began to paddle furiously. It was very heavy in that lurching sea, and he had to row against the wind. When he looked around he saw that Herrera had disappeared, Rengifo was swimming confidently towards the raft. Meanwhile, a gigantic wave lifted the raft. After that he found that Caraballo had vanished with Castillo. Rengifo was still swimming calmly towards the raft.

In an instant, Velasco was five meters away from Rengifo and had lost sight of him. Velasco tried to row, but it was in vain. He made a last try to save Rengifo. Unfortunately, he was not successful and Rengifo sank forever, less that two meters from the oar. Velasco was alone at sea without food and water. He sat on the side of the raft waiting to be rescued. Uncertain as to what to do he decided to make an inventory of his belongings. Since he had nothing else to do, he read the cards over and over to distract himself until he was rescued.

Activity 3.

Read the following sentences in the ‘Sentences’ column. Change them into news headlines and write them in the ‘News headlines’ column.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 39

SentencesNews headlines
The sailor Velasco was given a heroic welcome in a public meeting at his hometown.A Heroic Welcome given to Velasco
The Colombian Navy continues their sear­ch to recover the bodi­es of the four sailors drowned in the Carib­bean Sea.Sailors Drowned, Search Continu­es. /Ship Capsizes; Search continues on for Sailors.

Four Colombian Sailors drowned
Colombia: 28 Nov : 1955 Caldas, a Colombian ship was wrecked in Caribbean sea and four sailors were downed. The ship was traveling from Mobile, Alabama to Colombia. Among the sailors, Velasco was rescued while four of his shipmates, Castillo, Caraballo, Luis Rengifo and Remon Herrera drowned. The Caribbean navy started searching for the dead bodies. It is told that many rescue workers will join the team the next day.

Activity 4.

Imagine that you are asked to prepare breaking news of the shipwreck and the death of the sailors for a TV channel. Write the possible breaking news headlines and present them orally in front of the class.
Colombian shipwrecked in Caribbean sea.

Let’s speak

Activity 1.

Prepare ten questions for inter¬viewing the narrator (Velasco), who quite unbelievably escaped from the shipwreck. You may attempt this as a pair activity in which one of you can be the interviewer and the other the narrator.

  • When did you first sense the danger?
  • Were you prepared to face such a disaster?
  • What gave you the strength to remain afloat?
  • What were your feelings when you saw your shipmates drowning?
  • Why were your shipmates unable to survive?
  • How did it feel to be alone at sla?
  • What precautions do you think ships should take to face such disasters?
  • Did you feel like giving up at any point of time?
  • Has this incident left any lasting impression on you?
  • What are your future plans?

Activity 2.

Suppose you are one of the speak¬ers at a function in which the narrator (Velasco) is being congratulated. Deliver a speech congratulating him for his brave deed.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We have gathered here to honor Mr. Velasco, the only survivor of the Colombian shipwreck. As we all know, his survival is quite miraculous and heroic. We really appreciate his bravery and presence of mind. His patience and perseverance should be honored. He is a real hero by all means. He would be a role model for the coming generation. It’s my privilege to congratulate Mr. Velasco on behalf of all of us. Let his bravery be an inspiration to us. With this note let me conclude my words.
Thank you. Have a nice day.

Let’s discover how grammar works

Activity 1.

Look at the sentences taken from the story.
a) A rough wave pushed the rafts.
b) It was very heavy in that lurching sea.
c) A gigantic wave lifted the raft.
d) His serenity was stronger than the sea. The words underlined in these sentences describe the nouns. These words belong to the word class called adjectives. Adjectives have three degrees of comparison.
1. In the sentence, ‘His serenity was strong.’ the word ‘strong’ is in the positive degree
2. In the sentence, ‘His serenity was stro¬nger than the sea.’ the word ‘stronger’ is in the comparative degree.
3. In the sentence, ‘His serenity was the strongest.’ the word ‘strongest’ is in the superlative degree.
Now, look at the following chart and complete the sentences below using the suitable degrees of the adjective ‘tali’.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 40
1. ‘A’ is …………………
2. ‘C’ is …………………
3. But ‘B’ is ………….
Do all adjectives follow the same pattern in forming their comparative and superlative forms?
Write your findings below citing three examples for. each case.
1. A is not as tall as C.
2. C is taller than A.
3. But B is the tallest.
Certain adjectives form comparative and superlative forms with ‘more’ and ‘most’.
E.g Beauty: more beautiful, most beautiful. Certain other adjectives take different forms for comparative and superlative degrees.
E.g good: better, best.

