Medieval India: Concept of Kingship and Nature of Administration Notes | Class 9 History Chapter 4 Notes Kerala Syllabus

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Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 1 Chapter 4 Medieval India: Concept of Kingship and Nature of Administration Questions and Answers

SSLC History Chapter 4 Notes

Medieval India Concept Of Kingship And Nature Of Administration 9th Question 1.
Discuss the characteristics of the sultanate administration based on the indicators given below.
1. Central administration
2. Local administration
3.Law of succession
4. Military administration
Central administration:
The Sultanas implemented centralized rule in the administrative system. Let’s examine its important features.

  • The influence of Turkish tradition
  • The Sultan was the head of administration, military, and judiciary.
  • There were different ministers and officers to assist the king in administration.
  • An exact law of succession was absent.
  • The leadership of the Caliphate of Baghdad was accepted.
  • A strong army was maintained to defend the country from the threat of invasions and for the expansion of the empire.
  • The vast country was divided into different regions for the convenience of administration.
  • Regional laws prevailed at the village level.

Local Administration:

  • For the convenience of administration, the empire was divided into provisions, shiqs, Parganas, and villages.
  • Separate officers were appointed for each division. Their authority was not hereditary. The maintenance law and order, judicial administration, collection of taxes and organization of the army were the chief duties of these officers.
  • They were under the direct control of the Sultan. But the Sultan did not directly intervene in the administration of the villages.

Low of succession:

  • Sultan’s authority was not hereditary.
  • The position of local officers was also not hereditary.

Military administration:

  • Sultan was the head of the military force. The country was divided into different parts and these were entrusted with the nobles who were also the military commanders. These divisions were known as ‘Iqtas’ and their holders were known in different names as Iqtadar, Muqti, and Wali.
  • The revenue collection and judicial administration of these divisions were the main duties of these Iqtadars.
  • They were also duty-bound to maintain an army of their own.

Medieval India Concept Of Kingship And Nature Of Administration Notes 9th Question 2.
Examine the role of the market reforms in strengthening the military power during the Sultanate period.
The Sultanate rule of Delhi was based on the strength of the army. The Sultans always paid attention to maintain a well-equipped army. Market regulation of Alauddin Khalji was a reform implemented with the intention of maintaining a large army with less expenditure. It was necessary to control the prices of essential commodities to reduce the military expenditure. As part of this, the government fixed the prices of essential commodities.

Hence the merchants were forced to sell their products at the fixed price. Black marketers and hoarders were strictly punished. The weights and measures were unified. The government established granaries to store the grains bought from the peasants. The corns were distributed during the time of famines at a moderate price. As a result, the soldiers were able to purchase commodities at a moderate price. Hence there was no need to pay them high salaries. Through these acts, the Sultan curtailed the military expenditure and the amount thus saved was utilized to enhance the strength of the army.

Medieval India Concept Of Kingship And Nature Of Administration Pdf 9th Question 3.
Prepare a note by discussing the common features of the Sultanate and the Mughal administrations.
The features of the Mughal administration are pointed out below:

  • Divine Right of Kingship
  • The influence of Turkish and Mongal traditions.
  • Powers centralized in the king. Based on military power
  • Assistance of ministers and officials in the administration
  • Existence of local administration.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard History Notes Question 4.
Akbar became successful as a ruler, acceptable to all through his administrative measures. Substantiate.
The Mughal administration attained strength during the time of Akbar. As a ruler, his aim was to win the support of all sections of people. The policies adopted by Akbar for the same are given below:

  • Adopted the title of Badsha-i-Hind (the Emperor of India)
  • To maintain religious harmony he formulated a new faith Earned Din-i-llahi by inculcating the ideas of all religions.
  • The Rajputs such as Raja Todarma, Birbal, Mansingh, etc. were appointed as high officials.
  • Akbar and his relatives married Rajput ladies.
  • The army was strengthened by including different sections.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 5.
To what extent Din-i-llahi formulated by Akbar was helpful in maintaining administrative stability and religious harmony? Analyze Up
Akbarwanted to maintain peace, friendship and unity among different sections of people in his country. In order to have intellectual discourses, Akbar constructed the Ibadat Khana at his capital, Fatehpur Sikri. By inculcating the essence of all these discussions, he formulated the ideology of Din-i-llhai. It was a combination of ideas
and principles of different religions. He never compelled anyone to accept it. It did not have any rites, religious texts, places of worship or priests, except the joining function. Sulh-Kul or ‘Peace to alkl’ was its basic tenet.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide Question 6.
Mansabdari System was introduced to strengthen the authority of the emperor. Substantiate.
The base of Mughal administration was a strong military system. Instead of the military strength, the emperors needed the support of the nobles and officials for the maintenance and expansion of the empire. For this, Akbar adopted the Manasbdari system. The term ‘Mansab’ denotes the rank or position of Mughal military officer. Those who held this position were called Mansabdars.

The position of the officers, their salary and military responsibilities were categorically determined through the Mansabdari system. The rank of a Mansabdar was determined by the number of horses and cavalrymen he maintained. There were more than 30 ranks in the army of Akbar, ranging from mansabdars of 10 horses to 10,000 horses. Each Mansab had 2 sub-divisions called the ‘Zat’ and the ‘Sawar’ ‘Zat’ fixes the rank and salary of a person in the army while ‘Sawar’ refers to the number of horses a Mansabdar had to maintain

Hss Live Guru 9th Social Science Question 7.
What are the similarities and dissimilarities between the Iqta system of the Sultanate period and the Jagiradari system of the Mughar period?
Jagirdari system was introduced by Mughal emperors to make the administration more effective. It was a higher form of the Iqta system of the Sultanate period. The following table explains the similarities and dissimilarities between the two systems.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 8.
Prepare a note comparing the village autonomy of the Cholas with that of the local self-government of present Kerala.
For the sake of administration, the Chola kings divided the country into Mandalams, Valanadus, Nadus, and Kottams. A group of autonomous villages formed a Kottam. All the responsibilities and authorities relating to the administration of the villages were vested with the people of the villages. Two councils known as the Ur and the Sabha functioned for the purpose of village administration.

The people of the whole village was included in the Ur, whereas the Sabha was only a Council of the Brahmins. This system of administration has some similarities with the local self-government system of present Kerala. The center of authority in our system is Grama Sabha.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 9.
Prepare a note after comparing the portfolio of the Ashtapradhan council with that of the present-day ministers.
The Maratha Administration:
You might be familiar the Maratha kingdom which ruled India in the 17th century. Like all other medieval Indian rulers, the Maraths king was also the supreme authority with powers over the legislature, executive, judiciary and military. Observe the diagram which shows the functions of the minister in the council called Ashtapradhan.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Medieval India Concept of Kingship and Nature of Administration 1
If we observe the portfolio of the Ashtaparadhan Coun¬cil, we can understand that the present-day ministry also has all such portfolios.

9th Class Social Science Notes Question 10.
How did Maratha administration differ from the medieval administrative system? Discuss.
The Maratha kingdom was divided into many parts for the convenience of administration. These divisions were provinces, districts (paranthas), Parganas and villages. The officers were directly appointed by the king. The country was further divided into two: ‘Swarajya’ and ‘Mogalai’. The Swarajya was the territories of the Marathas whereas the Mogalai was the regions annexed to the kingdom.

In addition to the land tax collected from the Maratha country (Swarajya) two kinds of taxes, Chauth and Sardeshmukhi, were collected form the annexed regions. During the medieval period, many fundamental changes occurred in the administrative system of The administrative system implemented by the medieval rulers influenced the later administrative systems considerably.

Social Notes For Class 9 State Syllabus Question 11.
Conduct a seminar on the various administrative systems that prevailed in medieval India.
The features of various administrative systems that prevailed in medieval India are summarized as follows.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Medieval India Concept of Kingship and Nature of Administration 2
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Medieval India Concept of Kingship and Nature of Administration 3

Let Us Assess

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium Question 12.
What were the circumstances that prompted the Sultans of Delhi to establish a centralized system of administration in India?
The influence of Turkish tradition, the desire for expanding kingdom, need for maintaining military force were the circumstances that prompted the sultans of Delhi to establish a centralized system of administration in India.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In English Question 13.
Evaluate the characteristics of the Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar.
The base of Mughal administration was a strong military system. Instead of the military strength, the emperors needed the support of the nobles and officials for the maintenance and expansion of the empire. For this, Akbar adopted the Manasbdari system. The term ‘Mansab’ denotes the rank or position of Mughal military officer. Those who held this position wre called Mansabdars.

The position of the officers, their salary and military responsibilities were categorically determined through the Mansabdari system. The rank of a Mansabdar was determined by the number of horses and cavalrymen he maintained. There were more than 30 ranks in the army of Akbar, ranging from mansabdars of 10 horses to 10,000 horses. Each Mansab had 2 sub-divisions called the ‘Zat’ and the ‘Sawar’ ‘Zat’ fixes the rank and salary of a person in the army while ‘Sawar’ refers to the number of horses a Mansabdar had to maintain.

9th Class History Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Match column ‘B’ with ‘A’ and arrange the table properly.

Mansabdari systemChola administration
Iqta SystemShivaji
Village autonomyKrishna Deva Raya
AshtapradhanSultanate rule


Mansabdari systemAkar
Iqta SystemSultanate rule
Village autonomyChola administration
AmuktamalyadaKrishna Deva Raya

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Geography Question 15.
Prepare a note on the Naynkara and the Ayyagar systems introduced during the Vijayanagara period.
The central administration of the Vijayanagara empire was called Nayankara system and the local administration was called the Ayyagar system. The features of both these systems are discussed below.
i) The Navankara system:
The king was the head of the central administration of the Vijayanagara Empire. There were ministers and royal officers to assist the king in administration. There was only a small army under the direct control of the king. The provincial governors maintained fixed number of soldiers of their own. They provided the service of the army to the king whenever necessary. As they were also military heads, the king awarded them with the title of ‘Nayak’ along with a specific area of land. This system that prevailed at the center was known as the Nayankara system.
ii) The Avvaaar System:
For the convenience of administration, the empire was divided into provinces, nadus, and villages. Village was the basic unit. The village assemblies functioned in the same way as it did during the period of the Cholas. The day-to-day administration of the village was done by the officers known as ‘Ayyagars’ who inherited the post. This administrative system was known as Ayyangar System. The position of Ayyagars in the village administration was equal to that of the Nayaks in the central administration.

History Notes Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 16.
Prepare a short not on the Ashtapradhan Council of the Maratha period.
Maratha kingdom ruled in India in the 17th century. Maratha king was the supreme authority with powers over the legislature, executive, judiciary and military. Maratha’s ruler, Shivaji was assisted by the Ashtapradhan in his administration. Ashtapradhan was the council of ministers. Let us see the functions of ministers in the Ashtapradhan.

  • Peshwa – Prime Minister
  • Nyayadhyaksh – Chief Judicial officer
  • Amatya – Finance officer
  • Sachiv – Royal correspondence
  • Mantrin – Private secretary of the king
  • Pandila Rao – Religious and charitable activities
  • Sumant – Foreign affairs
  • Senapathy – Military

Medieval India: Concept of Kingship and Nature of Administration Model Questions and Answers

Kerala Syllabus 9th Std Social Science Notes Question 17.
Arrange the following in chronological order
1. Sayyid dynasty
2. Thuglaq dynasty
3. Lodi dynasty
4. Mamluk dynasty
5. Khalji dynasty
1. Mamluk dynasty
2. Khalji dynasty
3. Thuglaq dynasty
4. Sayyid dynasty
5. Lodi dynasty

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard History Question 18.
…………. was the capital of Sultanate.

