Revolutions that Influenced the World Notes | Class 10 History Chapter 1 Notes Kerala Syllabus

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Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Part 1 Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World Questions and Answers

SSLC History Chapter 1 Notes

Revolutions that Influenced the World

Sslc History Chapter 1 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Renaissance made significant changes in human thought, views, and life. Let us examine them.

  • Humanism
  • Scientific temper
  • Growth of Literature
  • Rational thinking
  • Spirit of Criticism
  • Spirit of Inquiry

Revolutions That Influenced The World Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
“No taxation without representation” This was a slogan that thundered along different parts of North America in the second half of the 18th century. What did people demand through this slogan, framed by James Ottis?

  • Representation in government
  • It is anti-people if no representation
  • No taxation without representation

Revolution That Influenced The World Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Observe the map and list out the 13 British
colonies in North America.

  • Georgia
  • Maryland
  • Delaware
  • Pennsylvania
  • Newyork
  • Massachusetts
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia
  • New Jersey
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire

Revolutions That Influenced The World Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
“The mercantilist laws turned the American colonial people against their mother land”. Assess the statement.

  • Restrictions & Taxes in TradeSpoiled Domestic Trade in Colonies
  • Restrictions in Export
  • Meeting the Expense of British Troops
  • British Stamps for all Legal Papers Restrictions in Export, Increase in Tax, Stamp Duty, Meeting the Expense of British Troops
  • Mercantilist Law was against the Rights & Liberty of the People
  • Increase in Tax, Stamp Duty

Those reasons make mercantilist laws turned the American colonial people against their mother land.

Sslc History Chapter 1 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Regarding human rights and freedom, what all can you find in this American Independence declaration?

  • All are equal
  • Everyone has certain rights
  • Rights should be secured
  • Govt, with the consent of governed
  • Right of the people to abolish govt.

Revolution That Influenced The World Class 10 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Prepare a flow chart illustrating the various events that led to the formation of the USA?
Sslc History Chapter 1 Notes Kerala Syllabus

Revolution That Influenced The World Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Prepare a note on the ideologies of the American War of Independence that are reflected in the constitution of India.
Various ideologies could be seen in the constitution of India put forward by American War of In dependance. The concept of a republican form of government is the prominent one. Also, the first written constitution, the concept of federal system that ensured freedom and authority of states in the Union too are important.

Sslc History Chapter 1 Important Questions Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
Analyse the chart and give answers for the foil owing questions.
(French society textbook page no:15)
Revolutions That Influenced The World Class 10 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Which estate enjoyed higher social privilege and status and led a luxurious life in France?
First estate and second estate.
Revolutions That Influenced The World Questions And Answers Pdf Question 2.
To which estate did the majority of the people belong?
Third estate
Revolution That Influenced The World Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Which estate exploited the common people and accumulated wealth?
Clergy and Nobles
Revolutions That Influenced The World Focus Area Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Which estate desired a change in the system? Why?
Third estate. Because they paid taxes and had low social status.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
Examine the membership strength of each Estate given in the table below. Relate it with their demand regarding the voting system.
State General
The First Estate  –  285
The Second Estate  –  308
The Third Estate  –  621
One vote for 1st and second estate. In the third a vote for each member
Vote for first estate – 285
Vote for second estate – 308
Vote for third estate – 621
If one vote is given for each member of each estate the third estate will have the majority of one vote is given for each estate, when they stay united the first and second can easily beat the third.

10th History Notes Kerala Syllabus  Question 10.
Analyse the events related to French Revolution and evaluate how far it could attain the goals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
In 1789, Louis XVI summoned the French parliament. Instead of one vote for an estate, the concept of individual vote was overruled by 2 estates.
Third estate declared themselves as National Assembly of France which assembled in a Tennis Court nearby on 20th June 1789 and swore not to leave until they had framed a constitution of France. This event is known as Tennis Court Oath, probably, the begining of French Revolution.

France turned into blood shed and captured the food products and sources. On 14th July 1789, the Bastile prison of Paris wars demolished.

10th History Chapter 1 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
A part of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen passed by the French National Assembly is given below. Discuss how far the aims and slogans of the French Revolution are reflected in it.
Human rights declaration is a document that ensures equality and freedom to an individual. Some parts of the Human rights declaration passed by the National assembly of trance are given in the textbook. It is the ideology of Rousseau that is reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. The national assembly put forward many rules for the welfare of the people during the time period. Many modifications were introduced in France through these laws.

History 10th Class Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Analyse the aims and influence of the French Revolution.
To put an end to autocracy was the main aim of French Revolution. Also to ensure liberty, equality, and fraternity and to protect the human rights was an aim with the powerful struggle of French Revolution. All these aims were fulfilled.

Revolution That Influenced The World Chapter Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
Examine the reforms and policies of Napoleon and identify the ideologies of French Revolution reflected in them, (table)
The concepts of French Revolution:

  • Rise of the Middle Class
  • End of feudalism
  • Nationalism

Policies & Reforms of Napoleon:

  • Constructed Roads
  • New Code ofLaw
  • Established Bank of France
  • Sinking Fund
  • Farmers were made the owners of land
  • Exercised control over the clergy

Sslc History Chapter 1 Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
These are the words of one of the characters in ‘The mother’, the novel written by world famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky. The plight of workers and farmers in Russia and their aims are reflected in them(Textbook Page no. 21). What else can you make out from these words about the then Russian society?

  • Workers are the basis of Production
  • Workers have no Rights
  • Workers were Exploited by Capitalists

What were the demands of the workers?

  • Abolish the private property system
  • Everyone has to work
  • Authority to People & Workers
  • Production Control by People

Hss Live Social Science 10th Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
Russian revolution was greatly motivated by the despotic rule of tzar” Discuss.
Workers and farmers led a miserable life under the autocratic rule of the Tsar emperors who ruled over Russia. The low production on the agricultural field seriously affected the income of the farmers. Besides, the land less farmers were burdened with heavy taxes. Although Russia was rich in natural resources, but its industrial productiom was very low.

Most of the exisiting industries were controlled by the foriengers. The Marxist ideologies formulated by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels stirred the workers. They called for establishing the supremacy of the workers instead of that by the capitalists. Trade unions were formed to find remedies for the plight of the workers. Based on the Marxist ideologies, the Social Democratic Workers Party was formed. On behalf of this trade unions workers organized protest marches.

History Chapter 1 Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 16.
Analyse the circumstances that led to form a provisional government in Russia.
In 1914, many Russian soldiers were killed in the first world war and in 191 7, food shortage became severe and thousands of women marched along the streets on March 8 clamoring for bread. The workers organised a protest march in Petrograd, the soldiers clashed with the demonstrators in the beginning but later joined the workers.

It was the tragic experience during the First World War that induced them to do so. The workers captured Petrograd and Nicholas II was thrown out of power. A provisional government was formed under Alexander Kerensky, the Menshevik leader.

10th Class History Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 17.
Discuss the role of the October Revolution in establishing the proletariat government in Russia.
A part of soviets in Russia was against the provisional government under the relationship of Alexander Kerensky, the Mensherivik leader. Vladimer Lenin who was in Switzerland also critizized the provisional government of Russia. If the revolt has to the fruitful the authority must be completely transferred to the soviets was his dicussion. The Bolshevicks and the soviets welcomed the discussion. Bolshevik propagated the inequalities and the miseries could be eradicated only be the socialist. They put forward a few needs.

  1. Russia must stay away from the First World War.
  2. To distribute the land captured by the kings to the farmers.
  3. Factories must be kept as the public prosperity.

Hsslive Guru 10th Social Science Kerala Syllabus Question 18.
Compare the strategies of colonial powers in China with the strategies that they adopted in other colonies.
The colonial powers exported raw materials from other colonies and imported products to the colonies. China gained profit through import to European countries. China dominated over colonies through wars. The people were financially exploited. As a remedy, the British traders imported Opium, an intoxicant to China which effected the Chinese trade and made them mentally imbalanced.

Question 19.
“Chinese Revolution of 1911 led to the liberation ofChina from foreign powers and monarchy” Examine the statement

Ridiculed the exploitation of clergyVoltaire
Man is born free but every where he is in chainsRousseau
Division of powers of its government into legislature Executive and indicinaryMontesquieu
Freedom to a property should be given.Physiocrats
Complied encyclopedia to make scientific though popularPhilospher

Question 20.
Prepare a note on the role played by Mao Zedong to make China a peoples republic.
Chiang Kai-Shek ascertained military autocracy in China. He gave opportunity for foreign powers including America to freely interfere in China and did not co-operate with the Communists. Coal and iron industries, banking, and foreign trade were all controlled by foreign countries. The Communists protested against the policy of Chiang Kai-Shek. They were brutally suppressed.

At that time Mao Zedong rose to the leadership of the Communist party. In 1934, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, a journey started from Kiangsi in South China. The adventurous trip ended at Yanan in North-Western China. Throughout the journey, they seized out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed them among the farmers.

The journey covered around 12000 kms. So it is known as the ‘Long March’. Hence Mao Zedong and the Communist Party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese against foreign power. Chiang Kai-Shek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan, when the Red Army ofMao Zedong captured the centre of Kuomintang rule. China became the People’s Republic ofChina on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Question 21.
Compare the revolutions that took place in America, Europe and Asia and complete the table.
Revolutions That Influenced The World Kerala Syllabus

Revolutions That Influenced The World Let US Assess

Question 1.
‘American War of Independence was a movement of the English against England.’ Substantiate the statement
From the 16th century onwards the Europeans began to migrate to North America. The major aim of the migration was to exploit the resources.

By the 18th century, England had established 13 colonies in the eastern coast of North America. The British treated these colonies as centers for collecting raw materials for their industry and as market for selling their products. People of the colonies protested against the policies and rules of the British, submitted petition to the King of England. They demanded the revocation of the regulation enforced on industry and commerce.

This led to the war between England and the colonies. The second Continental Congress held at Philadelphia in 1775 elected George Washington as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. During this time, through the pamphlet titled “common sense”, Thomas Paine declared that it was wise for the Americans to break the ties with Britain. The American Continental Congress issued the famous Declaration ofIndependence on 4th July 1776.

The war between En-gland and the colonies in North America that began with the declaration of freedom, ended in 1781. According to the Treaty of Paris in 1783, England ratified the freedom of 13 colonies. The constitution convention held at Philadelphia under the leadership of James Madison, framed the American constitution. Geor-ge Washington became the first president of the United States of America, formed in accordance with the new constitution. Since American War of Independence transformed the system existed there, it is known as American Revolution. It greatly influenced the later history of the world in different ways.

Question 2.
How did the resentment of the middle class lead to the French Revolution?
The Revolution that took place in 1789 was against the Autocratic rule and feudal system is known as French Revolution. The middle class of the society consisted of traders, writers, lawyers, offici-als, teachers, and bankers. These middle class people were known as bourgeoisie meaning city dewellers. They did not enjoy any representation in administration. They realised that according to the constitution it is impossible to retain their rights and this led to French Revolution.

Question 3.
Arrange the following events in chronological order.

  • February Revolution
  • Long March
  • American Declaration of Indepen¬dence
  • Tennis Court Oath

American Declaration of independence

  • Tennis Court Oath
  • February Revolution
  • Long March

Social Science Class 10 State Syllabus Question 4.
How did the French Revolution influence the reforms of Napoleon?
The French who revolted for noble aims had to survive under the autocratic rule of Napoleon Bonaparte for a short period. Napoleon played a crucial role in defeating the European alliance which was formed under the leaderhsip of Britain against France in the post revolution period. He seized the power in France in 1799. Though an autocrat, he instituted several reforms in France. Those reforms were stimulated by the ideas and aims of the French Revolution. They are given below.

  • Farmers were made the owners of land.
  • Formed sinking fund with the aim to avoid public debt.
  • Constructed several roads for transportation.
  • Excercised states control over the clergy.
  • Established Bank of France to centralize finance.
  • Prepared a new code of law by codifying the existing laws.

Through the strong revolution, the dreams of the French people were satisfied by the rise of the middle class and end of fuedalism.

French Revolution Question Answer Question 5.
How did the colonial rule influence the Latin American countries?
The Europeans looted the wealth and resources of Latin American countries and even erased their traditional culture. The official language of most of the Latin American countries is Spanish.

After colonizing the entire Latin America, the Spanish, and the Portuguese propagated their language, religion, and customs there. They built houses and churches in Spanish style. Several schools were established for imparting Spanish system of education. The Spanish fanning methods and crops were adopted. New diseases spread from the Europeans to the Latin American people. Racial discrimination towards the people of the colonies was enforced in all walks of life.

  • Took away gold, silver, etc. from the Latin American mines.
  • Never allowed the people of the colonies to engage in trade with countries other than Spain.
  • The things produced in Spain were not permitted to be produced in the colonies.
  • People had to work in hazardous environment in mines without any safety measures.
  • Enslaved the natives to work in plantations.

French Revolution Long Questions and Answers Question 6.
Russian Revolution helped the progress of the working class. Do you agree with this
statement? Why?
Yes, I agree with this statement.

  • Farmers and factory workers in Russia led a tragic life under the autocracy of the Tsarist emperors, who ruled Russia.
  • The low agricultural production affected farmer’s income. Moreover, the landless farmers had to pay huge tax.
  • Though Russia was rich in natural resources, their industrial production was meagre.

It was the foreigners who controlled majority of the industries that existed there.

The Marxist ideologies formulated by Karl Marx and Frederick Englles stirred the workers. They called for estrfl&shing the supremacy of the workers in stead of that by capitalists.

Trade unions were formed to find remedies for the plight of the workers. Based on the Marxist ideologies the social Democratic Workers Party was formed. Later, this party was split into the Men-sheviks (minority) and the Bolsheviks (majority). The main leaders of the Bolsheviks were Lenin and Trotsty. Alexander Kerensky led the Mensheviks. The crisis reached its worst when Russia was defeated in the Russia-Japan war in 1905. The workers organised a huge march at Petrograd on 9th January 1905 demanding political rights and economic reforms. The march was fired by the soldiers and hundreds of demonstrators were massacred. This event is known as Bloody Sunday.

Workers organisation called the Soviets’ was formed all oyer Russia to conduct strikes. When the strikes gained massive strength, the emperor was compelled to form a legislative assembly called Duma. Ignoring the protest from Duma, Nicholas II, the then Tsar decided to participate in the First World War that started in 1914. A lot of Russian soldiers were killed in this war. Food shortage became severe by 1917. Thousands of women marched along the streets of Petrograd on 8 March 1917 clamouring for bread. The workers organized protest march in petrograd.

Though the soldiers clashed with the demonstrators in the beginning, later they joined the workers. It was the tragic experience during the first World War that induced them to do so. The workers captured Petrograd and Nicholas II was thrown out of power. A provisional government was formed under Alexander Kerensley, the Menshevik leader. This is known as February Revolution.

The main aim of this revolution was the growth of proletarians, and that vision had been acheived. So I totally agree with this statement that this Revolution helped the development of proletarians or workers class.

Scientific Thinkers Kerala Question 7.
How did China become a people’s Republic? Analyse.
In the 20th century, China witnessed revolutions against the foreign rule monarchy. The colonial powers of Europe and America adopted policies in China, different from the ones they had implemented in the colonies of other parts of the world. These policies are known as opium trade and open door policies. The Manchu dynasty in China favoured the foreign interference and domination in 1911, another revolution took place under the leadership of Dr. Sunyatsen against the Manchu Dynasty.

This ended monarchy in China. After the revolution, Kuomintang party established a Republican government in Southern China under the leadership of Sun Yat-Sen. He gave importance to idealogies like nationalism, democracy, and socialism.

He decided to nullify the unjust treaties signed with the foreign countries and wanted to maintain equality with western countries. The Kuomintang republic adopted measures for the progress of agriculture and industry. China received assistance from Russia in various fields and the Chinese Communist Party was formed.

In the beginning the Kuomintang and the communist cooperated with each other. But this cooperation was disturbed when Chiang Kai-Shek became the head of the republic following the death of Sun Yat-Sen.

Chiang Kai-Shek as certained military autocracy in China. He gave opportunity for foreign powers including America to freely interfere in China and did not cooperate with the communists. Coal and iron industries, banking and foreign trade were all controlled by foreign countries. The communists protested against the policy of Chiang Kai-Shek.

They were brutally suppressed. At that time Mao Zedong rose to the leadership of the Communist Party. In 1 934 under the leadership of Mao, a journey started from Kiangsi in South China.

The adventurous trip ended at Yanam in North-Western China. Through out the journey, they seized out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed among the farmers. The journey covered around 12000 kms. So it is known as the “long March.” Hence Mao Zedong and Communist Party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese against foreign power.

Chiang Kai-Shek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan, when the Red Army of Mao Zedong ca ptured the centre of Kuomintang rule. China became the people’s Republic ofChina on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Orukkam Questions and Answers

Isboxer Looting Question 1.
Identify and write the ideas speed by the Enlightened thinkers.
Revolution That Influenced The World Kerala Syllabus

a. Democracy,
b. Freedom,
c. Nationalism.

Explain the Statement when France Sneezes the Rest of Europe Catches Off Question 2.
Lists out the mercantilist laws.
Revolutions That Influenced The World Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus

a. Products of the colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, tobacco etc could only be exported to England.
b. British stamp must be affixed on all the legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, license, etc.
c. Colonies must provide food and quarters for the British troops which were maintained in the colonies.

Question 3.
The names of some leaders and clinkers who have influenced certain revolutions in this world are given below. Complete the table by writing the names of revolutions related to items.

George WashingtonAmerican war of independence
Jose De San mertin(c)
Thomas Paine(d)
Simon Bolivar(e)
Dr. Sun Yatsen(f)
Maxim GorkyRussian Revolution
Mao Zedong(h)
John Locke(i)


a. French Revolution,
b. French Revolution,
c. Latin American Revolution,
d. American War of Independence,
e. Latin American Revolution,
f. Chinese Revolution,
g. French Revolution,
h. Chinese Revolution,
i. American War of Independence,
J. Russian Revolution

Question 4.
Complete the Time Line related to its American War of Independence.
Sslc History Chapter 1 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus
Revolution That Influenced The World Class 10 Notes Kerala Syllabus
Question 5.
Complete the following.
Revolution That Influenced The World Pdf Kerala Syllabus

a. Contributed to the concept of federal system
b. Gave direction and motivation to the later freedom struggles and revolutions all over the world
c. Prepared the first written constitution
d. Put forward the concept of republican form of government.

Question 6.
Lists out the factors led to French Revolution.

  • The autocracy that existed in France.


  • Rulers were squanders.
  • Starvation and proverty.

Question 7.
Complete the table given related to the French society.
Sslc History Chapter 1 Important Questions Kerala Syllabus

a. Clergy
b. Controlled higher positions in administrative and military service
c. Held vast land
d. Collected the tax called ‘Tithe’ from farmers
e. Second Estate
f. Led luxurious life
g. Held vast lands
h. Engaged in military service
i. Collected various taxes from farmers
j. Made farmers work without wages
k. The middle class including traders, writers, lawyers, officials, teachers, and bankers. Farmers and craftsmen
l. Paid taxes to clergy and nobles, m. No role in administration
n. Paid land tax namely ‘Taille’ to the government.

Question 8.
Some ideas that influenced its French Revolution are given below. Name the thinkers related to these ideas.

Ridiculed the exploitation of clergyVoltaire
Man is born free but every where he is in chainsa
Division of powers of its government into legislature Executive and indicinaryb
Freedom to a property should be given.Physiocrats
Complied encyclopedia to make scientific though popularc


a. Rousseau
b. Montesquieu
c. Philospher

Question 9.
Arrange the following events in chronological order.

  • Declaration of its Rights of men and its citizen was passed in France.
  • Destruction of Bastille prison.
  • France become a republic
  • Tennis court Oath.
  • Battle of Waterloo.


  • Tennis court Oath- 1789 June.
  • Destruction of Bastille Prison – 1789 July
  • Declaration of the Right of man and the citizen was passed in France – 1789 August
  • France became a republic – 1792
  • Battle of Waterloo – 1815

Question 10.
Complete the sun diagram given below.
Revolutions That Influenced The World Class 10 Notes Kerala Syllabus
Helped the growth of the middle class, Contributed the concept of people’s sovereignty, Procliamed that nation in not merely a religion but the people.

Question 11.
Complete the table given below.
Revolutions That Influenced The World Questions And Answers Pdf
Formed sinking fund with the aim to avoid public debt, Constructed several roads for transportation, Exercised state’s control over the clergy, Prepared a new code of law by codifying the existing laws.

Question 12.
Write the causes of the Latin American Revolution.

  • European cultural domination.
  • Exploitation


  • Racial discrimination towards the people of colonies.
  • The people of colonies were made enslaved.

Question 13.
Lists out the factors that led to the Russian Revolution.

  • Autocracy of its Traist Emperors.
  • Meagre industrial production
  • Defeat of Russia in its Russia-Japan War


  • Meagre Industrial Production
  • Autocracy of Traist Emperors.
  • The landless farmers had to pay huge tax.
  • Influence of Marxist ideologies.
  • Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
  • Defeat of Russia in the Russia – Japan War
  • Defeat in the first world war.

Question 14.
Complete its time line given below.
Revolution That Influenced The World Notes Kerala Syllabus

  • 1900 – Boxer Rebellion
  • 1905 – Petrograd March, Formed Duma
  • 1911- Revolution under leadership of Dr. Sun Yad – Sen
  • 1917 March 15 – The February Revolution
  • 1917 November 17 – The October Revolution
  • 1924 Formation of USSR
  • 1934 – Long March
  • 1949 – Formation of the people’s Republic of China.

Question 15.
Complete the comparison table given below.

The February RevolutionThe October Revolution
aThe Bolsheviks
Alexander Kerenskyc
Formation of the provisional Governmentd


a. Menshevik
b. 1917
c. Lenin
d. Cabinet Formation.

Question 16.
Lists out the results of the Russian Revolution.

  • Meagre industrial production
  • Withdrew from the First World War.
  • Economic and scientific progress of Russia.
  • Expansion of socialism.


  • Sieze the lands owned by the lords and distributed them among the farmers.
  • Made factories public property.

Question 17.
Identify its ideas emphesised by Sun yat-sen.

  • Nationalism


  • Nationalism – To expel the Manchu Dynasty and the imperial powers.
  • Democracy – To establish democratic rule.
  • Socialism – To control capital and distribute land equally.

Question 18.
Complete the comparison table given below.

Revolution of Sun-yat-senRevolution of Mao zedong
(b)Chinese Communist Party
Against foreign domination and its rule of the Manchu Dynasty.(c)
(d)People’s Republic of China


a. 1934,
b. Kuomintang Party,
c. Against the foreign power,
d. Republican Government.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Evaluation Questions

Question 1.
Arrange into following events in chronological order

  • Latin American Revolution
  • French Revolution
  • October Revolution
  • American war ofIndependence


  • American War ofIndependence – 1775
  • French Revolution – 1789
  • Latin American Revolution – 1800
  • October Revolution – 1917

Question 2.
What do you mean by Revolution?
A peace conference was convemed at Paris in 1919 to discuss post war situation under the leadership of the winning allies, Britain and France. They signed different treaties with the defeated nations. The treaty of Versailles, the important one was signed with Germany in 1919. German colonies were divided among the victorious powers and Germany was forced to pay a huge amount as war internity. Germany had to accept the whole. Austria, Hungary, Salgaria, Turkey also signed treaties. Treaty of Versailles stood only for the interests of winning allies.

Question 3.
Analyse the background of the French Revolution.
The French Society was divided into three strata and they were known as estates. The first estate included clergy and the second estate included nobility. Those who belonged to the first and second estates had vast land. They led a luxurious life and were exempted from all taxes. The third estate were the middle class including traders, writers, lawyers, officials, teachers, and bankers.

They had no role in the administration and had low social status. The luxurious life and squander of the Bourbon kings, clergy and lords and the frequent wars they waged, along with the frequent spells of drought and crop failure, brought trance to the brink of bankruptcy. Thinkers like voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu etc played an important role in making the people aware of the inequalities and exploitation. Among the three estates, the third estate had to face a horrible life. So they desired to change in the system and gave leadership to the French Revolution in 1789.

Question 4.
Explain how its mercantilist policies caused its out break of its American war of Independence.
Domestic trade in Colonies: According to the Navigation Act in 1651 the goods to and from the colonies must be carried only in British ship or ships built in the British Colonies. According to another act in 1660 products of the colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, tobacco, etc. could be exported to England.

Inflation: England decided to levy tax for importing sugar in 1 764. This led to inflation which resulted in protest among the people.