Activity 2.

Fill in the following passage with ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘the’.
I made ………….. last try so that Rengifo could reach ………….. oar, but ……………. raised hand, which ……………. few minutes earlier had been trying to keep …………. headphones from sinking, sank forever.
1. a
2. the
3. the
4. a
5. the

Activity 3.

Now, complete the word pyramid given below picking up appropriate determ¬iners and adjectives from the box and placing them in the correct position,
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 41
Construct word pyramids using the words: ‘sea’, ‘sailor’ and ‘traveler’.
a wound
a deep wound
a deep half-moon shaped wound Sea

a sea
a deep-sea
a deep blue sea

a sailor
a shipwrecked sailor
a young shipwrecked sailor

a traveler
a lonely traveler
a tired lonely traveler

Let’s edit

Read the short summary of ‘The Shipwrecked Sailor’. There are some errors in it which are underlined. Edit the errors.
In 1955, a Colombian ship was on its way back home, where the ship was caught in a storm. Eight men was flung off the ship, going overboard into the Caribbean Sea. Just one – Luis Alejandro Velasco – survive. For ten days, he clung to a life raft. Suffering from hunger and lack of water, he completely gave up hope when he was washed ashore in Colombia. The author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, when was working as a journalist is granted a series of exclusive interviews by Velasco. He writes these up and published them under Velasco’s name.
a) when
b) were
d) survived
d) who
e) was
f) wrote

Let’s play with language

Here is a poem with a lot of adjectives.
Read the poem and list the adjectives.
Two Funny, Little Red Apples
Two funny, little red apples
Fell from a tree one day.
Both small apples rolled and rolled Till they got far away.
They rolled into a big, green yard,
Right past three white dogs.
They rolled right past a cold, blue lake, And over four brown logs.
They didn’t stop. They kept on going, Fast as a speeding train.
Until they felt some small, wet drops Fall from the dark sky as rain.
They rolled into a pretty, new house, Where a kind lady made them dry.
Then she put the two clean, red apples Into her fruit salad!
Now, you may write a poem like the one above on any of the fruits you like. Don’t forget to change the adjectives.
Adjectives: funny, little, red, small, big, green, white, cold, blue, four brown, speeding, small, wet, dark, pretty, new, kind, dry, two, clean.

Two Little Yellow Mangoes:
Two little mangoes hanging on a tree
Two yellow mangoes looking at me
I shook the small tree as hard as I could
Down came the yummy mangoes
Yum Yum so good
I cut the tasty mangoes and put it in my
Tasty syrupy juicy mangoes
I loved it a lot

A Shipwrecked Sailor Additional Questions & Answers

Questions 1-4. Read the excerpt given below from the story ‘ The Ship-wrecked sailor’ and answer the questions that follow.

My first impression was that I was utterly alone in the middle of the ocean. The ship plunged into an abyss and disappeared. I had no idea what was happening. I took one of the bobbing crates and stupidly began to contemplate the sea. It was a perfectly clear day. Except for the choppy waves produced by the wind and the cargo scattered across the surface, there was no evidence of a shipwreck. Soon I began to hear shouts nearby. Through the sharp whistling of the wind, I recognized the voice of Julio Amador Caraballo, the tall, well-built officer who was yelling at someone, Fatso, hold there.’ It was as if in that instant I had awakened from a deep moment’s sleep.

It dawned on me that I wasn’t alone in the sea. There, only a few meters away, my mates were shouting to one another and trying to stay afloat. Quickly I began to think. I couldn’t swim in just any direction. I knew we were about fifty miles from Cartagena, but I was not yet frightened. For a moment I thought I could hold on to the crate indefinitely until help arrived. It was reas¬suring to know that all around me other sailors were in the same predicament. That was when I saw the raft.
1. What happened to the narrator?
2. What was Caraballo yelling?
3. Pick out a word from the passage which means ‘moving up and down in a short quick movement’.
4. Why was the narrator reassured?
1. The narrator was in the middle of the ocean after a shipwreck. The ship plunged into an abyss and disappeared.
2. Fatso, hold there.
3. bobbing
4. Other sailors were also having the same predicament as the narrator. It was reas¬suring to him to prevent the raft from moving, trying to anchor it in place.

