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Std 8 English Textbook The Mysterious Picture Questions and Answers
The Mysterious Picture Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 1.
Where do the events in the story take place?

The events of the story took place in the palace of the Archduke of Batt- Orenburg
The Mysterious Picture Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 2.
Mention the two central char-acters you identify at this point?

Tyi Ulenspiegel and the Captain of the Guards are the characters at this point.
8th Class English Chapter 1 The Mysterious Picture Malayalam Question 3.
What do you understand about the character of Tyl? Is he a serious man or one with a sense of humor? How do you know this?

Tyl is person who wanders from court to court. He is a man with a good sense of humor. His appearance and mannerisms make us think so.
The Mysterious Picture Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 4.
Is there a change in the attitude of the Captain? What is the reason behind it?

Yes, because the Captain of the Guards understood that Tyl was a Flemish painter.
The Mysterious Picture Story In Malayalam Pdf 8th Question 5.
The language used by Tyl when he speaks to the Archduke shows his respect for him. Pick out a few instances which show this.

The words, “May, Your Highness pardon me. I might lay it at your noble feet.” shows Tyl’s respect for the Archduke.
Mysterious Picture Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 6.
What does Tyl wish to become?

Tyi wished to become the court painter.
Hss Live Guru 8 English Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Do you think Tyl and his donkey are hungry? Give reasons for your answer.

The donkey was not hungry as it was fed fairly well all along the way. But Tyl had nothing to eat for the last three days.
Summary Of The Mysterious Picture Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 8.
What does the Archduke want Tyl to do?

The Archduke wanted Tyl to paint his portrait so as to leave his memory to his descendants.
Mysterious Picture Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 9.
What does the sentence, ‘We do not know when God will think fit to summon us,’ mean?

lt means we do not know when we will die.
The Mysterious Picture Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 10.
Why does Tyl feel unhappy?

Tyl was unhappy because the Arch-duke asked him to paint him alone without the courtiers in the portrait.
The Mysterious Picture Pdf Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 11.
Who are compared to the moon and the lanterns?

The Lord and the Lady are com-pared to the moon and the courtiers are compared to the lanterns.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard English Notes Question 12.
What were the demands of the Archduke and the courtiers in painting their pictures?

The Archduke demanded Tyl to paint all the courtiers as such. But the courtiers demanded that he should make them more attractive than they actually were.
The Mysterious Picture Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 8th Question 13.
Why did Tyl think that if he painted the picture, he would definitely be killed?

If he painted the picture as directed by the Archduke, he might be killed by the courtiers. If his picture satisfied the whims of the courtiers, he might be killed by the Archduke.
Character Sketch of Tyl Question 14.
What will Tyl do to save himself from being killed?

Elicit free responses
Not to paint the picture.
Paint the picture as the courtiers had demanded.
Paint the picture as the Archduke had instructed.
Question 15.
How did Tyl manage to stay in the court for long? How many days did he finally get to complete the picture?

He kept on saying that the picture was nearing completion and he needed some more days to complete.
Question 16.
What is special about the picture?

Elicit free responses. There is no picture at all. Tyl lied to the courtiers that only those who have noble blood can see the picture.
Question 17.
Is the jester a mere fool? Why do you think so?

No, he is not. He is the only one who told the truth.
The Mysterious Picture Textbook Activites and Answers
Let’s revisit
Activity 1.
You have read the story of Tyl, haven’t you? Now, fill in the story map suitably.


Activity 2.
The courtiers did not want to be portrayed in the picture in the manner they really looked like. Complete the following table by revisiting the story.

Courtier | Real appearance | The way they wanted to be portrayed |
Commander h- Chief | Short, fat, bald man with an enormous paaraeSi’ | He wanted to make his stomach look flat and make him more handsome |
Elderly lady | Large hump on her back | Remove the hump on her back and supply what she tacked in beauty. |
Young lady | She had lost three of her front teeth | She wanted to see herself smiling with a perfect set of pearly teeth |
Activity 3.
The following are the major events in the story. Some of them are false ‘ while some others are true. Mark I them as True or False by a tick in the appropriate column.

Correct the statements that are marked false and rewrite them below.