9th Class Social Studies Notes State Syllabus Question 19.
Point out the important features of centralized rule implemented by the Sultans.
The Sultanas implemented centralized rule in the administrative system. Let’s examine its important features.

  • The influence of Turkish tradition
  • The Sultan was the head of administration, military, and judiciary.
  • There were different ministers and officers to assist the king in administration.
  • An exact law of succession was absent.
  • The leadership of the Caliphate of Baghdad was accepted.
  • A strong army was maintained to defend the country from the threat of invasions and for the expansion of the empire.
  • The vast country was divided into different regions for the convenience of administration.
  • Regional laws prevailed at the village level.

Question 20.
What does the word ‘Sultanate’ refer to?
The word Sultanate refers to the authority and suzerainty of one person over the others.

Question 21.
Complete the following:
1. Wazir – Revenue
2. Mamlik –
3. Chief sadr –
4. Divan-i-lasha –
1. Wazir – Revenue
2. Mamlik – Military
3. Chief sadr – Judiciary
4. Divan-i-lasha – Royal correspondence

Question 22.
Construct a table showing local administrative divisions and their corresponding officers of the sultanate period.


Question 23.
What were the duties of officers under Sultanate local administration?

  • Maintenance of law and order
  • Judicial administration
  • Collection of taxes
  • Organisation of the army

Question 24.
Identify the main duties of Iqtadars

  • Revenue collection
  • Judicial administration

Question 25.
Name the dynasties ruled the Vijayanagara empire.

  • Sangama
  • Saluva
  • Tuluva
  • Aravidu

Question 26.
Mughal emperors of India were the successors ………. rulers

Question 27.
Name the greatest ruler of the Mughal dynasty.

Question 28.
Prepare a note on the Mongal tradition.
The foundation of Mongol tradition is in the concept that the king was selected for implementation the interests of the God. The Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan declared that he got the destiny of God through a revelation and hence he is following that path. The view that the king is the representative of God helped maintain the unquestioned authority of the king.

Question 29.
‘Akbarnama’was written by
Abul Fazil

Question 30.
Who established the Mughal empire?
Baburin 1526CE.

Question 31.
Observe the India map in page 58 of the textbook and identify the Subas of Akbar.

  1. Kabul
  2. Lahore
  3. Multan
  4. Delhi
  5. Agra
  6. Ayodhya
  7. Allahabad
  8. Ajmir
  9. Gujarat
  10. Malwa
  11. Bihar
  12. Bengal
  13. Khanudesh
  14. Berar
  15. Ahammadnagar
  16. Orissa
  17. Kashmir
  18. Sindh

Question 32.
How was the rank of a Mansabdari determined?
The rank of a Mansabdari was determined by the number of horses and cavalrymen he maintained.

Question 33.
Narrate the Naval supremacy of Chola kings
The Chola kings organized a very strong army. They had the greatest naval power of that period. The Cholas extended their empire up to Malaysia, Indonesia, Ceylon, etc. The Bay of Bengal was known as the lake of the Cholas. All these achievements rural the naval supremacy of the Chola kings.

Question 34.
What has regulated the Chola administration?
The Chola administration was regulated through Royal decrees.

Question 35.
Match the following.

Chola administrationJagirdary stystem
Mughal administrationOlainayakam
Sultanate administrationSwarjaya
Maratha administrationMarket reforms


Chola administrationOlainayakam
Mughal administrationJagirdary stystem
Sultanate administrationMarket reforms
Maratha administrationSwarjaya

Question 36.
What as the most important feature of the Chola administration?
Village autonomy

Question 37.
Identify the powers vested with the Sabha.
1. Receive land for the temples.
2. ……………
3. ……………

  • Receive land for the temples
  • Collect tax by surveying land
  • Undertake public works for the welfare of the people
  • Keep accounts and records
  • Conduct judicial administration of the village.

Question 38.
Complete the following
9th Class Social Studies Notes State Syllabus

  • Nayankara system
  • Ayyagas system

Question 39.
Match the following

PeshwaFinance officer
AmatyaForeign Affairs
SumantRoyal correspondence
SachievPrime Minister


PeshwaPrime Minister
AmatyaFinance officer
SumantForeign Affairs
SachievRoyal correspondence

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Ocean and Man Notes | Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 Notes Kerala Syllabus

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Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man Questions and Answers

SSLC Geography Chapter 5 Notes

Ocean And Man Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Identify the location of each ocean from the world map. List the straits, bays and the seas of each ocean with the help of an atlas.
Ocean And Man Class 9 Kerala Syllabus

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 2.
The following table contains the names of some major islands and peninsulas in the world. With the help of an atlas find out the names of the oceans to which they below.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes

  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Atlantic Ocean
  5. Atlantic Ocean

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 3.
Complete the table using fig. 5.7 in textbook
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus
9th Standard Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
The equatorial regions; record a high amount of salinity as compared to the polar regions why?
The temperature is high in equatorial regions compared to polar regions. Density increases as temperature rises. High density is associated with high salinity. There is possibility of high evaporation in equatorial regions. That is why equatorial regions record high amount of salinity.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus  Question 5.
Why is salinity is less at river mouths?
Salinity is less at river mouths because of huge amount of freshwater added from hundred of rivers.

9th Std Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Which are the warm and cold currents of the Atlantic Ocean? Identify the continents near which they flow.
9th Std Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus

Warm currentsContinents near which they flow
1. North Atlantic current1. Europe
2. Gulf Stream2. North America
3. Florida current3. North America
4. North equatorial currents4. South America & Africa
5. Equatorial counter currents5. South America & Africa
6. South Equatorial currents6. South America & Africa
7. Brazilian current7. South America
Cold currentContinent near which they flow
1. Labrador current1. North America
2. West wind drift2. South America
3. Benguela current3. Africa
4. Canaries current4. Europe of Africa

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium Question 7.
Complete the following table based on the currents of the Indian Ocean.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man 8

1. South equatorial current1. Warm1. From East to West
5. South West Monsoon current5. Warm2. From West to East
6. Agulhas current6. Warm3. From North to West
7. West Australian current7. Cold4. From South to North
8. West wind Drift8. Cold5. From West to East

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 8.
You have learnt the uses of Oceans. Conduct a seminar on the topic ‘influence of Oceans in human life’.
“Influence of Oceans in Human Life”
Oceans play significant role in the life of human beings. We cannot neglect oceans because oceans are useful in

  • Influencing our climate.
  • Providing mineral deposits.
  • Helping power generation.
  • Providing source of food.

We shall now explain the influence of Ocean in detail.
Oceans have a decisive role in controlling the climate along the coastal regions. The sea breeze during the day and the land breeze in the night regulate the temperature over the coasts. Oceans play a part in the formation of weather phenomena like rain, wind, and cyclones. Generally, the coastal regions have moderate climate, whereas severe summer and winter prevail in regions away from the sea.
Oceans as a source of food:
Fish is an important item of food. Fishing is major
activity in Japan, Peru, China, Norway, and the United States of America. Marine organisms are the source of many medicines. They are used for the production of antibiotics, steroids, and vitamins.

Ocean and Man Model Questions and Answers

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In English Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
Nearly ………… % of earth’s surface area is covered with water.

9th Class Social Science Textbook Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Name the Oceans
a) The Pacific Ocean
b) The Atlantic Ocean
c) The Indian Ocean
d) The Artie Ocean
e) The Antarctic Ocean

9th Standard Social Science Textbook Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
Match the following

Pacific oceanSouthern ocean
Atlantic oceanWarton trench
Indian oceanPuerto Rico
Antarctic oceanChallenger Deep


Pacific oceanChallenger Deep
Atlantic oceanPuerto Rico
Indian oceanWarton trench
Antarctic oceanSouthern ocean

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science English Medium Question 12.
Distinguish between bay and strait.
The portion of the sea surrounded by land on three sides is called a bay. On the other hand, the narrow stretch of sea between two landmasses is known as strait.

Question 13.
Complete the table

Sri Lanka
Green land


Sri LankaIndian Peninsula
MaldivesArabian Peninsula
Green landAlaska Peninsula
SumatraLabrador Peninsula

Question 14.
Define Peninsula
The landmasses surrounded by sea on three sides are called peninsula.

Question 15.
Identify the important features of seawater.

  • Temperature
  • Salinity
  • Density

Question 16.
Where do you find the highest Ocean temperature?
Between 10° latitudes on either side of the equator

Question 17.
As we more away from the equator, temperature considerably.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) First increases and then decreases
d) Remains constant
a) Increases

Question 18.
What is the reason for the variation in temperature over different latitudinal zones?
Variation in the amount of insolation received on the earth is the major reason, The Ocean currents and winds also influence the temperature of seawater.

Question 19.
Define Salinity?
The concentration of salt content in seawater is known as salinity.

Question 20.
The average amount of saltiness of seawater is
a) 2.5%
b) 3.5%
c) 4.5%
d) 5.5%
b) 3.5%

Question 21.
Name the major contents of seawater

  • Sodium chloride
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium Sulphate

Question 22.
Point out the conditions leading to variations in salinity.

  • Salinity will be more in landlocked seas.
  • Salinity increases in areas of high evaporation.
  • Salinity decreases in areas where snow meltwater reaches in large quantity.
  • Salinity decreases at river mouths.
  • Heavy rainfall leads to reduction in salinity.

Question 23.
What causes movements in seawater.
The density of seawater is not uniform everywhere. This is due to the variations in salinity and temperature of sea water. Density decreases as temperature increases, and it increases as salinity increases. You have understood that the temperature, salinity and the density of seawater are not uniform everywhere. These variations lead to movements in seawater.

Question 24.
Which are the movements of seawater.

  • Waves
  • Tides
  • Ocean currents

Question 25.
What are sea waves?
The up and down motion of the water along the surface of the sea is called sea waves.

Question 26.
Mark the missing portion.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man 9

  1. WaveLength
  2. Crest
  3. Wave height
  4. Trough

Question 27.
Name the following:
(i) The summit of the wave
(ii) Bottom part of the wave
(iii) Distance between 2 adjacent crests
(iv) Vertical distance between the crest and the trough
(i) Wave crest
(ii) Wave trough
(iii) Wavelength
(iv) Wave height

Question 28.
………. is the reason for waves.
The friction exerted by winds on the ocean surface

Question 29.
As the speed of the wind increases, the strength of the wave
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains constant
b) Increases

Question 30.
Name two damages caused by strong waves

  • Cyclones
  • Shelving of shores

Question 31.
Some measures are taken to prevent damage and to protect the lives of people living in the coastal areas. Identify the measures.

  • Depositing boulders along the seashore.
  • Construction of interlocking concrete structures (Pulimuttu)
  • Planting of mangroves.

Question 32.
Name the sea waves generated by earthquakes and volcanos
Seismic sea waves or tsunami waves.

Question 33.
Prepare a note on mud bank
Mudbank is a phenomenon that develops in the Arabian Sea during the onset or the end of the monsoon season. Planktons grow luxuriantly in the turbulent muddy water along the seashore during the monsoon rains. Schools of fish such as shrimp, sardine, and mackerel arrive to feed on the planktons and the mud, giving fishermen a good catch. This phenomenon is known as mud bank.

Question 34.
What do you mean by tides?
Tides are he periodic rise and fall of water level in the ocean.

Question 35.
Distinguish between high tide and low tide
The rise in the level of ocean water is the high tide and the lowering of the water level is known as the low tide.

Question 36.
What are the reasons for tides?
Tides are formed as a result of the gravitational pull exerted by the moon and the sun along with the centrifugal force due to the earth’s rotation.