Exploitation: The wealth of the colonies were used for the upliftment of the motherland. For eg. The Navigation Acts passed by the England Government(1650, 1660, 1699). Products of colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, tobacco, etc. could only be exported to England.

Denial of Rights: In 1 765 the Stamp Act was passed the British which stated that British stamp must be affixed on all the legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, licence, etc. The slogan ‘No taxation without representation.’ Thundered along the people in the colonies.

Autocracy: The colonial rule was undertaken by the Governors sent from England. The Governors were not responsible to obey the decisions of the assembly. The people in the colonies were not given much importance in the rule.

Question 5.
Arrange its following table appropriately.

Thomas JeffersonRussian Revolution
Francisco MirandaChinese Revolution
TrotskyLatin American Revolution
Mao zedongAmerican war of Independence


Thomas JeffersonAmerican war of Independence
Francisco MirandaLatin American Revolution
TrotskyRussian Revolution
Mao zedongChinese Revolution

Question 6.
How much it’s French Revolution influenced the reforms of Napoleon? Evaluate.
Napoleon played a crucial role in defeating the European alliance which was formed under the leadership of Britain against France in the post-revolution period. He siezed the power in France in 1 799. Though an autocrat he instituted several reforms in France. He established the Bank of France to centralize finance. In France, nationalism strengthened
during the reign of Napolean. Napolean prepared a simple and uniform code of law for France.

Question 7.
Identify the fields in which the Latin American people faced discrimation from the Europeans? Explain.
After colonizing the entire Latin America the Spanish and Portugese propogated their language, religions, and customs there. The Spanish farming methods and crops were adopted Racial discrimination towards the people of colonies were enforced in all walks of life. Took away gold, silver, etc. from the Latin American mines.

  • Never allowed the people of the colonies to engage in trade with countries other than spain.
  • The things produced in Spain were not permitted to be produced in the colonies.
  • People had to work in hazardous environment in mines without any safety measures.
  • Enslaved the natives to work in plantations.

Question 8.
The Russian Revolution greatly influenced the subsequent history of Russia.
During the begining of the twentieth century, the workers and farmers in Russia led a tragic life. The traist emperors ruled India. Though Russia was rich in natural resources, their industrial production was meagre. It was the foreigners who controlled majority of the industries that existed there. Writers like Maxim Gorky, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenve and Anton Chekov depicted the plight of workers and farmers in their works.
The Marxist ideologies formulated by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels stirred the workers. They called for establishing the supremacy of workers instead of that by the capitalists.

The defeat of Russia in the first world war was the reason for a sudden war. A lot of Russian soldiers were killed in this war. Food shortage became severe in 1917. Thousands of women marched along the streets of Petrograd on 8th March 1917 clamouring for bread. Lack of food and financial crisis made the life of the common people horrible. Hence revolutions took place in some parts of Russia.

Question 9.
Evaluate the importance of the French Revolution.
The message of liberty, equality and fraternity of French Revolution during the 19th and 20th Century greatly influenced other revolutions. French Revolution stimulated all the later revolutions in the world. French Revolution proclaimed that nation is not merely a region but the people. The Austrian Chancellor Mettemich had made a remark on the impact of French Revolution ‘when France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold.’
The other impacts of French Revolutions are

  • Contributed the concept of people’s sovereignty.
  • Led to the emergence of nationalism.
  • Threatened the autocratic rulers in Europe.
  • Helped the growth of middle class.

Question 10.
How much was Chinese Revolution helpful for the liberation of peasants and workers? Explain.
In 1921 Communist party of China was formed Mao Zedong rose to the leadership of communist party. Chiang kai-shek who became the head of the Kuomintang party following the death of Sun- Yat-Sen asertained military autocracy in China. He gave opportunity for foreign powers including America to freely interfere in China and did not co-operate with the communists. Coal and iron industries, banking and foreign trade were all controlled by foreign countries. The communists protested against the policy of Chiang kai-shek but they were brutally suppressed.

In 1934, under the leadership ofMao Zedong, a journey started from Kiangsi in South China. The adventurous trip ended at Yanan in North-Western China. Throught the journey they siezed out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed the among the farmers. The journey covered around 12000 kms. So it is known as the Long March. Hence Mao Ze dong and the communist party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese ag ainst foreign power Chiang Kaishek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan when the red army of Mao zedong captured the centre of kuomi-ntang rule. China became the people’s Republic of China on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Revolutions That Influenced The World SCERT Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain, how did the Mercantilist Laws implemented by Britain in the American colonies becomes a cause for the American War of Independence.

  • Restrictions on the cargo ships
  • Control over export
  • Stamp duty
  • Colonies should support the British troops
  • Import duty.

Question 2.
Arrange the foliowing in chronological order.

  • Second Continental Congress
  • Paris Treaty
  • First Continental Congress
  • Declaration ofIndependence

First Continental Congress, Second Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence, Paris Treaty.

Question 3.
Complete the following table.
Revolutions That Influenced The World Focus Area Notes Kerala Syllabus

  • Farmers- Third Estate
  • Nobles – Second Estate

Question 4.
Explain, how various thinkers and ideologies paved the way for the French Revolution.

  • Ideologies of Voltaire
  • Rousseau
  • Montesquieu
  • Physiocrats
  • Philosophes.

Question 5.
‘The inequalities and exploitation suffered by the Third estate was the basic reason for the French Revolution.” Substantiate this statement

  • No right in administration
  • Paid land tax to the government
  • Low social status
  • Paid taxes to the clergy and nobles.

Question 6.
Evaluate the significance of the ‘Tennis Court Oath’ in the history of France.
Became the National Assembly and prepared the constitution

Question 7.
Match the following.

Thomas PaineBourbon rule
Thomas JeffersonEncyclopedia
Louis XVICommon Sense
PhilosphesDeclaration of Independence

Thomas Paine – Common Sense
Thomas Jefferson – Declaration of Independence
Louis XVI – Bourbon rule
Philosphes – Encyclopaedia

Question 8.
Explain, how the French revolution influenced the later history of the world.
Stimulated the later revolutions of the world, Paved the way for the end of feudal system in Europe, People’s sovereignty, Emergence of Nationalism, Growth of the middle class, Threatened autocracy

Question 9.
Evaluate how French revolution influenced the reforms of Napoleon.
Farmers were made owners of the land, Began sinking fund, Constructed roads, Control over clergy, Bank of France was established, New code of law was implemented

Question 10.
How did the exploitation and discrimination of the people of Latin America lead to revolution.

  • Exploitation and discrimination in language, religion, customs, architecture,education, agriculture.
  • Looting of wealth, control of trade, slavery.

Question 11.
Identify the correlation between the two items in section A and Similarly complete Section B.
Kerala SSLC Class 10 Social Science-I Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World 13

i. Russian revolution,
ii. Latin American revolution,
iii. Mao Zedong,
iv. Russia.

Question 12.
Why the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Lenin did not approve the provincial government?
Power should be handed over to the Soviets They propagated that only Proletarian’s government can eradicate economic back wardness and inequality, Withdraw from the First World War, Factories should be made public property, Land should be distributed among farmers.

Question 13.
Explain the significance of the October revolution in the history of Russia.

  • Land was distributed to the farmers
  • Public ownership
  • Withdrew from the First World War
  • Became a super power
  • Soviet Union

Question 14.
Why is Boxer rebellion considered as anticolonial struggle of the people of China?
Rebellion against foreign dominance and the Manchu dynasty- Boxers

Question 15.
Explain the role played by Mao Zedong in making China a People’s Republic.
Communist policies – Protest against the autocracy of Chiang – Kai-Shek. Long march Red volunteers – People‘s Republic.

Question 16.
Complete the following table.
Kerala SSLC Class 10 Social Science-I Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World 14

  • French Revolution
  • American War of Independence

Question 17.
“Liberty, equality and fraternity were the ideas given by the French Revolution to the world”. Evaluate this statement on the basis of the changes that occurred in the admini strative structure of France.
• Uniform system of administration in France.
• Church was brought under the control of the state.
• Equal taxation over all sections of people.
• Abolished the special privileges enjoyed by the nobility
• End of Feudalism.

Question 18.
Analyse the circumstances which led to the transition of the Third estate of the French parliament called ‘Commons’ into National Assembly.

  • The status of one vote for each estate was against the interests of the ‘Commons’.
  • The commons wanted one vote for each person instead of one vote for each estate
  • It was opposed by other two estates.
  • The commons declared themselves as the National Assembly of France and assembled in the nearby tennis court.

Question 19.
Write the following events in chronological order.

  • The army of Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.
  • The French people captured and demolished the Bastille prison, the symbol of Bourbon monarchy.
  • France was declared a republic.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte captured power.


  • The French people captured and demolished the Bastille prison, the symbol of Bourbon monarchy.
  • France was declared a republic
  • Napoleon Bonaparte captured power.
  • The army of Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.

Question 20.
What was the social background that forced the Third estate to struggle against the First and Second estates of the French Society?

  • The nobility lived by exploiting the peasants
  • The King, nobles, and clergy occupied majority of the cultivable land
  • The luxurious life led by higher priests.

Question 21.
Evaluate the economic background that influenced the French Revolution.

  • The rulers of France who occupied all powers were extravagant and pleasure seeking.
  • Louis XVI summoned the French parliament Estate General in 1789 to overcome the economic crisis.

Question 22.
What were the changes brought about in the social, economic and political fields of France during the time of Napoleon?

  • Clergy became under the control of the state
  • Farmers were made the owners of land
  • Bank of France was established to centralise finance
  • A new code of law was prepared by codifying the existing laws.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Exam Oriented Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The first written rigid constitution ever framed in history.
American Constitution

Question 2.
The incident that took place on 14th July 1789 in France.
The Fall ofBastille.

Question 3.
The slogan, “No taxation without representation” was raised in connection with the:
American Revolution.

Question 4.
In 1789 members of the Third Estate declared themselves the:
National Assembly

Question 5.
Write the following events in the chronological order

  • George Washington was made the Commander – in – Chief of the colonial army.
  • Treaty of Paris.
  • Formation of the United States of America.
  • Olive Branch Petition.


  • Olive Branch Petition.
  • George Washington was made the Commander – in – Chief of the colonial army
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Formation of the United States of America.

Question 6.
Prepare a report on Boxer Rebellion.
The foreign supremacy in China made people to protest and they formed revolutionary movements. Youth were tibined for musti yuddham. As the foreigners in the China were tried to conquer through boxing the westerners redicated and named it Boxer Rebellion. The foreigners conquered with modem tricks and weapons.

Question 7.
What were the ideologies of Sun Yat-Sen in China?
Nationalism: Drive away the Manchu Dynasty and imperialist powers.
Democracy: To establish democratic rule.
Socialism: To bring about equitable distribution of land.

Question 8.
When France sneezes all Europeans catches a called on the basis of statement by Metternich. Evaluate how French revolt influenced Europe.
French revolution is a memorable one it was a success of democracy. It was reached in the western nations of the world in the 19th centuary revolution was epidimic all over Europe. The revolution was in Spain, Italy,
Poland between 1820 and 1821 and that which happened in European in 1848 got influenced from French Revolution. The progress seen in Europe from 1815 was the reflection of French Revolution.

Question 9.
Prepare a note on Enlightenment?
Enlightenment was an advancement in the intellectual activities of man which tried to explain the natural world and the role of man in it in the light of rationalism. The enlightenment thinkers tried to understand and explain things in the light of reason based on facts and evidences.

Question 10.
What is French revolution?
The rulers of France were Autocratic and squanders. The majority in France lived in misery and the minority, including the rulers, led a life of luxuary and extravagance. This situation gave a clean picture of the social-economic inequality existed in France. This led to French Revolution.

Question 11.
Explain “American War ofIndependence”.
“No taxation without representation” is the slogan that thundered in North America during 18<sup>th</sup> century. This slogan was raised by the people of America as a part of a powerful agitation. Various circumstances that led to the agitation are as follows:

  • 16th century onwards the Europeans began to migrate to North America mainly to exploit the natural resources.
  • By the 18th– centrury England had established 13 colonies in the Eastern coast of North America.
  • The British treated these colonies as centers for collecting raw materials for their industry and as market for selling their products.

Question 12.
What do you mean by Revolution?
In several places the common people did not have as much freedom as we have today. The people who were deprived of freedom had a fight for it. Some adopted peacful means, whereas others preferred armed rebellion. All these struggles tried to change the system that denied freedom and rights and to establish a new one. Therefore they are known as revolutions.

The Snake and the Mirror Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 1 Chapter 2 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download The Snake and the Mirror Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Snake and the Mirror (Short Story)

Std 10 English Textbook The Snake and the Mirror Questions and Answers

The Snake And The Mirror Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
What was the topic that came up for discussion between the doctor and his friends?
The topic was encounter with snakes.

The Snake And The Mirror Questions And Answers Class 10 Question 2.
What does the expression ‘full-blooded cobra’ suggest?
It suggests it was fully grown, strong and energetic.

The Snake And The Mirror Questions And Answers Question 3.
“The sound was a familiar one.” What was the sound?
The sound of rats running across the beam.

Snake And The Mirror Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
“In those days I was a great admirer of beauty…” Pick out the phrases and expressions from the story that justify the statement.
Taking a close look at my face in the mirror, shave daily, grow a moustache to look more handsome.

The Snake And The Mirror Pdf Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
What are the two ‘important’ and ‘earth-shaking’ decisions that the doctor takes while looking into the mirror?
One was to grow a moustache and the other was to keep the attractive smile on his face to look more handsome.

Sslc English Snake And The Mirror Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
‘Again came that noise from above.’ Did the doctor pay much attention to the noise? Why?
He didn’t pay much attention to the noise. It was the noise of rats running across the beam. It was a familiar sound.

10th English The Snake And The Mirror Question Answer Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
What kind of a woman does the doctor want to marry? Why?
He wants to marry a lady doctor with plenty of money and a good medical practice. She should also be fat. He wanted her to be fat so that in case he makes a mistake and wants to run away, she should not catch up with him.

10th English Chapter The Snake And The Mirror Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
What happened when the doctor was sitting on his chair?
A full-blooded cobra fell from the roof. It came over the back of the chair and coiled itself on the doctor’s shoulder.

The Snake And The Mirror Question Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
How did the doctor react when the snake landed on him?
He sat there holding his breath like a stone. He was too afraid to make any move.

The Snake And The Mirror Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Why did the doctors in the chair ‘like a stone image in the flesh’?
He did not know what to do. He had no time to react. He was terrified and was almost turned into a stone.

The Snake And The Mirror Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
In the story the snake is compared to three objects. What are they?
A rubber tube, a leaden rod and a human being.

The Snake And The Mirror Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Why did he feel that he was a stupid doctor?
He had rats in his room. He could naturally expect a snake some day. He should have kept with him some antidote for snake poison. But he did not have any.

Snake And The Mirror Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
“I was suddenly a man of flesh and blood.” What does the doctor mean by.this statement?
When the snake was on him, he was sitting like a stone. But when it moved away, he acted like a man. He got up from his chair and went out through the door into the veranda. From there he jumped tb the yard and fled for his life.’

The Snake And The Mirror Question Answer Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Why did the doctor run to his friend’s house? Did the snake harm the doctor? Why?
He ran to his friend’s house so that he could have a bath and clean himself after being touched by the snake. The snake did not harm him, except that it terrified him. The snake must have thought it had fallen into a stone as the man sat like one. Moreover, the snake got busy admiring itself looking into the mirror.

The Snake And The Mirror Summary Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
“…the thief had left behind one thing ass final insult!” What was the insult?
The thief took everything except the dirty vest of the doctor. If people saw the dirty vest, they would have a poor opinion of the doctor. And this was adding insult to injury.

The Snake and the Mirror Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Snake And The Mirror Question Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Pick out sentences from the story ‘The Snake and the Mirror’ and complete the table below. These sentences tell you the condition of the narrator. Some hints are given.

Was afraid of the snakeWas proud of his appearance
I was turned to a stone.I looked into the mirror and smiled.


Was afraid of the snakeWas proud of his appearance
I was turned to a stone.I looked into the mirror and smiled.
I sat there holding my breath.It was an attractive smile.
I wanted to write the words ‘O God’ on my little heart.I would shave daily.
I sat like a stone image in flesh.I would grow a thin mustache to look more handsome.
I felt the presence of the creator.I would keep smiling to be more attractive.
At my slightest movement, the snake would strike me.I was a bachelor and a doctor.

Activity 2

Snake And Mirror Question Answer Kerala Syllabus  Question 2.
The story is about a frightening incident narrated in a humorous way. What makes it humorous?
The writer has made use of certain striking contrasts in the sto,y to bring about humour. Pick out such expressions from the story and write them.
A. i) The kind of person the doctor was : He is a poor man. His earnings were meagre. He had, only Rs. 60 with him. He lived in a small rented room. There was no electricity in the room. It was infested with rats. He is concerned with his appearance He is also conscious that he is a doctor. He realizes that he is capable of committing blunders.

ii) The kindof person he wanted to be : He wants to appear more handsome. For that he will keep a thin moustache and keep smiling. He wants to be a successful and rich man.

B. i) The person he wanted to marry : He wants to marry a lady doctor with money and also good practice. He wants her to be fat so that she does not catch up with him if he makes a mistake and wants to run away.

ii) The person he actually married : He marries a thin and slender woman. She could run like a spnnter.

C. i) His thoughts when he looked into the mirror : He was proud of his looks. He wanted to appear more handsome, For that he would shave daily and he would grow a thin moustache. He also would keep smiling to add to his glamour.

ii) His thoughts when the snake coiled around him : He was so terrified that he turned into a stone. He thought of God. He felt pain when the snake coiled around his arm. He would be in trouble ¡f the snake bit him. He had no medicine against snake poison. He considers himself as a poor, foolish and stupid doctor.

Snake And The Mirror Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus  Question 3.
Now based, on what you have written, prepare short paragraphs on the use of contrasts in the story to bring out the humour.
Basheer has used contrasts to bring humour into a frightening story where a full-blooded cobra coils around a doctor. The doctor is a poor man. His earnings were meager. He had only Rs. 60 with him. He lived in a small rented room. There was no electricity in the room. It was infested with rats. He is concerned with his appearance. He is conscious that he is a doctor. He realizes that he is capable of . committing blunders. But he wants to appear smart and more handsome. For that he will keep a thin mustache and keep smiling. He wants to be a successful and rich man.

He wants to marry a lady doctor with money and also good practice. He wants her to be fat so that she does not catch up with him if he makes a mistake and wants to run away. But he ends up marrying a thin and slender woman. She could run like a sprinter. He was proud of his looks. He is a doctor and he would marry a rich woman. He wanted to appear more handsome. He was feeling happy when suddenly from the beam a cobra fell down and coiled around him. All his thoughts about making himself more handsome and getting married vanished like mist in sunshine. He was so terrified that he turned into a stone. He thought of God. He felt pain when the snake coiled around his arm. He would be in trouble if the snake bit him. He had no medicine against snake poison. He considers himself as a poor, foolish and stupid doctor. When the snake releases its hold on him we see him fleeing for his life.

Activity 3

The Snake And The Mirror Malayalam Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
In the story the snake did not harm the homeopath. The homeopath in turn did not hurt it. Keeping Basheeris vision on nature and its beings, commend on this story.
In the story the snake did not harm the homeopath. The homeopath in turn did not hurt it. By saying this, Basheer is emphasizing the principle of “Live and Let Live”. Man and animals are supposed to co-exist in this world. As man has the right to live, the animals also have the right to live.

It is a known fact that animals do not harm people unless they are provoked and feel threatened. No snake will deliberately come and bite you. But we deliberately kill snakes. A snake will attack only if it feels threatened and its escape route is blocked. If they see people, they will either try to hide or run away. They bite only when people step over them unknowingly or chase them and block their escape route. In that sense man is the only ‘animal’ that kills for pleasure. Animals of prey may kill to satisfy their hunger. But we do it for fun.

Basheer is of the view that we should let animals live their life without interfering with them, unless they prove dangerous to us. Peaceful coexistence is what he insists. It is an interesting story in which the homeopath has fine dreams about his future wife.

Extended Activity

Collect similar stories in English or Malayalam, showing the harmony of nature. An example is “Bhoomiyude AvakSsikal” by Basheer.

The Snake And The Mirror About the author:

Summary Of Snake And The Mirror Class 10 Kerala Syllabus
– Basheer – 1908-1994

Basheer (1908-1994) is called Beypore Sultan. He is a humanist, freedom fighter, novelist and short story writer. He is (iked by the critics and the common people. His important works are Balyakalaskhi, Shabdangal, Pathummayude Aadu, Mathilukal, Ntuppuppakkoranendarnnu, Janmadinam and Anargha Nimisham. He received Padma Shri in 1982.
Sslc English Snake And The Mirror Summary Kerala Syllabus

The Snake And The Mirror Summary in English

1. We were discussing snakes. Then suddenly a homeopath asked, “Has a full-blooded cobra ever coiled itself round any part of your body?” We all fell silent. The doctor continued with his story.

2. “It was 10 o’clock on a hot summer night. I had my meal at a restaurant and returned to my room. I heard a noise when I opened the door. There were rats in my room. I lighted the kerosene lamp on the table.

3. The house was not electrified. It was a small rented room. I had started my medical practice. The income was very little. I had Rs. 60 in my suitcase. With drier shirts and dhotis I had also a black coat which I was then wearing.

English The Snake And The Mirror Question Answer Kerala Syllabus

Page – 24
4. I took off my black coat, white shirt and vest and hung them up. I opened the two windows. It was an outer room with one wall facing the open yard. It had a tiled roof with long supporting gables, resting on the beam over the wall. No ceiling. Rats ran along the beam. I made by bed and pulled it close to the wall. I could not sleep. I went to the veranda. There was no breeze.

5. I went back and sat on a chair. I opened my box and took out a book The Materia Medica’. There was a table with a lamp, a large mirror and a comb.

6. One feels tempted to look at the mirror if it is close. I took a look. I admired beauty and I wanted to make myself handsome. I was unmarried. I felt I had to make my presence felt. I combed my hair and adjusted the parting to look straight and neat. Again I heard that sound from above.

7. I looked closely at my face. I made an important decision. I would shave daily and grow a small mustache. I was a bachelor and a doctor.

The Snake And The Mirror Kerala Syllabus

Page – 25
8. I looked into the mirror and smiled. I made another important decision. I would keep smiling to look more handsome.

9. I lit a beedi and paced up and down the room. Another nice thought came to me. I would marry. I would marry a woman doctor with a lot of money and good practice. She should be fat, for a good reason. If I made some foolish mistake and needed to run away, she should not be able to run after me and catch me.

10. I sat back on the chair. There were no sounds from above. Suddenly there was a dull thud as if a rubber tube had fallen to the ground. I looked back. A fat snake came over the back of the chair and landed on my shoulder. The snake’s landing on my shoulder and my turning my head happened at the same time.

11. I did not jump, tremble or cry out. There was no time to do any such thing. The snake slithered along my shoulder and coiled around my left arm. Its hood was spread out and it was just 3 or 4 inches from my face!

12. I was turned to a stone. But my mind was active. The door opened into darkness. The room was dark.

13. I thought of God, the creator of this universe. God was there. If I said something and he did not like it, there would be trouble. I wrote in my imagination the words “O God” on my heart.

14. There was some pain on my left arm. It was as if a rod of fire was slowly but powerfully crushing my arm. The arm was losing its strength. What could I do?

Page- 29
15. Even if I moved a little, the snake would bite me. Death was just 4 inches away. Suppose the snake bites me, what medicine would I take? There were no medicines in the room. I was a poor, foolish and stupid doctor. I forgot my danger and smiled at myself.

16. God liked it. The snake turned its head. It looked into the mirror. It saw its reflection. It may not be the first snake to look into a mirror. Was it admiring its beauty? Was it planning to grow a mustache or using eye shadow and mascara or wearing a vermilion spot on its forehead?

17. Was it a female snake? I will never know. It slowly unwound itself from my arm and slithered into my lap. From there it crept onto the table and moved towards the mirror. Perhaps it wanted to see itself more clearly.

Page – 27
18. I was no more a stone. I was suddenly a man of flesh and blood. I got up from the chair. I went quietly into the veranda. From there I jumped into the yard and ran for my life.”

19. The story ended. All the listeners were relieved. Somebody asked, “Doctor, is your wife very fat?” The doctor said his wife was thin and a great runner. Somebody wanted to know if the snake came after him.

20. The doctor replied: “I ran till I reached a friend’s house. Then I put oil on my body and took a bath. I changed my clothes. The next morning with my friend I went to the room to take my things. Some thief had removed everything except my dirty vest.”