- He shows the picture of Our Lady, the Virgin to the Archduke.
- Captain of the guards does not allow Tyl to meet the Archduke at once.
- The Archduke’s jester says that he could see no paint but only a blank wall.
- The Archduke said that he would be delighted to appoint Tyl as the court painter.
- The courtiers ask Tyl to make them look more attractive and handsome.
Let’s Enrich Our Vocabulary
Activity 1.
Look at this sentence from the story. ‘The Captain of the Guards was a tall, well-built, red-haired man of about twenty-five.” Here the word, ‘well-built’ means’ with a strong physique’.
Now, find out the meaning of the words given below with Svell’ as the headword. You may refer to a dictionary, if necessary.
Well-informed: ………………
Now write down five more words with ’well’ as the headword, giving their meanings.
Well – off: In a good position or situation
Well – known: Famous
Well – wisher: someone who wants another person to be happy.
Well – read: having gained a lot of knowledge by reading.
Well – informed: having a lot of knowledge about a particular topic
Words with ‘well’ as headword, giving their meanings.
Well – being: the state of being comfortable.
Well-bred: having or showing good manners.
Well – done: carried out successfully.
Well-groomed: clean, tidy,
smart well-knit: strongly knit.
Activity 2.
Look at some of the words used in the first three paragraphs of the story.
How does Tyl address the Archduke, the Queen, the painter and

Here, the words in column 1 have – ‘s’ attached to their root forms toln column 2 -‘ed’ is used with the root words to get the past forms of the verbs. ‘-ly’ is used in column 3 to show how something is done. These are examples for suffixes in English. Now, fill in the following table picking up suffixed words like those above, from the rest of the paragraphs of the story.
1 | 2 | 3 |
Captains | Painted | Lonely |
Animals | Seemed | Certainly |
Pieces | Surrounded | calmly |
Activity 3.
How does Tyl address the Archduke, the Queen, the painter and the Captain of Guards? Pick out the words used by him to address them. Complete the following table choosing appropriate words from those given below.

Which of the above words of address do we commonly use in our day-to-day conversation? Which are the words of address that we do not normally use?