Question 37.
‘ Illustrate with the help of a figure the occurrence of high tide and low tide.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man 10
The water level on the part of the earth facing the moon rises. The rise in water level due to the gravitational pull exerted by the moon leads to high tide. You might have noticed that the water level at the opposite side also has risen. The centrifugal force due to the earth’s rotation is the reason for the rise in water level here. It can be seen that the water level goes down at places located 90° away from the places of tidal influence. This is due to the draining of water towards the tidal regions. The phenomenon of fall of water level is known as low tide.

Question 38.
Point out the important effects of tides.
High tides and low tides have many effects. Let’s have a look at them.

  • The debris dumped along the seashores and ports are washed off to the deep sea.
  • The formation of deltas is disrupted due to strong tides.
  • Brackish water can be collected in salt pans during high tides.
  • The fishermen make use of the tides for going and returning from the sea in catamarans.
  • Tidal energy can be used for power generation.
  • Ships can be brought to shallow harbors during high tides.

Question 39.
Prepare a note on ocean currents
It is a type of seawater movement. Ocean currents are the continuous flow of seawater from one direction to another. They can be classified as warm currents and cold currents. Warm currents are the currents that flow from the tropical or subtropical regions towards the polar or subpolar regions. The water that flows in will be warmer than the water at the destination.

Similarly, cold currents are the currents that flow in from the polar or the subpolar regions towards the tropical or subtropical regions.In this case, the water that flow in will be colder than the water at the destination. The temperature and salinity of seawater varies from ocean to ocean. This difference leads to density difference in seawater. The difference in density is one of the factors that cause ocean currents.

Question 40.
Complete the chart.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man 11

  1. Warm currents
  2. Cold currents

Question 41.
What are the effects of ocean currents?

  • Influence the climate of coastal regions.
  • Fog develops in the regions where warm and cold currents meet.
  • The regions where the warm and cold currents meet provide favorable conditions for the growth of fish.

Question 42.
Which are the mineral deposits in ocean.

  • Iron ore
  • Coal
  • Petroleum
  • Natural gas

Question 43
The oil field started in 1974 in Mumbai is known as
Mumbai High

Question 44.
Name some countries where fishing is an important activity.

  • Japan
  • Peru
  • China
  • Norway
  • USA

Question 45.
What are the medicinal user of marine organisms?
Marine organisms help in production of :-

  • antibiotics
  • steroids
  • vitamines

Question 46.
Prepare a flow chart showing method of purifying seawater.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man 12

Let Us Assess

Question 47.
Which among the following statements is not related to the Indian Ocean?
a. The southern part of this ocean extends up to the Antarctic Ocean.
b. The average depth is more than that of the Atlan tic Ocean.
c. The Puerto Rico trench is situated in this ocean.
d. It ranks third in area.
B & C are not related

Question 48.
which among the following places record the least salinity? why?
1. Land-locked sea,
2. Areas of heavy rainfall
3. Areas of high evaporation
Landlocked sea. Because salinity increases in landlocked seas.

Question 49.
Is there any relation between the intensity of waves and the wavelength? substantiate
The Intensity of waves is defined as the power delivered per unit area. The unit of intensity will be W.m2. The wave energy comes from simple harmonic motion of its particles. The total energy will equal the maximum kinetic energy. As intensity of waves increases the wavelength also increases.

Question 50.
High tide occurs twice a day. Explain this statement.
The rise in water level due to the gravitational pull exerted by the moon leads to high tide. Tides can occur as two high waters and two low water each day. The tides are occurred by the gravitational. The moon’s gravity pulls the ocean surface closer to it and the moon makes two trips around the earth each day. Hence there in high tide twice a day.

Question 51.
Explain spring tides and neap tides with the help of diagrams.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 5 Ocean and Man 13
The sun, moon, and earth come in a straight line on full moon and new moon days. The tidal force will be intense due to the combined influence of sun and moon. As a result, the tides formed on these days will be stronger. These are known as spring tides. The moon and the sun will be at an angular distance of 90° from the earth after seven days from the full moon and new moon days. As the sun and the moon attract the earth from an angular distance of 90° the tides casued are weak. Such weak tides are known as neap tides. Note the positions of the earth, moon, and sun in the given diagram.

Question 52.
Oceans play an important role in human life and environment. Justify.
Influence of Oceans in human life
Oceans play significant role in the life of human beings. We cannot neglect oceans because oceans are useful in

  • Influencing our climate.
  • Providing mineral deposits.
  • helping power generation.
  • Providing source of food.

We shall now explain the influence of ocean in detail.

Election and Democracy Notes | Class 9 History Chapter 8 Notes Kerala Syllabus

You can Download Election and Democracy Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 8 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 1.
Elections are indespensible in a democracy. Substantiate.
Elections are indispensable in a democracy due to the following reasons.

  • Elections reflect the aspirations of the people.
  • People can select the rulers of their choice through elections.
  • People can participate and respond in democratic process.
  • Election is a good reason for the rulers to act according to the aspirations of people.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 2.
Complete the Flow Chart.
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9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Malayalam Medium Question 3.
Narrate the procedure of simple majority system.
According to this system, elections are held in the following manner.

  • The country is divided into various electral districts known as constituencies.
  • One representative is elected from one constituency.
  • Any number of candidates can contest.
  • The candidate who gets the highest number of votes is elected.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide Question 4.
Proportional representation is adopted to elect
a) President
b) Vice president
c) Members of Rajya Sabha
d) All the above
All the above

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 5.
Match the following

ElectionAge limit
President30 years
Member of Rajya Sabha21 Years
Member of Lok Sabha35 Years
Member of Panchyat25 Years


ElectionAge limit
President35 years
Member of Rajya Sabha30 Years
Member of Lok Sabha25 Years
Member of Panchyat21 Years

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In English Medium Question 6.
Point out the functions of Election Commission.
The Functions of Election Commission:

  • Supervise the election.
  • Prepare voters list.
  • Declare the dates of different stages of election.
  • Allot election symbols.
  • Frame code of conduct.
  • The appointment and training of election officials.
  • Voting, counting of votes and declaration of results.
  • Examine election expenses of candidates.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium Question 7.
Name the first election commissioner of India.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In English Question 8.
Examine the drawbacks of India’s electroal system
Drawbacks of India’s electroal system are given below
i) Influence of money

  • Voters are influenced by offer of money.
  • Political parties spend large amount of money for election campaigns.

ii) Election-related violence

  • Violence on the polling day.
  • Bogus voting and booth capturing.

(ii) influence of caste and religion
Caste and religious considerations influence selection of candidates.
(iv) Lack of representation of women

  • Women do not get due consideration during the selection of candidates.
  • Poor representation of women in the parliament and legislative assemblies

9th Standard Social Science Notes  Question 9.
Negative vote is casted by using button.

9th Standard Social Science Textbook Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Define political parties. What are their functions?
Political parties are organization formed on the basis of an ideology which works continuously for attaining political power. Their main functions are given below.

  • Connect the government and the people.
  • Form public opinion.
  • Create political awareness.
  • Context elections and the party attains majority of seats form the government.
  • The parties which do not get majority of seats, function as responsible opposition.
  • Correct wrong policies of government.
  • Put forward various policies and programmes.

History 9th Class Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
Differentiate between national parties and state parties.
National parties and state/regional parties are functioning in India. The Election Commission has set the criteria for political parties to be a national or state party.

Generally, those parties which function across the nation and have influence in more than one state are called national parties. Political parties which have influenced, only one state are called state parties.

9th Class Social Science Malayalam Medium Question 12.
What is meant by Psephology
Psephology is the science of predicting election results before the declaration of results, after analyzing the possibilities of political parties and coalition fronts.

9th Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
Who allots the symbols for the candidates who contest election?
Election Commission

9th Class Social Science Malayalam Medium Notes Question 14.
What is the minimum age for contesting elections to different representative bodies?
18 years

Scert Class 9 Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 15.
Indian election system has drawbacks. Find ways to rectify them.

  • Identify card with voter’s photo.
  • Limit on the election expenses of candidates.
  • Code of conduct for political parties and candidates.
  • Electronic voting machine.
  • Voters’ list with photo of the electors.
  • Negative voting system.
  • Photo of candidates on ballot paper.

Question 16.
How is direct election different from indirect election? Find examples.

  • People directly elect their representatives. This method is called direct election.
    e.g: Loksabha, State legislative assembly, Local self-government.
  • The method of election in which representatives are chosen by the elected representatives of people is indirect election.
    e.g: President, Vice President, Rajya Sabha

Question 17.
Elucidate what is proportional representation.
In India, proportional representation is adopted where we follow indirect election. In India, MLAs of State Legislative Assemblies from each state elect members of the Rajyasabha. In proportion to their strength in the state legislative assemblies at each political party can elect representatives to Rajyasabha.

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Economic Systems and Economic Policies Notes | Class 9 Geography Chapter 9 Notes Kerala Syllabus

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Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 2 Chapter 9 Economic Systems and Economic Policies Questions and Answers

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9 Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Name the different economic systems

  • Capital economy
  • Socialist economy
  • Mixed economy

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In English Question 2.
What do you mean by capitalist economy? Point out its important features.
Capitalist economy is the economy in which the ownership of means of production is with private individuals who work with the motive of making profits. Other features of capitalist economy are as follows:

  • Freedom for the entrepreneurs to produce any commodity
  • Right to private property
  • Profit motive
  • Transfer of wealth to legal heir
  • Free market with no control over price
  • Consumers sovereignty
  • Competition among entrepreneurs to sell products.

9th Standard Social Science Guide Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
In a capitalist economy, major economic decisions are taken by
Price Mechanism

Scert Class 9 Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 4.
Define socialist economy. What are the features of a socialist economy?
Socialist economy is an economic system in which the means of production are owned by the public sector. This economic system works on centralised planning. Let us analyse other features of a socialist economy:

  • Activities aimed at social welfare
  • Absence of private entrepreneur
  • Absence of private ownership of wealth and transfer of wealth to legal heir
  • Economic equality

Scert Class 9 Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Point out demerits of socialism

  • Less investment.
  • Absence of private ownership of wealth
  • Limited choice of products.

Social Science Class 9 Notes State Syllabus  Question 6.
What is mixed economy? What are its features?
Mixed economy is the economy that has certain features of both the capitalist economy and socialist economy. India has adopted mixed economy. Let us analyse some of the features of a mixed economy.

  • Existence of both private and public sectors.
  • Economy works on the principle of planning
  • Importance to welfare activities
  • Existence of both freedom of private ownership of wealth and economic control.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Categorise the following countries into different economic systems.
1. USA
2. China
3. Cuba
4. India
5. Sri lanka
6. U.K.
Capitalist economy:
1. USA
6 U.K.
Socialist economy
2. China
3. Cuba
Mixed Economy
4. India
5. Sri lanka

Class 9 Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
Relaxation of government control and influence over the economic activities in a country is:
a) Privatisation
b) Liberalisation
c) Globalisation
d) Marketisation
b) Liberalisation

Social Notes For Class 9 State Syllabus Question 9.
India adopted new economic policy in

9 Class Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 10.
Mention the changes that were brought about as a result of liberalisation.

  • Relaxation of control in setting up industries.
  • Reduction of import tariff and tax.
  • Changes in foreign exchange rules.
  • Abolition of market control
  • Permission of foreign investment in many sectors.
  • Reduced the role of government in the basic industries and basic infrastructure development.

Social Guide For Class 9 State Syllabus Question 11.
Prepare a note on globalization.
Globalisation is the economic integration and interdependence of nations as a result of free flow of capital, labour, goods and services, and exchange of technology irrespective of boundaries.