Somebody wanted to know if the doctor saw the snake the following day. The doctor said he had never seen it again. It was a snake which was proud of its own beauty.

The Snake And The Mirror Summary in Malayalam

The Snake And The Mirror Questions And Answers Class 10
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My Sister’s Shoes Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 2 Chapter 2 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download My Sister’s Shoes Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes (Screenplay)

Std 10 English Textbook My Sister’s Shoes Questions and Answers

My Sisters Shoes Summary Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 1.
The scene begins with a close-up shot. What frame would a filmmaker normally use when the characters (Cobbler &Ali) speak?
Medium shot

My Sister’s Shoes Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 2.
Apart from the cobbler’s shop what other details do you get about the space in which the actions in Scene 1 take place?
A street. A door with curtain hanging on it which appears to open into a row house.

My Sisters Shoes Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 3.
How many characters are introduced in scene 1? Who are they?
Three, Cobbler, Ali and a man with a parcel.

My Sister’s Shoes Summary Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 4.
In scene 1 and 2 close up shots of the hands of the cobbler and Ali are shown. Do they serve any purpose? Explain.
They are in close up because they emphasize the work they are doing. It will show what kinds of people are expected in the film. Such shots establish the ground work for the story to take off.

My Sister’s Shoes Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 5.
Where is the location shifted to?
The location is shifted to a footpath outside the bakery.

My Sister’s Shoes Summary In Malayalam 10th Question 6.
What could be the camera movement in this scene? Why is the camera moved in this manner?
Boom/Crane shot. To show that the junk collector is * taking away the bundle of shoes.

Summary Of My Sisters Shoes Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 7.
What are the events taking place in scene 3?
Ali goes to the vegetable shop. He takes potatoes and asks the shopkeeper to write it in the account. A junk collector comes and collects the junk. He thinks the bundle of shoes is also part of the junk, he throws it into his cart. In his eagerness to locate the bundle, Ali scatters vegetables on the ground. The shop keeper is angry and tells Ali to get lost.

My Sister’s Shoes Narration Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 8.
Which of the events is crucial in bringing about a twist tn the narrative?
The taking away of the bundle of shoes by the junk collector.

My Sisters Shoes Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 9.
What impression do you get about the financial status of Ali’s family? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Ali’s family is very poor. We see Ali buying things on credit. The shopkeeper tells Ali that the credit limit has reached and he should ask his mother to pay at least part of the payment due to him.

My Sister’s Shoes Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 10.
What interesting strategy does the director make use of in presenting the ‘talks’ between Ali and his sister? Why do you think they communicate in such away?
They communicate by writing in the notebook and then passing the notebook to the other. They do that because they don’t want to let the parents know about the loss of the shoes.

My Sisters Shoes Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 11.
Do you think the sound of a hammer is used deliberately in this scene? What effect does it produce?
Yes, it is used deliberately. It tells us that that father of Ali is a worker with wood (joiner or carpenter) as he is chopping wooden flints with a hammer on a block.

My Sisters Shoes Notes Character Sketch Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 12.
Apart from showing the characters, does the director make use of any visual image to add on to what he intends to communicate?
Yes, he does. As an example we see the passing of the notebook between Ali and Zahra. They don’t want their parents to know about the loss of the shoes. Ali will be scolded or even beaten if his father comes to know that he was careless enough to lose the shoes of Zahra. Ali’s father is not rich enough to buy her another pair immediately.

Write a script for a short video on any one of the following themes. (Or, you may choose a theme other than those listed.) You may shoot it using a digital camera and upload it on YouTube.

My Sister’s Shoes Notes Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 13.
Leadership Quality, Unity of People, Incidents of Bravery, Child Labour, Evils of Smoking or Alcoholism, Wasting Food, Need for Social Change, Safe Driving, Preservation of Nature, Learning Disorders in Children, Values, Safe Earth, Save Tiger, Global Warming.
The following points may help you.

1. Watch other people’s films You can teach yourself a lot about filmmaking by watching: short online videos, advertisements, feature films, etc. Look at what you like, and what you don’t like, and try and work out how and why the filmmaker made it that way.

2. Build your skills Learn how to use a camera and find out what it can do when you place it in different angles or use different lens settings. Try shooting different kinds of shots with your camera, recording good sound, and editing them. Watch a short scene from a film you like and see if you can copy it exactly.

3. Get organised Once you’ve got your idea, create a script and storyboards or shot lists. Use a digital still camera if you are not able to prepare the storyboard.

4. Keep it short and simple Have you got a strong idea? Write the idea down for your film in 50 to 75 words. If you can’t do that, it’s not clear enough. Keep the film short. People are more likely to watch an online video if they know it’s only 60  econds long.

5. Shoot separate shots Learn the different shot sizes. Use a variety of shots rather than just panning and zooming. Use plenty of close up shots to show the important things. Place your camera in different angles and not just from the front.

6. Get the sound right A good movie with a bad sound track will lose viewers faster than bad movies with good sound track. Use a microphone to record the sound right. If the sound cannot be recorded right, then fake it using sound effects, or edit our film to a recorded voiceover.

7. Edit it right Editing is an interesting job. It’s not about just getting rid of the bad stuff, it’s where your film will really come together. Get the pace right: make sure your film doesn’t drag, or that shots don’t flash past too quickly. Make sure your film makes sense. You can seek the help of technicians in this field if necessary.

My Sister’s Shoes About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 12
– Majid Majidi

From Children of Heaven (Bacheh-ye Aseman) directed by Majid Majidi Majid Majidi was born in 1959. He is an Iranian film director, producer and screenwriter. He has directed many feature films including The Colour of Paradise (1999), Baran (2001) and The Willow Tree (2005). Majidi directed the film “Children of Heaven” in 1998. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 3

My Sister’s Shoes Summary in English

Page – 56
→ Scene 1

Cobbler’s shop
Close up of a cobbler stitching a girl’s shoe. Only the pink shoe and the cobbler’s hands are in the frame. The camera moves back to middle distance to show Ali. He is sitting on a low chair next to the cobbler and watching him work. The cobbler finishes the stitching of the shoe, picks up the other one of the pair and gives them to Ali.

Cobbler : That’ll be 30 Toumans.
Ali : Thankyou(giveSmoneytothecobbler)
Cobbler : Here is your change (picks up coins from the money box to give Ali).

Cut to the Street Outside

Page – 57
Seen from across the street. The cobbler’s shop can be seen. To the right of the shop is a door with a curtain. It looks the door opens into a row house. Ali is leaving the shop.

Ali’s voice: Thank you.
Cobbler’s voice : You are welcome. Goodbye.

A man with a parcel under his arm comes to the curtained door. He lifts the curtain and goes in. Ali comes out of the shop. He puts the shoes into a small black bag in his hands. He walks down the street and moves out of the frame on the left.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 13

→ Scene 2

Inside the bakery. Shots of bread being baked. Close up of a hand putting into the stove kneaded flour spread on a baking board and taking out the baked nan. The camera pans slightly to the right to show Ali picking up the nan dropped by the cook and stacking them on a cloth spread on a wooden plank. The camera moves back to showAli and three cooks sitting around the stove. They are kneading and putting it inside the stove. Ali finishes stacking the man and ties up the cloth into a bundle.

Page – 58
→ Scene 3

The footpath outside the bakery
A small group of men are waiting in a queue outside the bakery to buy nan. The outline of buildings in the street is seen in the distance. Ali comes from the bakery to the footpath. The parcel of nan is in his right hand and the parcel of shoes is in his left. He crosses the pavement and walks into a vegetable store. He keeps the bundle of nan on a pile of boxes of vegetables stacked in front of the shop. He places the bag of shoes in the small gap between two boxes.

On the sound track a hawker’s voice is heard : “Salt, salt for trade.” The shopkeeper is behind the counter.
Ali (to the shopkeeper) : Assalamu Alaikum, Aqbar Aqa, I need some potatoes.
Akbar, the shopkeeper, gives Ali a small black bag to put potatoes in. Ali starts picking the large, good potatoes in a box at the top of the heap.
Akbar : Not those, kid. Pick some down there.
Ali moves to his right, squats down, and fills the bag with smaller potatoes from a box on the floor. Close up of Ali picking the potatoes.

Cut to view of the shop from the pavement

A man pushing a handcart filled with junk enters the frame from the right and stops in front of the shop.
The junk collector (loudly), to the shop keeper : Assalamu Alaikum. With your permission.
The junk collector picks up the bundles of used polythene bags lying scattered on the floor near the boxes of vegetables and throws them into the cart. He sees Ali’s parcel of shoes. Thinking it is junk, he picks it up and puffin the cart.

The junk collector: Goodbye.
Akbar: Goodbye.
The junk collector leaves.

Cut to view from inside the shop

Page – 59
Akbar is on the left ledge of the frame counting money.
Cut to Ali filling his bag with potatoes.
Ali finishes filling the bag and hands it to Akbar for weighing. Akbar holds the bag in his hand to feel the weight for a moment and hands it back to Ali.
Akbar : Sixty five Toumans.
Ali : Mom said to put it on our tab.
Akbar : Tell her your account has reached its limit. She should pay at least part of it.
Ali : Alright.

Cut to view from outside the shop

Ali goes to the pile of boxes and picks up the bundle of nan. He then looks for the bag of shoes. Unable to find it, he places the bag of nan on top of the vegetable boxes and searches for the shoes underneath. He puts his hand and his head in the gap between the boxes of vegetables. It upsets them. The boxes fall and the vegetables scatter on the ground. Hearing the sound, Akbar comes. He sees the vegetables spread on the ground.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 14

Akbar : (annoyed) What the hell are you doing?
Why did you spill these? Are you crazy?
Ali : (looking at him with guilt) My sister’s shows have disappeared.

Page – 60
Akbar : Get lost. Beat it.
Ali : I left my sister’s shows here.
Akbar : I said get lost! (bangs his fist on the pile of boxes.)
Ali runs away, scared.

Scene 4
Ali’s house
Middle distance shot of Ali and his sister Zahra reading their textbooks kneeling on the mattress. A baby’s cry is heard faintly on the soundtrack. The camera closes in on Zahra. She is writing in a notebook mumbling the words as she writes.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 15

Ali: How am I going to school without shoes?
The camera moves back to middle distance. Now both Zahra and Ali are in the frame. Their parents are talking at the other end of the room and their talk can be heard on the soundtrack. We hear the banging of hammer in between.
Mother (off screed) : Go to your company store, tomorrow. We don’t have any formula left.

Zahra passes her notebook to Ali.
Father (offscreen): Don’t worry. Rahim Aqa’s wife had a slipped disc. Surgery made it worse.
Alternate close ups of Ali and Zahra listening to their parents’ talk and looking at each other.

Page – 61

Cut to

Middle distance shot of Mother lying on a bed, towards the left of the frame, leaning back against two propped up pillows. Father is sitting on a chair near the wall, chopping wooden flints with a hammer on a block. Behind him there are two ledges on which there are some vessels and clothes.

Father: You should learn to live with it.
Close up of Ali reading from the book Zahra has passed on to him.
Mother (off-screen): What do you want me to do? Do nothing all day?
Ali starts writing in the note book.
Father (off-screen): Well, the doctor has forbidden work.
Ali writes ‘you can go to school with slippers’ (mumbling the words as he writes) and passes the notebook to Zahra. Close up of the notebook.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 16

Mother (off-screen) : Kokab Khanom’s sister had surgery, and she is fine.
Cut to close up Zahra taking the notebook and reading what Ali wrote on it.
Father (off-screen): Don’t everthink of surgery.
Alternate dose ups of Zahra and Ali looking at each other.
Cut to close up of Zahra writing in the notebook.

Page – 62
Zahra (mumbling as she writes): Ali, you have some nerve. You lost my shoes. I’ll tell dad.
Quick close up of Ali looking at Zahra. She passes the notebook to Ali. Close up of the notebook.
Two close-ups of Father working on the other end of the room looking at the camera. There are close-ups of Ali and Zahra and a middle-range shot showing them.
Ali writes in the notebook and passes it to Zahra.
Zahra writes ‘Then what shall Ido?’ in the notebook and passes it to Ali. Ali writes ‘you can wear my sneakers’ and passes the notebook back.
Zahra writes ‘I’ll wear them when you are back from school’.
During the passing of the notebook back and forth only the notebook is in close up and hands are visible in the frame.
Close up of Zahra’s writing. The stub of her pencil breaks. Ali puts his pencil on the notebook for her to write. Zahra does not take the pencil. Close up of pencil lying on the notebook.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 17

My Sister’s Shoes Summary in Malayalam

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My Sister’s Shoes Glossary

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Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 2

Project Tiger Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 2 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download Project Tiger Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger (Memoir)

Std 10 English Textbook Project Tiger Questions and Answers

Project Tiger Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Do you know that a paragraph normally contains a topic sentence in it? It is general in nature and can be anywhere in the paragraph. The other sentences in the paragraph support, prove, give examples and present additional information on the topic sentence. Identify the topic sentence in the first paragraph. How many examples are given to support the topic sentence? What are they?
Topic sentence: No one can beat Hollywood when it comes to making films with animals in them.
Two examples are given. One is the Alsatian called Rin-tin-tin. The other is the collie called Lassie.

Project Tiger Summary 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Does the second paragraph introduce a new topic sentence? If not, what supporting detail about the animal actors of Hollywood do you get from this paragraph?
No, there is no new topic sentence. The second paragraph elaborates on the first. Here we see another large dog in Disney Studio in Hollywood.

a. What additional information do you get about standings?
We come to know that there are stand-ins even for animals.

b. What is the puzzling incident described in the paragraph 3?
When the cameraman shouted to everyone to take their positions, the dog, the main actor, remained where it was.

c. Which incident shows that the animal-actors in Hollywood were treated with reverence?
The incident of bringing a stand-in fora dog. Usually stand-ins are used only for celebrity actors who are held in high reference.

Project Tiger Questions And Answers Pdf 10th Standard Question 3.
What were the difficulties Alfred Hitchcock had to face while making the film ‘Birds’?
Hitchcock wanted a variety of trained birds, especially many ravens, as actors in his film. It was not easy to get trained birds.

Sslc English Project Tiger Summary Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
How did Hitchcock manage to get a large number of ravens for his film?
He placed advertisements all over the USA asking for people who had trained ravens with them. Then a man, with nearly a 100 trained ravens, responded.

Summary Of Project Tiger 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
What is described as ‘pretty impressive’?
The sight of fifty ravens perching quietly in a row on a specified spot, obeying the order of their trainer.

Project Tiger Class 10 Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Identify the main topic of the article from para 8.
Shooting films using tigers.

Project Tiger Summary In Malayalam Pdf 10th Standard Question 7.
What other details are given about the topic in the paragraph?
In the film ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’, Goopy and Bagha suddenly come across a tiger that is walking about in the forest without paying them any attention.

Project Tiger Class 10 Summary Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
How did Ray manage to get a tiger?
He managed to get one from ‘Bharat Circus’ which was performing in Calcutta at that time.

Project Tiger Class 10 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
What is the role of a ringmaster in a circus?
A ringmaster is a master of ceremonies. He introduces the various acts in a circus show and guides the audience through the experience, directing their attention to the various areas of the circus arena. In some places, the name ringmaster is used to mean the person who arranges the various performances by trained animals.

Project Tiger Summary In English 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
What were the difficulties faced in bringing the tiger before the camera?
The main problem was how to keep the people safe from the tiger, once it is let out of the cage. In the shots for the film, the trainer should not be seen. On the first occasion, the tiger pranced about. Later, the scenes that were shot were not good enough. The second time the tiger charged towards the crowd, terrifying them.

Project Tiger Questions And Answers 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
What does the expression ‘to go down the drain’ mean?
It means the efforts were wasted. There was no gain from the work one did.

Project Tiger Pdf Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
What was Mr. Thorat’s suggestion to control the tiger?
He suggested putting a ring made of thin wire around the neck of the tiger. The ring would be hooked to a length of wire so that the tiger does not go out of control.

Project Tiger Summary In Malayalam 10th Standard Question 13.
What made Ray think of a collar made of tiger skin?
The scene to be shot was Goopy and Bagha getting terrified at the sight of a tiger. If the tiger has a ring on its neck, and it seen in the shot, the scene will have no meaning as people don’t get frightened when they see a tiger under the control of a trainer. Ray wanted to hide the wire and that is why he thought of a collar made of tiger skin. The wire will be hidden in the collar.

Project Tiger 10th Class Summary Question 14.
Why did Mr. Thorat bring two tigers instead of one?
He brought two so that in case one does not behave properly, the other could be used for shooting the scene.

10th English Project Tiger Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
Why was Mr. Thorat taken aback?
Mr. Thorat was taken aback because of the unexpected behaviour of the tiger. Instead of walking quietly in a dignified manner, it started jumping and running about with a lot of energy.

Sslc English Project Tiger Questions And Answers Question 16.
What might be the reason for the tiger’s unexpected behaviour?
The reason was ‘the call of the wild’. When it saw itself in the open forest, he must have forgotten for a while that he is a circus animal! Probably he was showing his original instinct to be free.

The Project Tiger Summary 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 17.
How does Ray describe the situation humorously?
Ray describes the situation humorously by saying that they were getting to see a strange kind of circus for free.

Project Tiger Class 10 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus  Question 18.
What did Ray mean when he said, This should have been the end of the story?
When the tiger calmed down, they took a few shots as needed. This should have been the end f the story. But when they went back to Calcutta, they found the shots were not clear and they had to reshoot the scenes again at another time.

10th English Project Tiger Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 19.
Why was Mr Thorat asked‘to give it another go?
Mr Thorat was asked ‘to give it another go’ because the first shots were not clear and they had to shoot the scenes again.

Summary Of Project Tiger Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 20.
What was the ‘magic’ performed by the tiger?
There were nearly 150 villagers who had come to see the shooting. They were told to keep a safe distance because of the tiger. But they ignored instructions and came as close to the camera as they could. When the cage was opened, the tiger jumped down with a roar and charged towards the crowd. They melted away as if my magic.

Project Tiger By Satyajit Ray Pdf 10th Standard Question 21.
What was really required of the tiger in that scene?
The tiger was required to pace quietly about without paying any attention to the characters Goopy and Bagha who were exiled into the forest by their king.

Question 22.
What did Ray and his team realize two days later?
They realized that this time the tiger and the camera had behaved well and they got the type of shots they had wanted.

Project Tiger Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Question 1.
Satyajit Ray and his friends had to shoot scenes involving the tiger twice, M Notun Gram and Boral. Write the events that took place in both the places in a sequential order and then describe the shooting:

Shooting at Notun GramShooting at Boral
  • Found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Gram.
  • A lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers.
  • A tripod was placed facing the bamboo grove to mount the camera.
  • The audience was instructed to get behind the camera.
  • Goopy and Bagha were placed close to the bamboo grove so that they could be seen along with the tiger.
  • A five-foot iron rod was fixed to the ground, some 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to walk
  • A tiger-skin collar with a thin wire inside was placed in the neck of the tiger.
  • The door of the cage was opened and the tiger jumped out. But instead of walking calmly it started running and jumping about.
  • When it became calm some shots were taken.
  • But the shots were dark owing to poor light.
  • Found bamboo grove near Calcutta in Boral.
  • The lorry arrived with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the iron rod.
  • The whole village came to watch the shooting.
    The villagers were told to keep at 70 feet away from the scene of the shot.
  • Without listening to the instructions, the entire crowd got as close to the camera as they could.
  • Thorat opened the cage. With a roar the tiger charged towards the crowd.
  • The crowd disappeared as if my magic.
  • The tiger calmed down and the shots were’ taken as required
  • This time the tiger and the camera behaved well.

Description of the shooting:
We found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Gram. As arranged with Mr. Thorat of Bharat Circus, a lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers. He brought two so that if one did not do things properly the other could be used. Atripod was placed facing the bamboo grove to mount the camera. The audience was instructed to get behind the camera. Goopy and Bagha were placed close to the bamboo grove so that they could be seen along with the tiger. A five-foot iron rod was fixed to the ground, some 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to walk. A tiger-skin collar with a thin wire inside was placed in the neck of the tiger. The door of the cage was opened and the tiger jumped out. But instead of walking calmly it started running and jumping about. When it became calm some shots were taken. But the shots were later found to be dark owing to poor light.

The scenes had to be shot a second time. A bamboo grove near Calcutta in Boral was found. The lorry arrived with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the iron rod. The whole village came to watch the shooting. The villagers were told to keep at least 70 feet away from the scene of the shot. Without listening to the instructions, the entire crowd got as close to the camera as they could. Thorat opened the cage. With a roar the tiger charged towards the crowd. The crowd disappeared as if my magic. Soon the tiger calmed down and the shots were taken as required. This time the tiger and the camera behaved well.

Activity 2

Question 2.
Ray and his friends visited the Bharat Circus camp in Calcutta to hire a tiger to be filmed for his movie Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne. He spoke to the manager of the circus company.
What would Ray have spoken? Attempt a conversation between Ray and the Manager.
Ray : Good morning, Manager! I am Ray, Satyajit Ray, a film director.
Manager : Good Morning Mr. Ray. I have heard a lot about you. What brings you here?
Ray : I am shooting a film with a tiger in it. The tiger has only a small role. It has to be seen along with two of our actors.
Manager : Well, our ringmaster is Mr. Thorat, a nice gentleman. I will ask him if it is possible to send our tiger out on such missions. If he agrees, I will have no problem. I will definitely help you.
Ray : Thank you, very, much. I should meet Mr. Thorat, or will you speak with him?
Manager :’I will speak with him first, and then you can meet him for making the final arrangement. By the way, for how long do you want the tiger?
Ray : Actually the shooting will be just for two hours. But then there is the travelling time. We intend to take the shots at Notun Gram which is a bit far from here.
Manager : No problem. Thorat will be the one to decide finally as he handles the animals here. But I’m sure he will agree.
Ray : Thank you very much.
Manger : It’s okay.

Activity 3

Question 3.
Read the instructions on below
Draft the likely notice that was published in the newspaper.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 2
Alfred Hitchcock Productions, Trinity Street, Hollywood, is planning to make a movie titled “Birds”. In the story binds from all overthe world are seen attacking humans. We need a variety of trained birds, especially a large number of ravens. If you have trained birds of any kind, especially birds of prey, you have an opportunity here to display them and their skills to the entire world. Handsome payments will be made forthe chosen binds. The shoots may last up to a couple days and so the owners or trainers of the birds must be ready to come with their birds to Hollywood and stay for the duration of the shooting. For more information, contact:

Manager, Hitchcock Productions, Trinity Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles 90028
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 2635-555-2332

Activity 4

Question 4.
Read the instructions on below:
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 1
Satyajit Ray
Ray Film Productions
Karol Bagh
Calcutta – 52
Phone: 1256778240
E-mail: [email protected]
20 June 2016

The Chairman
Animal Welfare Board of India
Connaught Plage
New Delhi -11

Dear Sir,
Permission To Use A Tiger In Film
We are planning shoot a new film titled ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’. In the film, there is a scene where Goopy and Bagha come across s tiger calmly walking about in the forest. We have discussed with Bharat Circus and they have agreed to give us a tiger for the shot. They told us we have to get permission from the Broad for using their animal in the film. This is to request you to give us the necessary permission. The actual shot will be only for about 2 hours. The location is Notun Gram. The tiger will be transported there in a cage in a lorry. All precautions are taken as suggested by the Animal Welfare Department and their conditions for the prevention of cruelty to animals are strictly followed.

Looking forward to getting your permission, and thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Satyajit Ray
Film Director

Activity 5

Question 5.
Ray begins his article with the topic sentences, “No one can beat Hollywood when it comes to making films with animals in them. How does Ray substantiate his argument?
Ray substantiates his argument by giving the examples of two dogs. He talks the films in which there was an Alsatian named Rin-tin-tin. It acted even better than humans. Later there were some films with a collie called Lassie. It looked as if the director could make Lassie act the way he wanted it to act. These dogs were like stars and they were paid like any other big actor. Their owners could easily get one lakh rupees from just one film. Later we also see how stand-ins are provided even for dogs which are as famous as the celebrity actors.

Activity 6

Question 6.
Are the new generation film-makers serious about film-making?
Conduct a debate on this topic in the class. You may first think about the points for and against the topic and then develop a speech to be made in favor of or against new-generation films and film-makers.

Points in favour of new generation films and filmmakersPoints against new-generation films:


Points in favor of new generation films and filmmakersPoints against new-generation films:
a. Films are made with less cost.a. No proper planning and research
b. Actors and actresses need not be celebrities.b. Scripts are often written on the location
c. Stories from everyday life.c. Too much of drinking and drug-taking are shown
d. Acting is more natural and not theatrical.d. Dialogues often too colloquial
e. Ordinary costumes.e. Music is horrible and anything goes in the name of music
f. Use of social media for publicity.f. Some of the stories are too daring (like student falling in love with the teacher).