Character | Words used to address |
Archduke | Your Highness |
Queen | Her Highness |
Captain of Guards | Sir |
Painter | My dear fellow |
Words we commonly use:
Mrs, Madam, Ma’am, Sir, Mr, Miss
Words we do not use in common:
Your Highness, My lord, Her Highness, Your Lordship, My dear fellow
Let’s write
Activity 1.
Does the story remind you of any stories that you have read or heard before? Narrate the story briefly.
Answer :
Many years ago there lived an emperor who loved beautiful new clothes so much that he spent all his money on being finely dressed. His only interest was going to the theatre or riding about in his carriage where he could show off the new clothes. He had a different costume for every hour of the day. Indeed, where it was said of other kings that they were at court, it could only be said of him that he was in his dressing room!
One day two swindlers came to the emperor’s city, they said that they were weavers, claiming that they knew how to make the finest clothes imaginable. Not only were the colors and the patterns were extraordinarily beautiful, but also, this material had an amazing property that it was to be invisible to anyone who was incompetent or stupid.
“It would be wonderful to have clothes made from that cloth,” thought the emperor. “Then I would know which of my men are unfit for their positions, and I’d also be able to tell clever people from stupid ones.” So he immediately gave the two swindlers a great sum of money to weave their clothes for him.
They set up their looms and pretended to go on working, although there was nothing at all on the looms. They asked for the finest silk and the purest gold, all of which they hid away, continuing to work on the empty looms, often late into the night.
‘I would really like to know how they are coming with the clothes!’ thought the emperor, but he was a bit uneasy when he recalled that anyone who was unfit for his position or stupid would not be able to see the material. Of course, he himself had nothing to fear, but still, he decided to send someone else to see how the work was progressing.
‘I’ll send my honest old minister to the weavers,’ thought the emperor. He’s the best one to see how the material is coming. He is very sensible, and no one is more worthy of his position than he.
where the two swindlers sat working at their empty looms. ‘Goodness’! thought the old minister, opening his eyes wide. ‘I cannot see a thing’ but he did not say so.
The two swindlers invited him to step closer, asking him if it wasn’t a beautiful design and if the colors weren’t magnificent. They pointed to the empty loom, and the poor old minister opened his eyes wider and wider. He still could see nothing, for nothing was there. ‘Gracious’ he thought. “Is it possible that I am stupid? I have never thought so. Am I unfit for my position? No one must know this. No, it will never do for me to say that I was unable to see the material.”
You aren’t saying anything!’ said one of the weavers. ‘Oh, it is magnificent! The very best’ said the old minister, peering through his glasses. ‘This pattern and these colors! Yes, I’ll tell the emperor that I am very satisfied with it!
That makes us happy’ said the two weavers, and they called the colors and the unusual pattern by name. The old minister listened closely so that he would be able to say the same things when he reported to the emperor, and that is exactly what he did.
The swindlers now asked for more money, more silk, and more gold, all of which they hid away. Then they continued to weave away as before on the empty looms. The emperor sent other officials as well to observe the weavers’ progress. They too were startled when they saw nothing,
and they too reported to him how wonderful the material was, advising him to have it made into clothes that he could wear in a grand procession. The entire city was alive in praise of the cloth. Magnifique Nysseligt! Excellent!’ they said, in all languages. The emperor awarded the swindlers with medals of honor, bestowing on each of them the title Lord Weaver.
The swindlers stayed up the entire night before the procession was to take place, burning more than sixteen candles. Everyone could see that they were in a great rush to finish the emperor’s new clothes. They pretended to take the material from the looms. They cut in the air with large scissors. They sewed with needles but without any thread. Finally, they announced, ‘Behold the clothes are finished!’
The emperor came to them with his most distinguished cavaliers. The two swindlers raised their arms as though they were holding something and said, just look at these trousers! Here is the jacket! This is the cloak!’ and so forth. They are as light as spider webs! You might think that you didn’t have a thing on, but that is the good thing about them?
Yes, said the Cavaliers, but they couldn’t see a thing, for nothing was there. ‘Would his imperial majesty, if it pleases his grace, kindly remove his clothes said the swindlers. ‘Then we will fit you with the new ones, here in front of the large mirror. The emperor took off all his clothes, and the swindlers pretended to dress him up, 1 piece by piece, with the new ones. They
took hold of his waist and pretended to tie something about him. It was the train. Then the emperor turned and looked into the mirror.
Goodness, they suit you well what a wonderful fit!” they all said. “What a pattern! What colors! Such luxurious clothes!’ ‘The canopy to be carried above your majesty awaits outside,” said the grandmaster of ceremonies.
‘Yes, I am ready!’ said the emperor. Don’t they fit well? He turned once again towards the mirror because it had to appear as though he was admiring himself in all his glory.
The chamberlains who were to carry the train held their hands just above the floor as if they were picking up the train. As they walked they pretended to hold the train high, for they could not let anyone notice that they could see nothing.
The emperor walked beneath the beautiful canopy in the procession, and all the people in the street and in their windows said, ‘Goodness, the emperor’s new clothes are incomparable! What a beautiful design on his jacket. What a perfect fit!’ No one wanted it to be noticed that he could see nothing, for then it would be said that he was unfit for his position or that he was stupid. None of the emperors’ clothes have received such praise before. But he doesn’t have anything on! said a small child.
‘Good Lord, let’s listen to an innocent child said the father, and whispered to another what the child had said. ‘A small child says that he doesn’t have anything on!’ Finally everyone was saying, He doesn’t have anything on!” The emperor shuddered, for he knew that they were right, but he thought, ‘The procession must go on!” He carried himself even more proudly, and the chamberlains walked along carrying the train that wasn’t there.