Question 5.
Edit the following passage.
I tried (a) two-row, but… it was as hopeless (b) has the first time. I made (c) an last try so that Rengifo could reach the oar, but the raised hand, which a few minutes earlier had been trying to keep the headphones (d) for sinking, sank forever, less than two meters from the oar.
a. to
b. as
c. a
d. from

Question 6.
Edit the passage correcting the errors.
There is (a) two life rafts about seven meters apart. They appear (b) unexpectedly of (c) the crest of a wave, near where my mates are (d) calling out.
a. were
b. appeared
c. on
d. were


A letter is a written message from one person to another.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 42

Tips to remember

  • Identify the person who writes the letter.
  • Identify the person to whom the letter is written.
  • Identify the form of letter ( formal or informal)
  • Style of Salutation
  • Body
  • Closing

Question 7.
Velasco has a miraculous escape after surviving in the open sea for ten days. After reaching home, he writes a letter to his friend sharing his experiences. Draft the likely letter.
Dear Mike,
How are you? Hope you are doing good. I am very happy to write to you. I never thought that I would be alive and be among my dear ones. I and four of my friends were sailing through the Caribbean Sea. Suddenly the ship plunged into an abyss and disappeared. I thought that I was utterly alone in the sea. Soon I began to hear shouts nearby. I recognized the voice of my friend Caraballo. Soon I saw that my other shipmates were also thrown into the sea. I saw two life rafts unexpect¬edly on the crest of the wave. I swam for about three minutes and struggled to grab it. Finally, I managed to jump aboard. Castillo, Caraballo and Luis Rengifo were trying to stay above the water and reach the raft.

I grabbed the oars and tried to stay close to my friends. At that time I saw my fourth mate Ramon Herrera | who was waving at me. I began to paddle furiously. It was very heavy in the lurching sea, and I had to row against the wind. I looked around and sav\#that Herrera had disappeared. Rengifo was swimming confidently towards the raft. After that, I found out that Caraballo had vanished with Castillo. I saw Rengifo swimming towards the raft. I was five meters away from Rengifo. I tried to row, but it was in vain. I made a last try to save Rengifo. Unfortunately, I was not successful and Rengifo sank forever. I was alone at sea without food and water until I was rescued. Thank God I was saved. Convey my regards to all at home. Waiting for your reply.
With Love,
Your Friend Velasco


A notice is a written information of an event or a programme.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 43

Tips to remember

  • Identify the programme/ event or the type of notice to be prepared.
  • Prepare an invitation to invite the people.
  • Use appropriate format and layout of notice.
  • Mention the date, time and venue of the programme.
  • Use clear and brief language.
  • Specify the person/ authority who issues the notice.

Question 8.
The English Club of ypur school has decided to stage a play based on the lesson ‘ A Ship Wrecked Sailor’. Prepare a notice to inform the staff and students about the programme.
A Play Presented By English Club



The English Club of GHSS Kollam has decided to stage a one-act play based on the story ‘ The Shipwrecked Sailor’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez as a part of the Annual day celebration in our school. The members of the English Club have prepared | the script and directed the play. Sri. M.t Vasudevan Nair, renowned screenplay writer, and film director has consented to inaugurate the staging of the play.

All are welcome

English Club

Programme Details
Date: 25/02/2018
Time : 4: 00 pm
Venue: School auditorium
Welcome speech: Secretary, English Club
Presidential Address: Headmaster
Inauguration: Sri M.T Vasudevan Nair
Felicitation: School Leader
Vote of Thanks: Joint Secretary, English Club

Question 9.
After the eventful escape, Velasco meets one of his friends. Prepare the likely conversation between them.
Friend: Ey, Velasco. How are you?
Velasco: Hello, Francis I am fine.
Friend: I heard about your great escape
Velasco: It was a terrible experience. I never thought that I would escape alive.
Friend: Thank God. I am so happy to see you alive.
Velasco: Yes, Even now when I think of it, I feel the terror enveloping all over my body. But It’s all over.
Friend: It is your tolerance and perseverance that helped you.
Velasco: I lost four of my friends in the shipwreck. I feel so sad that I couldn’t save any one of them.
Friend: That’s so sad. It’s not your fault. You tried to save them. But unfortunately, things didn’t come outright.
Velasco: Yes, This difficult experience has taught me a lesson that we should not yield to any hardships in life.
Friend: Yes. Your bravery is an inspiration to the upcoming generation.