Towards the end of the twentieth century, developments in computer, mobile phones, internet, etc helped in improved communication. Container ships, flights, bullet trains, etc. contributed to the fast means of transportation these changes helped globalization.

Social Science Textbook Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Pdf Download Question 12.
WTO was formed on
1st January 1995

Social Science Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
Name Bretton woods twins
IMF and World Bank

Let Us Assess

Social Science Class 9 Malayalam Medium Question 14.
Why is the capitalist economy known as Market economy?
Capital economy functions aiming profit, complete each other and there is no control over prices. So capital economy is also called market economy.

State Syllabus Class 9 Social Science  Question 15.
Elucidate the concept of police state.
In capital economy there is very little government intervention in the economic activities in capitalist economy. The main functions of the nation are to maintain law and order and to defend the country from foreign invasion. Such nations are known as police state.

9th Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 16.
Planning is the main feature of the socialist economy. Explain.
It is through planning that the basic problems of an economy are solved by the socialist economy. Regarding what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce is done to ensure social welfare. Goods and services are produced and distributed accordingly. The amount of goods and services required for the society is calculated and production is done accordingly.

Std 9 Geography Kerala Syllabus Question 17.
Today, purely capitalist and socialist economies can not be found in the world. Substantiate.
Pure form of capitalist or socialist economies can not be seen anywhere today. There is government intervention in capitalist economies like those in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Private ownership of wealth and freedom of market have been permitted in socialist countries like China and Cuba.

Class 9 Social Science Notes State Syllabus Question 18.
List the actions taken by the government of India as a part of liberalisation.

  • Relaxation of control in setting up industries.
  • Reduction of import tariff and tax
  • Changes in foreign exchange rules
  • Abolition of market control
  • Permission of foreign investment in many sectors.
  • Reduced the role of government in the basic industries and basic infrastructure development.

Question 19.
Make a note on the working of multinational companies.
Multinational companies are those companies registered in the home country but operating in many countries. These companies with high technology and huge capital viewed neoliberalisation as an opportunity. Instead of producing goods in a country and exporting it to other countries, the multinational companies have invested their capital in developing countries so that raw materials, labour and market available there can be used in their favour.

Question 20.
Do you support globalisation policies? Why?
Globalisation have its own merits and demerits. As part of globalisation a wide variety of products, ability to use the most advanced technology, increased competition in the market, more employment opportunities and increase in national income are possible and at the same time increase economic disparity, excess exploitation of natural resources, fall in the price of domestic products lose of government control over economic system happens. Even though globalisation is good for developed nations but it has adverse effect for developing nations.

Question 21.
What are the features of mixed economy?

  • Existence of both public and private sectors.
  • Economy works on the principle of planning.
  • Importance to welfare activities.
  • Existence of both freedom of private ownership of wealth and economic control.

Question 22.
What is known as globalisation?
Globalisation is the economic integration and inter-dependence of nations as a result of free flow of capital, labour, goods and services and exchange of technology irrespective of boundaries.

Sun: The Ultimate Source Notes | Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Notes Kerala Syllabus

You can Download Sun: The Ultimate Source Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 1 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 2 Chapter 1 Sun: The Ultimate Source Questions and Answers

SSLC Geography Chapter 1 Notes

Sun The Ultimate Source Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Sun The Ultimate Source Class 9 Kerala Syllabus
Look at the above maps showing the atmospheric temperatures of a few cities in India.
i) Is the temperature the same at different places on the same day?
ii) Is the temperature experienced at a particular place the same in all seasons?
i) The temperature is not the same at different places on the same day.
ii) The temperature at a place will be different in summer season and winter season. It can be seen from the above figures. Figure A shows winter season and figure B shows summer season in India. Thus at a place temperature in different in both the seasons.

Sun The Ultimate Source Class 9 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Some gases present in the atmosphere can absorb terrestrial radiation. Which are those gases? What is the consequence of such absorption?
Carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone are the gases that can absorb terrestrial radiation. The atmosphere is heated by terrestrial radiation.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 3.
Terrestrial radiation occurs mostly at night. Why?
The sun rays coming from the sun to the earth is insolation. It can take place only in the day time. The surface of the earth is heated by the process of terrestrial radiation and this heat is transferred to the atmosphere. This transfer takes place mostly at night.

Hss Live Guru 9th Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
What is the difference between insolation and terrestrial radiation?
The earth receives energy from the sun. The incom¬ing solar radiation is called insolation. The sun’s rays reach the earth as short waves. They do not heat the atmosphere directly. Heat is transferred from the surface of the earth to the outer space in the form of long waves. This process is terrestrial radiation. The atmosphere is heated by this process.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium Question 5.
Discuss why are the maximum and minimum temperatures being recorded at 2 pm and just before sunrise respectively?
The maximum intensity of the sun’s rays is at 12 noon. But the maximum temperature of the atmosphere is felt at about 2 in the afternoon because it takes about two hours to heat the atmosphere by the terrestrial radiation. That is why the maximum temperature of the day is recorded at 2 in the afternoon.

Similarly, the atmospheric temperature decreases very slowly. It is only after 4 in the morning that the atmospheric temperature falls. The minimum temperature of a day is recorded at 5 in the morning (just before sunrise).

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Geography Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Which instrument is used to measure temperature?

9th Std Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Calculate diurnal range and daily mean temperature of the places shown in the picture.
Sun The Ultimate Source Class 9 Notes Kerala Syllabus
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 8.
How is sunlight distributed in temperate and frigid zones?
The regions between the tropic of cancer and arctic circle in the northern hemisphere and tropic of Capricorn and antarctic circles in southern hemisphere are the temperate zones. Slanting sunrays fall on temperate zones. So less heat is experienced here. The summer is warm, mild and comfortable but the winter is severe.

The regions between the arctic circle and north pole and antarctic circle and south pole are the frigid zones. Here the sun’s rays are very much inclined and so, the heat received by this region is comparatively very low.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide Question 9.
The temperature in the atmosphere decreases approximately at the rate of 1°C per 165 m of altitude. What is this process called?
Normal Lapse Rate

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Notes Question 10.
The temperature experience in places like Idukki and Wayanad is much lower than that of the neighboring districts Ernakulam and Kozhikode respectively. Why?

  • Idukki and Wayanad are located in the Western Ghat Zone.
  • Temperature decreases with height.
  • As these regions have high altitude, the temperature there is very low.
  • Ernakulam and Kochi are located in a low altitude.
  • So these districts experience more temperatures.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science English Medium Question 11.
Generally, Kerala experiences moderate temperature. Why?
It can be inferred that the range of temperatures will be higher at places away from the sea and vice versa. Temperature remains moderate at places close to the sea. This is because the heating of land causes wind to blow from sea to land and cooling of land causes wind to blow from land to sea. Since Kerala in located near to sea, the state experiences moderate temperatures.

Social Science Notes Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Explain the influence of winds in regulating the temperature of a region.
The winds influence the temperature of a place. While the hot winds raise the temperature of a place and the cold winds reduce the temperature.

Std 9 Geography Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
Hss Live Guru 9th Social Science Kerala Syllabus
Observe the above figure. The smooth curved lines represent the temperature recorded at different places throughout the earth’s surface. What are these lines called?

Hss Live Class 9 Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Isotherms in the southern hemisphere are almost parallel to the Equator compared to those in the northern hemisphere. Why?
During summer, high temperature prevails over the land compared to the sea and during winter, the condition is reversed. The bending of isotherms is due to the differential heating of land and water.

9th Geography Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
In the weather maps for summer and winter, the iso-therms behave differently. Why?
During summer, high temperature prevails over the land compared to the sea and in winter, low temperature is experienced. The bending of isotherms is due to the differential heating of land and water. Inland areas during summer the isotherms bend facing the poles, and in the oceanic region, isotherms bend facing the equator. During winter the condition is reversed.

Hss Live Guru 9th History Kerala Syllabus Question 16.
What is the role of temperature in bringing water con-tent to the atmosphere?

  • Evaporation is the process that brings water content to the atmosphere. Temperature affects the rate of evaporation.
  • Evaporation is high when temperature is high.

Question 17.
Is humidity uniform at all places?
No, humidity is not uniform at all places. Humidity varies not only with place, but also with time.

Question 18.
Can you suggest a suitable experiment to demon demonstrate the condensation process?
Take a steel glass. Fill it with lime juice. Add an ice cube and stir the glass gently. Continue the process. After some time, drops of water begin to form on the side of the glass. Water drops appear on the cold side (outside) of the glass due to the process of condensation.

Question 19.
Dew disappears as the sun rises. Why?
Dew is the Atmospheric vapor condensing in small drops on cool surfaces at night. When the sun rises the atmospheric temperature increases and the waterdrops in the form of dew become moisture.

Question 20.
Observe the sky and try to identify the different types of clouds.
When we observe the sky, we can identify 4 types of clouds. They are

  1. Cirrus clouds
  2. Stratus clouds
  3. Cumulus clouds
  4. Nimbus clouds

Question 21.
Which form of precipitation is most familiar to you?
Most familiar and common form of precipitation is water drops. This is the rainfall.

Question 22.
When Kerala receives southwest monsoon rainfall the western parts of Tamil Nadu remain dry. Why?

  • South West Monsoon rainfall is an example to orographic rain.
  • Kerala is located in the western part of the West- em Ghat.
  • Kerala lies in the windward side of the mountain.
  • So Kerala receives good rainfall.
  • This is orographic rainfall
  • After shedding rains on the windward side, the dry wind then reaches on the leeward side, which fail to give rain in this area. It is a rain-shadow region.
  • Tamil Nadu lies in the rain shadow region. When Kerala receives rain, Tamil Nadu does not get rain.

Question 23.
Due to high-temperature air gets heated and rises up. What is this process of heat transfer called?

Sun: The Ultimate Source Model Questions and Answers

Question 24.
What is meant by insolation?
Solar energy reaches earth in the form of short waves. This is termed as insolation.

Question 25.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium
The given diagrams indicate the processes of heat transfer in the atmosphere. Analyse the diagrams and write a note.
Heat transfer in the atmosphere takes place due to four processes:
Conduction – The sun’s rays reach the earth as short waves. The incoming solar radiation is called as insolation. Insolation does not heat the atmosphere directly as it passes through. The earth’s surface gets heated due to insolation. This heat is transferred to the part of the atmosphere close to the hot surface of the earth.
Convection- Heated air expands and rises up. Cold air in the upper part of the atmosphere comes down, gets heated and rises up again. This circular process heats the atmosphere.
Advection – It is the horizontal transfer of heat through wind. Hot wind that blows to a region increases the temperature in that region. Similarly, cold wind that blows to a region reduces the temperature in that region.
Terrestrial Radiation- The re-radiation of energy from the surface of the earth back to the outer space in the form of long waves is called terrestrial radiation.

Question 26.
Define heat budget.
The balance between insolation and terrestrial radiation is called heat budget.

Question 27.
Write the terms:
(i) Maximum temperature – Minimum temperature
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Geography Notes Kerala Syllabus
(i)Diurnal range temperature
(ii) Daily mean temperature

Question 28.
9th Std Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus
Based on the picture given above, complete the table given below. Supposing the amount of insolation as 100 units.

What does the picture show?a
Amount of energy reflected by the atmospheric particles and earth’s surfaceb
Energy reaching the earth’s surfacec
Energy held by the atmosphered
Direct terrestrial radiatione
Radiation from the atmospheref
Total energy received by the atmosphere and surface of the earthg
Total energy radiated back from the earth’s surface and the atmosphere.h

a) Heat Budget
b) 35 units
c) 51 units
d) 14 units
e) 17 units
f) 48 units
g) 65 units
h) 65 units

Question 29.
What do you mean by thermal equator?
If isotherms are plotted by connecting the places having the highest temperature on earth it will run almost parallel to the equator. Such an imaginary line is called thermal equator.