Activity 2.
Imagine you were one of the courtiers present while Tyl invited the courtiers to have a look at his picture. What would be the likely conversation between Tyl and you?
Tyl: Good Morning, Madam.
I : Good Morning, Mr. Tyl.
Tyl: I’ve finished my picture. Please have a look at it.
I : Oh! Tyl this is a fantastic picture
Tyl: Thank you, Madam
I : You have taken great pains haven’t you?
Tyl: Really
I : The Archduke looks excellent.
Tyl: Thank you
I : What’s your next work, Mr. Tyl?
Tyl: Not yet decided, Madam.
I : His Highness would surely appreciate your effort, I’m sure.
Tyl: Thank you, Madam.
I : Mr. Tyl, what will you do if the Archduke doesn’t appreciate your work?
Tyl: I don’t know madam.
I : Don’t be bothered, Mr. Tyl. I’m simply joking. OK
Activity 3.
Read the following script. It is based on the first event in the story, Tyl’s arrival at the palace gate.
The main entrance of the Archduke Battenburg. The Captain and another officer are playing a game of chess. The Captain’s sytord is in the sheath. The guards have spears close to them! placed against the wall. Tyl Ulens spiegel enters from the left, mounted on his donkey. He wears attractive dress j arid has a cap with three bright | feathers on it. He makes a eoinical ! appearance.
Captain: Hey there! You fellow on the | donkey! We don’t allow any loafers here. You and your donkey already look like skeletons. (Tyl dismounts from his I donkey.) .
Tyl (bowing): May God bless you. May God bless you, Sir Captain! If I look j like a skeleton, it is not my fault,
Captain: Why are you here?
Tyl: I’m very hungry. I’ve come here because I’m forced to. If you will be so good as to give me a piece of the gold cord that you wear on your coat, I’ll go and hang myself by the teeth on that large leg of mutton that I see hanging in that butcher’s shop.
Captain: (looks at Tyl curiously): Where do you come from?
Tyl: From Flanders
Captain: What do you want?
Tyl: 1 should like to show His Highness, the Archduke, one of my pictures. I’m a painter.
Captain: WeB, if you are a painter and if you come from Flanders, you may come in. (The Captain opens the gate and lets Tyl in.)
Read the script again.
How is the script different from the story?
The script has
1. a setting
2. Stage directions
3. Dialogues
4. Costumes
5. Gestures and actions
The following are some of the major events in the story, ‘The Mysterious Picture’.
1. The meeting between Tyl and the Archduke and his appointment as the court painter.
2. The meeting between Tyl and the courtiers.
3. The progress of Tyl’s painting.
4. The exhibition of Tyl’s painting and the reaction of others.
Work in four groups. Each group may take up one of the events for developing the script.
Rehearse the script in groups and perform the skit before the class.
Script: Group No. 1
Topic: The meeting between Archduke and Tyl.
(Scene at the palace)
Tyl: May God bless you! May God bless your Highness! (bows before the Archduke) I have brought a picture of Our Lady the Virgin in her royal robes. Give permission to show it before you, your Highness!
Archduke: Yes, you may. (Tyl shows the picture)
Archduke: Oh! It is wonderful!
Tyl: Your majesty, I see that the court painter’s seat is empty there, Please appoint me as your court painte^Tyl) Yes, you are appointed as the court painter. Please come. (Archduke gives him the chair) You are a talkative fellow. Tyl : Sir, My donkey Jeff is very happy because his stomach is full. But I am very hungry. I’ve only my dreams to eat. Archduke : But where is your donkey?
Tyl: He is outside.
Archduke : (Calls the soldier and orders)
Give Tyl a feast as supper. Give the | ’
donkey food and shelter.
Soldier: Yes my Lord.
Script: Group No. 2
The meeting between Tyl and courtiers : (Scene at Tyl’s room in the palace)
Tyl: Come in sir, please.
(Commander in chief of army comes in. He is a short, fat, bald man)
Army Chief: Painter, I am the chief of the army, am I handsome?
Tyl : (Keeps silent, looks at him)
Chief: Can you see me or not?
Tyl: I can see you sir. You are not very handsome.
Chief: I may not be handsome. But in the picture you should paint me as a handsome man.
Tyl: How sir?
Chief: you should make my stomach flat or else I will kill you. (He leaves)
(An elderly lady comes in; she has a hump on her back)
Lady: Sir, you should paint me as a young lady with a beautiful look.
Tyl: But how?
Lady: You remove my hump and draw I me in the picture as a beautiful lady or | else I will kill you. (She leaves)
(Another pretty lady comes in)
Tyl: Who are you?
Lady: I am a companion of the Duchess. You should paint me with a good smile.
Tyl: How is it possible? You don’t have your front teeth?
Lady: You should paint me beautifully or else I will destroy you with the help of the captain of guards who is my lover. (She leaves)
Script: Group No. 3
Topic: The progress of painting (Archduke’s palace)
(Archduke and Tyl are talking)
Archduke: How are you Tyl? Did you start painting the picture?
Tyl: Not yet sir.
Archduke: You should paint all the
courtiers as we see them.
Tyl: Yes your majesty.
(Tyl stands thoughtfully)
Tyl (to himself silently) : If I paint truly
the Archduke may like it but the courtiers
will not. If I paint the courtiers beautifully
Archduke will punish me. What to do? (Next day)
Archduke: Here is the wall to be painted. Is it good?
Tyl: Yes sir, Please hang curtains and give me some assistance.
Archduke: Who is there? Bring thick curtains and arrange some assistants too! (The soldiers bring curtains and assistants enter)
(After 30 days)
Archduke: How is the drawing? Is it over?
Tyl: Not yet sir I need a week more Archduke: Okay
(After a fortnight)
Archduke: Tyl, Is your work over?
Tyl: Not yet sir
Archduke: I want the picture within fifteen days, or show me the unfinished picture within that time.
Tyl: Yes your majesty
Script: Group No. 4
Topic: The exhibition and reaction of others
(Scene: Inside the palace)
(Archduke, Tyl, and courtiers enter)
Tyl: The picture is ready, my Lord.
Archduke: Why don’t you remove the curtains?
Tyl: Please order all the courtiers to assemble in the room.
Archduke: Bring all the courtiers immediately.
(All the courtiers come in)
Tyl: Ladies and gentlemen, the picture will be seen only to those who have royal blood. (Tyl moves the curtain aside)
AH, the courtiers and the Archduke: How marvelous! What a beauty?
(Jester comes in)
Jester: I cannot see anything. The wall is completely empty.
Tyl: It is time for the wise to walk out because the fools start talking.
(Tyl goes out)
Activity 4.
What are the words that the author uses to describe the Captain of the Guards?