Question 10.
Write a profile of famous writer ‘Gabriel Garcia Marquez’. Hints are given below.
Birth: 1928
Nationality: Columbia
Famous as: Novelist, Short story writer, and Journalist.
Major works: One Hundred Years of Solitude Love in the Time of Cholera
Awards: Nobel Prize for literature (1982), Neustadt International Prize for literature (1972)
Death: April 2014
Gabriel Garcia Marquez:
Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in 1928 in Columbia. He was famous as a novel¬ist, short story writer, screenwriter, and journalist. One Hundred Years of Soli¬tude and Love in the Time of Cholera are his notable works. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature (1982) and Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 1972. He passed away on April 2014.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary in English

[This story is about a twenty-year-old young man called Luis Alejandro Velasco. He was washed overboard and put into the Caribbean Sea, because of a shipwreck. In a raft he spent ten days without food and water. This story says how Velasco reached in such a sad situation.]

In the beginning, I felt that I was all alone in the midst of the sea. Our ship was completely destroyed in the storm. Catching on a crate I somehow managed to swim. It was a bright sunny day. I could see only the scattered cargo and huge waves around me. The sea was so calm that there was no evidence of the disaster remaining. Suddenly I could hear some sounds around me. I could recognize the voice of Julio Amador Caraballo who was a well-built man. ‘Stand there Fatso’. He was shouting. I suddenly woke up as though from a short sleep.

I recognized that I was not alone in the sea. My shipmates were trying hard to escape from the sea. We were fifty miles away from Cartagena. But I was not scared. I hoped that I would spend my time till I get a shelter. I was sure that my friends were also in the same state. At that time I came across a raft. There were two rafts. The rafts were seven meters away from me. The rafts were near my friends. Suddenly one of the rafts disappeared. I swam towards the searching my friends. There were two, Castillo and Caraballo. Caraballo was wearing a life jacket and was carrying Castillo on his neck.

They were seen ten metre away from me. On another side of the sea Luis Rengifo was swimming with his headphone. He had removed his shirt so as to swim easily. He did not have a life jacket. If I had not seen him also I could recognize his voice. I somehow managed to make myself near them, Castillo and Caraballo were nearing the raft. I could see Herrara too who was waving his hand. I could not decide to which direction I should move. I aimed at Herrera who was two meters away from my raft. The storm was flowing heavily. So I could not succeed in reaching Herrera. Herrera disappeared. Rengifo was swimming confidently. He would succeed I thought because he was a brave man.

On the other side Caraballo and Castillo were seen three meters away. I put the oar towards them. Suddenly a big wave came and the raft was drifted. After that when I searched for them I could not see them Caraballo and Castillo were not seen. Rengifo was still swimming towards me. He was very tired. I could hear his voice saying ‘Fatso row fatso’. There was a heavy storm. I shouted and said that I could not row towards him. I did not know whether he heard it or not. I could see him on the surface. He was waving his hand. Slowly he disappeared. I rowed my raft helplessly. Unfortunately two meters away he was drowned. I could not save him. I was shocked and could not move. Like a dog’s howling the wind was flowing. I hoped that the other raft would have saved my friends. It would surely get it, I hoped. Suddenly I was aware of the hot sun.

My head and whole body were burning due to heat. I looked at my watch. It was at 11.30 the shipwreck happened. Within ten minutes everything went wrong. Now I could see the calm sea around me as if nothing had happened. Within two or three hours someone would come and save me; I wished. At three o’clock I felt very thirsty. There was no water or food with me. I poured water on my head so that it became cool. I sat on my raft. Suddenly I felt a severe pain on my knee. There was a big wound. I poured salt water on it, it became dry. I started searching for my belongings. I found the solitude very distressing. By seeing my belongings I escaped from my solitude. Thinking so I found my watch, my gold ring, the keys of my locker in the ship and the cars which I bought from mobile. I spent my time by repeatedly watching my cards. Someone ‘would come and save me’ I hoped.