Project Tiger Let’s Learn More About Words

Activity 1

Question 1.
Go through the film terminology given on page 53 & 54 and answer the questions.
1. close-up
2. dolly/tracking
3. high angle
4. tilt
5. medium shot

Activity 2

Question 2.
Note: Base forms of words take prefixes and suffixes to make new word forms. Sometimes two base forms are added to make new words. Word-formation by using these methods are called prefixation, suffixation and compounding.
impossible, making, films, invisible, childhood, unfastened, cameraman, customary, film-maker

Base word/ wordsPrefixationSuffixationCompounding


Base word/ wordsPrefixationSuffixationCompounding

Activity 3

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in below:
1. In Chaplin’s film The Circus, the lion in the cage does not seem to be ………………………… .
2. It is …………………………. to take a screen test before casting an actor for a role.
3. In the fight scene, the boys were …………………………. at the thought of having to dive from the ledge.
4. They were looking for a …………………………. youth to do the role of an army personnel.
5. Prem Nazir is one of the most …………………………. remembered actors in Malayalam cinema.
1. ferocious
2. customary
3. petrified
4. robust
5. reverentially

Project Tiger About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 3
– Satyajit Ray – 1921–1992

Ray (1921-1992) decided to make his own films after meeting the French filmmaker Jean Renoir and viewing Vittorio De Sica’s Italian neorealist 1948 film Bicycle Thieves. Ray directed 36 films. He was also a fiction writer, publisher, illustrator, calligrapher, music composer and film critic. He has written many short stories and novels.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 1

Project Tiger Summary in English

Page – 43
1. No one can beat Hollywood when it comes to making films with animals in them. I remember many such films in which there was an Alsatian named Rin-tin- tin. It acted even better than humans. Later there were some films with a collie called Lassie. It looked as if the director could make Lassie act the way he wanted it to act. These dogs were like stars and they were paid like any other big actor. Their owners could easily get one lakh rupees from just one film.

2. I saw how these animal actors were reverently treated when I went to the Disney Studio in Hollywood. The main character in this particular film was a large dog. When I went to the studio, the shooting had not started.

Page – 44
The cameraman was getting the lights ready. It is usual for the actors to be present when the lights are arranged. This is to show the cameraman how they will walk, or where they will stand in a particular shot. In the case of big stars, this job is done by their stand-ins. A stand-in is usually physically similar to the star. The stars come when the lights are ready to take the shots.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 4

3. I saw some actors moving about in the set. On one side there was a large dog. The cameraman shouted to everyone to take their positions. The dog stayed where it was. This puzzled me. Was it not required in the next shot?

4. Before I could ask someone, something strange happened. From nowhere, there appeared a little dwarf, followed by another man carrying a hairy dog skin. Then, to my surprise, the dwarf went down on all the fours on a chalk mark on the floor. The dog skin was draped over him. Then he crawled from one mark to another. The cameraman got busy with the lights. The dwarf was the dog’s stand-in!

Page – 45
Every animal in a Hollywood film is well trained. It is easy to train horses and dogs. But in Hollywood there were even nearly a hundred trained ravens! Alfred Hitchcock, the creator of some qf the best suspense films, used them in his film ‘Birds’. Hitchcock wanted different kinds of birds. He needed many ravens. Advertisements were placed all over the USA, asking people to contact Hitchcock if they knew how to get trained ravens.

He got a response from a man soon. The man was asked to come with his birds. He came with nearly a hundred trained ravens. The ravens would not do many wonderful things. But if 50 ravens were asked to perch quietly in a row on a specified spot, they would do it immediately.

In India it is not easy to find trained animals. It is true that some films were made in Bombay and Madras using trained elephants, horses and tigers. Their performance showed that they just obeyed commands. In Bengal, it is possible to find clever dogs, particularly police dogs, that are very intelligent. If one is patient, we can use them nicely as I did with Bhulo in ‘Pather Panchali’.

A dog might be difficult, not impossible, to handle. What is to be done if there is a need for a tiger in a film? When shooting the film ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’ (The Adventures of Goopy and Bagha), we had this problem. Goopy is banished by the king. Goopy wanders in the forest and meets Bagha who is also banished. They see a tiger and are terrified. But the tiger simply walks about in the forest without paying them any attention.

Page – 46
I decided to make this film. But the problem was how to find a tiger. The solution was to contact a circus as they have trained tigers. At that time Bharat Circus was giving shows in the Marcus Square in Calcutta. Its manager was a Tamilian. We went to meet him. He greeted us warmly and gave us South Indian coffee. When he came to know the reason for our visit, he called MrThorat, vi/ho was the ringmaster. He was also a South Indian, very strong, with features like a Nepali. He was about 40. He showed us a scar on his forearm. It was caused by a tiger.

We told him why we came. The shooting was at Shiuri in Birbhoom. We wanted to show a tiger in a thick bamboo grove. The tiger had to do only one simple thing. It had to come out of the bamboo grove into the open space, walk gently for a while, look at the camera if possible, and then go back. Could the tigerfrom Bharat Circus do it? Thorat said yes. The manager asked us how long we would need the tiger.

I said only two hours forthe shooting and the additional time needed for travel. The travel would take about 2 days. The manager agreed to put the tiger in a cage and send it in a lorry. He then asked us to go and have a look at the tiger. I asked him if it would be okay to let the tiger out of the cage in the bamboo grove.

11. Thorat was not sure. He said that he had never let the tiger out of the cage on his own. I was worried. We could not let the tiger be seen with the trainer in the film. How could Goopy and Bagha get frightened if the tiger is accompanied by a man? We could not allow that.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 5

Page – 47
12. Thorat found a solution. He would tie a thin but strong wire round the tiger’s neck. If the wire was very thin, it would not be seen in the shot. But if the hair on the tiger’s neck was flattened by the wire, the wire would be seen. I suggested to get a collar made of tiger skin, fix the wire to this collar, and then tie it around the neck of the tiger.

13. In a village named Notun Gram we found a suitable bamboo grove to shoot the first meeting between Goopy and Bagha and the tiger. Thorat came to the location with the tiger. There were some 25 people there. A few villagers took our permission to come and watch the shooting.

14. The cage on the lorry was covered. When the cover was removed we saw two well-fed and strong tigers. Thorat said that he brought two because if one failed, the other could be used for the shot.

15. The camera was placed on the tripod and it faced the bamboo grove. The audience was asked to be behind the camera so that they are far away from the tiger. We had to stay close to the bamboo grove. Goopy and Bagha had to be within yards of the camera. At least in one shot they should be seen with the tiger.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 6

Page – 48
16. Thorat’s men had fixed a five foot iron rod to the ground. It was about 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to take a walk. They took a thin long wire and fixed one end to the tiger skin collar. The other end was tied to the rod. The door of one cage was opened and Thorat called out to the tiger. It responded quickly and jumped out of its cage to land on the open space. What followed was totally unexpected. We were all shocked and so was Thorat. Instead of walking calmly, the tiger started running around with great energy. It ran fast, jumped and rolled about, dragging the poor trainer with it. He was trying to control the tiger with the wire he held. But he was not succeeding. We all stood around foolishly, watching the free show! The camera was still on the tripod, facing the grove. The tiger was showing no sign of making its way there.

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17. When the tiger calmed down, we took a few shots. But when we returned to Calcutta, we found that the camera had failed to record the scenes with the tiger. The shots were so dark that the tiger could not be seen distinctly from the trees and leaves. We had to reshoot the scenes again. We spoke to Thorat and he agreed to give us another chance. This time we found a bamboo grove in a village called Boral, near Calcutta. The lorry once again came with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the rod. The whole village came to see the shooting. We told the villagers to keep themselves at least 70 feet away from the scene of shooting. But nobody paid attention. The people came as close to the camera as they could. We had no time to explain and argue. We got the camera ready and signaled to Thorat.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 7

18. He opened the door of the cage. The tiger came out with a loud roar, and charged straight at the villagers. The crowd, some 150 people, melted away as if by magic. After that the tiger calmed down. Like an obedient child, it walked over to the spot we had chosen, paced about as it was required to do, and then went back to its trainer. The camera also behaved well and the scenes were properly shot.

Project Tiger Summary in Malayalam

Project Tiger Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 8
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 9
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 10
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 11
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 12

Lines Written in Early Spring Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 1 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download Lines Written in Early Spring Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Lines Written in Early Spring (Poem)

Std 10 English Textbook Lines Written in Early Spring Questions and Answers

Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
What does the expression “I sate reclined” indicate about the poet’s state of mind.
It indicates that the poet was quite relaxed.

Lines Written In Early Spring Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Why does the poet feel sad while reclining in the grove?
He feels sad because sad thoughts come to his mind. He thinks how man mistreats man and brings unhappiness around.

Lines Written In Early Spring – Appreciation Sslc Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
How does the poet associate himself with nature?
He associates himself with nature by thinking that his soul is linked with Nature. Nature and man share the same soul and they are connected.

Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Sslc Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
‘And much it grieved my heart to think/What man has made of man.” What do these lines convey?
These lines convey the sadness of the poet who sees . how man mistreats his fellow beings. The wars and bloodshed that man makes is against the principle of nature. Nature asks us to enjoy the peace and beauty that God has given us. But we quarrel and fight making us unhappy all the time.

10th English Lines Written In Early Spring – Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
What makes the poet think that every flower enjoys its existence?
When the flower blooms it is like smiling. Naturally, the flower is enjoying its time on earth. It will not last long, but when it is alive it enjoys its time and that is why it opens its petals and gives a broad smile to all.

Appreciation Of The Poem Lines Written In Early Spring Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
What is the nature’s holy plan? How does man work against it?
Nature’s holy plan is to make everything and everybody happy, enjoying the good things that Gpd has created. But man works against this and spends his time quarreling and fighting. He is greedy and often spends his life getting and spending money without enjoying the beauty of nature.

Lines Written In Early Spring Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Suggest an alternative title for the poem.
The Beauty Of Nature

Lines Written in Early Spring Textual Activities and Answers

Activity -1

10th Class English Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
What man has made of man’ is one of the most sinking expressions in the peom ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’. It describes the feelings of Wordsworth, the poet and his thoughts about human actiyities against nature. What made the poet think so?
Wordsworth’s thoughts about the human werid.

  • The human world is full of quarrels and fights.
  • It is full of pain and misery, disease and death.
  • The misery is caused by man himself as he does not love his fellow beings and help others.

Activity – 2

Appreciation Of Lines Written In Early Spring Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
William Wordsworth’s poem ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ is appealing to the readers because of its poetic devices. Fill in the boxes with suitable examples from the poem.

  • To her fair works (Nature is personified as a woman).
  • The periwinkle trailed (periwinkle is personified as a follower)
  • The flower enjoys the air (The flower is treated as a person.)


  • The birds around me hopped and played (visual).
  • I heard a thousand blended notes (auditory).
  • Through primrose tufts, in ttjat green bower, the periwinkle trailed its wreaths, (visual)
  • The budding twigs spread out their fan to catch the breezy air (visual) Rhyme scheme: abab

Activity – 3

Lines Written In Early Spring Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
To her fair works did nature link The human soul that through me ran’
These lines speak about man’s vital relationship with nature. Discuss and write an appreciation of the poem.

An appreciation of the poem:

The poet says that while sitting reclined on a woodland grove, his mind was filled with several thoughts. While he finds solace in the nature’s beauty, the same beauty also reminds him of sad thoughts, The speaker appreciates the nature for her god like abilities of linking a human soul to herself but he also feels grief while thinking about how cruelly man has separated himself from mother nature. The poet is highly appreciative of nature’s beauty. He finds delight in the green bowers and has faith that the beautiful flowers enjoy every ounce of the air they breathe and they are thankful for living beside the nature. The speaker observes the birds which sing and hop around him. He is in awe of these creatures.

Though the speaker does not understand their language and ways, he does recognize that the birds are creating all these movements out of sheer pleasure and joy. The breeze blowing is sweet and light, the twigs are spreading out as if to catch the sweet air and ail the poet can do is gather pleasure in their existence. The speaker questions that if this is heaven and this is the holy plan of nature then what man has done to himself is really bad. Man has separated himself from such joy and is spending his time hating one another and fighting wars.

The poem has 6 quatrains and the rhyming scheme is abab. There are examples of personification. There is fine visual and auditory imagery. We too feel like the poet reclining in the grove watching the flowers and listening to the music of,the birds. Nature is really beautiful.

Activity – 4

→ To be done individually by the students. Listen and enjoy as suggested in the Text.

Lines Written in Early Spring Language Activities

Activity -1

Lines Written In Early Spring Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Read the following sentences and punctuate them.

  • The tree was older than the house.
  • I saw a cobra and a mongoose fighting.
  • What a spectacular sight!
  • Will the mongoose kill the snake?
  • Son, get down from the tree.
  • Please answer me.
  • Oh! What happy times those had been!
  • What did man do to nature?

Sslc English Lines Written In Early Spring Kerala Syllabus Question 2.

a. Based on the punctuations marks how many sentence types can you identify?
I can identify 4 sentence types.

b. Are there two types of sentences in the above set that end in a full stop?
Yes, there are.

c. What difference do you notice between these sentences?
The difference is they are statements and imperatives.

d. Based on yourdiscussion, how many sentence types you can identify.
Four types.

e. Which are the types of sentences you have identified?
Statements, questions, imperatives and exclamations.
Statements: 1 and 2.
Command/Request: 5 and 6 Questions: 4 and 8 Exclamations: 3 and 7

  • Statement sentences are called Assertive.
  • Sentences that express command, order, request are called imperatives.
  • Sentences that ask questions are called Interrogatives.
  • Sentences that express emotions and feelings are called Exclamations.

Now, wnte two examples each for the sentence types you have identified.

1. Assertive:
a) MyfatherworksinDubai.
b) Our teacher teaches well.

2. Imperatives:
a) Open the window.
b) Please give me that book.

3. Interrogatives:
a) Where are you going?
b) Why do you sleep in the class?

4. Exclamatory:
a) What a beautiful girl!
b) How nicely he sings!

Activity – 2

Sslc English Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Read the following sentences.
1) I had built a small platform on the tree.
2) I was not afraid.
3) Grandfather had a very beautiful garden.
4) The combatants were not aware of my presence in the banyan tree.
5) I don’t get any sleep at all.
6) My first friend was a small grey squirrel.
7) The house was not electrified.
8) The snake slithered along my shoulder.
9) I was no mere image cut in granite.
10) The snake looked into the mirror and saw its reflection.


Categorise the above sentences into affirmative and negative and complete the following table.

Affirmative (Positive)Negative
I had built a small platform on the tree.I was not afraid.
Grandfather had a very beautiful garden.The combatants were not aware of my presence in the banyan tree.
My best friend was a small grey squirrel.I don’t get any sleep at all.
The snake slithered among my shoulder.The house was not electrified.
The snake looked into the mirror and saw its reflection.I was no mere image cut in granite.

10th English Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Sentences Which State Positve Facts Are Called Affirmative Or Positive Sentences.
Sentences That Express Negative Ideas Are Called Negative Sentences.
Now look at the following sentences:
1. Grandfather rarely smoked a pipe.
2. The maid would hardly clean the garden
3. He could scarcely control his joy.
4. I will seldom pray for you.
5. There are few snakes in the garden.
6. There is little water in the pond.
Identify the words that make the sentences negative.
1. rarely
2. hardly
3. scarcely
4. seldom
5. few
6. little

Lines Written In Early Spring Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Rewrite the given sentences into negative sentences using the words you have identified.
1. Most of the students read their textbooks at home.
2. The boys do daring tasks.
3. It rains heavily.
4. The students have completed their work.
5. The boys play on the ground.
6. I write letters to my friends.
1. Most of the students hardly read textbooks at home.
2. The boys rarely do daring tasks.
3. It seldom rains heavily.
4. Few students have completed their work.
5. The boys seldom play on the ground.
6. I scarcely write letters to my friends.

Lines Written In Early Spring Question Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
Rewrite the following affirmative sentences as negative sentences without changing their meaning. (Note that this might involve replacing a word with its antonym.)
(Note: Sentences containing ‘never’ are treated as negative sentences.)
1. Jack always agrees to help his friends.
2. He drivers his car very carefully.
3. Stella is prettier than Mary.
4. They have accepted the invitation.
5. A fox is cleverer than a jackal.
6. This shop sells expensive articles.
7. She always keeps her room tidy.
8. He is polite to everyone.
9. He is very industrious.
10. He is always late for his class.
1. Jack seldom agrees to help his friends.
2. He hardly drives his car very carefully.
3. Stella is not prettier than Mary.
4. They have not accepted the invitation.
5. Afoxisnotclevererthanajackal.
6. This shop never sells expensive articles.
7. She never keeps her room tidy.
8. He is never polite to everyone.
9. He is rarely very industrious.
10. He is never late for his class.

Activity – 3

Appreciation Of Poem Lines Written In Early Spring Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Let’s consider the following sentences:

1. The boys are playing in the ground.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Lines Written in Early Spring 1

2. The old grandfather was helpless.

10th Class English Chapter Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
A noun phrase can either be a single word (head noun) or more than one word (head noun + modifier).
Identify the Noun Phrase and its modifiers from the following sentences:
1. The magnificent old banyan tree was mine.
2. An old tree was the centre of attraction.
3. The cobra was a skilful and experienced fighter.
4. The small rented room was not electrified.
5. A long supporting gable rested on the beam over the wall.
1. The magnificent old banyan tree. The (article) magnificent, old (adjective) banyan tree (Noun)
2. An old tree: (An – article), old (adjective), tree (noun). Centre of attraction (centre – noun, of-particle, attraction – noun).
3. The cobra (The – article), cobra (noun) a skilful and experienced fighter (a – article, skilful – adjective, and – conjunction, experienced – participle, fighter – noun)
4. The small rented room: The -article, small – adjective, rented – participle, room-noun).
5. A long supporting gable: (A – article, long, . adjective, supporting – participle, gable – noun). on the beam over the wall (on – preposition, the – article, beam – noun, over – preposition, the – article, wall – noun).

Lines Written In Early Spring Appreciation Hsslive Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
Words that can modify a noun are as follows:
1. Articles (a, an, the)
2. Possessives (Grandfather’s, teachers’s, my, his, her, your, their, etc.)
3. Demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
4. Adjectives (old, long, smart, beautiful, etc.)
5. Numerals (three, five, twelve, etc.)
6. Ordinals (first, second, last, etc.)
7. Quantifiers (all, some, few, many, etc.)

Articles, Possessives and Demonstratives are called Determiners.
Sometimes a quantifier can appear before a determiner. In that case, we call it a pre-determiner.

  • All the students…
  • Some of the books…

Lines Written In Early Spring About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Lines Written in Early Spring 3
– William Wordsworth – 1770-1850

William Wordsworth (1770-1850) is a major English Romantic poet. The collection of poems called “Lyrical Ballads” written by him and Samuel Taylor Coleridge made him a great figure in the literary circle. He was made the poet Laureate in 1843. Some of his famous poems are “Daffodils”, “Lucy Gray” and the “The Prelude”.

To him Nature was a guru, a philosopher and a nurse. He is known as the High Priest of nature. In simple language, he extolled the beauty of Nature and asked his readers to enjoy that beauty. His poems are about simple people and simple things.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Lines Written in Early Spring 5

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in English

Stanza 1: The poet is sitting in a small woodland grove. He hears the birdsong around him. Although happy thoughts are prompted by the birdsong, sad thoughts also come to his mind.

Stanza 2: Nature has forged a strong connection between itself and the soul of mankind, but man has repaid the favour by making a mess of his relations with his fellow man.

Stanza 3: The poet admires the flowers-the primrose, the blue of the periwinkle, the greenness of the woodland area in which he sits. He is very sure that every flower enjoys the air it breathes. Man must do the same.

Stanza 4: Birds hopped and played around him. The poet is not able to guess what they are thinking. But their movements showed they were very happy and enjoying their time.

Stanza 5: The twigs of the trees spread out as if to catch the breezy air. The poet thinks they too were happy and contented with the enjoyment they had.

Stanza 6: This belief is sent from heaven. This is the way nature is and nature is the work of God. Nature wants us to be happy. The poet laments at the sad state of man who spends his time in quarrelling and fighting instead of enjoying the blissful things God has given him.

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Lines Written in Early Spring 6

Lines Written in Early Spring Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 3 Lines Written in Early Spring 4

Blowin’ in the Wind Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 2 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download Blowin’ in the Wind Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 3 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 3 Blowin’ in the Wind (Song)

Std 10 English Textbook Blowin In The Wind Questions and Answers

Blowing In The Wind Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 1.
What does the word ‘roads’ refer to here?
The word ‘roads’ here refers to the age, and experiences and sufferings of the person.

Blowin In The Wind Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 2.
Do these questions demand a specific answer? What do you call such questions?
No, they don’t need. They are called rhetorical questions.

Blowin’ In The Wind Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 3.
Why does the writer say that the answer is blowing in the wind?
The writer says that the answer is blowing in the wind because nobody knows the answer. Everybody tries to get it, but it slips away from our hold.

10th English Blowin’ In The Wind Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
How is the question about the mountain related to the other two questions in stanza 2?
They all are unanswerable and thus they are related.

Blowin’ In The Wind Appreciation Simple Words Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 5.
Who may be the ‘people’ and ‘man’ referred to in Stanza 2? What is the attitude of the writer towards them?
The people are those who are denied their civil rights, like the Blacks in America or the people in colonies. ‘Man’ is the ruler or the Authority who does not want to see the suffering of those without freedom. He sympathizes with the people, but is angry at the man.

Blowin In The Wind Appreciation Sslc Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Pick out lines from the song that refer to the denial of civil rights.
“How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky? How many ears must one man have before he can hear? How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?”

Sslc English Blowin In The Wind Appreciation Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
What attitude of the people is reflected in the refrain, ‘The answer is blowin’ in the wind’?
It is the indifference of the people that is reflected in the refrain.

Blowin In The Wind Textual Activities and Answers

Blowin In The Wind Let’s find out how language elements work

Activity 1

Blowing In The Wind Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 1.

a. Read the following sentences and place them along appropriate headings in the box.

  • Had they finished shooting?
  • Theirtraining had not gone very bad.
  • The shots were too dark.
  • Do you think it is easy to set the animal free in the bamboo grove?
  • Goopy is banished by the king.
  • Could a tiger from Bharat circus do this job?
  • Bharat circus has two tigers with them.
  • MrThorat was the ring master of the circus.
  • Bagha has also been banished.
  • Were all ourplans going to go down the drain?.


  • Their training had not gone very bad.
  • The shots were too dark.
  • Goopy is banished by the king.
  • Bharat circus has two tigers with them.
  • Mr Thorat was the ring master of the circus.
  • Bagha has also been banished.

Blowin’ In The Wind Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 10th  Questions

  • Had they finished shooting?
  • Do you think it is easy to set the animal free in the bamboo grove?
  • Could a tiger from Bharat circus do this job?
  • Were all our plans going to go down the drain?

b. Analyse the statements that you have listed in the activity. Identify the verbs in them and out them in the appropriate column, according to their function as main verb or helping verb.

Main verbAuxiliary/helping verb


Main Verb Auxiliary/Heloina verb
finished had
gone had
banished is
banished has been
going were

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:
1. They are planning something different.
2. He was reading a book when I visited him.
3. MrThorat had (has) two tigers with him.
4. A tiger will be impossible to handle.
5. The shooting will need two more days’ time.

c. Fill in the blank columns in the table below. One is done for you.