Now, prepare character maps of Tyl and the Archduke.

Now using the concept maps prepare character sketches of Tyl and the Archduke. You may begin like this:

Character map of Archduke

Character map of Tyl

Character sketch of Tyl :
Tyl was a painter. He wandered from court to court on his donkey Jeff. He was slim and looked like a skeleton. He always wore a cap with three bright feathers. He is cunning and tricky. He has a good sense of humor and values his own freedom and creativity.
Character sketch of Archduke :
The Archduke was the ruler of Battenburg. He loved paintings and artists. He was a stout, middle-aged man. In his royal uniform, he looked majestic. Though a little pompous he was sincere and just. He loves painting and favors artists.
Let’s speak
Activity 1.
Which character did you like the most? Share your views with the class. Here is what Athira, a student like you, said when she was asked this question
Dear friends,
I This is indeed an interesting question. Of course, we all like Tyl very much for his intelligence and ability to speak cleverly. Still, I like the Duke’s jester the most. Without him, the folly of the courtiers would never have been revealed. His ! honesty and intelligence helped them to understand the foolishness of their reaction. We think that just like a circus clown, he showed the real wisdom. And the others who were the honorable
members of the illustrious court proved to be mere fools. For all these reasons I like the jester the most.
Now, you may present your views before the class
Dear friends,
There are many interesting characters in this story. Tyl, Captain of Guards Archduke, Commander in chief of the army, the elderly lady, etc. But I like the jester the best because he is very wise and honest. He is courageous too. He tells the truth before the Archduke without any hesitation. For all these reasons I like the jester the best.
Activity 2.
Did the story make you feel: happy, angry, tired, bored? Why?
Share your feeling with your friends.
This story made me very happy. It has many interesting characters such as Tyl, the Captain of Guards, Archduke, Chief of the army, an elderly lady, the Jester, etc. Each character is unique. Tyl is a funny character. His appearance and jovial behavior are well-narrated? The whole story is divided into many scenes like that of a drama. The progress of Tyl’s painting in the story is very interesting. So I am very happy to read this story
Let’s discover how grammar works
Activity 1.
Look at the sentence from the story, You are a very talkative fellow, aren’t you?’ A short question put at the end of a sentence is a question tag. A question tag is generally used in a conversation to confirm a statement made.
The following ten sentences are about a friend of yours in the class. You may seek her confirmation on the statements made. Some hints are provided for you.
1. You ……….. Sandra, aren’t you?
2. Venu and Reshma …………. their parents, ………..?
3. Your father works in a bank………….?
4. Your mother is a housewife …………..?
5. Syam and Sayanth ………………?
6. Your hobby ………….?
7. You wake up …………..?
8. You have been studying …………..?
9. You studied at ……………. before coming here………….?
Choose a friend of yours and present ten statements about him/her and seek his/her confirmation. You may do this as a pair activity. Don’t forget to reverse your roles.
1. Are
2. Visited, didn’t they?
3. Doesn’t he?
4. Isn’t she?
5. Are your brothers aren’t they?
6. Is collecting stamps, isn’t it?
7. At 50’ clock, don’t you?
8. For three hours, haven’t you?
9. Kollam, didn’t you?
10. You will invite me to your house, won’t you?
Activity 2.

Now, write the sentences you have matched in the space below.
1. May, Your Highness pardon major my rashness in thinking that one of my paintings will please Your Highness.
Please pardon me for thinking that one of my paintings will please you.
2. …………………………
3. …………………………
4. …………………………
5. ………………………..
6. ………………………..
7. ………………………..

Activity 3.
The following is a write-up by a student of Class 8 after reading the story, ‘The Mysterious Picture’. Some words are missing in it. Select appropriate words from the box below and complete the write-up.
I have read the ……………. ‘The Mysterious Picture’. I like the character …………. in the story very much. He is a ……………….. One day he visited ………….of ……………. the Archduke of …………….. He was stopped at …………… the palace by the Captain of the Guards. Later ………….. was allowed to meet the Archduke. Tyl and his companions enjoyed their life in the palace. Everybody praised his …………… But ……………. could see only…………..
the duke’s jester, painting, a blank wall, the palace, Battenburg. an interesting character, the entrance, painter, Tyl. he, the story I
Tire word/words you have used to fill in the above write – up are either nouns/ pronouns or noun phrases. A noun phrase is a word or group of words containing a noun. In the above example, ‘the duke’s jester’, jester is the headword or head noun. Nouns/ pronouns have the following properties:
1. Most of them have singular and plural forms (story- stories, I – we).
2. They can express gender (duke – duchess, he – she).
3. They can Ire used as the subject (Tyl, I, he. it) of a sentence and the object of a sentence (the story, me, him, it).
4. They have possessive forms (duke’s, my, his, her).
5. They show if someone/something is speaking (I, we) or being spoken to (you) or is being spoken about (hbf she, they, it).
the story, Tyl, painter, the palace, Battenburg, the entrance, he, painting the Duke’s jester, a blank wall
Activity 4.
Read the following paragraph and fill in the table below.
The Archduke ordered all the courtiers to assemble in the hall. Tyl addressed them, ‘My Lord, ladies and gentlemen, the picture is ready. You will now be able to see how well I have done my work. You can all admire my work. But I must warn you that there is something very special about this picture. Only those among you who have noble blood in your veins wall be able to see this painting.