Question 30
What would happen if there was no heat balancing process?
Through the heat balancing process, the surface temperature of the earth is kept balanced. The highest heat in the day and the highest cold at night would . have experienced if there was no heat balancing process. Flora and fauna on earth could not have existed.

Question 31.
Is the presence of water content the same in all regions in the atmosphere?

  • Water content is greater in the atmosphere near the coastal areas where the temperature is high.
  • The reason is the high rate of evaporation.
  • In the atmosphere over the deserts, there is very little water content. It is because only very little water is available there.
  • The drier the air, the greater is the rate of evaporation.

Question 32.
Point out the atmospheric phenomena taken place due to fluctuations in atmospheric temperature.

  • Pressure
  • Cloud
  • Wind
  • Precipitation

Question 33.
What is humidity?
Water content in the atmosphere is called humidity.

Question 34.
Prepare a note on the working of the maximum-mini-mum thermometer.

  • The maximum-minimum thermometer is the instrument for measuring the maximum and minimum temperature in a day.
  • Here the two thermometers are connected using a U – shaped glass tube.
  • The mercury-filled in the maximum thermometer expands with rise in temperature and pushes up the metal indicator.
  • The indicator remains at the position showing the maximum temperature of the day.
  • According to the position of the indicator the maximum temperature can be read at any time during a day.
  • The minimum thermometer has alcohol-filled above the indicator.
  • When the temperature falls the indicator is pushed up as the alcohol contract.
  • The minimum temperature can bread from the position of the indicator at any time.

Question 35.
What is the difference between Absolute Humidity and Relative Humidity?
The actual amount of water present in the atmosphere is called absolute humidity. It is measured as the amount of water vapor present per cubic meter volume of air (g/m3).

Question 36.
Define in solution
The earth receives energy from the sun. The incoming solar radiation is called insolation.

Question 37.
Relative humidity is measured by using
a) thermometer
b) seismograph
c) wet and dry bulb thermometer
c) wet and dry bulb thermometer

Question 38.
Identify different forms of condensation

  • Dew
  • Mist/fog
  • Frost
  • Cloud

Question 39.
Clouds can be classified according to their and ………..
form and height

Question 40.
Clouds are classified into four types. Name them.

  1. Cirrus clouds
  2. Stratus clouds
  3. Cumulus clouds
  4. Nimbus clouds

Question 41.
Rewrite the items given in column B to suit the items in column A.

IsothermsHorizontal transfer of heat through wind
InsolationRays in the form of long waves
AdvectionLines that join places of equal atmospheric temperature
TerrestrialRays in the form of short waves


IsothermsLines that join places of equal atmospheric temperature
InsolationRays in the form of long waves
AdvectionHorizontal transfer of heat through wind
TerrestrialRays in the form of short waves

Question 42.
Name the following clouds
i) feather-like clouds
ii) dark rain clouds
iii) combination of cumulus and nimbus clouds
i) Cirrus clouds
ii) Nimbus clouds
iii) Cumulo-nimbus clouds

Question 43.
Name 3 forms of precipitation

  1. Rainfall
  2. Snowfall
  3. Hailstones

Question 44.
Distinguish between snowfall and hailstones.
When the temperature falls below 0° Celsius, precipitation reaches the earth in the form of tiny crystals of ice. This is snowfall. If the water droplets released from the clouds happen to passthrough colder layers of the atmosphere, they may reach the earth in the form of ice pellets. This form of precipitation is called hailstones.

Question 45.
Which are the different types of rainfall?

  • Orographic rain
  • Convectional rain
  • Border rain

Let Us Assess

Question 46.
Explain how latitudinal location influences the distribution of temperature on earth.

  • As the shape of the earth is round all places on the earth do not get the same amount of solar energy.
  • The places in between the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn get vertical rays of the sun.
  • The temperature will be high in this region.
  • The places in between the tropic of cancer and arctic circle in northern hemisphere and tropic of Capricorn and antarctic circle in southern hemisphere get slanting rays.
  • So the temperature will not be high.
  • The places in between the arctic circle and north pole and antarctic circle and south pole get very much inclined rays of the sun.
  • So these regions experience very low temperatures.

Question 47.
The isotherms in the northern hemisphere are more curved while those in the southern hemisphere are almost parallel to the Equator. Why?

  • There are both continents and oceans in the northern hemisphere. There exists difference in the heating of land and water. Compared to the oceans, the land area becomes hot soon. So the isotherms in the northern hemisphere are more curved.
  • Oceans constitute the most part of the southern hemisphere. Land area is very small there.
  • So the isotherms in the southern hemisphere are almost parallel to the Equator.

Question 48.
Suppose the relative humidity is 100%. Write your inferences regarding the atmospheric condition.
If the relative humidity is 100%, the condensation process begins and cloud formation takes place. When the number and size of water droplets increase in the cloud, they cannot remain in the air. So they fall on the earth. It is called precipitation.

Question 49.
Differentiate between
a) Dew and frost
b) Fog and mist
The land absorbs heat during the day, and at night the land becomes cold soon. The result is that the cooled air deposits its moisture on the surface of objects which come into contact with it. This deposit of water is called dew.
Frost: There are places on the earth where the night temperature falls below 0° Celsius. Tiny ice crystals are formed in such places. This form of condensation is called frost.

Fog and mist:
Fog or mist is the result of condensation around the minute dust. Particles in the lower atmosphere. If the range of visibility is less than one kilometer, it is termed fog. If the rate of visibility is more than one kilometer, it is called mist.

Question 50.
Illustrate the concept of orographic rainfall with the help of a diagram.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes

Medieval World: Centres of Power Notes | Class 9 History Chapter 1 Notes Kerala Syllabus

You can Download Medieval World: Centres of Power Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 1 Chapter 2 Medieval World: Centres of Power Questions and Answers

SSLC History Chapter 1 Notes

Medieval World Centres Of Power 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
The middle Age was an era of the growth of civilization worldwide. The economic transformation brought by the medieval life and its characteristics were the causes of the revolutionary changes in the 16th century.
J.D. Bemal
Science in History (vol.1)
Examine the statement given above.
a) What does this statement refer to?
b) What are the characteristic features of the medi¬eval world?
a) The statement refers to the Medieval world,
b) The period between the fifth and fifteenth centuries CE is known as the medieval period.
The political structure of the medieval world was similar. But there were differences in the forms of authority. They were different in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa.

Learning Excellence Record Std 9 Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Medieval World Centres Of Power 9th Kerala Syllabus
Observe the map of Eastern Roman Empire and find out the regions of West Asia, Europe and Africa included in it. Prepare a list of the countries in which they are located.
Learning Excellence Record Std 9 Answers Kerala Syllabus
Medieval World Centres Of Power Textbook Pdf 9th Kerala Syllabus

Medieval World Centres Of Power Textbook Pdf 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Complete the flow chart
Medieval World: Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Pdf 9th
Medieval World: Centres Of Power Questions And Answers 9th

Medieval World: Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Pdf 9th Question 4.
History will judiciously forget the wars and Justinian and remember him for his laws.
a) Whose observation is given above?
b) About whom is the observation made?
c) What was his major achievement?
d) What are its features?
a) Will Durant
b) Justinian. He was the famous Eastern Roman Emperor
c) Corpus Juris Civilis
(Codification of all the existing Roman laws: into a code of law)
d) Corpus Juris Civilis, the code is based on the principles of

  • Reasoning
  • Justice and
  • Generocity

Medieval World: Centres Of Power Questions And Answers 9th Question 5.
Observe the world map and list the present European countries that were part of the Holy Roman Empire.
Medieval World: Centres Of Power Class 9 Notes Pdf

  • Portugal Spain
  • France
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Bulgaria
  • Serbia
  • Austria
  • Romania

Medieval World: Centres Of Power Class 9 Notes Pdf Question 6.
Prepare a note on the history of the formation of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Western Roman Empire with its capital at Rome came to an end due to the continuous invasions of the Germanic tribes. The territories of the Roman Em¬pire were captured by different tribes. The most prominent among them was the Franks. The empire established by the Franks was the Frankish Empire. The famous Emperor of the Frankish Empire was Charlemagne of the Carolingian dynasty. The empire of Charlemagne was larger than the Eastern Roman empire.

Charlemagne saved Pope Leo III, the spiritual head of the Catholic Church from the tribal attack of the Lombards. As a token of gratitude, the pope crowned him as the Holy Roman Emperor. Hence his em¬pire came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.

Learning Excellence Record Std 9 Answers Samagra Question 7.
Charlemagne was a great conqueror as well as an efficient administrator. What were his administrative achievements?

  • He brought almost all of the Western European regions under his sway.
  • He expanded his empire through political alliances and matrimonial relations.
  • He introduced centralized administration in his empire.
  • Local administration was entrusted to officers known as ‘Counts’.
  • To keep and effective check upon the activities of the Counts, he created a secret department named ‘Micci Dominici.
  • Relief funds were created for helping the poor.
  • A network of educational institutions was established under the leadership of Charlemagne. The resultant intellectual awakening was known as the Carolingian Renaissance.

Medieval India: The Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Pdf 9th Question 8.
Observe the map of Arabia and find out the location of the places given below. In which countries are they located now.
1. Mecca
2. Medina
3. Damascus
4. Baghdad
1. Mecca – Saudi Arabia
2. Medina – Saudi Arabia
3. Damascus – Syria
4. Arabia – Iraq

Learning Excellence Record Std 9 Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
Why is it said that Harun-al-Rashid was different from other Medieval rulers?

  • Harun-al-Rashid was the most famous ruler of the Albbasid dynasty
  • He implemented many welfare measures.
  • Hospitals were established in Arabia for the first time.
  • Judicial administration was based on the principles of Islam and the rule of law was strictly observed.
  • The people were free to travel anywhere in the empire without fear.
  • Established contacts with the Holy Empire.

Learning Excellence Record Std 9 Answer Key Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Observe the map of the world and list the regions which were part of the Ottoman Empire.
Learning Excellence Record Std 9 Answers Samagra

  1. Alexandria
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Damascus
  4. Constantinople
  5. Athens
  6. Belgrade
  7. Mecca
  8. Medina
  9. Tripoli
  10. Salonica

Medieval World Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Question 11.
Observe the map given and find out the continents in which the Mongolian Empire was spread over.
Medieval India: The Centres Of Power Questions And Answers Pdf 9th

  1. Asia
  2. Europe

Question 12.
What were the administrative reforms introduces by Genkhis khan that set an example to the modern world? Prepare a short note based on its characteristics.
The chief characteristic feature of the Mongol army was its strong cavalry. Genhis Khan arranged his army in the multiples often (10,100,1000,10000). The main attraction of the army was the small canons which could be used while sitting on horseback. Genghis Khan also maintained a well-organized espionage.

To connect the distant places of the empire with the administrative center, the Mongolians introduced postal system using horses. This communication system was known as the ‘courier’. The courier system of Genghis Khan was speedy and effective.

Question 13.
Discuss the economic and cultural development of Medieval Africa on the basis of Mali Empire.

  1. The Mali Empire was one of the famous empires of medieval Africa. The center of administration was Mali in West Africa.
  2. Kankan Musa was a famous ruler of Medieval Africa who has known in European records as Mansa Musa.
  3. Timbuktu in the Empire of Mali was the most important cultural and commercial center of medieval Africa. Merchants from Venice, Granada and Genoa reached Timbuktu for marketing their merchandise such as gold and ivory. It was also a centre of slave trade. The University of Timbuktu was one of the leading centers of knowledge of that period. The university attracted students from all parts of the world. The ‘Great Mosque’ constructed by Kankan Musa at Timbuktu was the leading centre of Islamic studies during the medieval period.