A Shipwrecked Sailor Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 44
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 45
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 46

A Shipwrecked Sailor Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 47
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 A Shipwrecked Sailor 48

From The Merchant of Venice Questions and Answers Class 8 English Unit 5 Chapter 2 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download From The Merchant of Venice Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 2  helps you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Hindi Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 2 The Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)

Std 8 English Textbook From The Merchant of Venice Questions and Answers

The Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Why did Bassanio approach Antonio?
The Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus
Bassanio approached Antonio to borrow money as he wanted to dress himself up as a suitor to Portia, the rich heiress.

The Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Who was Shylock and how did he become rich?
The Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus
Shylock was a money lender. He became rich by lending money at a very high interest to the merchants.

Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus  Question 3.
Why did Shylock hate Antonio?
Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus
Merchant of Venice Questions and Answer:
Because Antonio used to lend money to the needy without taking any interest.

The Merchant Of Venice Question Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
What was Antonio’s attitude towards Shylock?
The Merchant Of Venice Question Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
Antonio disliked Shylock.

The Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
What were the conditions in the bond signed between Antonio and Shylock?
The Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
If he didn’t repay the money in time, he would forfeit a pound of flesh, to be cut off from any part of his body.

Merchant Of Venice Question Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
‘No’, cried Bassanio, ‘you shall run no such risk for me’. What is the risk referred to here?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 2 The Merchant of Venice 6
Merchant Of Venice Question Answers Kerala Syllabus
The risk is that Antonio may lose his life if they are unable to pay the debt.

Merchant Of Venice Summary For Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
What were the caskets made of?
Merchant Of Venice Summary For Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
The first casket was made of gold, the second one silver and third one was made of lead.

The Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
Why did Portia arrive in Venice disguised as a lawyer?
The Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
To help Antonio

Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
Why did Shylock insist on having the pound of flesh?
Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Pdf Kerala Syllabus
He wanted to take revenge on Antonio whom he hated.

The Merchant Of Venice Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Why did Shylock refuse the money offered by Bassanio?
The Merchant Of Venice Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus
Because he wanted to see Antonio dead.

The Merchant Of Venice Question Answer Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
‘Hearing this, Shylock was totally confused’. Why was Shy-lock confused?
The Merchant Of Venice Question Answer Kerala Syllabus
It was utterly impossible for Shylock to cut off the pound of flesh without shedding Anotonio’s blood.

The Merchant Of Venice Question Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Why was Shylock ready to take the money?
The Merchant Of Venice Question Answers Kerala Syllabus
Because he was cornered. He had defeated himself in his cruel intent.

The Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Summary Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
What did the young lawyer ask as reward?
The Merchant Of Venice Class 8 Summary Kerala Syllabus
The young lawyer wanted Bassa nio’s ring that was presented to him by his wife, Portia.

Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
How does the play become a comical adventure at the end?
Merchant Of Venice Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
The play becomes a comical adventure when Bassanio realizes that the young lawyer was his wife Portia in disguise

The Merchant of Venice Textbook Activities And Answers

Let’s revisit

The Merchant Of Venice Question And Answers Kerala Syllabus Activity 1.

The following events are in a jumbled order. Put them in the correct order as a paragraph.

Merchant Of Venice Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
A. 1. Shylock lends Antonio three thousand ducats.
2. Portia married Bassanio.
3. Antonio failed to pay the debt.
4. Shylock hated Antonio because he used to lend money without interest.
5. Shylock wanted Antonio’s flesh.
6. Portia rescued Antonio from the punishment.

B. 1. Portia arrived disguised as a young lawyer.
2. Shylock was not ready to be merciful.
3. The young lawyer saved the life of Antonio.
4. The day of the trial arrived.
5. Antonio was prepared to die.
6. The Duke pleaded with him to be kind.
A. 1. Shylock hated Antonio because he used to lend money without interest.
2. Shylock lends Antonio three thousand ducats.
3. Portia married Bassanio.
4. Antonio failed to pay the debt.
5. Shylock wanted Antonio’s flesh.
6. Portia rescued Antonio from the punishment

B. 1. The day of the trial arrived.
2. The Duke pleaded with him to be kind.
3. Shylock was not ready to be merciful.
4. Antonio was prepared to die.
5. Portia arrived disguised as a young lawyer.
6. The young lawyer saved the life of Antonio.

The Merchant of Venice Additional Questions and Answer

The Three Caskets Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Questions 1 to 5.
Read the excerpt from the story ‘ The Merchant of Venice’ and answer the questions that follow.