B. Now, write down your observations on how plural forms are derived from singular nouns. Can you classify them into different categories? Which are they?
C. Classify the nouns in the passage as nouns/noun phrases in the subject position and nouns/noun phrases in the object position and fill in the table. One is done for you.


Adding ‘s’ to get plurals
Adding ‘es’ to get plurals
Irregular plural forms
Noun phrases in the subject position | Noun phrases in the object position |
The Archduke | all the courtiers |
Tyl | them |
You | my work |
Let’s edit
Read the paragraph written by! Sunil, a student of Class 8. There I are some errors in it which are underlined. Help Sunil to edit the errors.
Tyl reaches (a) the palace of the Archduke of Battenburg. He had to wait there for some time, the (b) Captain of the Guards (c) was play (d) chess with his friends. He stopped Tyl on (e) the gate and asked why he came over there. Tyl showed the captain a picture (f) he had drawn and asked to let him into the palace.
a. reached
b. The
c. Guards
d. was playing
e. at
f. picture
Let’s play with language
Here are a few funny questions. Try to answer them. If you cannot, guess the answer from the jumbled word given against each of them.
What can you catch but not throw? odlc
What kind of room has no doors or windows? smomurho
What is orange in color and sounds like a parrot? rtraoc
What has four fingers and a thumb, but is not living? elogv
What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night? lopwil
cold, mushroom, carrot, glove, pillow
The Mysterious Picture Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Read the excerpt given below from the story ‘ The Mysterious Picture’ and answer the questions that follow.
‘Your Highness, may it please you to remember me and my donkey, Jeff, for just one more minute,’ Tyl replied. ‘ My donkey has been feeding himself fairly well along the way on the thorns in the hedges and the grass on the roadside. But I have had nothing to eat for the past three days. My stomach has been complaining very’ loudly. Perhaps Your Highness can even hear it now. I have been feeding myself with dreams of good food and drink at your royal table.’ The Archduke smiled and said, ‘Well, my dear fellow, you will certainly have something more solid to feed on. But where is your donkey?’ ‘I left him outside, opposite the palace. I shall be most grateful if Jeff is looked after. He needs a little fodder and lodging at night,’ said Tyl. The Archduke immediately ordered the donkey to be taken care of and he added. ‘Treat it like one of my own animals.’
a. Why is Jeff, the donkey not hungry?
b. Pick out the word from the passage that means ‘ food for animals’.
c. ‘I have been feeding myself with dreams.’ What did Tyl dream of?
d. What expression does Tyl use to show that he is extremely hungry?
e. What does Archduke mean by saying, ‘something more solid than dreams’?
a. Jeff, the donkey was not hungry because he had been feeding himself fairly well along the way on the thorn in the hedges and the grass on the roadside.
b. Fodder
c. Tyl dreamt of the good food and drink at the Archduke’s royal table.
d. The expression ‘My stomach has been complaining very loudly’.
e. Delicious food on the royal table.
Question 2.
2. Read the excerpt from the story ‘ The Mysterious Picture’ and answer the questions that follow.
The Captain knew Flemish painters and their pictures were in great demand all over Europe. Tyl was presented to the Archduke. He saluted the Archduke three times and stood before him with his head bowed. “ May your Highness pardon me for my rashness is thinking that one of my paintings will please your High ness. I have brought a picture of Our Lady, the Virgin, in her royal robes. I have painted it specially so that I might lay it at your noble feet’. Tyl paused a few moments for his words to sink in. Then he continued, ‘You must forgive me, Your Highness, if I’ve dared to hope that this picture will please you. Perhaps Your Highness might wish to offer me the chair of your court painter who died recently. I can see the empty velvet chair waiting to be filled.
a. What is the speciality of Flemish paintings?
b. Pick out a line which shows Tyl’s smartness in presenting things.
c. What is the intention of Tyl?
d. Find out from the passage a word which means to ‘forgive someone’
e. According to Tyl what is it that may please the Archduke?
a. Flemish paintings had great demand all over Europe
b. He saluted the Archduke three times and stood before him with his head bowed/ May your Highness pardon me for my rashness in thinking.
c. To become the court painter
d. Pardon
e. The picture of our Lady in royal robes.
Question 3.
3. Read the passage from the story’ The Mysterious Picture’ and answer the questions that follow.
The Captain of the Guards was a tall, well- built, red haired man of about twenty- five. He was handsomely dressed in his gold- braided uniform. Tyl looked at him coolly and then dismounted from his donkey. He bowed low and said,’May God bless you ,Sir Captain!. If I look like a skeleton, It is not my fault. I ‘m very hungry. I’ve come here because I’m forced to. If you will be so good as to give me a piece of the gold cord that you wear on your coat, I’ll go and hang myself by the teeth on that large leg of mutton that I see hanging in that butcher’s shop.’ The Captain was playing a game of chess with another officer. He looked curi-ously at Tyl.
‘ Where do you come from? he asked.
‘ From Flanders,’ replied Tyl.
a. Describe the appearance of ‘ The Captain of the Guards’.
b. Name the game The Captain of the Guards played?
c. What did Tyl demand to the Captain of the Guards?
d. Find out a polite expression used by Tyl.
e. Pick out one word for ‘ To get off a horse’; bicycle or motorcycle.
(Looked; bowed; dismounted; forced )
a. Captain of Guards was a tall, well- built, red-haired man of about twenty-five. He was handsomely dressed in his gold-braided uniform.
b. Chess
c. A piece of gold cord
d. May God bless you Sir Captain e. Dismounted
Language Elements
Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the meaning different from the meaning of the original verb.