Question 14.
Compare the forms of power that existed in Medieval China and Japan.
China and Japan were the countries in Asia where efficient administrative system existed during the medieval period. In the initial stage of the Medieval period, China was ruled by the Tang Dynasty. The sovereignty of the country was vested in the emperor. State officials were selected after conducting competitive examinations based on the criteria of education and excellence. The Tang rulers were tolerant towards all regions and were great promoters of trade and commerce. After the Tang Dynasty, China was ruled by the Song, Ming and Manchu dynasties.

In Medieval Japan also, the emperor was the supreme head in political affairs. But the administration was overhauled by the feudal lords known as Shoguns. Land was under their control. It was under the Shoguns that Tokyo emerged as the center of power.

Question 15.
What are the causes that lead to the decline of Feudalism?

  • Decline in agricultural production due to climate change
  • Outbreak of famine in many parts of Europe
  • The continuous occurrence of plague, known as ‘Black Death’ wiped off nearly half of the population of Europe.
  • The crusades shattered many of the feudal lords.
  • The monopoly of gun powder enabled the kings to suppress feudal lords.
  • The new middle class that emerged as a result of the growth of trade also helped the rulers to subdue the feudal lords.
  • The outbreak of many peasant revolts and wars in different parts of Europe weakened the lords and strengthened the authority of the kings.

Let Us Assess

Question 17.
Understand the relationship between the items in ‘A’ and complete ‘B’ accordingly.
1. Byantine Empire – Justinian
B ………… – Charlemagne
2. A. Timbuktu – Mali Empire
B. Baghdad – ……………
3. A.Tang Dynasty – China
B. Shoguns – ……………..
4. A. Hijra – 622CE
B. Invasion of Constantinople – ………………. by Turkey

  1. Holy Roman empire
  2. The Arab empire
  3. Japan
  4. C.E. 1453

Question 18.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Medieval World Centres of Power 9

Genghis KhanCourier System
Kankan MusaJourney to Mecca
Harun al RashidThousand and one night
Prophet MuhammedHijra

Question 19.
What are the peculiarities of the code of Justinian?
1. Justinian codified all the Roman laws into a code of law, known as ‘Corpus Juris Civilis’.
2. The code is based on principles of reasoning justice and generosity.
3. The code is divided into three, namely

  • Code
  • Digest
  • Institutes

Question 20.
What are the major causes for the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire?
The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire began after Justinian. It collapsed with the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in the 15th century.

Question 21.
‘Harun -al-Rashid was the most famous among the Abbasid Caliphs’. Examine the relevance of this statement.
Harun-al-Rashid was the most famous ruler of the Albbasid dynasty. He implemented many welfare measures. Hospitals were established in Arabia for the first time. Judicial administration was based on the principles of Islam and the rule of law was strictly observed. The people were free to travel anywhere in the empire without fear. Established contacts with the Holy Empire.

Question 22.
What were the major characteristics of the Mongolian army?
The chief characteristic feature of the Mongolian army was its strong cavalry. Genhis Khan arranged his army in the multiples often (10,100, 1000,10000).
The main attraction of the army was the small canons which could be used while sitting on horseback. Genghis Khan also maintained a well-organized espionage.

Question 23
What was the name of the postal system introduced by Genghis Khan? What were its characteristics?
To connect the distant places of the empire with the administrative center, the Mongolians introduced postal system using horses. This communication system was known as the ‘courier’. The courier system of Genghis Khan was speedy and effective.

Question 24.
List the characteristics of the medieval towns such as Constantinople, Baghdad, and Timbuktu.
1. Constantinople is located at the most strategic place in the Gulf of Bosphorus, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black sea. This city was named after the Roman Emperor, Constantine. It remained as the capital city even during the reign of the OttomanTurks. It was a great center of art and architecture. At present Constantinople is known by the name Istambul.
2. Baghdad is located on the banks of the River Tigris. This city is the background of the book Thousand and One Nights’. In the Thousand and One Nights, the city is depicted as the biggest and richest city in the world. It was here that the world-famous University of Baghdad and the palace of the Abbasids are situated. Baghdad was conquered by the Mongolian rulerTimurandthe Ottoman ruler, Suleiman. During the Mongolian invasion, it is said that there were 36 public libraries in Baghdad city. It was also a cultural center of that period.
3. Timbuktu in the Empire of Mali was the most important cultural and commercial center of medieval Africa. Merchants from Venice, Granada, and Genoa reached Timbuktu for marketing their merchandise such as gold and ivory. It was also a center of slave trade. The University of Timbuktu was one of the leading centers of knowledge of that period. The university attracted students from all parts of the world. The ‘Great Mosque’ constructed by Kankan Musa at Timbuktu was the leading center of Islamic studies during the medieval period.

Question 25.
Analyze the circumstances that led to the disintegration of feudalism.
Decline in agricultural production due to climate change

  • Outbreak of famine in many parts of Europe
  • The continuous occurrence of plague, known as ‘Black Death’wiped off nearly half of the population of Europe.
  • The crusades shattered many of the feudal lords.
  • The monopoly of gun powder enabled the kings to suppress feudal lords.
  • The new middle class that emerged as a result of the growth of trade also helped the rulers to subdue the feudal lords.
  • The outbreak of many peasant revolts and wars in different parts of Europe weakened the lords and strengthened the authority of the kings.

Question 26.
Identify the location of Constantinople, Baghdad, Mecca, Medina, Damascus, Karakorum, Mali, Timbuktu and Tokyo on the world map. Prepare the list of the countries in which these cities are located now.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Medieval World Centres of Power 10
Constantinople – Turkey,
Mecca- Saudi Arabia,
Medina-Saudi Arabia,
Damascus – Syria,
Karakoram – Siberia,
Mali – West Africa,

Medieval World: Centres of Power Model Questions and Answers

Question 27.
Eastern Roman Empire was called the Byzantine Empire. Give reason.
Constantinople was earlier known as Byzantine. When the Eastern Roman Empire came into being, Constantinople was its capital. That is why eastern Roman empire was called the Byzantine empire.

Question 28.
Suleiman was called Al-Qanuni (the lawgiver). Why?
Suleiman codified the Ottoman laws. Hence he was called Al-Qanuni.

Question 29.
Give reason for the downfall of the Eastern Roman empire.
The Turkish leader Muhammed II captured Constantinople in 1453 CE. By then many territories of Eastern Roman Empire became a part of the Ot¬toman empire

Question 30.
Match the following.

Genghis KhhanAl-Qanuni
Harun-al-RashidMcci Dominicci
CharlemagneAbbasid dynasty


Genghis KhhanKarakorum
Harun-al-RashidAbbasid dynasty
CharlemagneMcci Dominicci

Question 31.
What was the ‘Mcci Dominicci’?
Charlemagne, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, introduced centralized administration in his empire. Local administration was entrusted to officers known as Counts. To keep an effective check upon the activities of the Counts, he created a secret department named ‘Mcci Dominicci’

Question 32.
Who were the Franks? Which was the empire founded by the Franks?
The Western Roman Empire with its capital at Rome came to an end due to the continuous invasions of the Germanic tribes. The most prominent among them was the Franks. The empire established by the Franks was the Frankish empire.

Question 33.
What do you mean by Carolingian Renaissance?
Carolingian established a network of educational institutions. This resultant intellectual awakening was called Carolingian Renaissance.

Question 34.
How did Ottoman empire receive its name?
Ottoman empire was founded towards the last part of the 13th century by one of the tribal leaders of Turkey, Usman. He was called ‘Uthaman’ and it was form this that the name Ottoman was derived.

Question 34.
Mongolian empire was founded by
Genghis Khan

Question 36.
Arrange the following events which is related to the Arab Empire chronologically.
a) Umayyad rule
b) The period of the prophet Muhammad
c) Abbasid rule
d) Rule of the Caliphs.
a) The period of the prophet Muhammad
b) Rule of the Caliphs,
c) Umayyad rule
d) Abbasid rule

Question 37.
The coins Dinar and Dirham existed in the Arab Empire.
a) Who issued these coins?
b) What was the difference between these coins?
a) The coins were issued by the Umayyads.
b) Dinar was gold coin, whereas.
Dirham was silver coin

Question 38.
Who was the successor, Genghis Khan? What were his contributions?
Timur. He was called Tamerane. In 1398 he crossed the river Indus and reached Delhi. On his way back, he took with him a great treasure.

Question 39.
Who is known as Mansa Musa?
Kankan Musa

Question 40.
Under whose rule was Tokyo emerged as the center of power?
a) During the rule of the Shoguns
b) During the rule of the Manchus.
c) During the rule of the Song dynasty.
d) During the rule of the Ming dynasty
d) During the rule of the Shoguns

Question 41.
Which of the following groups is related to the North American Civilization?
a) Mississippi, Mayan, Caribbean
b) Inca, Aztec, Mogollon
c) Mississippi, Patayan, Caribbean
d) Caribbean, Mogollon, Toltec.
c) Mississippi, Patayan, Caribbean

Question 42.
Define feudalism.
The socio-political-economic system existed in medieval Europe based on land was known as Feudalism.

Question 43.
What is ‘Back Death’?
Continuous occurrence of plague is known as ‘Black Death’.

Question 44.
What led to the emergence of nation-states?
The outbreak of many peasant revolts and wars in different parts of Europe weakened the lords and strengthened the authority of the kings. This led to the emergence of nation-states.

Question 45.
Prepare a note on the ‘Crusades.
The Crusades were the wars fought between Western Europe and the Turks from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries. These wars were fought for appropriating Jerusalem, which is considered as the Holy City of the jews, the Christians and the Muslims. Crusades were considered as one of the major factors for the spread of eastern culture in Europe.

Question 46.
Identify to which empire the following names are related?
i) Courier
ii) Timbuktu
iii) Al-Qununi
iv) Cavalry
i) Mongolian
ii) Mali Empire
iii) Ottoman empire
iv) Mongolian Empire

Question 47.
Complete the following table

1.Eastern Roman EmpireJustinian
2.Holy Roman Empire
3.Arabian Empire
4.Ottoman Empire
5.Mongolian empire
6.Mali empire


  1. Justinian
  2. Charlemagne
  3. Harun-al-Rashid
  4. Suleiman
  5. Genghis khan
  6. Kankan Musa

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard History Notes Malayalam Medium Chapter 9 Towards a Bright Future Solutions

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Economic Growth and Economic Development Notes | Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Notes Kerala Syllabus

You can Download Economic Growth and Economic Development Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 2 Chapter 6 Economic Growth and Economic Development Questions and Answers

SSLC Geography Chapter 6 Notes

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Malayalam Medium Question 1.
What changes in an economy can be found in an economy as a result of economic growth?
As a result of economic growth, several changes take place in an economy. Such changes include.