Bassanio loved a girl named Portia, a very wealthy lady living in Belmont. Her father died some time ago and she was the only heiress to a large estate. Portia too loved Bassanio. Now he thought of improving his fortune by marrying her. One day Bassanio came to Antonio and told him about his love for Portia and that he must go very soon to Belmont as a suitor to Portia. But he did not have any money even to dress himself suitably as the lover of so rich an heiress. So he asked Antonio to help him. Bassanio wanted his friend to lend him three thousand ducats. But it so happened that Antonio had spent all his money on his ships and so had no money with him.

But he expected some of his ships to come home soon laden with merchandise. Hence, he decided to borrow the amount from Shylock who was a money lender. Shylock had become very rich by lending money at a very high interest to merchants. He was a hard-hearted man and was very severe with his customers. So, he was much disliked by all good men. Antonio also disliked Shylock for being so ambitious and greedy for money. He used to lend money to the needy people without taking any interest. Therefore there was great enmity between the greedy Shylock and Antonio.
1. What was the name of Bassanio’s lover?
2. Why did all the good men dislike Shylock?
3. What did Bassanio ask Antonio to lend him?
4. Why couldn’t Antonio help Bassanio?
5. Pick out a word from the passage that means ‘rich’.
1. Portia
2. Shylock was a hard-hearted man and was very’ severe with his customers. So he was disliked by all good men.
3. Three thousand ducats
4. Antonio had spent all his money on ships and so had money with him.
5. Wealthy

Question 6.
The English Club of your school has decided to stage the play ‘ The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare. Prepare a notice to inform the staff and the students, giving the relevant details.

A play presented by English club of XYZ School

Dear Friends,
The English Club of XYZ School has decided to stage the one-act play based on the story ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare as a part of the Annual day celebrations of the school. The members of the English Club have prepared the script and directed the play. Sri Kavalam Narayana Panicker, the renowned poet and theatre personality has consented to inaugurate the staging of the play.

All are Welcome

Question 7.
Complete the passage using the words given in the bracket.
(with, across, is, allows, an)
It is still drizzling. The boy ….(a) seen running after a woman who has ……. (b)……… with her. He reaches her, holds the balloon under her umbrella and walks with her. Then the boy walks up to two nuns ……….. (c) ……… umbrellas. One of them ………. (d) ……… him to hold the balloon under the umbrella. After that the boy is seen walking with a man ………… (e) ……….. a bridge holding the balloon under the man’s umbrella.
a. is
b. an
c. with
d. allowed
e. across

The Merchant of Venice Summary in English

The young Venetian Bassanio needs a loan of three thousand ducats to marry his lover Portia a wealthy lady in Belmont. He approaches his friend Antonio, a merchant but he is in short of money because he spent all his money on his ships and so he had no money with him. So Antonio goes to a Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who hates him because Antonio used to lend money to the needy without taking any interest. Shylock nevertheless agrees to make the short-term loan, but, he makes a condition – the loan must be repaid in three months or Shylock will cut a pound of flesh from Antonio. Antonio agrees, confident that his ships will return in time. Because of the terms of Portia’s father’s will, all suitors must choose from among three caskets, one of which contains a portrait of her. Bassanio chooses the lead casket, which contains her picture, and Portia happily agrees to marry him immediately. Meanwhile, two of Antonio’s ships have been wrecked and Shylock pressurized him for repayment.

Word comes to Bassanio about Antonio’s predicament, and he hurries back to Venice, leaving Portia behind. Portia follows him, accompanied by her maid, Nerissa. They are disguised as a male lawyer and his clerk. When Bassanio arrives the date for the repayment to Shylock has passed and Shylock is demanding his pound of flesh. Even when Bassanio offers much more than the amount in repayment, Shylock does not agree. Portia arrives in her disguise to defend Antonio. Given the authority of judgment by the Duke, Portia decides that Shylock can have the pound of flesh as long as he doesn’t shed a drop of blood. At last half of Shylock’s wealth was given to Antonio and other half went to the state. Antonio was released and Shylock was humiliated. Portia tells Bassanio that she came disguised as the young counselor. Antonio’s ships finally arrive.

The Merchant of Venice Summary in Malayalam

The Merchant Of Venice Question And Answers Kerala Syllabus
Merchant Of Venice Question And Answer Kerala Syllabus

The Merchant of Venice Glossary

The Three Caskets Questions And Answers Class 8 Kerala Syllabus
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 2 The Merchant of Venice 19