Let us familiarise with phrasal verbs from the following example
Question 4.
One morning, Raju …………… (a) ………………. his uniform and started to school. On his way a stray dog ……………… (b) …………… him. Raju ran very fast calling out for help. The people around could not ………… (c) …………… what he was shouting for.

a. put on
b. went after
c. make out
Question 5.
Edit the following passage.
Tyl reach (a) the palace of Archduke of Battenburg. He had to wait there for some time, die (b) Captain of the guards (c) was play (d) chess with his friends.
He stopped Tyl on (e) the gate and asked why he came over there.
a. reached
b. The
c. guards
d. was playing
e. at
Question 6.
Tyl leaves the place and on the way, he meets a boy. The conversation between them is given below. But it is not complete. Complete it suitably.
Boy: You are the court painter, …………. (a) ……………..?
Tyl: Yes, I am.
Boy:……………. (b) …………….?
Tyl: I painted a beautiful picture.
Boy: Will you please teach me the art of painting?
Tyl: Sure. If you come with me, ……………. (c) …………..
Boy:…………….. (d) ………………?
Tyl: You may come at any time.
Boy: We shall meet tomorrow morning.
Tyl : ……………..(e) ……………..
a. Aren’t you?
b. What did you paint?
c. I will teach you.
d. When shall I come?
e. Oh Sure. See you.
The Mysterious Picture Discourse Based Questions
Conversation is a talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered or news and information are exchanged.

Tips to remember
- Give a good initiation
- Try to convey the message/ content clearly.
- Include apt expressions
- Use short forms, short questions, broken expressions, etc.
- Create a feeling of completion as the conversation ends.
Question 7.
Tyl asks Archduke for more time to complete his paintings. He talks to his friend about his plans. Prepare the likely conversation between them.
Tyl: Ey, Luke How are you?
Friend: Hi Tyl. I am doing good. I heard that you are the new painter at the court of the Archduke.
Tyl Yes, but I am in great trouble now.
Friend: What happened?
Tyl: It is a long story. The Archduke wants me to paint his portrait so as to leave his memory to his descendants.
Friend: Oh Great.
Tyl: The Archduke demanded me to paint all the courtiers as such but the courtier demanded that I should make them more attractive than they actually were. If I paint the picture as directed by the Archduke, I will be killed by the courtiers. If my picture satisfies the whims of the courtiers I will be killed by the Archduke.
Friend: Oh my God! So sad. What will you do again?
Tyl: I have thought of an idea. I am going to tell them that only those who have noble blood in their veins can see the painting. All the rest would only see a blank wall. This is the only way I found to escape from them. Yesterday I had asked the Archduke more time to finish the painting and he gave me two more days.
Friend: That’s a good idea hut be careful. If anyone finds out you will be in more trouble. 1
Tyl: Yes I must be alert.
Character Sketch
Character sketch is a brief written description of a person’s character.

Tips to remember
- Describe the role and significance of the character in the story.
- Note the physical features including the dress code.
- Write about the character’s relationship with the other characters in the story.
- Check the errors and appropriateness of language.
Question 8.
Prepare a character sketch of Tyl Ulenspiegel, the protagonist of the story ‘The Mysterious Picture’.
Tyl was a Flemish painter. He was slim and looked like a skeleton. He always wore a cap with three feathers on it. He has a donkey named Jeff. He was cunning and tricky. He had a good sense of humor and valued his own freedom and creativity.
An announcement is a public statement that’s usually formal and has a specific purpose.