  • Increase in industrial production.
  • Increase in agricultural production.
  • Growth in the service sector.
  • Increase in purchasing power.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Some statements relating to economic growth and. development are given below. Classify them economic growth and development:
a) National income increased
b) Production of what increased to 150 crore tonnes.
c) National Highways were developed into four lanes.
d) Skill training was provided to the laborers.
e) Implemented modem facilities in the health sector.
f) Basic facilities of education institutions were improved.
Economic growth:
a) National income increased
b) Production of what increased to 150 crore tonnes.
c) National Highways were developed into four lanes.
Economic development:
d) Skill training was provided to the laborers.
e) Implemented modem facilities in the health sector
f) Basic facilities of education institutions were improved

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 3.
Complete the following flow chart:
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Malayalam Medium
Establishment of new hospitals

More people receive hospital facilities

Improvement in health condition of people

Better health leads to better standard of living

9th Standard Social Science Textbook Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Human Development Index values of some of the countries in 2014 are as follows. List them under the three categories of human development.
1. India – 0.586
2. Japan – 0.891
3. Mali – 0.407
4. Sri Lanka – 0.751
5. Norway – 0.944
6. Haiti – 0.471
High Human Development
1. Japan – 0.891
2. Norway – 0.944
Medium Human Development
1. India – 0.586
2. Sri Lanka – 0.751
Low Human Development
1. Mali – 0.407
2. Haiti – 0.471

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 5.
Define economic development
Increase in the standard of living with economic growth is called economic development.

Let Us Assess

9th Class Geography Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Write down the difference between economic growth and economic development

Economic growthEconomic development
1. Increase in income and production.1. Improvement in the quality of life.
2. Measured in terms of increase in national income.2. Measured in terms of various indices such as Physical Quality of Life Index, Human Development Index, etc.
3. Quantitative measure.3. Qualitative measure
4. Emphasis is purely on the economic factors.4. Emphasis on socio­economic factors.
5. Growth happens in a short-term.5. Economic development happens over a long period of time.

9th Class Social Science Malayalam Medium Question 7.
Explain in detail the limitations of per capita income as a development index.
Per capita income as a development index has
certain limitations:

  • Per capita income is an average income. For example, assume that the per capita income of a country is Rs. 40,000. This does not mean that each individual of the country receives an income
  • of Rs. 40,000. It includes the population earning crores of rupees as well as those with very low income. So, this is merely a numerical calculation.
  • While calculating economic development on the basis of per capita income, It cannot be claimed that improvement in the quality of living has been attained if the rich-poor disparity persists.
  • Per capita income as a development index ignores factors like education, availability of nutritious food and health care facilities that improve the quality of living.
  • Concerned only with economic growth, percapita income as a development index does not take into account social welfare and the equitable distribution of income.

9th Class Social Science Malayalam Medium Notes Question 8.
What is Human Resource Development?
Human development is the expansion process of opportunities that helps the people to improve their human resources.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf In English Medium Question 9.
What are the components of Human Development Index?

  • Percapita income.
  • Literacy and gross school enrolment rate.
  • Life expectancy.

9th Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
What is sustainable development? Write down a few suggestions to achieve sustainable development.
Sustainable development is defined as the development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need.

  • Rainwater harvesting.
  • Use of organic fertilizers
  • Reducing the use of plastics
  • Protecting water resources and paddy fields

9th Standard Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
What are the challenges faced by modern development initiatives?

  • Excessive exploitation of natural resources.
  • Polluting and wasting water resources.
  • Intensive use of pesticides.
  • Leveling of paddy fields and hills.
  • Poverty
  • Inequality of income and wealth.
  • Unemployment.

Economic Growth and Economic Development Model Questions and Answers

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide Question 12.
Define economic growth.
Economic Growth means an increase in the total output of a country compared to that of the previous year.

9th Class Social Science Textbook Malayalam Medium Question 13.
What is meant by economic growth rate?
Economic growth rate in the rate of increase in the national income during the current years as compared to the previous years.

9 Class Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Economicdevelopment = economic growth + …….
Better standard of living.

9th Social Science Notes Malayalam Medium Question 15.
Suggest any 4 conditions that will improve the standard of living.

  • Better education facilities.
  • Better health care facilities.
  • Availability of Clearwater.
  • Availability of nutritious food.

Question 16.
Complete the chart.
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus

Question 17.
Percapita income equals:
\(\frac{\text { National income }}{\text { Population }}\)

Question 18.
Prepare a note on PQLI
Physical Quality of Life Index came into use in 1979, when. an index more scientific than the per capital income was found necessary.
Instead of using per capital income as a single criterion for development, the Physical Quality of Life Index takes into consideration the following three factors:

  • Life expectancy
  • Infant mortality rate
  • Basic literacy

Question 19.
Human Development Index is published by

Question 20.
What is meant by human development? Point out the factors that help in attaining human development.
According to, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). “Human development is the expansion process of opportunities that help the people to improve their human resource”
There are various factors that help in attaining human development. Let us see a few:

  • Improved educational facilities.
  • Better healthcare facilities.
  • Increased training.

Question 21.
Complete the flow chart.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions part 2 Chapter 6 Economic Growth and Economic Development 3
Better educational facilities

Increase in the number of people receiving education

Increase in employment opportunities to educated people

Increase in income and purchasing power

Better standard of living

Question 22.
The value of HDI lies between:
a) -1 and +1
b) -1 and 0
c) 0 and 1
d) 1 and 100
c) 0 and 1

Question 23.
Human Happiness Index was originally developed by ………..

Question 24.
Make pairs : PQLI, Bhutan, HDI, Morris D Morris, Happiness Index, UNDP
PQLI : Morris D. Morris
Happiness Index : Bhutan

Question 25.
Human Happiness Index is based on 9 indicators. Which are they?
Nine indicators are considered for the calculation of
Human Happiness Index. They are as follows:

  • Health,
  • Standard of living
  • Education
  • Cultural diversity
  • Effective use of time
  • Good governance
  • Conservation of nature and biodiversity
  • Social life and neighbor relations
  • Mental health

Question 26.
Inequality is of 3 types. Name them.

  • Economic inequality
  • Inequality of Income
  • Regional inequality

Question 27.
Point out major challenges faced by development in India.

  • Poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Illiteracy
  • Malnutrition
  • Economic inequality,

Question 28.
Identify main goals of sustainable development.

  • Environmental goals
  • Economic goals
  • Social goals

Question 29.
What are the three types of inequality?

  • Economic inequality
  • Inequality in income
  • Regional inequality

Question 30.
List down the factors for deciding Human Development Index.

  • Per Capita Income
  • Literacy and gross school enrolment rate
  • Life expectancy

Question 31.
What are the challenges faced by modern development initiatives?

  • Poverty
  • Illiteracy
  • Malnutrition
  • Economic inequality
  • Death by starvation
  • Unemployment

Question 32.
For an improvement in the standard of living, several other living conditions should be made available along with an increase in national income. What are they? Answer:
Availability of nutritious food for all better health care facilities for all educational facilities for all and availability of clean water for all.

Question 33.
What are things to be considered when per capita income is taken as development index?
Growth rate of national income.
Population growth rate.

Question 34.
List down the three main components which forms like basis in preparing Human Development Index.
Per Capita Income
Literacy and Gross School enrolment rate Life expectancy

Question 35.
List down the three basic components for calculating the Human Poverty Index.

  • Longevity
  • knowledge
  • Decent standard of living

The East and the West: Era of Exchanges Notes | Class 9 History Chapter 2 Notes Kerala Syllabus

You can Download The East and the West: Era of Exchanges Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Part 1 Chapter 2 The East and the West: Era of Exchanges Questions and Answers

SSLC History Chapter 2 Notes

The East And The West Era Of Exchanges Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 1.
The two major trade routes of the medieval period are shown in the map below. What period are shown in the map below. What all can you find out from it?
The East And The West Era Of Exchanges Kerala Syllabus 9th

  • Silk rout and spice route were the major trade routes.
  • These routes extended from Eastern China to western Europe.
  • Silk route was a land route while the spice route was through the sea.
  • These routes passed through different trade centers.

The East And West Era Of Exchanges Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 2.
Observe the map of trade routes and list the major commercial centers of Europe.

  • Florence
  • Venice
  • Genoa
  • Milan

The East And The West Era Of Exchanges Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 3.
Evaluate the circumstances that led to the growth of trade in Italy during the medieval period.

  • By 11th century, the ancient Roman became active. This was due to the factor that cities were developed around the castles of the nobles and around the churches and monasteries.
  • The farmers of the medieval period arrived at the marketing centers with their products.
  • The traders and craftsmen stayed in those centers and conducted long-distance trade.
  • These trading centers gradually developed into cities.

Hss Live Guru 9th History Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Observe the atlas in the Social Science lab and find out the river banks on which the following cities are located.
The East And West Era Of Exchanges Kerala Syllabus 9th

1. LondonThames
2. ParisSeine
3. RomeTiber
4. ViennaDanube

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Analyze the characteristics of medieval cities.
The medieval cities were having the following characteristics

  • The medieval European cities were not similar to the modern cities.
  • They were generally small in size, the roads of these cities were narrow and unhygienic.
  • The buildings were built of wood and were thatched with hay.
  • The possibility of an outbreak of fire was very high as these cities were overcrowded.
  • Majority of the city dwellers were merchants, craftsmen, and laborers.
  • The laborers of the cities were poor, and hence they depended on others for their livelihood.
  • The cities depend on the villages for food and fodder.

9th Standard Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Observe the trade routes on the map provided and list out the important trade cities of central Asia.
The East And The West Era Of Exchanges Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th

1. Baghdad1. Aden
2. Basara2. Muscut
3. Constantinople3. Mecea
4. Damascus4. Calicut (Kozhikode)

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide Question 7.
Analyze the influence of the guilds on medieval European trade.
1. The rapid increase of trade in the medieval European cities, the formation of specific occupational sectors, the necessity to withstand the excessive taxation and exploitation and the sense of organization were the factors which led to the formation of the guilds.
2. The aims of the guilds were to foster mutual help and co-operation, to maintain the monopoly of the markets and the attainment of economic stability.
3. The guilds were the associations of experts in different occupational sectors. There were two kinds of guilds:
(i) The merchant guilds
(ii) The craft guilds
The merchant guilds were the first to emerge. Inter-city leagues were formed linking the cities for the progress of trade. The Hanseatic League is an example for this, which regulated the trade activities of many cities of Europe.

The craft guilds were the associations of different artisans and craftsmen of the medieval period. Every occupational group like the leather workers, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc. had separate guilds.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 8.
Discuss the functioning of schools in medieval Europe.
During medieval period, Europe attained remarkable progress in school education. Given below the method of functioning of schools.

  • The expansion of basic education, universities, Greco-Roman knowledge and Islamic knowledge were the features of the Medieval Age.
  • Many schools sprang up during this period for imparting primary education.
  • Major subjects taught in the medieval schools were Grammer, Latin, Astrology, Literature, Philosophy, Mathematics and Laws, and Laws of nature.
  • Education of women was restricted and those who got the rare opportunity for education were nuns and the children of rulers and nobles.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Malayalam Medium Question 9.
Conduct a discussion on the role of education in the progress of medieval society.
The medieval education was not confined to the primary level. University education also began to flourish. Main subjects taught in universities were philosophy, literature, medicine, languages, geometry, and law. Many universities were established in Europe in the 11 “’ and 12th centuries. Important among them are the following.

  • Bologna — Italy
  • Constantinople — Turkey
  • Paris — France
  • Oxford, Cambridge — England

Another important university was the Cordova University established by the Arabs in Spain. One of the important features of this university was the library which had thousands of manuscripts. This university provided facilities for learning languages such as Greek, Syriac, Persian, and Sanskrit. Arabic version of books originally written in these languages was available in the library of this university.

The advancement of education was not confined to Europe. It began to prosper in central Asia during the period of Abbasid Caliphate. Primary educational institutions (Maktabs) were started from the 10th century onwards, where children between the age of 6 and 14 were educated.