Modal auxiliaryFunctionsUsed in meaningful sentences
will1. Making predictions
2. Offering to do something task.
3. Expressing determination
4. Making a formal request
5. Denoting future
1. It will rain in the evening.
2. I will help you complete this
3. I will speak to him tomorrow.
4. Will you open the window, please?
5. The train will leave at 4 o’clock.
ought to……………………………………………………………………………………
used to……………………………………………………………………………………


Modal AuxiliaryFunctionsUsed in meaningful sentences.
Will1. Making predictions
2. Offering to do something
3. Expressing determination
4. Making a formal request
5. Denoting future
It will rain this evening.
I will help you complete this task.
I will speak to him tomorrow.
Will you open the window, please?
The train will leave at 4 o’clock.
would1. improbable condition
2. Polite request
If I had the money I would buy a car.
Would you open the window, please?
Shall1. showing future
2. giving command
I shall do it tomorrow.
You shall do as you are told.
Should1. giving advice
2. polite request
You should study hard.
Should I help you to carry that bag?
Can1. showing ability
2. giving and taking permission
I can drive.
Can I go now? Yes, you can.
Could1. showing past ability
2. making polite request
I could dance well when I was young.
Could you pick that book for me?
May1. combines possibility with doubt
2. Used for wishing.
3. Asking and giving permission
It may rain. (Probability is more.)
May you live long!
May I go out? Yes, you may.
Might1. combines possibility with doubt.It might rain. (Doubt is more.)
Note : Old grammars said ‘might’ as the past tense of ‘may’. But modern grammarians consider may and might as two independent verbs with their own separate past tenses. The past tense of ‘mav’ is ‘may have’ and the past tense of ‘might’ is ‘might have’. May shows more probability and might shows more doubt. Thus when we say “It may rain” the chances of rain are more than when we say “It might rain”.
Mustshows obligationYou must do it.
Needshows necessityI need to complete this work today.
Daregives challengeDare you call me a fool?
Ought toshows obligationYou ought to do it today.
Used toshows past habitsI used to smoke a lot.

d. Now consider the questions you have listed in section ‘a’.
“Had they finished the shooting?” How will you answer this question?
Yes, they had finished shooting.
No. they hadn’t finished shooting.

These types of questions are called : Yes/No Questions or Affirmative Questions or Closed Questions.
Read the following sentences:
They are going to Madras.
Are they going to Madras?
Nandu was working all night.
Was Nandu working all night?
How do these questions begin?
What change is made in the word order of the statements to frame questions?
They begin with the auxiliaries. The subject comes after the auxiliary. Then there is a question mark in the end instead of a full stop. Now try to frame questions for the following statements.

a. Are they planning the same thing again?
No, they are planning something different this time.

b. Have you ever travelled through a jungle?
No, I have never travelled through a jungle.

c. Was he scolding the public when you reached there?
Yes, he was scolding the public when I reached there.

d. Is it snowing?
Yes, it is snowing.

e. Can he speak German?
Yes, he can speak German.

Consider the following sentences:
He likes oranges. Does he like oranges?
They went to the nearby school. Did they go to the nearby school?
I drink tea. Do you drink tea?
(Note: In these sentences the auxiliary verb is hidden. So we use dummy auxiliaries according to the tense of the verb.)
Like – do + like (present)
Likes – does + like (present singular)
Liked – did – like (past)

Now, construct questions for the following sentences.
1. Yes, they come here frequently. Do they come here frequently?
2. Yes, I met him yesterday. Did you meet him yesterday?
3. Yes, they lived here for a long time. Did they live here for a long time?
4. Yes, we play cricket every day. Do you play cricket every day?
5. Yes, she speaks fluent French. Does she speak fluent French?

Note : Questions beginning with an auxiliary verb are called ‘Yes/No’ Questions or Affirmative questions. They are also called closed questions because they have two possible answers only: Yes or No. It is impossible to ask a Yes/No question without an auxiliary verb. Such questions do not ask for more information. They only seek confirmation or negation.

Activity 2

Summary Of The Poem Blowin In The Wind Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 2.
Read the following sentences from the memoir: Where is the shooting location?
How did the tiger react when the cage was opened? The words in bold are question words. Who, When, Why, Where, What. Which and How are question words normally used to ask questions. They are called ‘Wh-‘ questions.
Imagine you have an interview with Mr. Satyajit Ray. What questions will you ask? Complete the following conversations.
You : Sir, where did you learn film technology? Ray : I learned it from Hollywood.
You : Who helped you there?
Ray : My friend Alfred Hitchcock helped me there. You : Which film’attracted you most?
Ray : Adventures of Rin Tin Tin attracted me the most.
You : What was your wish?
Ray : My wish was to make a film that beat Hollywood.
You : Why did you take such a risk with tigers?
Ray : I took such risk with tigers to make a wonderful film.
You : How long did it take to shoot the scene? Ray : It took two days to shoot the scene.
You : How far away was Notun Gram from here?
Ray : Notun Gram was twenty kilometres away from here.
You : How often do you visit Hollywood?
Ray : I visit Hollywood once in three months.
You : What kind of animals are used in Hollywood films?
Ray : Well trained animals are used in Hollywood films. ,
You : Thank you very much, Sir!
Ray : It’s okay!

Activity 3

The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 3.
Read the sentences given below and identify the noun phrase jmd verb phrase in them. One is done for you/
1. MrThorat nodded.
2. This puzzled me.
3. He was a South Indian.
4. MrThorat reached the shooting location.
1. Mr. Thorat (Noun Phrase) + nodded (Verb Phrase).
2. This (NP) +puzzled me (VP).
3. He (NP) + was a South Indian (VP).
4. Mr Thorat (NP) + reached the shooting location (VP).

b. Consider the following sentence.
Blowing In The Wind Meaning In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 10th

Now analyse the verb phrases in the following sentences.
1. went (verb) + to meet (Infinitive) + the manager (NP).
2. reached (V) + the shooting location (NP) + with the tiger (Prep. Phrase).
3. gives (V) + Ali (NP) + a small black bag (NP) + to put potatoes (Inf.).
4. was (aux.) + covered (past participle).
5. Question 2 is repeated.
6. were (Aux) + placed (Past Part.) + in the press (Prep. Phrase) + all overthe US (adverbial phase).
7. were (aux) + watching (ing-form) + a new and strange kind of circus (NP).

Thus the following forms, may appear along with a verb to form a verb phrase.
1. Auxiliary verbs
2. Prepositional Phrases
3. Adverbial phrases
4. Noun Phrases

It is to be noted that a verb phrase can even have a noun phrase accompanied by a determiner and an adjective.

c. Now let’s us analyse the function of a noun phrase and a verb phrase and its elements in the following sentences.
In sentence 1, ‘Mr. Thorat nodded.’
The noun phrase ‘Mr. Thorat’ functions as the subject of the sentence. The verb phrase acts as the verb.

In sentence 2, This puzzled me.
‘This’ is the noun phrase and it is the subject of the sentence. In the verb phrase, ‘puzzled me’ ‘puzzled’ is the verb and ‘me’ does the function of the object of the sentence.

In sentence 3, He was a South Indian.
‘He’ is the subject. The verb phrase here is ‘was a South Indian’. In it ‘was’ is the verb and ‘a South Indian’ is the complement.

In sentence 4, Mr. Thorat reached the shooting location.
The pattern is Mr. Thorat (Subject) + reached (verb) + the shooting location (adverbial).

The sentence pattern of the four sentences given above can be written as:
1. S + V
2. S + V + O
3. S + V + C
4. S + V + A

Write four sentences in the same pattern.
1. Mr. Bachan laughed. (S+V)
2. My uncle taught English. (S+V+O)
3. Shah Rukh Khan is a North Indian. (S+V+C)
4. The train came in time. (S+V+Adverbial)

Apart from these 4 sentence patterns there are 3 more basic sentence patterns in English.
They are:
1. S + V + O + O (e.g. Mr. Thorat gave Ray two tigers)
2. S + V + O + C (e.g. They painted the cage yellow)
3. S + V + O + A (e.g. Ray placed the camera on the tripod)

Write three sentences keeping the same pattern:
1. My father gave me a pen. (S + V + O + O)
2. They coloured the house green. (S + V + O + C)
3. The teacher placed the book on the table. (S + V + O + A)

Activity 4
Look at the following sentences from the memoir.
1. This job is done By their stand-ins.
2. Notices were placed in the press all over the United States.
3. Some films have been made in Bombay and Madras.
4. Goopy and Bagha could be petrified by the tiger.

Do the sentences have the similar pattern to those mentioned in Activity 4?
What difference do you notice?
They all are in passive voice.

→ Write the above sentences in the S + V + Q Pattern.
1. Their stand-ins do the job.
2. They placed notices in the press all over the United States.
3. They have made films in Bombay and Madras.
4. The tiger could petrify Goopy and Bagha.

Blowin In The Wind About the author:

Simple Appreciation Of The Poem Blowin' In The Wind
– Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan (b. 1941) is an American singer, songwriter, artist and writer. His early songs like ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ and The Times They are a-Changing’ became anthems for the American Civil Rights and Anti-War Movements. His mid-1960 songs, backed by rock musicians, were some of the very best.

Blowing In The Wind Lyrics Meaning Kerala Syllabus 10th

Blowin In The Wind Summary in English

Page 64 & 65
Line 1-8: How many roads should a man walk down before you can call him a man? How many seas should a white dove sail Before she sleeps on the sand? How many times should the cannon balls fly before they are banned forever? The answer to these questions, my friend, is blowing in the wind.

The Answer My Friend Is Blowin In The Wind Meaning

Lines 9-16: How many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea? How many years can some people live before they are allowed to be free? How many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just does not see?

Lines 17-24: How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky? How many years must one man have before he can hear people cry? How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.

Blowin In The Wind Summary in Malayalam

Blowin In The Wind Malayalam Meaning Kerala Syllabus 10th

Blowin In The Wind Glossary

Blowing In The Wind Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 10th
Blowing In The Wind Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 10th

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 1 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download Adventures in a Banyan Tree Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree (Short Story)

Std 10 English Textbook Adventures In A Banyan Tree Questions and Answers

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question Answers 10th Standard Question 1.
“house and grounds were of Grandfather’s domain. But the magnificent old banyan tree was mine.” Why did the boy say so?
IP The boy said so because he was free to do whatever he liked on the banyan tree. But in the house and the grounds, he was not so free as they were strictly controlled by the Grandfather.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question Answers 10th Standard Question 2.
How did the squirrel become a friend of the bõy?
The squirrel found that the boy had no catapult or airgun. Then the boy started giving him pieces of cake and biscuits. He grew bolder and took food from his hands. He even searched for the boy’s pockets.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Notes 10th Standard Question 3.
What did the friends of the squirrel think about his ‘ friendship with a human? What might have made them think so?
They thought he was headstrong and foolish for trusting a human being. They thought so because human beings kill the squirrels for their meat, skin and even for fun. (Many people eat the meat of squirrels.)

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Summary 10th Standard Question 4.
How was the banyan tree the noisiest place during the fig season?
It was the noisiest place during the fig season because different birds and animals came to eat the figs. The birds were mainly bulbul, rosy-pastors, parrots and crows. These birds and animals made different noises.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question Answers Pdf 10th Standard Question 5.
How did the boy make the spring season exciting for himself?
He built a platform on the banyan tree and he spent the cool afternoons there. He brought cushions to sit on and he propped himself on a branch. Sitting there he read books or observed the things going on around.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question Answer 10th Standard  Question 6.
What was the incident that triggered a long-lasting excitement for the boy in summer?
It was a fight between a black cobra and a mongoose. A myna and a crow were also involved in the fight. At the end of the fight, the cobra and the crow die. Cobra dies because of the bites by the mongoose and the crow dies as it is struck by the cobra.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Narration 10th Standard Question 7.
How did the cobra regard his opponent? Were they true warriors?
The cobra regarded his opponent as a superb fighter, clever and aggressive. They were true warriors as they fought valiantly.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Activities 10th Standard Question 8.
How did the mongoose manage to escape from the snake’s bite?
The mongoose bushed his tail. The long hair on his spine stood up. The very thickness of his hair saved him from the bites of the snake.

Adventure In The Banyan Tree 10th Standard Question 9.
The cobra was a good fighter. Pick out one of his fighting techniques.
The cobra stood on the defensive, swaying slowly from side to side, trying to mesmerize the mongoose into making a false move. His great hood came down so swiftly that the writerthought the mongoose would be killed.

Adventures Of Banyan Tree 10th Standard Question 10.
The mongoose proved that he was clever. Can you cite any instance of his cleverness?
When the cobra struck, the mongoose jumped neatly to one side and darted in swiftly biting the snake on the back. Then he darted away from the snake, out of his reach.

Sslc English Adventures In A Banyan Tree Notes Question 11.
What were the reactions of the spectators when the cobra struck?
When the cobra struck, the spectators, the crow and the myna, hurled themselves at him. But they collided in mid air and returned to the cactus making angry noises at each other.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Notes Pdf 10th Standard Question 12.
How did the crow push itself into trouble?
The myna and the crow dived at the cobra, but they missed him. The myna flew back to safety. But the crow tried to pull up in midair and turn back. In the second that it took him to do this, the cobra struck him with great force and it proved fatal forthe crow.

Adventures In Banyan Tree 10th Standard Question 13.
Why is the myna said to be wise? ‘
When the myna saw it missed the cobra when it dived at it, it flew ^way into safety and perched on the cactus. That is why it is said to be wise. But the foolish crow got killed.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Summary In Malayalam Pdf 10th Standard Question 14.
Who won the battle? What made the myna peer into the bushes?
The battle was won by the mongoose. The myna peered into the bushes to see if the cobra was really dead so that it could congratulate the mongoose.

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Pdf 10th Standard Question 15.
What prevented the Grandfather from taming the mongoose?
Grandfather knew that a wild mongoose was more useful than a tamed one. This knowledge prevented him from taming it.

10th Class English Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question 16.
Why would Grandmother forgive the mongoose for stealing the eggs?
Grandmotherforgave the mongoose for stealing the eggs because it kept the garden clear of snakes and it did not do any harm to the chicken.

10th English Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question Answer Question 17.
Who was the new friend of the squirrel?
The new friend of the squirrel was a white rat that Grandfather had bought from the bazaar. They enjoyed their friendship by going off together on excursions among the branches. Finally the squirrel and the white rat mated and had babies.

The Adventures In A Banyan Tree 10th Standard Question 18.
How did the boy come to know that the squirrel was building a nest?
m The boy came to know that the squirrel was building a nest when he discovered straw and grass falling out of his pockets. Later he saw the knitting of his grandmother in the nest on the tree. There were three baby squirrels in the wool.

Class 10 English Chapter 1 Adventures In A Banyan Tree Question 19.
What was the wonder that nature had kept for them in the nest?
The wonder nature had kept for them was the three white baby squirrels in the nest. Grandfather said that rats and squirrels were related and it was possible for them to have offspring if they mated.

Adventures in a Banyan Tree Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Adventures In A Banyan Tree Activities Class 10 Question 1.
Revisit the story and complete the story tree:
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 1
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 7

Activity 2

Question 2.
The boy was very much thrilled by his acquaintance with the squirrel. He writes a letter to his friend telling him about his new friend. Help him complete the letter.
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Activity 3

The SquirrelThe squirrel was very young. It was small and grey in colour. Finding the boy not harmful, it became very friendly with him. It trusted the boy and even took food from his hands.
The snakeThe cobra was huge and black. It was skilful and an experienced fighter. He could move swiftly and strike with the speed of light. The sacs behind his long, sharp fangs were full of deadly poison. But the mongoose proved too clever forthis cobra.
The MongooseThe mongoose was grey in colour. It was three feet long. It was a superb fighter, clever and aggressive. When the snake raised high off the ground and spread his broad spectacled hood, the mongoose bushed his tail. The long hair on his spine stood to prevent the bite from the snake harm his body. Ultimately, it killed the snake and dragged it into the cactus bush. The Grandfather of the boy used to give the mongoose scraps from the kitchen. It also stole eggs from the poultry but it did not harm the chickens there.


The SquirrelThe squirrel was very young. It was small and grey in colour. Finding the boy not harmful, it became very friendly with him. It trusted the boy and even took food from his hands.
The snake
The Mongoose

Activity 4

Question 3.
The boy was thrilled at seeing the fight between the cobra and the mongoose. You may also have the same feeling. Narrate the fight scene in your own words.
The boy was sitting on the platform half way up the tree. It was an April afternoon. Warm breezes had sent everyone indoors. The boy was thinking of going for a swim, when he saw a black cobra coming out of a group of cactus. It was looking for a cooler place in the garden. A mongoose also came out and went towards the cobra. They came face to face.

The Cobra knew that the 3 feet long mongoose is a fine fighter, clever and aggressive. But the cobra was also an experienced fighter. He could move with great speed and strike the mongoose. His sharp teeth were full of poison. It was a battle of champions.

The cobra hissed. His tongue darted in and out. It was6feet long. It raised its three feet high and raised its broad, spectacled hood. The mongoose was also ready to fight, its hair on the spine stood up like bristles. They would help him to prevent his body from getting bitten. A myna and a jungle crow were watching the fight. At one stage they dived towards the cobra, but they missed it. The myna went back. The crow was trying to turn around when it was struck by the cobra. It died soon. The mongoose proved too clever for the cobra and finally it was killed by the mongoose which dragged it into the bush.

Activity 5

Question 4.
‘And amongst the wool were the three baby squirrels – all of them white!’ The boy couldn’t stop wondering about the white squirrels. If he scribbled down this unforgettable sight in his diary, how would it be?
When I saw the glint from the nest of the squirrel I went to investigate. To my utter surprise What do I see there? Among the wool, which was actually my Grandmother’s knitting, there were three white baby squirrels. I had never seen another squirrel in that area. Then how can the baby squirrels appear in the nest? I was puzzled. I decided to tell my Grandfather about it. Grandfather was also puzzled as he had never seen white squirrels. Then he said that rats and squirrels were of the same family group and they could cross-breed. The squirrel was the father and the white rat was the mother of the white babies. This world is full of wonders, isn’t it?

Activity 6

A. The silhouettes of some scenes from the story are given here. Identify the scenes and give cutlines.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 3
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B. Based on the outlines, prepare a narrative:

The first friend of the boy was a small squirrel. He used to give the squirrel pieces of cakes and biscuits. The squirrel then became bold enough to eat from his hands. The boy built a platform in a banyan tree. He used to sit there and read books and watch the things around.

One day he saw a cobra and mongoose having a fight. As he was watching the fight he saw there were also a myna and a crow watching the fight. These birds wanted to attack the cobra. But the cobra kills the crow. Finally the cobra is killed by the mongoose and its body is dragged into the bush.

The Grandfather of the boy had bought a white rat and brought it home. The boy took it to the squirrel and soon the white rat and the squirrel became close friends. They mated. The squirrel built a nest and crammed it with the wool of the boy’s Grandmother’s knitting. When the boy went to investigate he was surprised to see 3 white baby squirrels. His Grandfather told him that the squirrel was the father and the white rat was the mother. Since rats and squirrels are related species, they could have offspring, if they mated. It was news to the boy.

Activity 7

a) A single banyan tree creates such beauty and harmony. How will it be if we have such beauty everywhere? What should we do for the conservation of nature? Discuss
The great poet John Keats said, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Indeed we would be happy to have beauty everywhere. But what do we see now? Even on the roads people throw their waste. We see plas¬tic bags and other things lying all around killing our environment.

We can do many things to conserve nature. We should plant trees. Reduce deforestation for cultivation and building industries and houses. Reduce the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Keep our rivers, lakes, ponds and wells clean. Reduce our dependency on motor vehicles which use petrol and diesel.

b. Prepare a digital poster on the theme; “Conservation of Nature”.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 11

Activity 8

The story “Adventures in a Banyan Tree’ portrays the happy childhood of the writer blended with enchanting nature. Can the future generation enjoy such a beautiful life? Analyse the following pictures and identify the environmental issues portrayed in them.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 4
Issue : Cutting Down Trees – Deforestation What is the dreadful impact of this?
The dreadful impact is global warming. The trees give us oxygen. The roots protect the soil from erosion. The tree itself gives dwellings to various birds and animals. By cutting down the trees, we are making deserts.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 5
Issue: Plastic Waste Dumps Everywhere How will this affect the environment?
The whole place becomes a Plastic waste dump. Water bodies will be clogged and polluted. There will be no clean water. People, animals and birds will be struggling to get good water. Peaceful and healthy life becomes impossible.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 6
Issue: Carbon Emission – Over-Industrialization What are the reasons and consequences?
Overindustrialization pollutes the atmosphere and even the air becomes poisonous with dust and smoke. Diseases spread rapidly and people die of various diseases.

Discuss the following questions:

Question 1.
Do you think these are very serious threats to our earth? What are the possible solutions for these issues?
Of course deforestation, dumping of plastic waste everywhere and excessive carbon emission are serious threats to our earth. They cause global warming and climate change.

But there are solutions to the problems:

  • Afforestation
  • Planting trees wherever possible
  • Conduct awareness programmes
  • Avoid plastic carry bags
  • Use cloth bags
  • Dispose the waste properly
  • Control carbon emission
  • As far as possible avoid using motor vehicles using petrol and diesel as fuel.
  • Avoid the use of pesticide sprays and such polluting agents.

Things To Be Done By Students
Conducting a seminar on the topic “Save the Earth”. Making a documentary on the topic as suggested in the Text.

Let’S Learn About Words

Activity 1

Question 1.
Pick out the words and phrases used to describe the fight of each warrior.

Moved swiftly
Struck with the speed of light
Made a feint to one side
Darted swiftly


Moved swiftly
Struck with the speed of light
Spread his broad, spectacled hood
Swayed from side to side
Tried to mesmerize the mongoose
His great hood came down swiftly
Made a feint to one side
Darted swiftly
Bushed his tail
Refused to meet the
un-winking eyes of the snake
Jumped neatly to one side to avoid the bite
Bit the snake on the back

Activity 2

Question 2.
Rewrite passage using synonyms of the words underlined:
In the spring, when the banyan tree was full of small red figs, birds of all kinds would flock into its branches – the red-bottomed bulbul, cheerful and greedy; gossiping rosy pastors; and parrots and crows, sguabbling with each other all the time. During the fig season, the banyan tree was the noisiest place on the road.
In the spring, when the banyan tree was full of small red figs, birds of all kinds would throng into its branches – the red-bottomed bulbul, happy and avaricious; slandering rosy pastors; and parrots and crows, Quarrelling with each other all the time. During the fig season, the banyan tree was the noisiest place on the road.

Now, read the following sentence:
He had never tried taming it, because a wild mongoose was more useful than a domesticated one.

  • He – pronoun, subject,
  • had – auxiliary verb helping to form the past perfect tense of the verb
  • tried – verb
  • because – conjunction
  • wild – adjective
  • mongoose – noun
  • more useful – comparative adjective

See the word card in the text on below:
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 15
Prepare more word cards by picking words from the lesson.
Here are three examples:

  • word – magnificent
  • category – adjecive
  • synonyms – brilliant, elegant, excellent, glittering, gorgeous, grand
  • antonyms – mediocre, common, ordinary Sentence using
  • the word – Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
    Sentence using
  • antonym – His performance as a Minister was mediocre.
    An activity with
  • the word – magnificently (adverb), magnify Dence (noun).


  • Word – invasion
  • category – noun
  • synonyms – aggression, assault, breach, incursion, incursion, intrusion
  • antonyms – resIstance, retreat, surrender Sentence using
  • the word – Hitler’s invasion of Poland was condemned by all peace-loving nations.
    Sentence using
  • antonym – The Polish people put up a strong resistance when Hitler invaded their country
    An activity with
  • the word – invade (verb) invading (participle).


  • Word – aggressive
  • category – adjective
  • synonyms – antagonistic, belligerent, bellicose, militant, pugnacious
  • antonyms – amicable, unaggressive
    Sentence with
  • the word – Powerful nations should be not aggressive.
    Sentence with
  • antonym – Nations should be amicable towards one another.
    An activity with
  • the word – aggression (noun).

Question 3.
Read the following sentences.
1. It was an old banyan tree.
2. The tree was older than the house.
3. It was the oldest banyan tree in the town.
In sentence 1, the adjective ‘old’ merely tells us that banyan tree was old.
In sentence 2, the adjective ‘older’ is used to show that it was olderthan the house. Thetree was already there when the house was built.
In sentence 3, the adjective ‘oldest’ tells us that it was the oldest banyan tree in the town. Oldest is the superlative degree of old.
Fill in the blanks Suitably:

  1. clever
  2. more aggressive
  3. noisiest
  4. skillful
  5. hotter
  6. contented
  7. worst
  8. most unforgettable
  9. eldest
  10. swiftly

Adventures in a Banyan Tree About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 21
– Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond was born on 19 May 1934. He is an Indian author of British descent. His father was an officer at the Royal Air Force. Ruskin’s first novel, The Room on the Roof was written when he was only 17. His first children’s book was The Angry River’. In 1992, he got the Sahitya Akademi Award for his collection of short stories titled “OurTrees Still Grow in Dehra”. He got Padma Shri in 1999. He now lives near Mussoorie.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 16

Adventures in a Banyan Tree Summary in English

The house and grounds of our home in India belonged to the Grandfather. But the beautiful old banyan tree was mine because grandfather could not climb it as he was 65 years old. Grandmother often teased him telling him the story of an English woman who died at the age of 117. She would have lived longer if she had not fallen while climbing an apple tree. The branches of the banyan tree curved to the ground and took root again. Thus there were many trees all connected together. It gave me much pleasure. Dehra was a valley at the foot of the Himalayas and the banyan tree was older than anything there.