Tips to remember
- There should be a suitable salutation.
- You may present a gist of the subject in the content part.
Question 9.
After showing the mysterious picture, Tyl fled from the palace. The Archduke assigns his senior guard to make an announcement to the public to find Tyl. Prepare the text for the announcement.
Dear Citizens of Battenburg,
It is saddening to tell you that a cunning painter from Flanders has cheated our Archduke. His name is Tyl Ulenspigel. He had received a hundred pieces of gold to draw a portrait of the Archduke accompanied by the others who adorned the court. All the required materials were provided for the painter to complete the painting. But he tricked everybody and left the place. The painter named Tyl was seen accompanied with donkey called Jeff. He is thin as a skeleton and wore a cap with three bright feathers on it. Anyone which finds him and brings him to the palace will be rewarded two hundred pieces of gold
Narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events.

Tips to remember
- Recall the events in order
- Portray the characters well
- Narrate the events appropriately keeping the context.
Question 10.
Imagine that you are one among the courtiers who witnessed the whole events till Tyl revealed the picture in front of the courtiers. Narrate the happenings at the court to one of your friends.
(Hints: Tyl – a smart painter- very talkative- wishes to be court painter- secures food and luxury for his team and his donkey- flatters the Archduke – Tyl in danger – invents a trick – plays it on all courtiers – leaves with all fortune)
Tyl wanted to become the painter at court of the Archduke. He had a good sense of humor and valued his own freedom and creativity. He had a donkey called Jeff along with him. He showed the painting of Our Lady, The Virgin’ to the Archduke. The Archduke was flattered by the painting and gave Tyl the position of the court painter. One day the Archduke wanted his portrait to be drawn by Tyl. Tyl being clever convinced the Archduke that he wouldn’t feel happy about the painting without the others in it. The Archduke accepted his idea and commanded him to draw a portrait which included her highness, the noble generals and the captains.
Tyl was granted hundred gold pieces in advance. The next day as per Tyl’s wish all the courtiers who were to painted came to see him one by one. The Commander in chief of the army was a pleasant-looking fellow. But he wanted himself to be painted handsome and threatened to hang Tyl otherwise. Threats like these followed. But the King commanded that the painting should be very I real and if Tyl missed anything in it, he would be slaughtered like a pig. Tyl understood that he was in danger. So he invented a trick. When everybody came to see 1 the painting he told them that only those who had noble blood in their veins would be able to see the painting. All the rest would only see a blank wall. All started to admire the painting. Suddenly the Duke’s jester came and told that he was a fool and he had no blue blood in his veins but even then he couldn’t see the picture. Hearing this Tyl calmly paced away from the hall and ran for hisdffe on his donkey.
A profile is an information about a person’s life, work, interests etc.

Tips to remember
- Read the information/details of the person.
- Sequence the given details
- Use proper linkers to connect ideas
- Give a title
Question 11.
Prepare a short profile of Charles De Coster using the hints given below.
Name: Charles De Coster
Birth: 1827
Place of Birth: Munich
Famous as: Father of Belgian literature
Notable works: The Legend of Tyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak
Death: 1879
Charles De Coster:
Charles De Coster was born in 1827 in Munich. He was famous as the Father of Belgian Literature. The Legend of Tyl and Lamme Goedzak are his notable works. He passed away in 1879.
Question 12.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs choosing the right options from the brackets.
[ bring up, carry away, into, go over, sympathize with, look into]
a. I find it difficult to …………… him.
b. We shall have to ………….. this matter at the meeting.
c. They have …………….. the first prize.
d. How do you convert gallons ……………. liters?
e. We should …………. the plan again.
a. sympathize with
b. go over
c. carried away
d. into
e. go over
The Mysterious Picture Summary in English
This chapter is based on the events that occur upon the arrival of Tyl Ulenspiegel at the court of the Archduke. He wanted to become the court painter. Impressed by his painting ‘Our Lady, the Virgin’ the Archduke accepted his wish and gave him the position. One day, the Archduke wanted his portrait to be drawn by Tyl. Tyl being clever convinced the Archduke that he wouldn’t feel happy about the painting without others in it. The Archduke accepted his idea and commanded him to draw a portrait which included Her Highness, the noble generals and the captains who adored him. Tyl was granted a hundred gold pieces in advance. The next day as per Tyl’s wish all the courtiers who were to be painted came to see him one by one.
The Commander-in-Chief of the army wasn’t a pleasant-looking fellow. But he wanted himself to be painted handsome and threatened to hang Tyl otherwise. Threats like these followed. But the King commanded that the painting should be very real and if Tyl if issued anything in it, he would be slaughtered like a pig. The picture was finished. Everyone came to see this wonderful piece, of art. Suddenly Tyl said that only those who had noble blood in their veins would be able to see the painting. All the rest would only see a blank canvas. It turned out to be that the courtiers started to show more admiration to the painting than the others. Suddenly, the Duke’s Jester came and told that he was a fool and he had no blue blood in his veins but even then he couldn’t see the picture. Hearing all this, Tyl calmly paced away from the hall and ran for his life on his donkey!
The Mysterious Picture Summary in Malayalam

The Mysterious Picture Glossary