There were facilities for women education in the Arab world. Ladies were given the opportunity to become teachers by attaining the degree, ‘Ijas’. Altogether education played significant role in the progress of medieval society.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium Question 11.
” Medieval art and literature are example of the synthesis of the east and the west”. Examine the relevance of this statement.
During the medieval period there were 3 styles of architecture. They are

  1. Romanesque style
  2. Gothic style
  3. Carolingian style

The Europeans got acquainted with the Islamic culture during the Crusades. Art and literature were exchanged during this period. The western style was profoundly influenced by the Eastern art and architecture. The Platonic Academy of Florence and the Quinze-Vingts hospital of Paris constructed by the French emperor Louis IX on his return from the crusades are examples.

The western music had its beginning in the medieval period. Along with the church music, secular music also developed during this period. The influence of Arabic music is visible in the European music in the period 500 to 1400 CE.

During the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, arabic music progressed considerably. Ibn Misjah was the greatest musician of the Umayyad period. He started Arabic music by obtaining knowledge of Byzantine and Persian music through his travels in Syria and Persia. Ibn Muhriz and Ibn Surayi were two other important musicians of the time.

The major themes of the medieval literature were related to religion. Yet secular subjects were also treated as themes of the writings of this period. Some authors and their works of that period are given below.

Omar KhayyamThe Rubaiyat
Al FirdausiShahnamah
Ibn KhaldunKitab -al-lbar
Thomas AquinasSumma Theology
St. AugustineCity of God

Painting also progressed considerably during the medieval period. Major theme of the paintings was religion. Santa Trinita Madonna by Cenni di Pepo is an example of the progress of painting during this period.

Class 9 Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
“Progress in the field of education and science in the medieval world led to the beginning of the modern age”. Conduct a debate on this topic.

  • During the Medieval period, primary education and higher education attained progress.
  • Many schools sprang up during this period.
  • Grammar, Latin, Astrology, Literature, Philosophy, Mathematics, and Laws of nature were taught.
  • Many universities were established in Italy, Turkey, France, and England.
  • The Gurukula system prevailed in India.
  • Many educational institutions were attached to the temples in South India.


  • During the medieval period, science attained progress.
  • Contributions were given to medical science.
  • Surgery began.
  • Paved the way for the invention of automobiles and aircraft.
  • Notable contributions were made in astronomy.
  • The crusades facilitated the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge.
  • Making telescope, mechanical clocks, principle of the gear, surgical instruments, etc. were the achievements of this period.
  • Algebra, Alchemy, Trigonometry were other achievements.
  • Street lights of the cities and waste management programmes were the contributions of this period.

Social Science Class 9 Notes State Syllabus Question 13.
Evaluate the contributions of the Arabs in the fields of Medieval art, Education and Science.

  • Emperor Charlemagne formed a new style of architecture combining ancient Roman styles with the Byzantine style. This is known as the Carolingian Style.
  • Its important features are the domes, arch-shaped doors, huge pillars, and mosaic floor.
  • The influence of Arabic music is visible in the European music in the period from 500 to 1400 CE.
  • During the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates, Arabic music progressed considerably.
  • Ibn Misjah, the greatest musician, started Arabic music by obtaining knowledge of Byzantine and Persian music through his travels in Syria and Persia.
  • Ibn Muhriz and Ibn Surayi were important musicians of the time.


  • Cordova University was one of the famous universities established by the Arabs in Spain. One of the important features of this university was the library which had thousands of manuscripts. This university provided facilities for learning languages such as Greek, Syriac, Persian, and Sanskrit.
  • There were facilities for women’s education in the Arab world.
  • Ladies were given the opportunity to become teachers by attaining the degree ‘Ijas’.
  • The universities of Baghdad and Damascus of central Asia and the Al-Azhar University of Egypt were the noteworthy educational institutions of the medieval period.


  • Many scholars who made notable contributions to the field of science lived during the medieval period.
  • Ibn Sina gave contributions in medical science and philosophy.
  • Ibn al Qasim is known as the Father of Surgery.
  • Al Biruni formulated the basic ideas of Geology and Anthropology.
  • The Arabic numerals and zero from India were popularized in Europe.
  • Chemistry was developed as a science
  • The Arabs were the inventors of the subjects like Algebra and optics.

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9th Class Social Science Malayalam Medium Notes Question 14.
The trade routes connected the East and the West. Substantiate.
The continents which mainly locate in the West are Europe, North America, and South America. The Eastern countries which are mentioning in this units are Arabia just adjacent of Africa, India, China and so many other countries of the Asian continent. The continents in between the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean are broadly classified into the East and the West.

The silk which produced abundantly in the East was famous for its quality, color, and transparency. This silk was so dear to the Europeans. They were ready to travel to the East either via the sea route or through the land route to secure the spices, that were in plenty in the Eastern countries. ?These species were cardamom, pepper, ginger, and cinnamon, sandalwood, and forest resources were also the favorite items of the Europeans.

They frequently traveled through these routes to and fro with the purpose of trade. Later these routes were known as trade routes. The silk route through the land and the spice route through the sea helped a lotto the mutual transaction of the varied cultures of the East and the West. Thus these trade routes paved the way to connect the East and the west. They also helped a lot to the transaction of the resources and various products or trade and the togetherness of various cultures.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Question 15.
Examine the circumstances that led to the growth of distant trade?
Our earth is a combination of so many countries generally seen in between the oceans and the land. There are a wide range of differences in climate, resources, minerals, food and cash crops, people and their lifestyles among these countries. Each and every country is not at all self-sufficient in all types of resources or products. The products produced in the places where the nearness of the sea is a key factor are not alike that of the products of the continents. So in the ancient period onwards, people were eagerly enquired about the various products that were produced in the various parts of the world.

Some times, it was too difficult to reach in the remote areas of those countries form a distance. But the traders from various countries decided to travel to those distant countries. Thus the distant trade flourished. The traders competed among

Hsslive Guru Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 16.
What are the causes for the transformation of cities into trade centers?
The traders searched for better places which were suitable for trade. Their main priorities were trans-portation and warehouse facilities. Several traders came together to a place from where they could get a lot of products. So many people accompanied them to get job. Some others came there with a purpose of retail trade. This continuous flow of people to a particular trade center, it gradually developed into cities.

Most of the medieval cities were grown and developed in the banks of the rivers. The facilities of transportations, large scale collection of various articles, smooth transactions, the support of the rulers boosted the growth of the cities. Later these cities became the centers of trade. Increase in population made those cities into highly populated and busy trade centers.

9th Standard Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 17.
Prepare a note on the progress in the field of science and technology in the medieval world.

  • During the medieval period, science attained progress.
  • Contributions were given to medical science.
  • Surgery began.
  • Paved the way for the invention of automobiles and aircraft.
  • Notable contributions were made in astronomy.
  • The crusades facilitated the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge.
  • Making telescope, mechanical clocks, principle of the gear, surgical instruments, etc. were the achievements of this period.
  • Algebra, Alchemy, Trigonometry were other achievements.
  • Street lights of the cities and waste management programmes were the contributions of this period.

Question 18.
Which were the cities which minted their own coins in the medieval world?

  • Florence
  • Venice

Question 19.
List down the cities given below as directed – Baghdad, Florence, Genoa, Damascus, Venice, Mecca.
Hss Live Guru 9th History Kerala Syllabus

European citiesEastern cities

Question 20.
List out the important duties of the Guilds.

  • Framing labor laws
  • Determining working hours
  • Fixing of prices
  • Division of labor
  • Determining the mode of sale
  • Maintaining the quality of products

Question 21.
Which were the major subjects taught in the medieval European schools?

  • Grammar
  • Latin
  • Astrology
  • Literature
  • Philosophy
  • Mathematics
  • Laws of nature

Question 22.
Complete the table.
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus

IbnSinaMedical scientists and philosopher
Muhammed al RaziMedical science
Ibn al QasimFather of surgery

The East and the West: Era of Exchanges Model Questions and Answers

Question 23.
What do you mean by silk route?
The land route that extended from China to Europe was known, as Silk Route. This route which connected the East with the West stretched around 6000 kms.

Question 24.
Prepare a note on Spice Route.
A network of sea routes that connected the East with the West was known as the Spice Route. This route passed through the regions of coastal Indonesia, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, and the Central Asia, and the chief commodity of exchange was spices.

Question 25.
Name the Italian cities that emerged commercial centers from 1050 to 1300 CE.

  • Genoa
  • Venice
  • Pisa
  • Florence

Question 26.
Complete the flow chart
9th Standard Social Science Kerala Syllabus
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Guide

Question 27.
Complete the figure.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf
9th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Malayalam Medium

Question 28.
Identify the factors that led to the decline of guild system.

  • Industrialization
  • Growth of science and technology

Question 29.
Which are the towns where the Italian traders had the trade relations?

  • Baghdad
  • Damascus
  • Jerusalem

Question 30.
What were the suitable situations that caused development and progress in trade to Italian cities like Florence, Venice, Genoa, and Pisa compared to other European regions?

  • They began to mint their own coins.
  • The presence of ports Italian sub-continent
  • The concessions provided their merchants
  • Encouragement from administrators.

Question 31.
Bring out factors that strengthened the commercial contacts between the East and the West in the medieval period?

  • The comparatively weak trade between the East and the West got a fillip with the beginning of the crusades.
  • The Italian traders were engaged in long-distance trade with Eastern Roman Empire and the Arabs.
  • They had trade relations with towns like Baghdad, Damascus, and Jerusalem.
  • The rapid increase in production, diversity of products, construction of roads and bridges, and effective steps to control thieves and robbers resulted in the strengthening of the commercial contracts between the East and the west.

Question 32.
Name the important guilds existed in Medieval Europe.

  • Carpenters
  • Leatherworkers
  • Blacksmiths
  • Jewelry makers
  • Sewing laborers

Question 33.
What is meant by Carolingian Renaissance?
The cultural and intellectual awakening of the 8th and 9th century medieval Europe had been generally characterized as the Carolingian Renaissance.

Question 36.
“The crusades influenced the wester life” Do you agree? Justify.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
The Europeans got acquainted with the Islamic culture during the Crusades. Art and literature were exchanged during this period. The western style was profoundly influenced by the Eastern art and architecture. The Platonic Academy of Florence and the Quinze-Vingts hospital of Paris constructed by the French emperor Louis IX on his return from the crusades are examples.

Question 37.
Which were the branches of music developed during the Medieval Ages?

  • The western music
  • Arabic music

Question 38.
Complete the following table showing the authors of medieval age and their works.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Notes English Medium

Omar KhayyamThe Rubaiyat
Al FirdausiShahnamah
Ibn KhaldunKitab-al-lbar
ThomasAquinasSumma Theology
St. AugustineCity of God
Peter abelardDialogue

Question 39.
Match the following

Ibn al QasimMedical scientist
Al BiruniAstronomy
Bhaskara IIFather of surgery
Ibn sinaBasic ideas of theology


Ibn al QasimFather of surgery
Al BiruniBasic ideas of theology
Bhaskara IIAstronomy
Ibn sina.Medical scientist

Question 40.
Point out the contributions of China in the progress of science and technology

  • Gunpowder
  • Printing
  • Seismograph
  • Mariners compass
  • Astralab

Question 41.
What were the contributions of Arab in science during Medieval period?

  • The Arabic numerals and zero from India were popularised in Europe
  • Chemistry was developed as a science
  • The Arabs were the inventors of the subjects like Algebra and Optics

Question 42.
Bring out the specialties of education in medieval China

  • Knowledge was imparted by a single teacher
  • Learning started in the educational institution at the age of six.
  • The Buddhist philosophy was a compulsory subject in the schools attached to the Buddhist Viharas.

Question 43.
Complete the table showing the features of medieval of education in Middle East, Far East, and India.

Middle East
Far East

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 The East and the West Era of Exchanges 11
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 The East and the West Era of Exchanges 12