My first friend was a small grey squirrel. At first he did not like my spoiling his privacy. But I did not have a catapult or airgun. So, soon the squirrel became friendlier. I started giving him pieces of cake and biscuit and he grew bolder. He even started taking food from my hands. Slowly he even started searching my pockets and taking whatever was there. He was very young. His friends and relatives must have thought he was foolish to trust a human being, In the spring, when the banyan tree had small red figs, different kinds of birds would come to eat them. The birds included bulbul, rosy pastors, parrots and crows. During the fruit season, the banyan tree was the noisiest place on the road.

Halfway up the tree I made a small platform. When it was not very hot I spent the afternoons there. I could sit and read there. Sitting here I read Treasure Island’, ‘Huckleberry Finn’, The Mowgli Stories and the novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Louisa May Alcott. When I did not read, I would look down through the banyan leaves at the world below. I could see grandmother hanging up or taking down the washing, the cook quarreling with the fruit seller or grandfather complaining that the strong Indian marigolds growing up all over his English garden. Usually only ordinary things happened. But one day there was something very exciting. I saw a mongoose and a cobra fight to death in the garden as I was sitting above them.

It was in an April afternoon. The warm breezes kept people inside their homes. My grandfather was also inside. I was feeling drowsy and was thinking of going for a swim in the pond behind the house. Soon I saw a black cobra coming out of a group of cactus. It was looking for a cooler place in the garden. A mongoose also came out and went towards the cobra. They came face to face.

The Cobra knew that the 3 feet long mongoose is a fine fighter, clever and aggressive. But the cobra was also an experienced fighter. He could move wjth great speed and strike the mongoose. His sharp teeth were full of poison. It was a battle of champions.

The cobra was not a coward. It hissed. His tongue darted in and out. It was 6 feet long. It raised its body three feet high and raised its broad, spectacled hood. The mongoose was also ready to fight. Its hair on the spine stood up like bristles. They would help him to prevent his body from getting bitten. Although the mongoose and cobra did not know I was sitting up, two other spectators arrived. One was a myna and the other was a jungle crow. They settled down on the cactus to watch the fight.

The cobra swayed slowly from side to side trying to make the mongoose make a false move. But the mongoose knew the power of the glassy eyes of the snake and did not look at them. He was looking at a point just below the cobra’s hood. Moving quickly near the cobra, he made a move to one side. The cobra struck immediately. I thought it was the end of the mongoose. But he neatly jumped to one side and bit the snake on the back and moved away from the reach of the snake.

The. moment the cobra struck, the crow and the myna flew fast towards it but they collided in mid-air, and making angry noises, they returned to the cactus.

There was some blood on the cobra’s back. He struck again but missed. The mongoose jumped again and bit the cobra. Again the birds flew towards the snake and bumped into each other and went back.

The 3rd round was different. The crow and the myna dived at the cobra, but they missed their mark. The myna went back, but the crow came again. The cobra struck the crow with great force and it died soon, a little away from the cobra.

The cobra was weakening. The mongoose raised himself on his back legs and picked the cobra by its nose. The cobra tried hard to get free! It coiled around the mongoose. But soon it stopped fighting. The mongoose then dragged it, catching it by the hood, into the bushes. The myna flew away making some noise as if congratulating the mongoose.

I also got down from the tree and went to*my house. I told my grandfather about the fight. He was happy that the mongoose had won. He had encouraged the mongoose to live in the garden to keep the snakes off. He often gave it food. He never wanted to tame it because a wild mongoose is better than a tame one.

I often saw the mongoose going round the garden. Once I saw him with an egg in his mouth and. he took it from the poultry house. But he did not harm the birds. Grandmother would forgive him because he kept snakes away from the house.

The banyan tree was also the setting for the Strange Case of the Grey Squirrel and the White Rat. The Grandfather had bought the white rat from the bazaar for four annas. I would often take it to the roots and branches of the old tree. It soon made friendship with the squirrel. They would together go for excursions among the branches.

Then the squirrel Started building a nest. First it tried to build the nest in my pockets. When I vent home I would find straw and grass falling out. One day my Grandmother’s knitting was missing. We looked for it everywhere without success. The next day I saw something shining in the banyan tree. I realized it was the end of the steel knitting needle of Grañdmother. The hole was filled with knitting. Among the wool there were three white baby squirrels.

Grandfather had never seen white baby squirrels. When I mentioned that the white rat often visited the tree, Grandfather told me that the squirrel must be the father of the white baby squirrels. He said that rats and squirrels were related to each other and it was possible for them to have babies if they mated.

Adventures in a Banyan Tree Summary in Malayalam

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 17
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 18

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Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 20

Adventures in a Banyan Tree Glossary

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Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 24
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 25
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 26

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 1 Chapter 1 Adventures in a Banyan Tree 27

The Best Investment I Ever Made Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

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Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made (Anecdote)

Std 10 English Textbook The Best Investment I Ever Made Questions and Answers

The Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 1.
Have you come across any person with importunate behaviour? How did ypu feel about it? Describe your experience.
Yes, I have come across a person with importunate behaviour. I felt very bad about it. This person sells lottery tickets. He goes on pestering me to buy tickets from him. I feel very bad as I have to repeatedly tell him I don’t need any lottery ticket.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary 10th Standard Question 2.
Why was the narrator not interested in the man who was watching him?
The narrator was not interested in the man who was watching him because he wanted to rest and avoid strangers who would bore him with unnecessary questions.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Question And Answer 10th Standard Question 3.
The narrator observed the man and described him in vivid terms. How did he describe him?
He was in his early 40s. He was fair in complexion and short. He had clear blue eyes. He had thin hair and a large forehead. He wore a dark suit, sober tie and rimless spectacles. All these gave him a look of seriousness and reservation.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Pdf 10th Standard Question 4.
Why did the narrator notice the fellow voyager the next day?
The narrator noticed the fellow voyager the next day because he was watching the narrator very earnestly from his deck chair. Then he came and introduced himself handing over a visiting card.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Questions And Answers 10th Standard Question 5.
What was the purpose of the visit of the voyager and his wife to America?
The purpose of their visit was to learn about some of the summer recreational camps for young people there. They also visited settlement houses in New York and other cities. They wanted to study the methods used in dealing with backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth.

Best Investment I Ever Made Summary 10th Standard Question 6.
“I found liking him instinctively.” Why?
I found liking him instinctively because there was much enthusiasm in his voice, manner and his personality

The Best Investment I Ever Made Notes 10th Standard Question 7.
What did Cronin learn about the man after questioning him further?
He learned that the man and his wife had been active for the past 15 years in the field of youth welfare. He was a solicitor by profession but in addition to his practice in courts, he found time to act as the director of a charitable organization devoted to the care of boys and.girls who were punished by the courts.

Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 8.
How did the couple help derelict adolescents to lead normal lives?
They took derelict adolescents from the juvenile courts and placed them in a healthy environment. They healed them in mind and body and sent them back into the world. They were given training in some handi craft so that they could live as worthy citizens.

Summary Of The Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 9.
What did Cronin mean by the expression ‘the veils parted’?
The man told him of the incident 25 years ago, when Cronin had helped him. Now Cronin remembered everything. The veils parted. Now he knew why the man was keen on talking to him.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary In Malayalam 10th Standard Question 10.
‘… I was awakened by a loud banging on the door. ’Who was banging on the door’? Why?
A sergeant of police was banging on the door. There was a case of attempted suicide and he had come to call Cronin as he is a doctor.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Narration 10th Standard Question 11.
What did the doctors to save the life of the young man?
With the help of the sergeant, the doctor began the work of resuscitation. They laboured hard for an entire hour. As they were about to give up, the young man started breathing and soon he was sitting up.

10th English The Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 12.
“Utterly friendless, he had fallen victim to the loose society of the streets…” What does the author mean by this statement?
The young man was without friends and slowly he got into bad company. He started living a life beyond his means. He began to bet on horses and it ruined him.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Short Summary 10th Standard Question 13.
Why did the young man try to commit suicide?
He had lost heavily on horse betting. To recover his losses he decided to make a final bet. For that he had no money and so he stole money from the safe where he was working. He lost that bet also. He knew he would be caught and so he decided to commit suicide.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Speech 10th Standard Question 14.
Why does the author say that it was the best investment he had ever made?
He had made many investments for material gain, but he had lost. The losses brought him only anxiety, disappointment and frustration. But here he made a small investment that changed the life of a man, who has become an excellent citizen doing service to the society.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Activities 10th Standard Question 15.
The sergeant, the landlady and the narrator helped the young man, Complete the following table:

Persons who helped Mr JohnHow they helpedThe risk involved
The narratorLoss of seven Pounds and ten shillings


Persons who helped Mr JohnHow they helpedThe risk involved
Sergeantnot reporting the caseLoss of his job
Landladyoffered a month’s free boardShe may not get the money.
The narratorGave him 7 Pounds and ten shillings to put back in the office safe.He is not sure if he will put it back in the office safe. However he loses the money.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Best Investment I Ever Made Notes 10th Standard Question 1.
How does the writer contrast thp past the present lives of Mr. John?
Pick out appropriate sentences/expressions from the story and complete the following table.

The young man had fallen victim to the loose society of the streets.Interested to study the methods employed in dealing with cases of backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth,


The young man had fallen victim to loose society of the streets.Interested in studying the methods employed in dealing with cases of backward, maladjusted and delinquent children.
He started betting on horses.He is a solicitor by profession.
He lost all his savings and pledged his belongings.He visits summer recreational camps and settlements in New York.
He took money from the office safe.He is active in the youth welfare.
To commit suicide he had turned on the gas an shut himself in the rodm.He is working as a director of a charitable organization which tries to resettle derelict children.

Activity 2

Summary Of Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 2.
Do you think the title ‘The Best Investment I Ever Made’ is appropriate to the story? Why? Consider the following questions:
a) What does the word investment mean with special reference to the story?
b) What are the other meanings of the word investment?
c) Why does the narrator describe his investment the best?
a) In the story the word investment means the help the narrator gave the boy who was in trouble,
b) Investment means the process of putting money forgetting profit, like buying shares or starting a business or company.
c) The narrator describes his investment the best because it changed the life of a man. With 7 pounds and 10 shillings, the narrator changed a bad boy into a«^blicitor and the director of a charitable organization doing the work of rehabilitating delinquent children.

a) I definitely think the title The Best Investment I Ever Made’ is the most appropriate forthe story. In its normal meaning investment means the process of putting money for getting profit, like buying shares or starting a business or company. In the story the word investment meant the help the narrator gave the boy who was in trouble. If the narrator had not given the money to the boy, he would have been caught for stealing money, and he would be dismissed from service and sent to the jail. But the narrator saved him and later we see that bad boy becoming a solicitor and the director of a charitable organization doing the work of rehabilitating delinquent children. The author may not have gained any material benefit from his investment, but still it was the greatest investment he ever made.

Activity 3

10th Class English The Best Investment I Ever Made  Question 3.
Read the notes on Page on below:
‘He was in his early 40s, rather short in build, with a fair complexion and clear blue eyes. His thin hair had begun to recede from his forehead. His dark suit, sober tie and rimless spectacles gave evidence of a serious and reserved disposition.’

Now prepare a brief description about your friend/ a film star.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 1
Selina is my friend. She is a beautiful girl of 15. We have been friends right from the LKG. We have been studying in the same school all these years. She has fair complexion. Her hair is long. Her eyes are wide with a bluish tinge and they are always bright. She smiles nicely and I jocularly call her Aishwarya Roy. She is tall and slim. Her parents are rich and she often helps poor students by buying them books and writing material. She dresses modestly and she walks and talks gracefully. She is very clever and she is one of the best five students of the class. All the students like her because of her amiable behaviour. I am lucky to have a friend like Selina.

Activity 4

The Best Investment I Ever Made Text 10th Standard Question 4.
From a state of loss and despair, John came to a life of success and joy. He intervened wholeheartedly to bring about a change in the miserable life of many young men. What helped him do so? What lesson do we learn from the eventful life of John? Discuss. In the light of the discussion, prepare a speech on the topic. “Self help is the best help.”
My dear Principal, teachers and students, Today I am going to talk on the topic “Self help is the best help.” We all heard about the story of John. John’s parents were dead. His uncle helped him to get the job of a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. He had no friends and he fell into bad company. He started enjoying pleasures beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings. In an effort to get money he stole some money from his office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He now wanted to commit suicide. He went to the room and turned on the gas.

A doctor was called in to attend to him as he was found unconscious. There was also a policeman as well as the land lady of John. The doctor soon revived him. John told them his story. The doctor, the policeman and the landlady felt pity for him and they agreed to help him. The doctor gave him the money to replace what he took from the office safe. The policeman would not report against John. The landlady would give him a month’s free board.

John changed completely. He worked hard and he became a success in life. Now he and his wife are helping children with problems to settle in life. John learned to help himself and others. Self help is the best. If you are determined to succeed, no one can stop you. “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Thank you for listening.

Activity 5

10th English Chapter The Best Investment I Ever Made  Question 5.
The story is told from the point of view of the narrator. This is called “the first person point of view”. The pronoun used here is “I”.
Now, change the perspective of the narrative to the third person point of view using the pronoun “he” and narrate the events in the story.
It was the second day of the narrator’s voyage. Suddenly he became aware that one of the passengers was watching him closely. The narrator felt that the man was not confident enough to go to him and ask for clarification. He was in his early 40s. The narrator learned that the man’s name was John. On the final evening at sea Mrs. John persuaded John to meet the narrator.

After introducing himself and his wife, John started telling his story to the narrator. His parents were dead. His uncle helped him to get the job of a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. He had no friends and he fell into bad company. He started enjoying pleasures beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings. In an effort to get money he stole some money from his office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He now wanted to commit suicide. He went to the room and turned on the gas.

The narrator, who was a doctor, was called in to attend to him as he was found unconscious. There was also a policeman as well as the land lady of John. The doctor soon revived him. John told them why he wanted to die.

The doctor, the policeman and the landlady felt pity for him and they agreed to help him. The doctor gave him the money to replace what he took from the office safe. The policeman woufd not report against John. The landlady would give him a month’s free board.

John now changed completely. He worked hard and became a success. Now he’ and his wife are helping the backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth to return to normal life. The narrator felt that the money he gave John was the best investment he ever made.

Activity 6

Go through the following diary entry.
Saturday, 23 August
What a terrible experience……..!
In that moment of despair. I tried to embrace death. Hope came in the form of the sergeant and the doctor They saved my life. The landlady also helped me, I will never again follow that dark and evil life of mine. Definitely I will change …. Just like the doctor, the sergeant and the lady, I will also try to change the lives of many …,. thus brining light to others.

Now I see that the light never fades out!

Question 6.
In which period of his life do you think Mr. John wrote this diary entry? Why?
He wrote this diary entry after he was saved and , helped by the sergeant, the doctor and the land lady. Soon John realized his mistake. He knew that suicide is not the answer to problems. He decided to succeed in life and help the backward, maladjusted and delinquent children to live normal lives.

Question 7.
Imagine that Mr John, after meeting the narrator for the second time, writes his diary. What would be the possible diary entry? Write down.
Today is one of the happiest days in my life. For almost 25 years I had been trying to find out this man, who had changed my life. This man, this doctor, had not only revived me after my suicide attempt, but also gave me the money to put back into the place from where I had stojen it. He is not just a man but an angel for me. Without his help, I would have been dead. Today I met him while I was returning from the States. This doctor has grown slightly old, but the cheerful expression is still on his face. I recognized him at the first look. But he did not recognize me. So I went and told him who I was and how he had helped me 25 years ago. He was happy to see me and hear about my work. I was also extremely pleased to meet him. I pray God there should more and more persons like him in this world.

Activity 7

Question 8.
Drug addiction and alcoholism are major social issues today.
A programme is to be held in the School campus to make the children aware of the dangers of these issues.
The following are some of the activities that can be conducted to create awareness.
a) seminar
b) poster/collage
c) cultural events: skit, street play, etc.
d) screening films, short videos.
Select any one of these and prepare it. You may present it before the class.
A Seminar Paper
Drug addiction is one of the greatest evils that is destroying our society. This is the worst among school and college going children. Drug addiction is a psychological and sometimes physical problem. It is a compulsion to use a drug to experience psychological or physical satisfaction. Drug addiction takes several forms: tolerance, habituation, and addiction.

Tolerance is the first stage. It occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a drug and requires ever- increasing amounts of it to achieve the same effects. This condition is worsened when certain drugs are used at high doses for long periods (weeks or months), and may lead to more frequent use of the drug. However, when use ofthedrug is stopped, drug withdrawal may result, which is characterized by nausea, headaches, restlessness, sweating, and difficulty in sleeping. The severity of drug withdrawal symptoms varies depending on the drug involved. Habituation is characterized by the continued desire fora drug, even after physical dependence is gone. A drug often produces an elated emotional state. A person abusing drugs soon believes the drug is needed to function at work or home. Addiction is a severe craving forthe substance and interferes with a person’s ability to function normally. It may also involve physical dependence.

In addictive stage, one feels that he would die without the drug. To get it he will do anything – beg, steal or even murder. Once this stage is reached, the person will need outside help.

Of course there are awareness programmes against the dangers of drug abuse in our schools and colleges. But more direct action is needed to stop this danger which kills ouryouth and makes them useless people, useless to themselves and humanity at large.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Let’s Learn About Words

Activity 1

Question 9.
Read the following sentences from the story.
He was by profession, a solicitor
I was a young doctor at the doctor the time.
It was a sergeant of sergeant police.

The words given in bold refer to various professions.
The names of different professions are given on the left column and the details are
given on the right. Match the items by drawing lines.

Accountanta person who works with electric circuits.
Astronomera person who makes things from wood.
Botanista person who cuts your hair or gives it a new style.
Carpentera person who puts out fire.
Dentista person who works with money and accounts.
Electriciana person who studies plants.
Firefightera person who can fix problems of your teeth.
Hairdressera person who studies stars and the universe.


Accountantworks with money and accounts.
Astronomerstudies stars and the universe.
Botaniststudies plants.
Carpentermakes things from wood.
Dentistfixes problem with your teeth.
Electricianworks with electrical circuits.
Fire-fighterputs out fire
Hairdressercuts your hair and gives it a new style.

Activity 2

Question 10.
Words are divided into two classes – Closed Word Classes and Open Word Classes. When we say Closed Word Classes, we mean those classes to which no more new words will be added. Thus Determiners, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions are Closed Word Classes.
Open Words classes are Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. New words are added to these categories. That is why they are called Open Word Classes.
Here is a passage from the text. It contains both Closed Word Classes and Open Word Classes. Pick out the words and decide to which category they belong.
On thd second day, out from New York, while making the round of the promenade deck, I suddenly became aware that one of the passengers was watching me closely following me with his gaze every time I passed.
I wanted to rest, to avoid the tedium of casual and importunate shipboard contacts. I gave no sign of having noticed the man.
Closed Word Classes

  • Determiner : the,one,every
  • Pronoun : I, me, his
  • Preposition : On, out, from, of, with, to
  • Conjunction : while, that, and

Open Word Classes

  • Noun : day, New York, promenade, deck, passengers, gaze, time, tedium, shipboard, contacts, sign, man
  • Verb : making, became, was watching, following, passed, wanted, rest, avoid, gave, having, noticed
  • Adjective : round, second, aware, casual, importunate, no Adverb: suddenly, closely

Activity 3

Question 11.
Read the following sentences.
Listening to a single story is the refusal of truths.
Applauds of the audience energise the athletes.
Racism had deeply affected the life of the African Americans.
Freedom is the birthright of an individual.
Nightingales have a musical voice.
Climate changes threaten the life on earth.
These paintings are very creative.
Each of us should be a protector of nature.
The argument against fossil fuel consumption is stronger nowadays.
He seemed affected by a troubled, rather touching diffidence.
Education will enlighten the minds of people.
He went on with the same awkwardness.
He found time to act as director of a charitable organisation.

Pick out the words highlighted in these sentences and complete the table.

WordRoot wordsuffixes


Word Root word Suffix
refusal refuse al
energise energy ise
racism race ism
freedom free dom
musical music al
threaten threat en
creative create ive
protector protect or
argument argue ment
diffidence diffident ce
enlighten light en
awkwardness awkward ness
organisation organise ation

Question 12.
The root words had changed their forms or class after suffixation. Categorise them on the basis of derivation as shown in the table below:

Noun Suffixes Verb suffixes Adjective suffixes


Noun Suffixes Verb suffixes Adiective suffixes
refusal energise musical
racism threaten creative
freedom enlighten

Activity 4

Question 13.
Fill in the following passage using appropriate words given below:
(maladjusted, paltry, disarming, go on, awkwardness, genuine, importunate, given up, tedium, apparently)
The tedium of life in old age homes has been pointed out by many. The awkwardness old people face there is mainly out of the importunate curiosity of the visitors who come there. Many of the old people are maladjusted because of the long and solitary lives they have to lead there. Apparently there are no genuine cases of abandoned parents because of the financial conditions of the family. Most of them are given up by their wealthy children. We have to go on enlightening our youths against the tendency to fly away from their parents. The paltry sum they send ¡s nothing if they really know the value of the disarming smiles that bloom on the faces of their parents when thêy are properly cared for in their old age.

The Best Investment I Ever Made About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 2
– Archibald Joseph Cronin

Cronin (1896-1981) was a Scottish physician and novelist. His best-known novel is “The Citadel”. It is about a doctor in a Welsh mining village, who quickly moves up the career ladder in London. Cronin also worked as a Medical Inspector of Mines. His short novel “Country Doctor” was adapted for a long-running BBC Radio and TV Series.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 3

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary in English

Page – 77
1. I was travelling in a ship from New York. On the second day, as I was walking around on the deck, I noticed that a passenger was observing me. I did not want to answer questions from strangers and so I pretended I did not notice him.

2. But the man continued to observe me. I felt he was not confident enough to come to me and ask for clarification. He was in his early 40s. He was fair in complexion and short. He had clear blue eyes. He had thin hair and a large forehead. He wore a dark suit, sober tie and rimless spectacles. All these gave him a look of seriousness and reservation. It was time for dinner and I went below.

Page – 78
3. On the following afternoon also I noticed that he was observing me from his deck chair. His wife was with him. I was puzzled. I discovered from the steward that they were Mr and Mrs John S. from near London. After another day, I felt that John was too shy to come to me. On the final evening at sea, Mrs. John S. persuaded her husband to come and talk to me as I passed along the deck.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 8

4. He came to introduce himself and gave me his visiting card. The name did not mean anything to me. Then with great difficulty, he told me he and his wife would like to talk to me.

5. I went and sat near them. He told me that this was their first visit to America. It was not an entirely holiday trip. They had been making a tour of the New England states, inspecting many of the summer recreational camps for young people there. They also visited settlement houses in New York and other cities. They wanted to study the methods used in dealing with backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth.

Page – 79
6. There was much enthusiasm in his voice and manner. I liked him. I found out that he and his wife had been active in youth welfare for the last 15 years. He was a lawyer by profession. In addition to his work in the court, he was the director of a charitable organization devoted to the welfare of boys and girls. These boys and girls were mostly law-breakers from city sums.

7. I learned about their work. They took derelict adolescents from the juvenile courts and placed them in a healthy environment. They healed them in mind and body and sent them back into the world. They were given training in some handi craft so that they could live as worthy citizens. I wanted to know why he did such a work.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 9

8. The question had a strange effect on him. He took a deep breath and asked me if I still did not remember him. I said no.

9. He said that he had wanted to get in touch with me for many years. But he was not able to do so. Then he whispered to me something that took me back to the incident that happened 25 years ago. I had then met him, just once.

10. I was a young doctor then. I had begun my practice in a working-class district of London. On a foggy night, around 1 o’clock, somebody banged at my door. I went down to see who it was. It was a police sergeant. He told me there was a suicide case and I should go with him at once.

Page – 80
11. We walked in silence. Even our footsteps were muffled by the fog. We entered an old building. As I climbed the steps, there was the smell of gas. The landlady showed me the body of a young man. It was on a narrow bed in the attic.

12. The young man was not dead, although the chance of his recovery was minimal. We tried to revive him, for almost one hour. We were about to give up, when the patient started breathing. We tried again and in half an hour the youth was sitting up, looking at us in a surprised manner. He soon realized the horror of the situation.

13. As he regained his strength, he told us his story. His parents were dead. His uncle helped him to get the job of a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. As he had no friends, he had fallen into bad company. He started enjoying the pleasures of life beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings and he incurred a lot of debt. In an effort to get money, he stole money from his office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He was desperate and returned to the room. He wanted to die. He turned on the gas.

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Page – 81
14. The policeman wanted to know how much he had stolen. He had stolen only seven pounds and ten shillings. For this small amount he was throwing his life away.

15. The landlady, the policeman and I were the only witnesses to this confession. Together, we decided to give the young man a fresh start.

16. The policeman agreed not to report the case so that there would be no trial. The landlady offered a month’s free board to the youth. I gave him the 7 pounds and 10 shillings to put back into the safe.

17. The ship moved. There was no need for any speech. With a tender gesture, Mrs. John took her husband’s hand. We sat in silence. I realized that it was the best investment I had ever made in my life. It had paid me no dividends in worldly goods. I had made many investments for material gain, but I had lost. The losses brought me only anxiety, disappointment and frustration.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary in Malayalam

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The Best Investment I Ever Made Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 11
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 12
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 13
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 14

The Danger of a Single Story Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 3 Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download The Danger of a Single Story Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Danger of a Single Story (Speech)

Std 10 English Textbook The Danger of a Single Story Questions and Answers

The Danger Of A Single Story Questions And Answers 10th Question 1.
How does Adichie begin her speech? What is striking about it?
She tells the audience that she is story teller. The striking thing about it is that it captures the attention of her listeners or readers.

The Danger Of A Single Story Summary In Malayalam 10th Question 2.
How does Adichie describe the characters in herearly writings?
Her characters were, white and blue eyed. They played in the snow. They ate apples. They talked a lot about the weather and how lively it was that the sun had come out.

Danger Of A Single Story Questions And Answers 10th Question 3.
How did Adichie feel when she read books authored byAchebe and Laye?
When she read books authored by Achebe and Laye, Adichie felt that people like her with chocolate colour and kinky hair could also exist in literature.

The Danger Of A Single Story Answer Key 10th Question 4.
How did American and British books help her in her writing?
They helped in stirring her imagination and opened up new worlds before her.

The Danger Of A Single Story Summary 10th Question 5.
Why was Adichie startled when she visited Fide’s village?
She had thought that poor people could hardly do anything. But when she visited Fide’s village, Fide’s mother showed her a beautifully patterned basket made from dyed raffia that Fide’s brother had made. Adichie was surprised that a poor boy could make such a beautiful thing.

The Danger Of A Single Story Notes 10th Question 6.
Why was Adichie’s roommate shocked?
Adichie’s roommate was shocked because Adichie spoke English quite well.

The Danger Of A Single Story Questions 10th Question 7.
Adichie talks about the ‘no possibilities’ in this single story. What does she mean by this?
She means that her roommate could never imagine that there was a possibility of people like her in Africa. Her roommate knew only the ‘single story’ of Africa that it is a dark continent.

The Danger Of A Single Story Answer Key Pdf 10th Question 8.
Why did the professor say that her characters were ‘not authentically African’?
He said like that because her characters were like him, educated and middle class. Her characters drove cars and they were not starving. The professor thought that such things are not authentically African.

The Danger Of A Single Story Questions Pdf 10th Question 9.
What is the problem of a single story according to Adichie?
The problem with single story is that it creates stereotypes. Stereotypes may not be untrue but they are not complete. Single story gives people a wrong picture of things.

The Danger of a Single Story (Speech) Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Question 1.
In her speech Adichie says, “All these stories make me who I am.”
Listen to her speech on and pick out the instances of personal stories from it.

One instance is given for you.
The story of her childhood when she started reading the age of 4 and writing when she was 7.
Her reading of foreign books, especially American and British.
Her reading of Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye. The coming of Fide as the houseboy when she was 8.
Her mother telling her how poor Fide’s family is. Her visit to the village of Fide.
Her going to the USA when she was 19.
Her experiences with her roommate.
The comment about her characters by a professor who felt that her characters were not authentically African.
The tragedies she experienced – grandparents dying in refugee camps, her cousin Polle dying because of the lack of proper healthcare, her friend Okoloma dying in a plane crash as the fire trucks had no water and how the repressive military governments, which did not give priority to education, did not sometimes even pay salaries to her parents.

Activity 2

→ To be done by students after listening to the TED speech.

Activity 3

Question 2.
Critically analyse the speech of Chimamande Ngozi Adikie and discuss the dangers of a single story in perceiving people and events in the world. Prepare a write-up based on the points of your discussion.
The Danger of a Single Story A single story creates stereo types. The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but they are incomplete. The experience of Chimamanda Adichie, while she was a student in the USA, proves the point. Her American roommate was surprised to hear Adichie speak English so well and she liked the songs of Mariah Carey. The American roommate could never imagine that a girl from Nigeria would speak English or listen to singers like Mariah Carey. Many British, Canadians or Australians feel surprised when Indians speak fluent English because they think that Indians can’t speak English well.

misinform and misguide people. They had a servant, whose name was Fide. Her mother always talked about the poverty of Fide. Adichie once visited Fide’s home and found his brother was a fine craftsman who could make beautifully patterned baskets. But she knew only of their poverty and not their artistic skills. This is what happens to many of us. We hear just one thing about a person or about a country. We don’t hear other things about him or the country. And so our opinion about the person and the country remains prejudiced. In India there are many street magicians an snake charmers. Many people in Africa and Europe think that all Indians know magic and they can handle snakes like Vava Suresh.

We all have heard the story of six blind men going to ‘see’ the elephant. Each of them felt with their hands a different hart of the elephant. The person who felt the leg of the elephant said that an elephant is like a pillar. The one who felt the ear said that an elephant is like a hand-fan. To the one who felt the tail an elephant was like a stick! They all were right in their own limited way, but they were all wrong about their concept of the elephant.

So before coming to conclusions we should hear not a single story about something, but different stories about it. Otherwise we will remain prejudiced like the blind men in the story.

Let’s find out how language elements work.

Activity 1

Question 2.
Consider the following sentence from the story “The Best Investment I Ever Made”:
“Excuse me, doctor, I wonder if I might introduce myself.”
This is a very formal way of introducing oneself.
Can you complete the following table with formal and informal expressions wherever necessary?

Language functionFormalInformal
Making a requestI would like to have a word with you.
Offering helpI’ll help you.
Giving adviceYou’d better consult a doctor.Consult a doctor today.
Asking for permissionCan I have a pen?
Asking for direction
Giving options


Language FunctionFormalInformal
Making a requestI would like to have a word with you.I want to talk to you.
Offering helpMay I help you?I’ll help you.
Giving adviceYou’d better consult a doctor.Consult a doctor today.
Asking per permissionMay I borrow your pen?Can I have a pen?
Asking for directionWould you mind telling me how to get to the railway station?How can I get to the railway station?
Giving optionsYou may choose this or that.Take what you like.
AgreeingI do agree with you.I quite agree.
DisagreeingI beg to differ on this.I don’t agree here.

Question 3.
Now, complete the following conversation between Mr and Mrs John and DrCronin using formal expressions.
Mr John : Excuse me, doctor, I wonder if I might introduce myself.
Dr. Cronin : Of course. _____________________________________________.
Mr.John : ________________________________________. I am afraid you
may not remember me.
Dr.Cronin : _____________________________________________________________
Mr John : By the way, may I take the privilege of introducing my wife?
Dr.Cronin : _______________________________ Mrs. John.
Mrs. John : Good morning doctor ____________________________________
Dr.Cronin : _______________________________________________________
Mr.John : _______________________________________________________
Mr. John : Excuse me, doctor, I wonder if I might introduce myself,
Dr. Cronin : Of course, you may do so.
Mr. John : I am John whom you once helped. I am afraid you may not remember me.
Dr. Cronin : Oh Yes, now I remember. That was long ago, isn’t it? How are you now?
Mr. John : By the way, may I take the privilege of introducing my wife?
Dr. Cronin : Pleased to meet you, Mrs. John.
Mr. John : Good morning doctor. John has always been speaking about you.
Dr. Cronin !t is good of him. I didn’t do anything great for him.
Mr. John : No, doctor. You did really something great for me. You changed my life entirely for the better.

Activity 2

Question 4.
1. f you spare a few minutes with me, I can convey the message.
2. If the sergeant refused to oblige, the young man would go to the prison.
3. If I had prepared well, I would have performed well on the stage.

Can split the above sentences into two? Yes, I can.

  • Is there a subject and a verb in both the parts? Yes, there is.
  • What will you call the two parts with verbs in each of them? Clauses.
  • Identify the verb forms in both the parts of the sentences:
    1. spare – simple present; can convey – future
    2. refused – simple past; would go – conditional
    3. had prepared – past perfect; would have performed – conditional perfect

Now complete the following sentences suitably:

  1. If you had enough money, you would buy a car.
  2. I will come if you invite me.
  3. If you had informed me, I would have come in time.
  4. If she comes, I will be happy.
  5. If he had known about it, he would not have said such things.
  6. If they tried, they would succeed.

Activity 3

Question 5.
Read the following sentence from the story “The Best investment I ever Made”.
No sooner had the sergeant banged the door than he saw the doctor hurriedly coming down.

  • Which event happened first? banging the door.
  • What was the second event? the coming of the doctor.
  • Did the second event happen immediately or after some time? Immediately after.
  • How have we linked the two events?

By using no sooner…. than.

Note: When the second event occurs immediately after the first, they can be connected with “No sooner …. than”. “No sooner” should be added to the event that occurred first. ‘Had’ or ‘did’ is used along with ‘No sooner’.

Read the following sentences and complete them suitably:
1. No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.
No sooner did I reach the station than the train left.

2. No sooner had we heard the sound than we rushed to the spot.
No sooner did ____________________________________________________.

3. No sooner had ____________________________________________________.
No sooner did she finish the project than she started a new one.

4. ___________________________ I received her call ___________ I left the house.
1. No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.
No sooner did I reach the station than the train left.

2. No sooner had we heard the sound than we rushed to the spot.
No sooner did we hear the sound than we rushed to the spot.

3. No sooner had she finished the project than she started a new one.
No sooner did she finish the project than she started a new one.

4. No sooner had I received her call than I left the house.
No sooner did I receive her call than I left the house.

Question 6.
It is possible to express the same idea using ‘hardly/ scarcely… when’.

  1. Hardly had I reached the station when the train left.
  2. Scarcely had we heard the sound when we rushed to the shot.
  3. Hardly had she finished the project when she started a new one.
  4. Scarcely had I received her call when I left the house.

Question 7.
Now, read the following sentence and see how it is different from the previous one. You may rewrite the other sentences too.

  1. As soon as I reached the station, the train left.
  2. As soon as we heard the sound, we rushed to the spot.
  3. As soon as she finished the project she started a new one.
  4. As soon as I received her call I left the house.

Activity 4

Read the following sentences from the story The Best Investment I Ever Made.
I was awakened by a loud banging on the door.
He had taken a sum of money from the office safe for a final gamble.

You have learnt about noun phrases and verb phrases in the earlier units. Now, let’s have a look at the prepositional phrases. The words given in bold in the above sentences are prepositional phrases.

The preposition is followed by an object. The preposition and the object together form a prepositional phrase.
I am going into the forest.
The Danger Of A Single Story Answers 10th

Now, read the following sentences and identify the prepositional phrases in each sentence.
1. Come into the garden with me.

2. She wanted to go to the movies.

3. The girl from the nearby city left her purse in the lab.

4. The stories in that book were translated by my friend.

5. She was looking for a man with money.

  1. Come into the garden with me.
    (into the garden, with me)
  2. She wanted to go to the movies,
    (to the movies)
  3. The girl from the nearby city left her purse in the pub.
    (from the nearby city, in the pub).
  4. The stories in that book were translated by my friend,
    (in that book, by my friend)
  5. She was looking for a man with money,
    (for a man, with money)

The Danger Of A Single Story About the author:

The Danger Of A Single Story Discussion Questions Answers 10th
– Chimamanda Adichie

Chimamanda Adichie (b. 1977) is a Nigerian novelist, non-fiction writer and short story writer. She occupies an important place among the young English writers of Africa. Her works include Purple Hibiscus, Half of a Yellow Sun and Americanah.

The Danger Of A Single Story Activities 10th

The Danger Of A Single Story Summary in English

Page – 95
I am a story teller. I would like to tell you a few personal stories to show you the danger of a single story. I grew up in a university campus in Eastern Nigeria. My mother says I started reading at 2. But I think I did it when I was 4.1 am a reader and I used to read mostly British and American children’s books.

I was also an early writer. I started writing when I was 7.1 wrote stories in pencil with crayon drawings. My poor mother had to read them. I wrote exactly like the kind of stories I read. All my characters were white and blue-eyed. They played in the snow. They ate apples. They talked a lot about the weather and how lovely it was when the sun came out. I had never been outside Nigeria. We did not have snow. We ate mangoes and we never talked about the weather as there was no need to.

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This shows how impressionable and vulnerable we are to a story, especially when we are children. Since I read books whose characters were foreign, I thought books should have foreigners in them and should be about things I could not personally identify. Things changed when I found African books. Not many were available and they were not easy to find. When I read Chinua Achebe (Nigerian writer) and Camara Laye (writer from Guinea), I realised that people like me could also exist in literature. We have skin colour like chocolate and hair kinky which could not form pony tails. Now I started writing about things I recognized. I loved the American and British books I read. They stirred my imagination and opened a new world for me. African writers showed me that books can be about different things.

The Danger Of A Single Story Analysis 10th

Page – 97
I come from a conventional middle-class family. My father was a professor. My mother was an administrator. We had a live-in domestic help, who came from a village nearby. Wheh I was 8, we got a new houseboy, Fide. My mothertold us that his family was very poor. My mother sent yams (“kachil”), rice and old clothes to his family. When I could not finish my food, my mother would say. “Finish it. Don’t you know that people like Fide’s family have nothing to eat?” I felt pity for Fide’s family.

One Saturday we went to Fide’s village. His mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket of dyed raffia that his brother had made. I was surprised. I never thought a member of his family could make something. I had heard enough of their poverty, I simply knew only one thing about them – they were poor. Their poverty was my single story of them.

Years later, I thought about this when I left Nigeria to study in the USA. I was 19. My American roommate was shocked by me. She asked me where I had learned to speak English so well. She was confused when I told her that English was the official language of Nigeria. She asked me to play for her some ‘tribal music’ and was disappointed to see that my tape had Mariah Carey.

She had felt sorry for me even before she saw me. She had pity for me as I was an African. My roommate had a single story of Africa. I n this single story she could not imagine that anybody in Africa could be like her in anyway.

Page – 98
Before I went to the US, I did not consciously identify as African. But in the US whenever Africa has mentioned people turned to me. I got the identity of an African. But I get angry when people refer to Africa as if it is just one country. After living for some years in the US, I understood my roommate’s response to me. If I did not grow up in Nigeria and if all I knew about Africa was from popular images I too would think like her. To people like her Africa was a place of beautiful landscapes, animals and incomprehensible people. The Africans, they thought, were unable to think for themselves. They were waiting to be saved by some white foreigners. They saw Africa, in the same way, I saw Fide’s family when I was young.

My American roommate must have heard different versions of a single story about Africa. A professor once told me that my novel was not ‘authentically African’. He told me that my characters were too much like him, educated and middle class. My characters drove cars. They were not starving. Therefore, he thought, they were not authentically African.

I learned that writers were to have unhappy childhoods to be successful. If that is true, I had to invent horrible things my parents had done to me. But the truth is I had a happy childhood full of love and laughter. Mine was a close knit family.

But I also had grandfathers who died in refugee camps. My cousin Polle died because he could not get adequate healthcare. One of my closest friends, Okoloma, died in a plane crash because our fire trucks did not have water. I grew up under repressive military governments that devalued education so that sometimes my parents were not paid their salaries.

All of these stories make me who I am. Giving importance only to the negative things is not good. The single story creates stereotypes. Stereotypes . may be true, but they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.

The Danger Of A Single Story Summary in Malayalam

Danger Of A Single Story Exam Question 10th
The Danger Of A Single Story Worksheet Answers 10th
The Danger Of A Single Story Questions Answers 10th

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Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Danger of a Single Story 10

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Danger of a Single Story 11
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Danger of a Single Story 12
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Danger of a Single Story 13
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 3 The Danger of a Single Story 14

The Danger Of A Single Story Glossary

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The Ballad of Father Gilligan Questions and Answers Class 10 English Unit 3 Chapter 1 Kerala Syllabus Solutions

You can Download The Ballad of Father Gilligan Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 2 The Ballad of Father Gilligan (Poem)

Std 10 English Textbook The Ballad of Father Gilligan Questions and Answers

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 1.
Why was Father Gilligan ‘weary night and day’?
Father Gilligan was ‘weary night and day’ because half of his parishioners were either sick or dead. He had to perform his priestly duties to them and so he was tired day and night.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 2.
What is the significance of the word ‘flock’?
Flock is the collective noun meaning a collection of sheep. In Christianity, the parish priest is supposed to be the shepherd and the parishioners are the flock.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Poem Appreciation Hsslive Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 3.
Why were his flock either in bed or lying under green sod?
His flock were either in bed or lying under green sod because an epidemic had hit the parish. People were sick and dying.

Ballad Of Father Gilligan Question And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 4.
Why did another man send for Father Gilligan? Why is the man referred to as ‘poor’?
Father Gilligan was needed to give the sick man his sacrament of ‘anointing the sick’. He is referred to as poor because he is poor in soul. A person with sin is supposed be poor in soul as he will not get heaven if he dies in a state of sin.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 5.
Why did Father Gilligan seek forgiveness from God? What justification does he give to God for his errant words?
Father Gilligan seeks forgiveness from God because as a priest it is his obligation to go and give the sick man his last sacraments. But he is too tired to go. The justification he gives for his errant words is that the words were spoken by his body and not himself.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 6.
Why is the time called moth-hour?
It is early evening and at this time moths are seen in large numbers.

Ballad Of Father Gilligan Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 7.
What is meant by ‘Upon the time of sparrow-chirp’?
It refers to early morning when sparrows start chirping.

10th Class English The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Appreciation Question 8.
What does the line ‘And rode with little care’ indicate?
He rode very fast, recklessly. He had failed to go when the call came and now he is rushing to reach the sick man as fast as he can.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Poem Appreciation Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 9.
Why is the sick man’s wife surprised to see Father Gilligan?
The sick man’s wife was surprised to see Father Gilligan because she thought he had come earlier and given the last sacraments to her dying husband. In fact it was an angel that came earlier and not Father Gilligan. She did not know that.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Summary Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 10.
Why was the priest overcome with grief at the words of the widow?
The priest was overcome with grief at the words of the widow because he had failed to come and do his duties. The man is dead.

Ballad Of Father Gilligan Appreciation Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 11.
‘He knelt him at that word.’Why?
He knew that God had done a miracle to send an angel to do the work Fr. Gilligan must have done.

10th English The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Appreciation Question 12.
How did God save Father Gilligan from damnation?
God saved FrGilligan from damnation by sending an angel to give the sacraments to the dying man. If the man had died without getting forgiveness for his sins, Fr. Gilligan would have been damned for neglecting his priestly duties.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 13.
‘He who hath made the night of stars/For souls who tire and bleed’. What do these lines mean?
They mean that God made the beautiful night of stars so that the tired and suffering people can find some rest and comfort.

10th Class English The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
What do you understand about the character of Fr Gilligan from the words ‘Had pity on the least of things’?
It shows Fr. Gilligan was very humble. He considers himself the least of things, an unimportant being. But God had pity on him and sent his angel to do his duties.

Activity 1

Kerala Sslc Ballad Of Father Gilligan Appreciation 10th Standard Question 1.
Answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate answer from the options given.
i. The people of Father Gilligan’s parish were ___________.
a) toiling in the field
b) suffering from an epidemic
c) celebrating Easter
d) nodding their chairs

ii. The old priest was ___________.
a) energetic
b) weary
c) fresh
d) angry

iii. Mavrone means __________.
a) My dear one
b) An expression of sorrow
c) God bless you
d) God be with you

iv. Father Gilligan awoke with a start, realising that he had not __________.
a) done his duty
b) roused his horse
c) finished his homework
d) said his prayers

v. The word ‘flock’ in the context of the poem means:
a) a flock of sheep
b) sparrows
c) stars in the sky
d) people in the parish

vi. Who is ‘wrapped in purple robes’?
a) Father Gilligan
b) The stars
c) God
d) Sparrows

vii. The expression ‘green sods’ refers to
a) graves covered over by green grass
b) the stars in the sky
c) the people in the parish
d) God’s angels

viii. What is referred to as ‘moth-hour of eve’?
a) dawn
b) noon
c) evening
d) the night of stars
i) b. suffering from an epidemic.
ii) b. weary
iii) b. An expression of sorrow
iv) a. done his duty.
v) d. the people of the parish
vi) c. God
vii) a. graves covered over by green grass
viii) c. evening

Activity 2

Sslc English The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 2.
The poem is in the form of a ballad. A ballad is a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas. Ballads are usually musical and dramatic. What are the features that make this poem a typical ballad?
The features are:
The Ballad of Father Gilligan by W.B. Yates has many features of a typical ballad. It tells a story. It uses simple language. Ballad stanzas are used. It has fine rhythm and music. It has rhyme. The scheme is abcb. There is repetition. There are also dialogues.

Activity 3

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Notes Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 3.
How does Yeats describe the character of Fr Gilligan in the poem?
Complete the following word web.
The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard
The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard

Activity 4

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Appreciation Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Question 4.
Read the poem again and pick out an instance of simile used in the poem.
Simile – as merry as a bird.

Activity 5

Question 5.
Yeats uses a number of images in the poem to provide a sensory experience to the readers. Pick out instances of visual and auditory images from the poem.

Visual Auditory
flock in their beds
green sods sparrow chirp
ñodding in a chair cned
leaning on the chair
leaves shaking in the wind
rousing the horse
rocky lane
sick man’s wife opening the door
merry as a bird
souls who tire and bleed
God in his purple robes

Activity 6

Read the explanations on below:
The old priest Peter Gilligan
Was weary night and dadayy
For half his flock were in their beds
Or under green sods lay.
Once, while he nodded in a chair
At the moth-hour of the eveeve
Another poor man sent for him,
And he began to grieve.grievegrieve
Pick out other rhyming words from the poem . Identify the rhyme scheme of the poem.
die-l, asleep-peep, wind-mankind, more-floor, chair- care, fen-again, ago-fro, bird-word, bleed-need, care- chair

Rhyme Scheme: abcb

Activity 7 and 8

→ To be done by students orally in the class.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan About the author:

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Poem Appreciation Hsslive Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard
– William Butler Yeats – 1865–1939

Yeats (1865-1939) is an Irish poet. In 1923 he received the Nobel Prize. In fact his greatest works came after he got the Nobel Prize. They are The Tower (1928) and The Winding Stair and Other Poems (1929).

Ballad Of Father Gilligan Question And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Summary in English

Page – 89

Stanza 1 & 2 :
Peter Gilligan was an old priest. He was tired day and night because half of his parishioners were either sick or dead. One evening he was sitting in a chair quite sleepy and tired when he was called to go and administer the sacrament of anointing the sick to a poor sick man. Father Gilligan was unhappy to be called at this time.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard

Page – 90

Stanza 3 & 4:
He murmured, “I have no rest, nor joy nor peace. People are going on dying.” After saying this he felt he should not have said it. He asks for forgiveness from God and said that it was his body, and not he, that made him say so. He knelt. Leaning on the chair he started praying. He soon fell asleep. Night came. Stars appeared in the sky.

Stanza 5 & 6 :
There were millions of stars. The wind shook the leaves. God covered the land with darkness and whispered to mankind. Early morning, when the sparrows began to chirp and moths came once again, Father Gilligan stood up on the floor.

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard

Stanzas 7 & 8: “Alas, alas! The man may have died as I was sleeping,” he thought. He immediately took his horse and rushed to the place of the sick man. He rode very fast over the rocky paths and wetlands. The sick man’s wife opened the door. She was surprised and said, “Father, you have come again!

Page – 91

Stanzas 9 & 10 :
Father asked the woman about the sick man. She said he died an hour ago. Father was sad and he walked restlessly to and fro. The woman said that after the Father had left, the man died happily like a bird. On hearing these words, the Father knelt down. He knew that God had sent another priest in his place.

Stanzas 11 & 12 :
He prayed: “The One that has made the night of stars to comfort the souls that are tired and suffering sent one of his angels to help me in my need. God, who is dressed in purple robes, taking care of the planets, had pity on me, a small creature, and sent a priest tq do my work as I was asleep on a chair.”

The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Summary in Malayalam

Ballad Of Father Gilligan Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard
10th Class English The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Appreciation
The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Poem Appreciation Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard
The Ballad Of Father Gilligan Summary Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard

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Plus Two Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 1

Kerala State Board New Syllabus Plus Two Computer Science Previous Year Question Papers and Answers.

Kerala Plus Two Computer Science Model Question Papers Paper 1 with Answers

ClassPlus Two
SubjectComputer Science
CategoryPlus Two Previous Year Question Papers

Time: 2 Hours
Cool off time : 15 Minutes

General Instructions to candidates

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
  • Your are not allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
  • When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
  • Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Answer all questions from 1 to 5. Each carries 1 score. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 1.
The blueprint or prototype that defines the properties and behaviour of similar objects is called ________

Question 2.
Write an example of dynamic data structure.
stack or queue or linked list

Question 3.
Which is the default port number of HTTP service?

Question 4.
The attribute required in the <A> tag for internal linking is ________
<a href=”#Top”>.
Here href is the attribute and # symbol is essential for internal linking.

Question 5.
SFTP stands for __________
Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol

Answer any nine questions from 6 to 16 (2 scores each)

Question 6.
What are the differences between array and structure in C++?

1. It is a user-defined data type1. Predefined data type
2. It is a collection of different types of logically related data under one name.2. Collection of data elements of the same data type having a common name.
3. Elements referenced using dot operator(.)3. Elements reference using its subscripts (position value)
4. When an element of a structure becomes another structure nested structure and complex structures are formed4. When an element of another becomes another array, multidimensional arrays are formed.
5. Structure contains array as its elements.5. Array of structure can be formed.

Question 7.
How can you create a dynamic array of size N, if N is inputted by the user?
int *ptr=new int[N];

Question 8.
What is the advantage of circular queue over linear queue?
As the name implies logically the shape of the circular queue is a shape of a circle, The linear queue has some limitations such as some occasions the capacity of the linear queue cannot be used fully. The limitation of the linear queue can overcome by circular queue. Circular queue is a queue in which the two endpoints are connected.

Question 9.
Differentiate alink and vlink attribute in body tag?
ALINK – Specifies the colour of hyperlinks
VLINK – Specifies the color of hyperlinks which are already visited by the viewer.
Eg. < BODY ALINK= “Cyan” LINK-“Magenta” VLINK= “Orange”>

Question 10.
Correct the javascript code fragment given below to display the value entered in the text box.

<form Name =‘myform’>
<input a number <input type = “text” name=num>
<input type = “button” value = “check” .........>
function Myform()
num= .........;

The correct code is as follows:

<Script Language="JavaScript">
function Myform()
var num;
<form name="myform">
input a number
<inputtype="text" name="num">
<input type="button" value="check"

Question 11.
Write any two mouse events in javascript and its description.

  1. onClick() – This event occurs when the user clicks on an object by using mouse
  2. onMouseEnter() – This event occurs when the mouse pointer is moved onto an object.

Question 12.
Write short notes on primary key and foreign key.
Primary key – It is a set of one or more attributes used to uniquely identify a row.
Foreign key – A single attribute or a set of attributes, which is a candidate key in another table is called a foreign key.

Question 13.
Consider the given table PRODUCT and answer the following questions in relational algebra.
a) Select all details of product where quantity is above 60 (1 score)
b) Select Pname and Quantity (1 score)


a) σ Quantity > 60 (PRODUCT)
b) π Pname, Quantity (PRODUCT)

Question 14.
Why do we need a PHP script in Webpages? What type of output is generated when a PHP script is processed?
Client-side scripts(JavaScript) are run faster but it has some limitations. The limitations are we can view the source code hence it is less secure. On the other hand, PHP is executed on the server and the result is sent back to the client (browser) so it is impossible to view the source code.

Question 15.
What is e-banking? What are the areas where e-banking is effectively utilized?
E-banking (Electronic Banking): Through electronic channels doing all the banking activities at any time and place through the internet. Through this one can transfer funds from our account to another account, hence one can pay bills such as telephone, electricity, purchase tickets(Flight, Train, Cinema, etc).

Question 16.
What is GIS?
Geographical Information System: Geographic Information System(GIS) technology is developed from the digital cartography and Computer-Aided Design(CAD) database management system. GIS as the name implies capturing, storing for future reference, checking and displaying data related to various positions on the earth’s surface. GIS-can be applied in many areas such as soil mapping, agricultural mapping, forest mapping, e-Governance, etc.
GIS is used in development planning like strategic rural and urban planning, infrastructure planning, precision agriculture planning, etc.

Answer any nine questions from 17 to 27 (3 scores each)

Question 17.
a) What is the nested structure? (1 score)
b) Consider the following structure definition
struct Student
int rno;
char Name [20];
char dob;

How can you implement the concept of nested structure using the member ‘dob’?
If a structure declaration contains another structure as one of the members, it is called a nested structure.
struct date
short day, month, year;
struct Student
int rno;
date dob;

Question 18.
Explain any three concepts of object-oriented programming?
Advantages of using OOP are

  1. OOP allows modularity(divide the large programs into smaller ones)
  2. It is good for defining abstract data types.
  3. It allows data abstraction. That is it hides or protects data.
  4. It allows code reusability
  5. Real-life entities can be easily created
  6. It supports creating new data types.

Question 19.
Write an algorithm to remove an item from a Queue?
Step 1: If front = Null then print “UNDERFLOW” and return
Step 2: Set item = Queue[front]
Step 3: If front = rear then
Set front = Null and rear = Null
Else if front = N then set front = 1
Set front = front +1
End if
Step 4: stop

Question 20.
List and explain any three attributes of TABLE tag in HTML
<Table> Attributes (Any three)

  1. Border – It specifies the thickness of the borderlines.
  2. Border color – Colorful border lines.
  3. Align – Specifies the table alignment in the window.
  4. Bg-color – Specifies background colour.
  5. Cellspacing – Specifies space between table cells.
  6. Cellpadding – Specifies space between cell border and content.
  7. Cols – Specifies the number of columns in the table.
  8. Width – Specifies the table width.
  9. Frame – Specifies the border lines around the table.
  10. Rules – Specifies the rules (lines) and it overrides the border attribute.

Question 21.
What are the different ways to add javascript in a webpage?
Ways to add scripts to a web page.
1. Inside <BODY> section
Scripts can be placed inside the <BODY> section.

2. Inside <HEAD> section
Scripts can be placed inside the <HEAD> section. This method is a widely accepted method

3. External (another) JavaScript file
We can write scripts in a file and save it as a separate file with the extension .js. The advantage is that this file can be used across multiple HTML files and can enhance the speed of page loading.

Question 22.
What is meant by web hosting? Briefly explain any two pages of web hosting?
Web hosting
Buying or renting storage space to store website in a web server and provide service(made available 24×7) to all the computers connected to the Internet. This is called web hosting. Such service providing companies are called web hosts. Programming languages used are PHP, ASP.NET, JSP.NET, etc.

Types of web hosting
Various types of web hosting services are available. We can choose the web hosting services according to our needs depends upon the storage space needed for hosting, the number of visitors expected to visit, etc.

1. Shared Hosting: This type of hosting shares resources, like memory, disk space, and CPU hence the name shared. Several websites share the same server. This is suitable for small websites that have less traffic and it is not suitable for large websites that have large bandwidth, large storage space, and have a large volume of traffic. Eg: Shared hosting is very similar to living in an Apartment(Villas) complex. All residents are in the same location and must share the available resources(Car parking area, Swimming pool, Gymnasium, playground, etc) with everyone.

2. Dedicated Hosting: A web server and its resources are exclusively for one website that has a large volume of traffic means a large volume of requests by visitors. Some Govt, departments or large organizations require uninterrupted services for that round the clock power supply is needed. It is too expensive but it is more reliable and provides good service to the public.
Eg: It is similar to living in an Our own house. All the resources in your house are only for you. No one else’s account resides on the computer and would not be capable of tapping into your resources.

3. Virtual Private Server (VPS): A VPS is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting Service. A VPS runs its own copy of an OS(Operating System) and customers have super level access to that OS instance, so they can install almost any s/w that runs on that OS. This type is suitable for websites that require more features than shared hosting but less features than dedicated hosting.
Eg: It is similar to owning a Condo

Question 23.
Explain the different levels of data abstraction in DBMS?
Levels of Database Abstraction

  1. Physical Level (Lowest Level) – It describes how the data is actually stored in the storage medium.
  2. Logical Level (Next Higher Level) – It describes what data are stored in the database.
  3. View Level (Highest level) – It is closest to the users. It is concerned with the way in which the individual users view the data.

Question 24.
Which constraints are used to define the following cases in SQL?
a) set a field to uniquely identify rows in a table.
b) increment the value of a field automatically.
c) set the value of a field to be not null
a) Primary key
b) auto increment
c) not null

Question 25.
Consider the data given below
Data in first array: 12, 36, 29, 34, 48
Data in Second array: Pen = 35, Pencil = 40, Eraser = 5, Brush = 25.
a) Name the suitable types of arrays to store these data. (1 score)
b) Write the PHP code to create these arrays to store the data. (2 scores)
a) first array – Indexed array
second array – Associated array

b) i) $mark=array(12, 36, 29, 34, 48);
ii) $price=array(“Pen”=>”35″,”Pencil”=>”40″, “Eraser”=>”5”, “Brush”=>”25”);

Question 26.
What is meant by distributed computing? Discuss any two distributed computing Paradigms.
Distributed computing is a method of computing in which large problems can be divided into smaller ones and these smaller one are distributed among several computers. The solution for the smaller ones are computed separately and simultaneously. Finally, the results are assembled to get the desired overall solution.

1. Parallel computing
In Serial computation, the problem is divided into a series of instructions and these instructions are executed sequentially, i.e. one after another. Here, only one instruction is executed at a time. But in parallel computing, more than one instruction is executed simultaneously at a time.

2. Grid computing
It is a system in which millions of computers, smartphones, satellites, telescopes, cameras, sensors, etc. are connected to each other as a cyber world in which computational power (resources, services, data) is readily available like electric power. Any information at any time at any place can be made available at our fingertips. This is used in disaster management, weather forecasting, market forecasting, bio information, etc.

Question 27.
What are the different types of interaction between stakeholders in e-Governance?
e-Governance facilitates interaction between different stakeholders in governance

  • Government to Government(G2G): Electronically exchanging data or information among Government agencies, departments or organizations.
  • Government to Citizens(G2C): Exchange information between Government and Citizens Government to Business(G2B): Interaction between the Government and Businessmen.
  • Government to Employees(G2E): The exchange of information between the Government and its employees

Answer any two questions from 28 to 30 (5 scores each)

Question 28.
a) Why do we need a dynamic webpage? Give an example.
b) What is the role ofwebservers?
c) Differentiate static webpage and dynamic webpage
a) Some pages are displaying the same content(same text, images, etc) every time. Its content is not changing. This type of web page is called a static page. Conventional web pages display static pages and have some limitations.
Advanced tools are used to create web pages dynamic, which means pages are more attractive and interactive. For this JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, JSP, PHP, etc are used.

b) A computer with high storage capacity, high speed, and processing capabilities is called a web server. Hence it is a powerful computer with a server operating system and software for providing services like www, e-mail, etc. Popular server operating systems are Redhat, OpenSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows Server, etc.

Static web pagesDynamic web pages
Content and layout is fixedContent and layout is changed frequently
Never use database Run by browserThe database is used It runs on the server and result get back to the client (browser)
Easy to developNot at all easy

Question 29.
a) What is the use of rowspan and colspan in a table in HTML?
b) Correct the given HTML code to get the output as shown in the figure

Roll No.Name
<td align='centre'>science</td>

a) Colspan – Specifies the number of columns span for the cell.
Rowspan – Specifies the number of rows span for the cell.

b) <html>
<table border=''1">
<td colspan=”2" align=”center”>Science</td>
<tr> <td>1</td>

Question 30.
Write SQL queries based on the table EMPLOYEE given below.

EIDNameJob CodeSalary
  1. List EID and name of all employees
  2. Find all employees with Job code TA1 and salary greater than 39000
  3. Find all employees whose name begins with the letter D
  4. Delete all employees with Job code ME3
  5. Display the details of employees in ascending order of salary


  1. Select EID, Name from EMPLOYEE;
  2. Select * from EMPLOYEE where JobCode=’TA1′ and Salary>39000;
  3. Select * from EMPLOYEE where Name like ‘D%’;
  4. Delete from EMPLOYEE where JobCode=’ME3′;
  5. Select * from EMPLOYEE order by Salary;

Kerala Plus Two Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

HSE Kerala Board Syllabus Plus Two Previous Year Model Question Papers and Answers Pdf HSSLive Free Download in both English medium and Malayalam medium are part of Plus Two Kerala SCERT. Here HSSlive.Guru have given Higher Secondary Kerala Plus Two Previous Year Sample Question Papers with Answers based on CBSE NCERT syllabus.

BoardSCERT, Kerala Board
TextbookNCERT Based
ClassPlus Two
SubjectAll Subjects
PapersPrevious Papers, Model Papers, Sample Papers
CategoryKerala Plus Two

Kerala Plus Two Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

We hope the given HSE Kerala Board Syllabus Plus Two Previous Year Model Question Papers and Answers Pdf HSSLive Free Download in both English medium and Malayalam medium will help you. If you have any query regarding HSS Live Kerala Plus Two Previous Year Sample Question Papers with Answers based on CBSE NCERT syllabus, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion

You can Download Motion Questions and Answers, Summary, Activity, Notes, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Kerala State Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion

We can state whether an object is in a state of rest or motion only with reference to another object. The object which is taken as reference is the reference body. Reference body is the object with respect to which the state of rest or motion of an object is described.

Distance and Displacement

If an object travels from initial position to final position through different routes the distance will not be equal. But if it travels through straight line the distance is called displacement. The distance has only magnitude. But displacement has both magnitude and direction.

While stating the displacement, it is necessary to indicate the direction along with the magnitude of the distance travelled. Such physical quantities having both magnitude and direction are referred to as vector quantities. Physical quantities of which the direction is not to be indicated, are scalar quantities When a body travels along a straight line in the same direction, the magnitude of its distance and displacement will be equal.

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Physics Notes Speed and Velocity

Speed is the distance travelled in unit time. Velocity is the displacement in unit time.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Physics Notes

The unit of speed and velocity is metre/second (m/s)

Uniform speed and Non uniform speed

If a body in motion covers equal distance in equal intervals of time the body is said to have uniform speed. That is if a car travels 20 km in first 2 seconds, again travel 20 km in successive 2 seconds, the body is said to have uniform speed. But the body travels 20 km in first 2 seconds, 40 km in next 2 seconds and then travels 50 km in next 2 seconds the body is said to have non uniform speed.

The speed of a car in non uniform speed is different. So to find out the speed calculate the average speed
Hss Live Guru 8th Physics Kerala Syllabus

Uniform velocity and Non uniform velocity

A body has uniform velocity if it covers equal displacements in the same direction in equal intervals of time. But if it is not in equal velocity in equal interval it is in non uniform velocity.

Hss Live Guru 8th Physics Kerala Syllabus Acceleration

A body with a velocity of o m/s takes 5 seconds to rise the velocity to 5 m/s the change of velocity is 5 – o = 5 m/ s. The change is taken place in 5 sec. \(\frac{change of velocity}{time}\) the rate of change of velocity which is called acceleration.

Class 8 Physics Notes Kerala Syllabus Retardation


When the velocity of a body is decreasing the acceleration is negative. This type of acceleration is called retardation.

Carelessness of pedestrians is also one of the reasons for road accidents.
To reduce the accidents following precuations are to be taken.

  • walk along the footpath only
  • walk only along the right side of the road
  • cross roads only at the zebra crossing.
  • while walking along the road late in the evening or night avoid wearing black or dark coloured clothes.
  • ATUL Pivot Point Calculator

Motion Textbook Questions and Answers

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Biology Notes Question 1.
Which of the following does not belong to the group?
(velocity, acceleration, speed, displacement)

Hsslive Guru 8th Class Physics Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
The statement of a child is as follows: “My displacement is zero though I ran 250 m”. What is meant by this?
The child reaches the point which he started. So the displacement is o.

Class 8 Physics Kerala Syllabus  Question 3.
All objects having uniform speed need not have uniform velocity. Describe with the help of examples.
If a body is in uniform velocity the direction and quantity will be equal.
Class 8 Physics Notes Kerala Syllabus
In figure (1) from A to B and B to C the direction is different. Therefore it is not in uniform velocity. In figure (2) it is in uniform velocity.

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Physics Question 4.
Bus A covered 75 m in 5 s. Bus B covered 169 m in 13 s
a. Which bus covered a greater distance?
b. Which bus has a higher speed?
The bus B covered more distance.
b. Speed = \(\frac{distance}{time}\)
Speed of A= \(\frac{75}{5}\) = 15 m/s
Speed of B = \(\frac{169}{13}\) = 13 m/s
So the bus A has higher speed

Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Physics Notes Pdf Question 5.
What is the acceleration of a car which started from rest and acquired a velocity of 40 m/s in 8 s?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Biology Notes

Physics Notes Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
A car covered the first 400 m distance with a speed of 8 m/s, the next 1200 111 with a speed 12 m/s and the last 360 m with a speed of 12 m/s. Calculate the average speed of the car.
Average speed = \(\frac{Total distance travelled}{time taken to trvel the distance}\)
Time taken to travel the distance 400m = \(\frac{400}{8}\) = 50s
Time taken to travel the distance 1200m = \(\frac{1200}{10}\) = 120s
Time taken to travel the distance 360m = \(\frac{360}{12}\) = 30s
Total distance travelled = 400 + 1200 + 360 = 1960m
Total time to travel = 50 + 120 + 30 = 200s
Average speed=\(\frac{1960}{200}\)= 9.8 m/s

Physics Notes For Class 8 Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
Does a body have acceleration in the following situations? Why?

  • body travelling along a straight line with uniform velocity.
  • body travelling along a straight line with non-uniform velocity.
  • body travelling along a circular path with uniform speed.
  • body travelling along a circular path with non-uniform speed.


  • body travelling along a straight line with non-uniform velocity.
  • body travelling along a circular path with non-uniform speed.

If an object should have acceleration it should be travelled in non uniform speed or in non uniform velocity.
Change in velocity time
Acceleration = \(\frac{change in velocity}{time}\)

Basic Science Class 8 Chapter 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
A lorry travelling with a velocity of 30 m/s came to rest in 5 s. What is its acceleration?
Acceleration = \(\frac{0 – 30}{5}\) = 6m/s²
∴ Retardation = 6m/s²

Hsslive Guru 8th Basic Science Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
What is the displacement of a car in 30 s if it is travelling with a velocity of 15 m/s?
Velocity = \(\frac{dispalcement}{time}\)
Displacement = velocity × time = 15 × 30 = 450m

Hss Live Guru 8th Basic Science Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
Observe the figure showing the path of a body which started from
A and moved to C through B.
Hsslive Guru 8th Class Physics Kerala Syllabus
a. Calculate the speed of the body.
b. What is the velocity of the body?
c. What is the velocity of the body if it has taken 5 s to reach A hack from C?
d. Compare the velocity of the body when it reached C from A and also when it reached A from C.
a. Distance = 60 + 40 = 100 m
Time = 6 + 4 = 10 sec
∴ Speed = \(\frac{100}{10}\) = 10m/s

b. Velocity = \(\frac{dispalcement}{time}\) = \(\frac{70}{10}\) = 7m/s
c. displacement = 0, Velocity = 0
d. Velocity of the body when it reached C from A = 7 m/s
Velocity of the boby when it reached A from C velocity = 0 m/s

Motion Additional Questions and Answers

Hsslive Guru Physics 8th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Observe the figure in which a child travelled from A to B and returned from B to A.
Class 8 Physics Kerala Syllabus

a. Are the distance from A to B and B to A through C be equal?
b. What is the difference between the distance between A to B and return to B through C?
c. Which is the displacement ?
a. No
b. The path from A to B is straight path. But the path from B to A is curved.
c. A to B

Basic Science For Class 8 Chapter 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
If a stone is thrown up 8 m perpendicularly and it falls in hand itself,
a. What is the distance travelled by the stone when it is thrown up and what is the displacement?
b. What is the distance when it fell in hand and what is the displacement?
a. Distance = 8m, displacement = 8m
b. Distance = 16m, displacements = 0

Basic Science Class 8 Chapter 9 Solutions Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Physics
A man start from A travelled through B, C and D reaches at A. Complete the table below.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Physics Notes Pdf
Physics Notes Class 8 Kerala Syllabus

Basic Science Class 8 Pdf Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Tabulate the difference between distance and displacement

Scalar quantityVector quantity
Motion in different directionStraight line motion

Question 5.
A car travels a distance of 15m from A to B in 2 s, a distance of 25 m from B to C in 3 s, a distance of 8 m from C to D in 1 s.
a. What is the total distance travelled?
b. What is the total time taken to travel this distance?
c. What is the average speed of the car?
a. 48 m
b. 6 Sec
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 12

Question 6.
Write examples of uniform velocity and non uniform velocity.
mniform velocity : Travelling 9# light non uniform velocity : Travelling of bus

Question 7.
What is the acceleration when a car started from rest raised a velocity 80 m/s in 10 s?
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 16

Question 8.
Complete the table using the figure below.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 10

Travelled position acceleration
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 11

Question 9.
Write 3 occasions of occurrence of acceleration.
1. Falling of coconut from coconut tree.
2. Rolling of wheel on a slope.
3. A train starting from the station.

Question 10.
write three methods to reduce road accidents.
1. walk along the footpath only
2. Avoid over speed, Avoid drink and drive

Question 11.
Brakes are applied suddenly to a racing car travelling at 50m/s. If the car stops after 20 seconds, calculate the retardation of the car.
Initial velocity of the car (u) = 50 m/s
Final velocity of the car (v) = o (The car stops)
Time = 20s
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 13

When it is written as retardation, no negative sign is required.
∴ Retardation of the car = 2.5 m/s²

Question 12.
Classify the following quantities into Scalar and Vector quantities.
Distance, Displacement, Time, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration.


Question 13.
Velocity is a vector quantity. What do you mean by vector quantities? Write examples.
Quantities having both magnitude and direction are called vector quatities. eg: Displacement, Acceleration.

Question 14.
Compare distance and displacement.
The length of the path covered by a body is known as distance. This is a scalar quantity. This is measured in a standard unit metre. The straight line distance between initial and final positions of a moving body is called displacement. This is a vector quantity. This is measured in metre.

Question 15.
A cheetah can start from rest and attain the velocity 72 km/h in 2 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of cheetah.
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 14

Question 16.
Given figure shows the two ways in which a person reached at C
Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Basic Science Solutions Chapter 9 Motion 15

Reach at C from A through B ,
a. From fig.1 what is the total di-stance travelled? What is the total displacement covered?
b. From fig.2 what is the total distance travelled by the person? What is the total displacement covered by him?
c. find out the situation in which distance and displacement are equal by comparing given measures?
a. Distance = 14 m
Displacement = 10 m
b. Distance = 14 m,
Displacement = 14 m
c. Only when a moving object travelling in a straight line on same direction.

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Kerala

Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Kerala

HSE Kerala Board Syllabus HSSLive Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download in both English Medium and Malayalam Medium are part of SCERT Kerala Plus Two Chapter Wise Questions and Answers. Here HSSLive.Guru has given Higher Secondary Kerala Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers based on CBSE NCERT syllabus.

BoardSCERT, Kerala
Text BookNCERT Based
ClassPlus Two
ChapterAll Chapters
CategoryKerala Plus Two

Kerala Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

We hope the given HSE Kerala Board Syllabus HSSLive Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download in both English Medium and Malayalam Medium will help you. If you have any query regarding Higher Secondary Kerala Plus Two Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers based on CBSE NCERT syllabus, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

HSSLive Plus Two

Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Kerala

Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Kerala

HSE Kerala Board Syllabus HSSLive Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download in both English Medium and Malayalam Medium are part of SCERT Kerala Plus Two Chapter Wise Questions and Answers. Here HSSLive.Guru has given Higher Secondary Kerala Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers based on CBSE NCERT syllabus.

BoardSCERT, Kerala
Text BookNCERT Based
ClassPlus Two
ChapterAll Chapters
CategoryKerala Plus Two

Kerala Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

Part I: Accountancy

Part II: Computerised Accounting

We hope the given HSE Kerala Board Syllabus HSSLive Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download in both English Medium and Malayalam Medium will help you. If you have any query regarding Higher Secondary Kerala Plus Two Accountancy Chapter Wise Questions and Answers based on CBSE NCERT syllabus, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

HSSLive Plus Two